Welcome to day six of ten. Let's drop right into a comfortable seat. Rest the hands, close the eyes or soft gaze. Small spine, soft shoulders, trusting yourself to settle into the seat that works for you, starting to recognize how that feels when you land there. And then let the awareness observe the thoughts, let the awareness observe the physical sensations in the body, let the awareness observe the movements in the heart, any emotional sensations.
Noticing body, mind, heart rise and fall, noticing gently while sustaining your connection with your breath. Feel the quality of the air as it enters the nostrils and leaves the nostrils. Maybe observe the temperature shifting from the inhale and the exhale. Seeing the breath enter and move through, then leave the body, simply observing that constant flow. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Just the breath, the felt sensation of the breath. The thoughts will be there, that's just kind of what the mind does. Emotional sensations will be there, and sometimes the emotional sensations will be there.
Sometimes they'll be strong. The practice is allowing all of that, not resisting it, not attaching to it, as noticing and allowing, and returning to the breath. Emotional sensations will be there, and sometimes the emotional sensations will be there, not adjusting to it, not adjusting to it, not adjusting to it, not adjusting to it. Emotional sensations will be there, and sometimes the emotional sensations will be there, not Thank you very much. Drawing it back over and over again, just drawing it back.
When you notice the awareness has drifted, let it go and come back. Don't waste a single moment judging or evaluating. Drop it and come back. Just the breath. Over and over again.
Gently merging, if the eyes are closed, let them open. Continuing from your meditation into the rest of your day, your evening, slowly and mindfully. I look forward to seeing you for day seven. Namaste.
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