The Sweet Heart Challenge Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 3

Day 1: Attitude of Gratitude

45 min - Practice


Connect to the language of the heart with gratitude. With awareness on the breath, we begin our challenge by exploring various movements of the spine and how they connect to the heart space. You will feel grateful, expansive, and connected.
What You'll Need: Mat, Square Bolster, Blanket

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Hi Yogis, welcome to day one. Thank you for taking the challenge. I'm excited to be here with you today and ready to explore our topic which is taking inventory, the movements of the spine and how they connect us to this heart space. So we're going to start in supine position, lying on the back, so get your bolster ready if you have one. If not, you can roll up a blanket like you would a little sleeping bag and put it right under your spine, alright?

So as we set up, we want to make sure our seat is not on the bolster. Then you won't feel that support you need for your spine, so you can slide the bolster right next to your seat. Lie down. And your head should be supported on the bolster and if possible, release your arms out to the side so the heart lifts a little bit here. Let's take supta bada kanasana, which just means bringing the bottoms of our feet together and we'll settle in right here.

You can give yourself a little wiggle so you feel the movement of the hips and you find a spot that feels good. And then when you find that spot that feels good, let an exhale go and just settle in. We're going to do a couple of clearing breaths. So inhale through the nose and let something go through the mouth. Any tension, physical, mental, emotional, move it out of the body through your breath.

Use the inhalations to clear and purify your mind. The breath for a second or two, enjoy it, bring it right into the heart space and then take your time with the exhale. Let something go. Let's try that one more time. Nice big inhale.

Clear the mind with the breath. Bring it all the way down to the heart center and then let something go. Each practice, we need to start with a little clearing so we get out of the busyness of the mind and we can drop down to that heart center. So bring your attention to that space and just follow the rhythm of your breath for a couple of rounds. Notice where and how you're breathing naturally in and out through the nose.

We're going to start to guide the breath with Samavriti Pranayama, which basically just means that equal inhales to our equal parts of exhale. So we're going to count for four as we inhale. So let go of the breath first with an exhale and start with a four count inhale, inhaling for one, two, three, four, short pause, exhaling for one, two, three, four, short pause. Breathe on, inhaling for the count of four and exhaling for the count of four. Really inviting that tension, that attention down to the heart space.

As we bring our full attention to the breath, you'll start to notice that your mind starts to settle and the busy mind keeps us from living in this heart space. So keep bringing it back to the qualities of the breath. We'll enjoy two more rounds together, really settling in. And the invitation is to keep cultivating this breath throughout your practice. Now you can slowly open the eyes and you can stretch out the legs, give them a little shake.

Then go ahead and roll over to your right side and move your bolster out of the way. And we're going to continue with some movements lying on the spine. We're going to explore some of the movements of the spine. So go ahead and lie on your back and extend nice and long. We're going to start by exhaling.

Go ahead and pull the knees softly into the chest, give yourself a little rock from side to side with the sacrum. And then we'll bring the feet to the floor, about a foot from your sit bones. Bring your palms to the floor and as you exhale, tuck your chin to the chest and lift the head off the floor so you start to feel a little contraction in the core muscles. And then as you inhale, slowly lower down and reach the arms over the head. Really soft movements, you should feel the lower back lifting off the floor.

As you exhale, release the arms by the side, head comes off the floor. Lift and tuck the chin to the chest. And as you inhale, reach over the head. You'll feel the lower back slightly lifting off the floor. We're exploring these mobilizers for the spine, these cat and cow tilts.

If this is right for you today, stay right here. If you feel like taking it a little farther, the next time you reach your arms over the head, see if you can lift your seat all the way off the floor to a modified bridge pose. Press the inner thighs towards each other. And as you exhale, lower down, vertebrae by vertebrae, and reach the palms for the floor. Or if you're feeling it, go for the knees, right?

So we're going to explore the option that's right for our body today. So stay at the option that's right for your body today. More work if you need it, or just hang out and keep it nice and soft and restorative. Good. From here, after that last one, we're going to hug the knees into the chest.

We'll give ourselves a little rock from side to side. We're going to explore a little spinal twist. So go ahead and straighten your right leg, and then draw the left knee across your body for a soft twist. Each time we inhale, we want to try to lengthen, create more space so that we have more space for that rotation. You can extend that left arm out to the side, and it doesn't have to touch the floor.

Just make sure that that exhale feels like a relaxing breath and not a forcing breath. Go back to that four-part inhale, pause, and four-part exhale, pause. And then come back to center, hug the knees into the chest, give yourself a little rock from side to side, just because it feels good. And then go ahead and extend your left leg. We'll guide the right leg across the mat for a soft twist.

If you'd like to extend the arm, feel free. And then go back to that lengthening with the inhale, getting a little longer and taller so you're creating more space for the rotation. Big inhales, take your time with the exhales. Reach off two more rounds of breath, moving deeper without force just by relaxing a little deeper. Good.

Inhale back to center, hug the knees into the chest. We're going to extend the legs nice and long, and we're going to come into the shape of the human banana. So let's see what this feels like together. You're going to place the left leg on top of the right so the calf is right on your shin, and you're going to slide your feet over to the right. So you're starting to take the side bend through the left side body, and we can take this a little deeper by sending the left arm up and over the ear, keep it straight.

This could be right for today, or right hand can pull that left side body. And if you could see yourself from a different perspective, you should look like a giant human banana right about now. See if you can breathe slower, fuller, and deeper into the left side body. Create the space for lungs, ribs. Breathe into that space.

Good. Inhale back to center, exhale, draw the knees into the chest, give yourself a little hug, a little clearing here, and then go ahead and lengthen once again. And then take it to the other side. Right leg on top of the left, slide your feet over to the left, and then option of just sliding the right hand to the left or actually grabbing onto the right hand with the left. Breathe into the right side body.

We're trying to inflate this area. Usually we compromise when we're in side bends. Go big when you're on the side bend. Go big with the breath. Big, slow, deep inhales.

Take your time with the exhales. Enjoy one last round. Good. Lengthen out. Get nice and long and tall.

Reach behind you with the hands, point the toes, and as you exhale, draw the knees into the chest. Give yourself a couple of little playful rock and rolls forward and backward, massaging the movements of the spine. You can have fun with it, and then rock all the way up to your seat. You felt the movements of the spine, and now you're going to see visually what it looks like to feel these movements in some of these yoga poses. I'm going to turn around and face this way so that you can see my spine, and we're going to take the feet about foot, foot and a half from our seat.

If you need to sit on a blanket to prop yourself up a little higher, it might be easier on the sit bones. Bring your palms to the front of the knees, separate the knees, lift your heart. This is the extension, or the cow tilt of the spine. You feel this little back bend. If you want to take a little farther, the drishti will come up.

As you're exhaling, you're using your core muscles, draw the navel up and back. Hold onto those knees until the arms are straight. Cat tilt of the spine, a little flexion. Slow with your breath, inhale, rising, exhale, contracting. Give yourself two more rounds.

One of the Chinese Proverbs says, a healthy spine, a long life. So we want to keep exploring the movements of the spine so we don't feel stuck, right? Keep movement and activity with the spine. Keep the cow tilt of the spine, bring the bottoms of the feet together in a nice wide bodic anasana diamond shape, and just bring the hands behind you for a little back bend. Squeeze the shoulder blades together, I like to call it shoulder blade cleavage, it's the new thing.

Squeeze the shoulders together, lift the heart, the chin, and the chest, and you're moving into the cow tilt of the spine. Good, enjoy the breath, see if you can inflate and lift the sternum. Good, come back to center, feet hip distance or a little wider. We'll take a couple more rounds, make sure the breath is proceeding the movements. So the inhale is guiding the movements, the extension, the exhale is helping you move into flexion.

The next time you rise up, bottoms of the feet together once again, we'll take this nice diamond shape, and we'll move into flexion or forward folding. Each time you inhale, you have the opportunity to lengthen and soften into the new space. If you get really low, you'll have a little pillow for your forehead, but don't be worried about how far you get where you're at is the right space to be, so just hang out and breathe into this space. We're just exploring the movements of the spine, good. Really rise up, we're going to come to a nice cross-legged seat, if you need a block or a blanket for this one, keep one handy, most of us will be able to do one without, reach the right palm out, about a foot, foot and a half from your sit bones, anchor down through the left seat and inhale the left arm over the head.

Sometimes it feels good to pulse a little bit with this one, then you start to feel that stretch in the side body, so we're moving into the third movement of the spine, which is side flexion. Breathe into that left side body, this is kind of like that pose when we were in the human banana, we want to breathe into this, we want to create more space for the breath, you're actually massaging the muscles around the lungs, creating more space. Take the left hand, bring it on top of the right knee, walk the right fingertips behind you, tall, tall spine, you can use the right hand to press down so you can lift a little higher and exhale softly rotate, inhale tall spine, we're moving into the fourth movement with this rotation, lifting and rotating, each time we inhale, we're trying to grow taller so that we have more space for that rotation without force, good, come back to the center, we're going to clear the spine once again, separate the knees, lift the heart, chin and chest, so we're curling the spine for that cat tilt, pulling the navel up and back for support, and we're separating the knees, lifting heart, chin and chest, squeezing the shoulder blades together, let's do one more round together. The breath leads us, each pose, good, come to a neutral seat. If you can remember, re-cross the leg the non-habitual way, walk the left fingertips out and explore, bringing that right arm up and over the air, the palm will start to turn down and maybe give yourself a little pulse here, investigate where that right spot is for you to hold and breathe into the pose and then find the breath and stay there, once again inflating that right side body, not feeling compromised with your inhales, go big with the inhales here.

Enjoy that four part breath, inhale, pause, exhale, pause, good, bring the right palm down to your left knee, walk the left fingertips behind you, tall spine, get nice and long and tall before you initiate the twist, use the exhale to initiate the twist, rotation of the spine, fourth movement of the spine, lift and twist. One more big round, big inhale, exhale, good, and the last movement of our spine is a funky one, it's called axial extension, don't worry, there's no quiz on this later. What it is is the natural curvatures of our spine we're trying to lengthen out, so dandasana, down dog and tadasana are all poses where you'll start to experience this, dandasana you place your palms to the floor, activate your feet, internally rotate the legs and then pull the navel up and back, from here you can draw the chin back and slightly down so you take out that curve in the neck and lengthen the crown all the way to the sky. It's a very active pose, if you're really in it, there's pressing, there's pulling, there's lifting, so it's a very active pose. Breathe into that dandasana space and explore that fifth movement of the spine, good, and we're going to swing the legs around and we're moving into table pose.

If you want to try the hard way, slide your heels towards the seat, move your palms forward and step back, whatever way is working for you today. Knees underneath the hips, palms underneath the shoulders, we'll move into the cow and cat tilts, dropping the belly, lifting the seat, drishti up as you inhale and exhale, simply pushing down, curling the spine, drawing the navel up and back, lengthening the tailbone to the floor. This is a common one to do in lots of vinyasas, it really helps you connect with the movements of the spine before you actually get into that down dog pose. So a nice one to explore in your personal practice. Walk one more round here, lengthening, extending, and flexing.

Walk both palms over to the left side of your mat and then back up your seat over the right here and you're going to start to feel that side flexion, breathing deep into the right side body. If you'd like to feel more here, you can slide your left palm closer to your left knee and add some pressure, push the floor away and you'll feel a little bit more resistance. See if you can breathe into that space. Good. We'll come back up to the table, cat and cow clearing, lengthen and lift with the inhale, start the exhale, tuck the chin to the chest, navel the spine.

Breathing through the seat, two more rounds. Let the breath guide you through the movements. Find a neutral spine, walk both palms over to the right corner of your mat, guide your seat over towards the left heels, a modified variation of child's pose that really focuses the stretch on the left side body for that side flexion. If you want to feel more, slide the right palm back, press the floor away and breathe. Go big with the breath, go big with the inhales.

Good, come on back to center. So go ahead from that neutral table, inhale the right palm to the sky and we're going to exhale and thread it under and through the left. Bend the left arm. If your right shoulder doesn't come to the floor, that's okay, support yourself with the left palm and enjoy the twist. If your right shoulder comes to the floor, you can actually use that left palm to accentuate the twist.

So lengthening with the inhale, rotating with the exhale, lengthening and rotating. Back to your table, one round of cat and cows just to clear the side. Neutral spine, neutral table, inhale the left palm to the sky. Press down into that right palm, exhale, thread under and through. You can keep the right elbow bent and left shoulder off the floor or if it goes all the way down, relax into it a little deeper and use the right hand to control the depth of the twist.

Lengthening with the inhales, rotating with the exhales. Using the inhales to create space for the rotation, good, come on back to your table. We're going to walk the palms about a print forward and tuck the toes under and set up for our down dog. In this variation of down dog, we're going to keep the knees bent so the seat is high, the knees are bent, the chest is pressing towards the thighs, navel is up and back. Look forward, this is a cow tilting variation of down dog and then as you exhale, straighten the legs, move the shoulders over the wrists, dome the spine for your cat tilt.

Look forward, bend the knees, spiral the biceps forward, draw the navel up and back, drishti forward, exhale, curl the spine. Last round. Look forward. And then from here, we're just going to straighten one leg at a time and pedal out, one leg, one hamstring at a time. Listen to the calf muscles and the hamstrings, really getting into the hamstrings for the first time.

So give yourself a little investigation here. Nice spot to be in your down dog is the ears should be able to move from side to side and feel the biceps, we don't want to be too high or too far back in our down dog. Move to your plank pose with the inhale, lower the knees to the floor, bend the elbows, lengthen the heart forward and we'll come into sphinx pose, elbows right underneath the shoulders. Nice extension for the spine as the elbows move back in space, the heart moves forward. You can be straight forward, your focus, or you can start to take it up if this is okay for your neck.

Really stretch the muscles in the front of the body and then press the tops of the toes and internally rotate the legs a little bit for a little bit more action in the legs. Good. Lower all the way down, replace your elbows with your palms, press up to your table, tuck the toes under and press back to your down dog. Take a little side bend in our down dog, so we're going to lift the legs, heels away from the floor and pivot the heels to the right. From here once again you can bend one leg at a time and the action here is feeling the side stretch in the left side body.

Come to plank pose and lower your right knee to the floor for modified plank, pivot your left heel to the floor and you're still going to feel that side stretch through the left side body. Roll the palm down, create a little space by the ear and put a lot of weight into the back left foot. Come back to your modified table pose, tuck the toes under, press back to your down dog. Inhale the heels to the sky, pivot your heels to the left, right heels in front of the left toes and then we'll just bend and straighten one leg at a time. So notice you're still in down dog, shoulders haven't moved over the palms, we're still feeling that side stretch in the right side body and then we're going to lower it down.

We're going to draw the shoulders over the wrists, lower the left knee to the floor, pivot that right heel and actively press into your left palm for stability as you send the right palm to the sky. Come up and over the ear, palm rolls to the floor and roll that shoulder blade down into its space here. So there's a little space between the neck and the shoulder and the arm. Breathe into that right side body, enjoy that side flexion. Come on back to your table pose, tuck the toes under, press back to your down dog.

Go vinyasa here, plank table pose, lower it down, sphinx pose, replace your elbows, replace your palms with your elbows, roll the shoulder blades back, lengthen the heart forward. So round two might be an opportunity for you to move into Cobra Up Dog if you'd like to replace the elbows with the palms, hug the elbows in towards each other and then lengthen the heart forward, squeeze the shoulder blades back and down and feel that nice extension, the heart opening right here in your Cobra pose. Tuck your toes under, press back to your down dog. Last movement in our down dog, we're going to try a little spinal twist in our down dog. So bend your left leg, actively press forward with your left hand and see if you can slide your right hand right to the center of your mat, right underneath your chest.

Peek underneath your left underarm for the twist. For some of you this is your spot, for a few you can take the right hand across for spinal twisting down dog, good? Replace your right hand, bend your right leg, left hand comes to the center of your mat, peek underneath the right arm, stay here or take it across for your spinal twisting dog. From your down dog you're going to walk the hands all the way back to the feet, right at the back of your mat, lengthen the spine, draw the navel up and back and just hang out here for a couple of breaths in your forward fold. I like to grab onto the elbow, see if that works well for you.

From your forward fold we'll take a little bend in the knees, just see if you can start to accentuate the seat a little bit. We'll bring the palms on top of the quads, we'll end up in a cow tilting variation of chair pose, extension and chair and we'll keep the knees bent and tuck the chin to the chest navel up and back for your cat tilt. We'll bring these right into our standing poses, following the breath. The next time you curl the spine and keep the core muscles engaged, really press down into the toes and the muscles of the leg and just start to roll up vertebrae by vertebrae. Follow your palms to the sky and I'm going to turn this way so you can see the side stretch.

Take both palms over to your right and keep lifting up and out of that right side body so there's no collapsing here. Lifting as you inhale and reaching out as you exhale. If you want to find a little bit more depth here you can bend the right leg as you sink into the pose but just don't collapse into your right side body, inhale back to center and then we'll exhale, take it over to the left. Lift through the left side body, draw those arms towards each other and then reach. Keep lifting through the left side body, if you want to feel more of a side stretch on the right, bend into your left leg.

It's kind of like you're holding a basketball here, try not to let that left arm drop to the floor, come on back to center. We'll exhale the palms right into prayer, wide leg tadasana here, a fifth movement of the spine, that axial extension as you lift through the sternum, lengthen down through the seat, good. Let's take a big inhale, reach the palms to the sky, exhale, slow swan dive all the way to the shins. Let's stop at the shins today, we'll be kind to our hamstrings. Bring your palms to the shins, lengthen the spine and we're going to go into a single hamstring stretch.

Here's your right leg, you can keep the right hand at the shin or the floor and then inhale the left palm to the sky. Lengthen the spine, rotate, so you're getting the isolating hamstring stretch and you're getting that rotation at the same time. Lower the left hand, bend the left leg, hand to the shin or fingertips to the floor, straighten the right leg, inhale the right palm to the sky, lengthen the spine before you twist. Lengthen, rotate, exhale bend both legs, your variation of a forward fold, maybe the legs are bent, maybe you're starting to lift the navel up and back and straighten those legs. Walk your hands slowly forward to your down dog, one legged down dog, inhale the right leg to the sky, heel to the sky, toes pointing down, exhale draw the knee into the chest and step the right foot all the way to the front of the mat.

Go ahead and lower your left knee to the floor, if you need a blanket under that knee for extra cushion go ahead and take that opportunity. Right palm on top of the right quad, left hand comes to the sacrum, invite the seat to lengthen down and use the right hand as kind of like a prop to lift the chest. You're using it as leverage so that you're not collapsing into the lower back, lengthening through the back, rising through the front. You want to take a deeper left palm to the sky, breathe into that left side body, lift your heart, heart to the sky, I don't know it just felt good to do that. From here we're going to place that right elbow on top of the right thigh, slide it up to the mid thigh and then lift through the left rib cage and we'll go through that side flexion.

Breathing into that left side body, track your right knee slightly to the midline to give you a little bit more support and then if you're comfortable take the drishti up, take the focus up and every time we move into side flexion we try to breathe big into the lungs, the lats, the intercostals, create more space around your heart. You can keep the right hand where it is, lower the left hand to the floor, replace your right forearm with your right palm, lengthen the spine, use that as leverage for your rotation. Lengthening, hugging the right inner thigh towards your left bicep and twisting, lengthening and twisting, maybe sending the right palm to the sky, enjoy the breath. Bring the right hand to the floor, you may need two blocks here or you may need to slide your right heel forward, we're going to straighten the right leg for Ardha Hanuman, getting into that right hamstring, pulling the toes back. Your left hip wants to be right over your left knee in this pose, instead of way back here puts too much pressure on the knee, right over the hip, pull the toes back, natural to take a cat tilt, softening in the pose, if you want to go deeper into the pose, cow tilt, lengthen the spine, shine the heart forward, bend into your right leg, right leg, send it back to the sky for that one leg dog, stretch it out, move it around, say hi, lower the right leg, inhale the left leg to the sky, push actively forward with all palms, exhale, draw the left knee into the chest, curl the spine, step forward to your low lunge, blankets under the knee if you need it, left hand on top of the left quad, right hand to the sacrum, and slowly guide that hip, the sacrum down, lengthening through the back body and lifting through the front body, stay here or inhale the palm to the sky, if you're singing on the last one with me, you should be singing on this one too, breathe into that, good, lower your left elbow on top of your left thigh, we're gonna take the right arm up and over the ear, I like to slide it up a little bit more so I don't sink into my side body, see what it feels like for you, right arm up and over the ear, left knee hugs in towards the midline, breathe into that side twist, that side bend, getting my movements of the spine mixed up, take the drishti up if that's okay for your neck, right palm to the floor, left hand is leveraged, press forward, lengthen and then press down for more rotation, lengthen with your inhale, rotate with your exhale, hugging the left knee towards the right bicep, that bicep is spiraling forward as you take a deeper expression of the twist, the rotation, lower the left hand to the floor, move the left leg if you need to for our dahana man, the half split, you should have right hip right over the right knee, if you want to go deeper slide the leg forward, softer version, backing up the hands, cat tilt to the spine, a little deeper, cow tilt to the spine and lengthening it forward, finishing off that second side, we'll go back to one legged down dog, left leg to the sky, shake it out, move it around, good, lower the left leg to the floor and then we're going to slowly walk the feet to the middle of the mat, bend the knees if you need to and then take your feet a little bit wider than hip distance, turn the toes out before malasana, if this is your malasana today for your knees, stay right here, glutes the height of your knees, if you're comfortable lowering to your seat, go ahead and go a little deeper, this could be your spot to stay and just breathe and enjoy the breath, if you feel like a little challenge today, maybe a low bhakasana, if you got your bolster handy, this guy is always good as a crash pad, put it forward about 6 inches in front of your fingertips and we're going to lift off of our heels, knees wider than the triceps for this variation, it's a low variation, bend your elbows and then just lift one leg off at a floor at a time, one off at a time, if both lift off, great but no expectations, right, squeeze the inner thighs, lower back down to your malasana, for our lasana we're going to come all the way down to our seat, bring your hands behind you, gracefully lower down, so we've explored all those movements of the spine, you should kind of feel like a spaghetti noodle right now in a good way, we're going to go into one last forward fold, so we're coming into this diamond shape pose, it's a similar pose that we did in the very beginning of the practice so we're bringing it full circle, in this variation if you'd like to sit on a bolster or a blanket, feel free, it'll give you a little bit more lift, be easier to fold deeper into this, I like to hold onto my shin, see if that feels good for you, you can use the inhales to lengthen the spine forward and the exhales to just soften into whatever experience is happening in your body today, lengthening with the inhales and softening, and you might already be at your spot, that might be your spot, just breathe and enjoy the space that you created, if you're going deeper, go deeper, but listen to the breath, when the breath starts to get shorter and quicker that's usually when we're moving into a depth of the pose that we shouldn't, enjoy your fold, go back to those equal part inhales, pauses, equal part exhales, samavritti, this is a really nice way to prepare the mind and the body for shavasana, a little bow forward, a bow forward in gratitude, gratitude is our virtuous word for the day, when we invite a virtuous word in, it helps us to connect with the language of the heart and move out of the mind space, so as we lie in shavasana, you can do this with or without a bolster, so you lie in shavasana, we're just going to open up and we're going to cultivate that mind of gratitude, so go ahead and lie back, and settle in, it's good to be lying down again, settle into the floor, feel supported, roll the palms up, let the toes turn out, find a way where you're just once again letting go, a little clearing with the inhale, make a sound with your exhale, one more time, nice big inhale, let it go with the exhale, invite your body to just melt into the floor, and take your attention down to your feet, and send a little thank you note to your feet, thank you feet for all that you do for me on a daily basis, for all the places that you've taken me, and never take you for granted, bring your attention up to the ankles, the calves, the knees and the legs, with a mind of gratitude, thanking the legs for all they do for you, things we don't even think about, just walking and moving, standing, taking us on this life journey, bring your attention up to the pelvis, the belly, the chest and the torso, enjoy the sense of relaxing and softening here, bring your attention to that heart space, and imagine at that heart space that you're feeling the fire, the embers burning a little bit brighter, leading you into this space of the heart, this intuitive center in the ancient texts, this is where they say atman and soul, the soul resides, when we move from the head space into the heart space, really trying to listen deeply and connect, what is the heart's desire, what is the soul's desire for us on this journey?

Take your attention to the hands and the arms and the shoulders, sending a thank you note, all that they do for us on a regular basis, with gratitude, bring the attention up to the throat, how we speak our truth from the heart, may this pathway be really clear, bring your attention to the muscles in the face, may we keep smiling and sharing from the heart, always from the heart, may we share this love with each person that we meet, enjoy that tingle of energy through the body, the sense of gratitude for embodiment in general, gosh I'm so grateful to be in this body, letting go of any needs, wants, desires and just being happy with what we have. Slowly start to bring that life and energy back to the fingers and the toes and on your next inhale reach the arms over the head for a nice big stretch, new appreciation, as you exhale hug the knees into the chest, actually give yourself a really big hug because you deserve one, and go ahead and roll to the right side in a ball for fetal pose, help yourself up slowly with your left palm, come up to a nice comfortable seat, I guess you have to open your eyes now, so as we journey into the heart, let's try to take this expression, this heartfelt expression off of our mat and to our daily life, so if you'd like to take this challenge, keep cultivating the gratitude that we were just cultivating there in our Shavasana, not only for your body but maybe for those feelings or for the connections that you have to people, just walk around and keep cultivating a mind of gratitude and see how that translates in your day. Thank you for practicing with me today, so grateful, namaste.


Jenny S
4 people like this.
Just lovely. I can feel my heart swell... ❤️❤️❤️
4 people like this.
Great way to start my day! I love your prompts and cherry attitude. Thank you!
Elissa P
3 people like this.
That was nice. I like all the side body opening focus. And pacing was just great; a great way to ease into a day and remember what's important. Thank you!
Wendy W
3 people like this.
Delightful! Thank you for that, I look forward to tomorrow!
1 person likes this.
So glad you all are feeling the love! I hope your Open Hearts Day was a good one!
Annastasia S
So lovely...amazing how you keep the genuine heart smile the whole way through. Great 🙏🏽 Gratitude!
1 person likes this.
sending it back to you, thanks for your kind words ...keep sharing the love!
Helena T
Thank you - enjoying this
Hi Helena thanks for joining us!!
Upe O
Thank you! I actually started the challenge but didn't get very far, so I started again. Really feeling involved this time.
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