What is Katonah

15 min - Special


Join Justin Randolph as he introduces us to the practice of Katonah Yoga, founded in 1986. This class provides a great introduction to the philosophy and techniques of Katonah Yoga, addressing questions such as "What is Katonah?" and "How does it inform your teaching and practice?" Expect to explore the unique aspects of this movement practice and uncover what it might bring up for you.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Sep 25, 2024
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Jenny S
This was so interesting and an insight into why your teachings feel so good in my body and mind.  Interesting that 30 years or so ago (😱) when I moved from a studio practice to mainly a home practice, Nevine Michaan's VHS "Katonah Yoga" was one of about 10 different videos I owned and practiced over and over!  Of course, I donated it to Goodwill long ago, when DVDs came around...I hadn't even thought about that VHS until I watched your talk today.  I do recall that it was my introduction to "legs up the wall" 🥰 

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