21-Day Meditation Challenge Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 32

Day 20: Source

20 min - Practice


You are so close! Commit to your meditation practice today and lets look at the mantra, Om Shiv Gorak Yogi to acknowledge the Supreme of the yogis and offer a gesture of gratitude. We connect in with the sacred history and call to the Source of yoga.

We will work with a mala in today's meditation practice.

What You'll Need: No props needed

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Okay, yogis, here we are, number 20. We're going to stick with the extra special and auspicious mantra, Om Shiv Gorak Yogi. So we'll dive in the way we did yesterday. I want to align the body, internal check-in, I'll reaffirm the mantra and give you a few more bits of information about it, and onto the mala we go. So find your seat, close your eyes, and start to settle.

Change up anything you need to to feel good, adjusting your prop support or your positioning on your prop support. And then there's that physical, but it's really more than physical, it's kind of energetic grounding. Send your roots down, create your base. It's almost a feeling of committing. You're here, you're rooting, you're committing to your meditation.

And then it's important that the spine is aligned, not only for the shashumna, that main energy channel, optimal energy flow, and the movement of your diaphragm. And it's just minimal effort when we stack the bones, we reduce the physical effort required to sit well for extended periods. So align the pelvis, mentally go up through the vertebrae, natural curves of the spine, crown of the head, paying attention to how you position the head, chin parallel. Turn through for any gripping, any tension, sometimes we're just doing it, we have no awareness that we're hardening our eyes or clenching the teeth, or lifting the shoulders towards the ears. So give yourself that cue to let go, soften, soften without sinking or collapsing, allowing for more ease.

And then checking in, it's happening internally. Create the space for you to feel that way, whatever it might be, some days it's easier, some days it's harder, constantly fluctuating. Days the mind is clear, it's really easy to focus, meditation feels seamless, and then other days, so many distractions, so much busyness. Now please pay attention to your breathing, let your breath be natural, no changing or deepening or controlling your breathing. Just a moment, we'll shift into the mantra.

So I don't know, for some of you it might come natural, might just already be kind of stuck in your mind, for others of you, you need help to remember the Sanskrit, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, Aum, the cosmic sound, Shiva, pure consciousness, seated at the crown chakra. Masculine form, the partner to Shakti, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, Gorak Nath, the founder of hatha yoga, also an incarnation of Shiva. So let's make the transition to the mala, starting with your first bead, this feeling of connecting through thousands of years, back to the original yogis, Shiva's father of the yogis, the supreme yogi, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, beginning to move along the mala. You are part of a greater history. Pure attention each time you move to a new bead, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi.

You are part of a greater history. Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, beginning to move along the mala. Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, beginning to move along the mala. Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, moving nice and slowly, bead to bead. Please observe the quality of energy that you're feeling as you repeat the mantra.

Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi. Remember your body, sit tall, let go of any tension points, tall but soft, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi. Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, beginning to move along the mala. As you're moving along, chanting the mantra. You're really calling to and acknowledging the most supreme of the yogis, Shiva and Gorak Nav, almost a gratitude and acknowledgement of the gifts of yoga, the real source, calling to the actual source of yoga.

So you are repeating some of the most powerful tools, the most powerful words in the yoga tradition. Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, beginning to move along the mala. Keep moving along the mala, you complete one round, go right into the next one, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, Aum Sound of the Universe, Shiva Gorak Nav Yogi, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi. Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, Aum Sound of the Universe, complete one round, go right into the next one. Again, pay attention to your body, be sure that you haven't started to collapse, there's not a buildup of tension somewhere, keep the lift but create softness, no edges, no holding.

Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi. Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, complete one round, go right into the next one. Your full attention, full energy, full presence, each bead. Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, complete one round, go right into the next one, go right into the next one, just a few more minutes, stay with the mantra, any distractedness or anger, get yourself thinking of something else, going to autopilot, come back full attention, Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, complete one round, go right into the next one, go right into the next one, go right into the next one, go right into the next one, go right into the next one, go right into the next one, go right into the next one, go right into the next one, now let's release the technique, letting go of the mantra, letting go of the mala, taking pause and observing, second time meditating on this new mantra, very sacred and special mantra linking you to a very long and dedicated lineage of yogis, all the way to Garak Nath and even beyond to Shiva. So noticing quality of mind, energy, body, breath, spirit, maybe even a sense of Shiva, supreme consciousness or God, pay attention, let's bring it to a close, palms together at the heart, namaste and thank you for completing day 20, please tell me how the mantra is working for you, let me know second time around about Aum Shiv Gorak Yogi, we'll complete with it tomorrow, thank you.


Curtis Hamilton
I am so busy theses days that normally I wait to meditate until after my morning exercise but I woke up this am at 4am and before going back to bed for a minute, I decided to do morning meditation on Day 20. Yesterday was a little difficult with this new mantra but not today. I was focused, felt relaxed had good concentration and hardly distracted at all. After I finish the challenge, I will probably still pick different days on the challenge and continue to use them in my daily meditation because I feel that I am meditating with a good teacher (Nikki Estrada) and it has really helped my practice. Maybe you guys can have a 50 Day Meditation Challenge next.
Kira Sloane
50 Days sounds like a great idea, Curtis!
Debra D
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Dear Nikki - I always love meditating with a mantra. They really are “mind protection”, I feel. Although I have had two “good” sessions with Om Shiv Gorak Yogi (that is, thoughts have not intruded) I find that this mantra doesn’t really resonate with me. It could be that my spirit responds more to a concept (Om shanti, soham) than to an incarnation (Shiva, Gorak). But this preference has not undermined the meditation experience. Thank you for your lovely guidance 🌺
Nikki Estrada
Debra do what works best for you! glad you are trying them all out in the process
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distracted intermittently by new puppy sleeping on my lap (!) but the mantra supported my staying the course for the session without too much turbulence. thanks again.
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still enjoying this practice!
Melissa H
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I've given it several attempts, but I prefer chanting and using a mala. Internally voicing a mantra and using a mala feels disconnected to me. Once I stop using the mala and just holding it in my hand while internalizing the mantra, I can go deeply inward. I'm glad I discovered this.
Nikki Estrada
Melissa thats ok- just do what works for you!
Tanya M
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I love this mantra, it really resonates with me.
Steve P
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Hi Nikki Estrada,
thanks for offering this great challenge. It's very interesting, especially the use of the mala and the mantras.
I noticed for some mantras, at least for me, it's impossible to disconnect them from the rhythm of the breath like "Ham-Sa". Besides this I was wondering if there is a difference between silently "thinking" the mantra and saying it aloud ? They seem to resonate more in me when saying them.
When using the mala I noticed that some times the "move-to-the-next-bead" movement seems to get stuck in my head and fingers, just like "I don't know what to do next". I guess in these moments my mind was just wandering around somewhere else without me noticing it.
I like your teaching.
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