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Season 9 - Episode 7

Feminine Pronouns: Near & Far

5 min - Tutorial
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Anuradha explains and demonstrates using everyday objects the feminine pronouns for near and far in the Sanskrit language.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Apr 01, 2016
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We had Alana teaching us how to do the pronouns in the feminine, singular, a third person and when she was standing far it was sa alana, the beautiful alana, so sa alana, that is alana. When I went closer to her, because she was nearby, it was Aisha Alana. This is Alana, Aisha Alana and the question, who is Alana? Ka Alana because it's the feminine. Now you know what, you can have a lot of opportunities to practice the feminine and the masculine pronouns when you're in your house doing your daily chores. So imagine you're in the kitchen and you have all these objects with you that are readily available. So we had the churika, which is a feminine, so Aisha Churika. This is a knife. Now what would happen when you kept it far away? What's that? Sa Ka Sa Churika. Say it once more. Sa Churika, lovely. Now we have another word with the e ending feminine, so kupi, but which will keep the same pronoun because it's a feminine pronoun, singular, doesn't matter what the ending is. So this is a bottle, Aisha Kupi. When you keep it far, it becomes fantastic. Sa Kupi, that bottle, lovely. Remember that? Sthalika Aisha Sthalika Aisha Sthalika and when you keep it down there, it becomes Sa Sthalika, Sa Sthalika, Sa Ka, fantastic. Try it and your food will taste better.


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