Practical Magic with Kelly Sunrose Launches

We have a little yoga crush on Kelly Sunrose. We just love her wide-eyed wonderment and skill of curiosity. She lets her insights take her far and deep to find out if they really hold water. Maybe that’s from her background in law, maybe its from her scientist-like mind, maybe its just her mad yogini skills.

In Season One of her new show, Practical Magic: Practices for Everyday Wonderment, Kelly tests her study of stirha (effort) and sukha (ease) through investigation of the almost radical suggestion that perfect balance would eradicate the need for counter posing on that mat and in life. She then shares the secrets that might lead to this discovery.

Her practices are accessible both in time, space and demand. Kelly’s a mom and knows the magic of 30 minutes. She plays towards challenging postures like Parsva Bakasana (Side Crow) without taxing the body and finds creative fun luxurious ways to investigate core strength without strain. She’s the perfect combination of Iowa practicality and Portland homebrew.

Meet Kelly. Start practicing together now. Stay close.


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