Kundalini Vitality Reboot Challenge: Day 4: Immune Booster<br>Sukhdev Jackson

Kundalini Vitality Reboot Challenge: Day 4: Immune Booster
Sukhdev Jackson

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Jenny S
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A much-needed practice that also happens to be so much fun! (Hint: 🐘) thank you!
Martha K
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I agree with Jenny. So much fun, good energy and a sense of well being with a dollop of joy!
Glenford N
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I was buzzing with energy and vitality, enjoying that feeling of play and adventure. Namaste 
Tracy S
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I loved today's practice! It was just what I needed.:)
Erin C
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The seated forward fold has always been a struggle for me - my hip flexors seem to be working overtime, I wasn't able to bend forward much, and it wasn't restful at all. Do you have any suggestions for me to find more ease and flexibility in that posture? It feels like restrictions in the diaphragm and pelvis are contributing.
Elizabeth M
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Hi, Erin - Great question! Yes, forward folding is not easy or restful for us all.  I would suggest propping your hips up by placing a neatly folded blanket under your seat bones.  Place the folded edge of the blanket just past your seat bones, so that most of the blanket is behind you and your thighs are not resting on it - this will help you hinge over more easily. Nestle your seat bones down into the blanket first, reach your spine high, and then try folding over your legs any amount.  If you still have trouble, try folding another blanket under you.  You are also welcome to keep a slight bend in your knees during forward folds - including when you're standing! Let know if this helps! ❤️ 
Rosi C
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Thanks  a lot, I'm really grateful for your teaching :D 
Ina V
Thank you! This is a great immune booster kriya for the times we live in. Grateful. 
Sharon McGuire
Such a delightful, fun, invigorating practice! With gratitude.
Italia B
I just wanted to say, THANK YOU for this practice. I have done the challenge a few times, when I feel that my body needs to detox. After the Christmas period is fantastic! : )

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