Our Practices Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 41

Rob's Personal Practice

20 min - Practice
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Rob's personal practice on April 26, 2016.
We provided a mat, a quiet space, and 20 minutes to each of our teachers to use for their own personal practice. The results became this show, Our Practices.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Aug 26, 2016
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This Episode
Watch Rob practice.
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Rob's Personal Practice
Rob Hess
Suitable for all
20 min
Our Practices
Freedom Style
Watch Next
Watch Emily practice.
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Emily's Personal Practice
Emily Benaron
Suitable for all
20 min
Our Practices
Freedom Style
Watch Sarah practice.
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Sarah's Personal Practice
Sarah Lowe
Suitable for all
20 min
Our Practices
Freedom Style


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