10-Day Meditation Challenge Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 17

Day 9: Be With What Is

10 min - Practice


Welcome to Day 9! We meet ourselves right where we are and sit with 'what is' for ten minutes. Notice the breath, your thoughts, and your heart.
What You'll Need: No props needed


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Welcome to day 9 of 10, soft gaze or close the eyes, tall spine, drop the shoulders, and let the breath expand out in all directions and let the physical and the energetic body relax as you exhale. Exhaling to expand and exhaling to soften. And we're not moving into, we're not moving away from the thoughts or the physical, emotional sensations. There's nothing to change and there's no better way to be. We're just sitting right here, allowing it all and sustaining the breath.

Without the capacity to sit with what is, without being swept away by it, without even evaluating it, just being with it, creating some space. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Notice where the mind goes, notice when the mind goes and draw it back. Thank you. And notice when it's really tempting to engage with the thoughts, with the sensations in the body, the heart.

Just want to follow it for a moment. Notice and drop that too. Don't engage. Just watch the breath. So, beginning to sustain some of that spacious energy.

Feel that spacious awareness as you transition out of your meditation, eyes open, awareness back in the space around you while remaining connected internally to your breath and your awareness. I look forward to seeing you for day 10 of 10. Namaste.


Michelle F
2 people like this.
Most interesting Rosemary! I´m experiencing toothache and found myself thinking, "I wish I didnt have toothache" just as you said "there is no better way to be"....wow it was a struggle to not get into an arguement with myself about that! So I went back to earlier day.... breathe in breathe out and counted down from 10......then I was back just here just experiencing it.thank you
Rosemary Garrison
Brilliant! Using the tools just as they are needed... just at the moment they are needed... so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
1 person likes this.
There is so much in these quiet offerings. Practices for a lifetime. Lots of shantis.
Rosemary Garrison
Love to you, angel Lori.
Glenford N
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I loved your words "cultivating the capacity to stay with things without being swept away and just be in there". Thanks Rosemary. I can aspire to that mìndset every day. Namaste 
Rosemary Garrison
Ahhhh, that capacity... as it increases, I feel everything changes, Glenford. Do you? 
Glenford N
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Absolutely. I've been reading the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali : "The mind accumulates countless desires, although it exists solely for the sake of being close to the True Self" Namaste 
Rosemary Garrison
Absolutely! And how sweet it is when we land in/ access that True Self. 
Glenford N
Thanks Rosemary. I'm not to engage with body mind  emotions thoughts and simply watch the breath. To realise that I'm  enough and nothing needs to change. Perfect just as I am. Namaste 
Amanda H
Thankyou Rosemary, today my To Do list kept getting  in my way of a peaceful meditation but with your guidance I kept coming back to my breath.I hope I have the discipline to do this when meditating alone.🙏🌈
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