Vin to Yin: Light Warrior<br>Wade Gotwals

Vin to Yin: Light Warrior
Wade Gotwals

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Christel B
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Just loving these balanced sessions with the yang and the yin.  Feeling so peaceful after the visualizations and filling up with the light. Thank you Wade for putting these sessions out for us.
Kathleen M
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Hi Wade,
Second time is a charm. Had to revisit this wonderful practice today. Thank you for your guidance  and wisdom. Onward to your next one…

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Kathleen M Oh this is great and sometimes you pick up so much more when you have the opportunity to do it a few times!
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Christel B so good to visualize you all filled with light afterwards, thanks for the beautiful share!
Laura M
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An absolutely wonderful, smart, and creative practice. here's to light warriors and returning to our true selves. Thank you so much  
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What a beautiful message Laura M Thank you for the share- Light Warriors unite!!
Jenny S
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Vin was 🔥🔥🔥!  But thanks to your trademark good vibes, I persevered and was able to enjoy the postures that my body said “yes” to today - AND  also enjoyed watching you do the postures my body said “maybe next time” to.  Melting into the yin sequence at the end was bliss…thank you Wade 🙏🏻❤️
Lina S
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Amazing class! I like the way you intertwined massages, stretching, and powerful poses. I enjoy you're giving options. My body allowed me to do pretty much as the poses, except the full expression of compass! Thank you for your creative classes.
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HI Jenny S Yes the Vin was spicy on this one! We were bringing the sauce to a boil so we could simmer into all the flavors in YIN hahah...Im sure your body did exactly what it was supposed to with you as the guide :)

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Wonderful to hear from you Lina S and so glad you liked the massage movements- they always feel so good and can help release so we can move deeper into the postures- what ever expression of compass you found was perfect!!
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