7-Day Home Yoga Retreat Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 9

Day 7: Celebrate & Activate

60 min - Practice


Celebrate the strength of showing up and the many gifts of yoga. In our final day together, we move through a Vinyasa flow practice with special awareness to the crown chakra, exploring Sirsasana (Headstand) and Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel Pose). We close with a chakra meditation to bring all of our lessons together.

In our reflection, we explore a journaling practice on our time together and how we can keep activating a sense of renewal in our lives.

What You'll Need: Mat, Block


Jenny S
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Mia, this has been such an uplifting week’s journey! Feeling very “renewed” right now, which is cool because spring has just now made its way to Connecticut 🌸. Thank you for this beautiful gift!
Mia Togo
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You are so welcome! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and inspirations with me. Hope you're spring continues to blossom with new energy.


M Angela C
4 people like this.
Thank you for putting these practices and reflections together and sharing them. I have definitely felt a renewed energy and a lightness. I had not realized/recognized that I was the source of my own constraint. I really enjoyed the 5 words exercise from day 5. I truly feel stronger in body and mind. Thank you.
Debra D
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Dear Mia, thank you so much for these energising and inspiring seven days. Your warmth and your wisdom shines through. I loved the metaphor you shared in today’s sava of the shape of a typical vinyasa practice reflecting the stages of life. Of course! Why hadn’t I seen that before? I realised that instead of thinking ‘Yikes’, when it comes to a peak pose, I could reframe my attitude as: this is the wisdom pose. Thank you 🌺🙏🏻🌺
Mia Togo
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Hi Angela,

You are welcome. We are often the source of our struggles and the source of our own healing. Hope the exercise is helping you keep that energy and lightness. :)


Mia Togo
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Hi Debra,

I love that metaphor, we go through so many chapters and cycles, each one teaching us something when we welcome truth. Wisdom pose, is the new Peak pose!!! ;)


Glenford N
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Celebrate, Challenge. Create, Courage. I've really connected with my Sacred Space, my inner child and joy for life on this 7 Day Journey. Thanks Mia. Shante, Namaste.
Mia Togo
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Yay Glenford! Amazing, hope the celebration continues. Thank you for sharing your journey with me, wishing you all the best. Let your inner child shine.


Ruth E
2 people like this.
Thank you thank you thank you! I take the best of this challenge!
Celebrating life!
Namaste Mia Togo
Mia Togo
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Thank you for completing the challenge and sharing your thoughts along the way. :) Yay, yes celebrate it all!


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