Mantra Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 13

The Sound of Establishment: M

5 min - Practice


Anuradha leads us through a sounding practice of the sound "m," which is a centering sound that brings about internal alignment. We work with hand gestures to focus the vibration of the sound in the body.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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(waves crashing) Hi there. I have really enjoyed this journey into the world of sounds with you. We've looked at most of the vowels and in their expression through gestures, through regular practice, I hope you are finding it easy. I hope you're going deeper into these sounds because the more time you spend with them, the more these mantras will have the power of unleashing the potential within you and the more harmony you can feel in your being, the more you will find that health and wellbeing and happiness are natural in your lives. In this exploration, we will come to the last few sounds.

The next one that we will look at is the nasalized sound, the mm. The best way to formulate it is not by clenching your teeth and going mm. Do that, try that out. Mm. That has a very different effect than if you bring your mouth together in a rounded fashion of the om and then you do the sound mm.

Notice. Mm. Right, got that? Mm. Lightly held and yet firm.

The sound mm is the sound of settlement. It's the sound of establishment. It's the sound of centering. It's the sound of alignment and when we do this sound, you can imagine that all the different vibrations within our being are naturally brought into a kind of centering and an alignment. So we'll explore this sound by doing the gestures.

First one is as if you're trying to bring the vertical space into your palms, so start with your right hand on top and your left hand at your navel region and as you do the sound mm, imagine that all the sounds from your head are gradually settling down into your palm at the navel. Right, so that's the first way in which we'll do the (hums). The second time when we do this action, we'll do it as if we are gathering all the space in between our outstretched arms to a central alignment within one's self. Try and find the central axis of your being and then gather all the space in between and feel that alignment in yourself as you do the mm. So we'll try that out.

In the first case, we'll bring the palms and establish all the vibrations into the navel region and the second time, vertically bring everything together and hold it in an alignment, all right? So we'll start that. Take a deep breath and do the sound mm. (hums) Take a deep breath and bring it in an alignment. (hums) Because this sound has the power of bringing in a sense of harmony and establishing all our vibrations in a certain sense of alignment, it also helps to dissolve all that is unnecessary.

All the unnecessary noise can get cut out when one does this particular sound. Physiologically, it's a sound that is very beneficial in strengthening our nervous system because it helps to just put our focus on we are establishing the contours of our energy body, if I may say it like that. Yeah? So practice the sound with a simple mm and also the vowel ah can be added before it and then it becomes like an om. It's more like an establishment with the sound, the being that gets established, so om.

Once would you like to join me. Om. Om. Thank you.


Hoda G
It has been a wonderful experience. I appreciate your explorations. Very helpful. Also delightfully fun! Thank you.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐ŸŒŸ
Anuradha Choudry
Dear Hoda, Loved making these videos for like-minded seekers to collective discover the true joys of life and living!   
Micaela H
Dear Anuradha, I am delighted with your videos. I feel I have been waiting a long time for this knowledge and for the connections you make between sound and life and healing. ย With Appreciation, Micaela

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