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Saul David Raye

Saul David Raye

We are delighted by Saul's soft, groovy, and radiant presence. His connection to Spirit and Divine Love reminds us to dance and celebrate our beautiful lives.
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Saul David Raye is an internationally acclaimed teacher, healer, and spiritual activist known for his empowering and transformational approach to yoga, healing, and spirituality. Saul's teaching draws on the depth of the Yoga tradition, Bhakti, Tantra, and all forms of universal light, love, and wisdom. Through the grace of his teachers and guides, he is able to bring alive the ancient wisdom teachings for modern seekers. The depth of Saul's teaching allows students to connect deeply with their own authentic power, spirit, and truth.

A pioneering and inspiring presence in Yoga's evolution in the west, Saul's authentic and heart-centered teaching has influenced thousands of students and teachers around the world. He holds certifications in Yoga, bodywork, and energy healing and is an ordained minister and musician who infuses his classes with healing music and chants. He has been on the faculty of international and national conferences and festivals for years, and has presented alongside many luminaries in the Spiritual world. Saul shares this work through teacher trainings, workshops, classes, sacred journey's to ancient power sites and sacred music.
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