Feeling Alright: 30-Day Yoga Challenge Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 22

Day 20: Drop In

20 min - Practice


Today we will ease into our practice with fluid movement to warm your spine, back, and shoulders before moving into a forward facing sequence that focuses on the hips, hamstrings, and shoulders. We take an extra long closing to wring it all out.
What You'll Need: Block (2)

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Hey, welcome back to Yoga Anytime, the 30-day challenge which takes a ton of commitment and showing up, right? This is day 20, honestly I can't believe it. I'm super, super stoked and excited to offer day 20 and to be here throughout. Looking forward to the next 10, but for now, it's right about now. Right about now, we're going to start with child's flow to begin.

We did it yesterday. See how that feels for you. We're going to move into a new middle, forward facing middle. You've done it before. And then our relax and release closing.

So without further ado, oh by the way, got a haircut yesterday. Hope you noticed. Just saying. Move the blocks out of the way if you were on them. Push back into child's pose.

Begin your 20-minute journey today, morning, noon, afternoon, wherever that is for you. You see if you can really drop into the experience of now. Your breathing, your body. Life can get super chaotic and hectic. Let's see if you can really create a space for these 20 minutes that are really dedicated to you.

Let's come forward out of child's pose. Come into the tabletop and move slowly down, right? Slowly down through that reverse up dog cobra. Good. A little side to side in the shoulders and you kind of flow right back up through cobra.

Get pushed back into child's pose on the exhale. Stretch long through the low back and inhale. Come through table. Slowly back down on the exhale. Good.

Inhale, cobra. Exhale. Push back into child's again. Begin to feel where those tight areas in the body are. Okay.

One more time. Inhale, table. And exhale, slither on down. Inhale, cobra. Exhale, child's pose.

Inhale table. Exhale. Go push right up into cat pose. Stretch out the shoulder blades, draw your tailbone down, hold this pose, pull your low belly up and in and gaze towards your thighs. It is sort of like hollowed out in the front of the body as you can and with all this effort on the inhale, release the effort and flow gently through cow pose.

Arching the back, drawing the shoulder blades toward one another. And exhale, round it out. Cat pose. Inhale back into a table position. Bring your knees together, your feet together and let the hips, just draw the hips directly over to the left.

You might feel this in the outer left thigh or your hip or the low back and then try the other side. So this is just another little example of how you can mix it up, right? We did the wrists yesterday, obviously it's your call if you want to do the wrists again. Good. Take back to center, over to the right and then back to center, curl the toes and take yourself up into downward facing dog.

Yesterday we worked with strengthening the front of the leg. Let's do that again, but with single legs. So what I want you to do is straighten out that left leg, bend your right leg a lot. So straighten out the left leg, lift the left heel up. This just gives you the opportunity to sort of like even lift the whole foot up, squeeze the front side of that left leg, keep it squeezed like you're really like kind of firming up the muscle of the left leg and exhale the heel, your heel down toward the mat, nice.

Try it on the other side. So bend the left leg, lift the right foot up, straighten out strong through that right leg, push the ball of the foot down, then exhale that heel back down. Good and you can always just kind of flow back and forth using that or those cues. Let's walk to the front of the mat, inhale your way up into a flat back and exhale, fold. While holding in this folding position, let's add something new.

So straighten out your right leg, bend your left leg, tent up onto the left fingers, straighten out that left arm and roll that right arm up, a little twist, emphasis on that right leg, stretching long, bring the right arm down, bend the right, straighten out the left and then roll open this way. If you're facing the screen and you can see me, ah, say hey, good, stretch long through the left leg, left arm comes down, lift up halfway once again, exhale, fold, inhale, rise up, preparing for the forward facing sequence. Arms at the heart, land, stand strong, stand committed, dedicated, sweep the arms up overhead and exhale the palms back at the heart. We're going to add blocks to this, so grab your blocks, bring them to the outer edges of your feet, so your feet are about hip width, blocks are on the outer edge. Nice, come back up to stand, inhale, sweep the arms up overhead, sit back into chair on the exhale, good, arms long, tailbone down a little bit, inhale, reach up, exhale, long forward bend, inhale, place the hands on the blocks, lift your chest, exhale, step back into downward dog, we're moving breath by breath for the most part, inhale, come forward into plank and exhale, downward dog, lift your right leg up, inhale, exhale, step it up to the block on the inside, shorten your stance a little bit, warrior one, as you breathe in you reach all the way up, exhale, the hands come down, step the left foot back a little bit more, right foot back into downward dog, inhale into plank, exhale dog, inhale the left leg up, exhale, step it up, back foot down, shorter stance, inhale, rise up for your warrior one, exhale, the hands come down, step the right foot up to meet the left forward bend, pull the belly in, inhale, lift the chest, lengthen the spine, exhale, fold, inhale, rise all the way up, exhale, chair pose, inhale, rise all the way up, exhale, round two, same thing, inhale, lift the chest, lengthen the spine, exhale, step back into dog pose, inhale into plank, exhale dog, inhale your right leg high, exhale with control, step it up, back heel down, powerful warrior one, a day 20 warrior one, exhale, the hands come down, step the left foot back, right foot back, dog pose, inhale plank, and exhale dog, left leg rises, inhale, exhale, step, back heel down, alignment, power, strength, and like that big lift, inhale, exhale the hands down, step the right foot up to meet your left forward bend, inhale, lift halfway, and fold, exhale, inhale, rise up, exhale, chair pose, a little deeper this time maybe, inhale, rise up and back, and exhale, palms to the heart, inhale, arms out and up, we'll add on to this, exhale forward bend, inhale half lift, exhale dog pose, inhale plank, exhale dog, inhale the right high, exhale warrior one, back foot down, back heel down, rise up, right arm underneath the left, eagle arms, good work, make sure you look down, feel down, feel around for your legs, your alignment, you draw the right hip back a little bit, left hip forward, make sure you look at those left toes, all those warrior one cues, it's important, take those arms over to the right a little bit, add an upper left back and shoulder stretch, a little twist, good, bring it back to center, release the arms, inhale the arms up, straighten out the right leg, fold forward and down to the blocks, put the blocks on the highest level, from here make a little adjustment in the back foot, step up just a little bit and turn your left toes directly forward, nice, now stay here with a forward bend right, flat back or folding forward, maybe today you place your left hand on the block on the right, right hand at your hip crease and you rotate to the right for a little revolve pyramid, revolve triangle, left ribcage, rolling, rolling, rolling, open to the right, spine long, right hip back, right arm reaching up, this takes balance, coordination, all of it, good, bring that right hand back down, good, square off the hips, lengthen the spine on the inhale, exhale, take a break in low lunge, nice, keep the hands on the blocks and let my hips come forward, my chest up, you can tent up on the fingertips, pull the arms back, that low kind of left hip flexor release, curl, put the blocks back on the medium, curl the back toes and lift the left knee up off the mat, we're going to hit the twist again but it's with the bent right leg, so a twist, a revolve twist lunge, now roll that ribcage open again to the right, right arm ultimately lifts high, breathe in and exhale the right arm down, good work, step back into dog pose, take a moment here to kind of like wiggle the hips up, your sit bones up, lengthen the spine, readjust, reconnect to your breath, good, let's do the other side, let's do the other side for day 20, lift the left leg up and exhale, step it up, back foot down, rise up warrior one, good work, left arm underneath the right, grab your eagle arms, we've been here before so take the time you need to get into it and find your version, okay elbows up, fingers pointing forward a little bit, belly in, left hip back, right hip forward, okay so find your stability, find this shape, find your breath, rotate a little bit to the left, back over to center, release the arms, sweep them up on the breath in and breath out, you can reach forward and down to the blocks, put them up on the highest level, shorten your stance a tiny bit, enough for you to point your right toes directly forward and drive your right heel down, okay so to come into this pose, you're going to stay in pyramid pose and stretch long through that left leg or come up halfway, flatten out the back, right hand on the block on the left, left hand into the hip crease, regain spine like length, belly in so supporting through the core and then rotate to the left, good so it's that rib cage spiral action, nice, make sure you can breathe, make sure you can smile a little bit, nice, take the left arm high if you'd like, really good, left hand bring it on down, you can keep the blocks up high, step your right foot back, bring the right knee down, this might feel like relief, it might just be another place of intensity you choose, low lunge, so many different ways you can do this, today maybe just let the hands rest on the thighs and keep the body upright, put the blocks on the medium level, curl the back toes and lift the right knee, strong lunge, rotate the rib cage to the left, left arm rises high, try to find that space in the pose where it feels nice, good, let's exit the left arm down, step back into dog pose, okay now look forward and let's step both feet up to the front of the mat, inhale lengthen the spine and exhale fold, good, step back into tabletop, today for the forward facing we're going to leave out warrior three, we worked hard enough for now so move the blocks out of the way if you've got them in the way, push back into a child's pose for a moment and let all that work kind of dissolve for a moment or two, you're going to slow the breath down, that reminder as we move into the relax and release that it's time to chill out a little bit, let the breath be easy, let's make the transition then, let's stretch the arms out and come into table, come on down to your seat, roll down to your back, draw the knees into your body, today we're going to leave the core section out, that way we can spend a little bit more time in the bridge roll ups, the twist and maybe even grab a longer relaxation today, so the feet below the knees, let it be loose, lift the hips, reach the arms up overhead, stretch big through the front of the body on the breath in and exhale slowly down, hips and palms land at the same time, two more, lift up through the hips, stretch long through the thigh bones and exhale roll all the way down, one more, lift up, rotate through the shoulder joint, palms facing up, good and slowly all the way down, pause with a breath, sometimes we move so fast from pose to pose, it's nice to actually soak it up a little bit, shift your hips over to the right, so slide your butt over to the right, extend your left leg long, pull the right knee in to the body, use your left hand on that right knee, reach your right arm out and twist to the left, feel it out, knee tight to the body, knee away from the body, focus on that right shoulder, good, let's come on back out, slide over to the left, extend the right leg out, hug the left knee in and exhale, twist to the right, the knee is away from the body, twist, the knee is tight into the body, twist, gaze is straight up, it's over the left shoulder, all right, bring it back out, align yourself on the mat, take one more right and left knee into the body, maybe give yourself a squeeze, nice and tight, bring the bottoms of the feet down to the mat, slide the legs out, arms are alongside your body, let the head drift from side to side, relax your feet, your ankles, your legs, relax your hips, your low back, relax your entire back body in the front side of the body, your belly, relax your shoulders and arms, the back of the neck, all the facial muscles, relax, one breath here and exhale everything out, let's take one more breath in, one more breath out, gaze you kind of soften and begin to build back up onto your seat, you can pull the knees in and one rocking motion all the way up, this is the 20th time you and I have met here, I love it, it's so good, so good, 10 more to go my friends but before we get ahead of ourselves, let's embrace this one moment right here, so peace, namaste, have a beautiful day, thank you.


Tracy S
2 people like this.
Thank you Robert! Day 20 was the medicine my body craved after Charleston Half Marathon yesterday. I needed joy energy and fluidity in my mangled body. Awesome!!! Happy Healthy Day to you! Namaste!
Robert Sidoti
Congrats on Day 20 and the Charleston Half Marathon Tracy! Besides the 'mangled body', you must feel accomplished and proud of yourself! Have a happy day to you too!!
Scuba Chick
1 person likes this.
Another great flow day. It's always interesting to me to discover a place that's cranky and resistant to what's being asked of it, and bringing a "how can I support you (right leg) in easing into this movement?" Fun stuff. Thanks again, Robert Sidoti
Robert Sidoti
Morning Scuba Chick ! Hope this message finds you feeling great! Wishing you an inspiring and happy day today!
Scuba Chick
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Thank you, Robert Sidoti ! I wish you the same. Keep on, keeping on. :) Heartfelt gratitude coming your way...
Diana J
1 person likes this.
20 Days! Air-high five! Thanks Robert Sidoti for a fantastic 20 mornings of yoga, looking forward to the next 10.
Robert Sidoti
I’m feeling the heartfelt gratitude Scuba Chick and I appreciate it!!
Robert Sidoti
I’m feeling the heartfelt gratitude Scuba Chick and I appreciate it!!
Robert Sidoti
Air high fives right back at you Diana πŸ€™πŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘‹πŸΌ!! Happy to know I’m part of a positive morning for you!! Thanks for trusting in meπŸ™πŸ½πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ
Glenford N
1 person likes this.
A challenging practice but just what I needed to flush all the aches and pains and feel the flow. It's amazing what 20 minutes can do. I feel stronger . grounded and ready to face the day. Thanks Robert
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