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David Garrigues

David Garrigues

David is a mad brilliant yogi scientist.
Read More His teaching is infused with pure passion, precision and research, David embodies the spirit of steady practice, persistence, investigation, and dedication.

David is one of few teachers in the USA certified to teach Ashtanga yoga by yoga master Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. As an "Ashtanga ambassador," David bases his teachings on his guru's saying, "Anyone can take practice," and is dedicated to sharing the beauty and soul of Ashtanga yoga with everyone.

David's mission is to be part of an ever-widening circle of people who are dedicated to exploring the living, contemporary lineage of Ashtanga yoga. He wants to join with enthusiastic people who are open and committed to learning and applying the teachings in ways that promote physical, psychological, and spiritual growth in themselves and others.

He teaches workshops and teacher trainings around the USA and abroad. He has written and recorded two Kirtan CDs, Jaya Sat Guru and Bad Man Bhakti, and in 2010 released a two-disc DVD, Ashtanga Yoga: A Primary Series Guide. In 2013, David produced Vayu Siddhi: A Guide to Pranayama, the first DVD/book set offering instruction in the Ashtanga pranayama sequence. Later that year, he released part one of a DVD tutorial on the Ashtanga Yoga Intermediate Series. In 2015, David's longtime student and partner, Joy Marzec, compiled David's journals and interviews into a two-book set, Ashtanga Yoga: Maps and Musings.
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