Oops: Yoga Anytime Spring Blooper Reel

Like any great Hollywood movie, some of the best Yoga Anytime footage gets left on the cutting room floor. We couldn’t allow that to happen without letting you in on the fun and hilarity of what happens behind-the-scenes of a yoga video shoot. Without further ado—from farts to falls to folk songs—our first blooper reel.

A special thanks to our teachers for being so much fun!

Featured in this video: Kira Sloane, Sadie Nardini, Thorald Koren, Betsy Stix, Brenda Lear, Robert Sidoti, Leeann Carey, Alana Mitnick, Bex Urban, Katie Silcox, and Jessica Garay.


Kristi C
2 people like this.
Elke S
2 people like this.
Thank you for sharing… makes me smile :) We're all humans :)
Katherine H
1 person likes this.
Good idea to include mess ups!

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