Welcome to day eight of 10. Let's drop right into a comfortable seat. Don't gaze or close the eyes and rest the hands. Listening to the body, making any adjustments you may need. As you learn your aligned seat, tall spine, and then simply softening around the central channel, let the awareness observe the thoughts, let the awareness observe the thoughts, let the awareness observe the body, and let the awareness observe the heart.
Seeing it all, the thoughts, the physical sensations, the emotional waves, to rise and fall, remaining connected to your breath. So that the breath becomes this beautiful tether to your awareness. As you move into deeper and deeper layers, the breath travels with you. And if at any point you feel you've lost your way, it's as simple as coming home to the breath. Thank you.
you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you simply being present for whatever arises trusting yourself your awareness your breath to hold steady and allowing whatever is there whatever is there, to simply be there. you you just this just this breath just this moment just this moment sustaining this awareness as you gently transition from your meditation if the eyes are closed, begin to open them and gently transition into your next moment. We'll see you for day nine.
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