The 7-Day Pain Free Challenge Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 8

Day 5: Juice the Spine

45 min - Practice


Building on our practices from Days 1-4, we explore backbending postures—the juice that provides sustenance to practice. We stay low to the ground and find shoulder openers and various backbends to find suppleness and freedom in the spine.
What You'll Need: Mat, Square Bolster, Blanket, Strap

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Welcome to day five. You conquered the standing poses yesterday and today's practice is the peak back bending which is really the juice that provides this sustenance for your practice. So let's begin. We'll start in child's pose. Knees together. Folding forward, arms at your side, palms turned up. Slow your breath down. Complete surrender of your arms. Breathing through the back, the full length of your torso. Each exhale, soften where the belly and ribs meet your thighs. Feel gravity pressing you onto your legs deeper. Feel your spine naturally lengthening. Then take the arms straight out to the sides in line with your shoulders. Walk the hands as far apart as you can. When you feel the arms fully extended, gently press your palms flat and simultaneously release your collarbones. Feel the armpits and shoulders drop a little. Inch your hands wider. Bending your right arm, turn your face to the right. Drop your right hip to the floor beside you. Lift your right shoulder away from the floor. Press your left shoulder down towards the floor. Follow the inhale through the back into the right buttock. Each exhale diaphragm softens. Internal organs recede a little. Lift your right shoulder higher. Press the left shoulder lower. With an inhale, come back to the center. Exhale to the left, left arm bent, right arm straight, left hip to the floor beside you. Following this full sensation of your breath into the left buttock through the back. Exhale diaphragm releases. Organs recede. Lift your left shoulder higher. Release the right shoulder lower. Right ribcage heavy on your thigh. Inhale back to the center. Again to the right. Inhale back to the center. Exhale to the left. Inhale to the center. Sit up. Clench your fist lightly over the thumbs. Placing the back of the fist right at the top of the thigh near the hip crease. And fold over your fists. If this is too much, you can use a blanket. Placing the blanket where your fists were and adjusting the thickness of the blanket as needed. Each inhale breathe into the back of the heart. Spread the skin. Each exhale soften the diaphragm where your ribs meet the blanket. And now take the arms behind your back. Interlock the fingers, palms apart. Slowly take the hands over the head. Each exhale release your shoulders. They drop a little. Simultaneously move the hands a little. Breathing through the back on each inhale. Softening through the front body. Releasing the shoulders on the exhale. Simultaneously move the hands. With an inhale release. Remove the blanket.

Sit cross-legged. So the hips are getting more open and if you want to try today sitting in half lotus. Pull the right leg into half lotus. Placing the outer ankle right at the top of the thigh and let the knee be supported by the foot. Place your palms flat on the floor. Arms straight. Keep your head in line with the neck. Each inhale let the fullness of your breath round your spine. Skin spreads a little. Each exhale release the collarbones. Shoulders drop a little. Inch the fingers forward. Extending the spine from the back of the skull. Notice how the heel now is starting to collide with the floating rib. Each inhale breathing through the back. Coming off the heel a little. Each exhale soften where the heel and rib meet. Feel gravity literally bending the rib around the heel as you move deeper into the pose. Each exhale soften where the heel and rib meet. Soften the collarbones. Arm pits drop. Extend the spine from the back of the skull. With an inhale sit up. Change the crossing of the legs and then left foot into half lotus. Having the outer ankle supported on the inner thigh. Right foot directly under the knee. Arms straight palms flat. Head in line with your neck. Keep your breathing slow. Each exhale release through the shoulders. Extend through the back of the skull. Inch the fingers forward. Only go lower if you feel that opening that comes releasing through the shoulders and belly extending through the back of the skull. As you get lower and that rib starts to collide with the heel. Each exhale soften where the heel and rib meet. Re-release your collarbones. Inch the fingers forward. Extend the spine from the back of the skull. If your flat ribs on your legs let your head drop. And inhale sit up. Come out of half lotus. Simple cross leg. Place your hands on the hips. Sorry on the waist. Above the hips below the ribs squeezing the soft tissue of the waist drop your head forward. Breathe into the back of the heart. Spread the skin across your shoulder blades. On the exhale top of the lungs softens. Heart drops. Throat softens. Chin drops. Head drops. As the head drops lean back a little. With an inhale lift your head upright. Press the right hand in strongly. Slowly exhale to the right. Let your head drop to the side. Breathe into the left lung, left shoulder, and left side of the neck. On the exhale soften the right ribs. Let gravity take you deeper. If your elbows supported on the floor or if you're using a block keep releasing your head right ear dropping towards the shoulder. Pull the forehead back an inch. Release the left hand. Extend the fingers down towards the floor. Pull the forehead back another inch. Slowly extend your chin forward. Slowly lift your head in line with your neck. Turn your face.

Look up. Slowly pull the chin in towards your throat. Extend the back of the skull. Sweeping the left arm up reach for the ceiling. If you want more take the straight arm next to your ear palm down. Extend through the fingers. Bend in the arm. Touch the back of your heart. Pull the elbow back behind you. With your left hand cup the back of your skull. Pull the head up. Chin drops towards your throat and let the full weight of your head rest in the hand. Throat soft, chin sinking. Pull the head up a little higher. Releasing the hand. Clench the fist strongly. Extend the elbow over the crown of the head. Looking straight up. Then slowly turn your face. Look straight down. Extend the elbow more. Sweep the arm behind the back. Reach for the wrist. As you look down turn the heart up. Lean back a little. With an inhale come back to the center. Re-adjust your hands on the waist. Shoulders down, elbows forward. Head up right. With an exhale side bend to the left. Let your head fall to the side. Breathe into the right lung, right shoulder, and right side of the neck. On the exhale soften the left ribs. Gravity takes you deeper. If your elbow is supported on the floor or the block keep releasing your head.

Pull the forehead back an inch. Release the right hand. Extend the fingers strongly towards the floor. Pull the forehead back another inch. Slowly extend the chin forward. Slowly lift your head in line with the neck. Turn your face. Look up. Slowly pull the chin in towards your throat. Extend the back of the skull. Sweep the right arm up. Reach for the ceiling. If you're going for more straight arm next to the ear, palm down. Extending through the fingers. Bend the arm. Touch the back of the heart. Pull the elbow back. With the hand cup the back of your skull. Pull the head up. Chin drops towards your throat. Releasing the full weight of your head into the hand. Throat soft. Chin sinking. Pull the head up a little higher. Releasing the hand. Clench the fist strongly. Extend the elbow over the crown. Looking straight up at the ceiling. Turning the face. Look straight down at the floor. Extend the elbow more. Sweep the right arm behind the back. Reach for the wrist. As you look straight down turn the heart up. With an inhale come back to the center. Reagest your hands on the waist. Head upright. Shoulders down. Elbows forward. Tiny circles with your head. Then slow the head down. Make the circles bigger. Go even slower where you meet stiffness in your neck. One more. Finish with your head falling forward.

Re-release your collarbones. Arm pits drop. Gently press the elbows forward. Breathe into the back of the heart. Spread the skin. Exhale. Soften the top of the lung. Heart drops. Head drops. Lean back a little. With an inhale head upright. Tiny circles in the other direction. Then slow the head down. Make the circles bigger. One more. Finish with your head forward. Re-release your collarbones. Arm pits sink. Press the elbows forward. Curl the fingers into the gut. With each inhale hold the fingers in. With each exhale soften the belly. Press the fingers in a little deeper. Slow inhale. Slow exhale. One more. Slow inhale. Slow exhale till you're empty. When you're empty hold the breath out. Press the fingers in deep. Try to touch your spine. Then quickly release. Place your palms down right at the hip crease. Roll the shoulders. Inhale up. Exhale down. Inhale up. Exhale down. One more. Up and down. Turn the palms up. Curl the wrists. Roll the shoulders back to front. Inhale up in the back. Exhale down in the front. Inhale up. Exhale down. One more. Up and down.

Keep in the hands as they are. Try to straighten your arm. Shoulder shrug. Then slowly roll your head. Keep pressing into the back of the wrist. Into your thigh. Change direction. And release. Arms straight out to the side. Shoulder height. Release your collarbones. Extend through the fingers. Top of the hip bones gently pressing forward without leaning forward. Breathing into the front side and back of your lungs. Each exhale, re-release your collarbone. Shoulders drop a little. Extend out through the fingers. Thumbs soft. Slowly turn the palms to face up. Check your hands. Make sure they're flat. And gaze at the right hand. Re-release your collarbones.

Extend out through the fingers. As you gaze at the hand, tip your left temple forward towards the front of your mat. Inhale. Head back to the center. Gaze at the left hand. Re-release your collarbones. Extend out through the fingers. Slowly tip the right temple forward. Inhale back to the center. Pull the fingers down. Press out through the hand. Release your shoulders. Spin the fingers up. Pull the tips in towards your ears. Press out through the hands. Curl the wrists. Curl the fingers. Pull the arms back. Spread the skin across your chest. Pull the arms forward until they're parallel. Re-release your collarbones. Shoulders drop. Press the wrists forward. Breathe into the back of the heart. Spread the skin across your shoulder blades. Each exhale. Top of the lungs softens. Heart drops. Spine lifts from the back of the skull. Press your wrists forward. And slowly extend the fingers forward. Turn the palms up. Bend your arms. Touch your shoulders. Lift your elbows. Walk your fingertips down the spine. Press the elbows towards each other behind your head. Then right hand grabs the left elbow. Pull the left arm behind the head. Drop the right arm behind the back. Hook if you can. Head upright. Then inhale. Release. Change arms. Left hand grabs the right elbow. Right arm behind the head. Left arm behind the back. Hook if you can. Head upright. And release. Forearms together again. Walk your fingers a little lower. Press the elbows a little closer. Elbows out to the sides and as far back as you can. Spreading across the upper chest. Breathe up into your collarbones. Clenching the fist. Pump the biceps. Interlock the fingers. Press the palms up. Relax your diaphragm. Organs drop. Tailbone drops. Press the hands higher. If you're going further, slide the hands back. Arching the upper back. Each exhale. Top of the lungs softens. Heart drops. Simultaneously move the hands back a little further. Releasing the hands back to your shoulders. Squeeze the elbows together in front of your nose. Squeeze the elbows strongly. If you listen, the deltoid muscle and the pectoralis muscles. And now slide your fingers under your shirt. Hook the tips into the trapezius. Pull the elbows down. Slide the chin in. Take the head back. Neck resting in the trapezius. Then extending the chin up.

Inhale. Head upright. Elbows up. Exhale. The hands forward. Palms up. Inhale. The arms apart. Exhale. Right arm over. Inhale. Exhale. Left arm over. Inhale. Arms apart. Exhale. Right arm over. Left arm bending. Inhale. Release. Exhale. Left arm over. Right arm bending. Inhale. Release. Exhale. Sweep the arms behind you. Palms face each other. Lift your hands. Lift your chest. Head upright. Then turn the palms up. Lift the hands higher. Lift the chest higher. Curl the wrists. Releasing the arms forward. Hands 12 inches apart. Slowly press the hands in. Like you're squeezing thick air between your hands. As the hands get closer, like squeezing mud between your hands. Oozing between your fingers. Then slowly separate your hands. Open your eyes. Hook your fingers. Clench the wrists. Circle the wrists. Both directions. And release. Come up onto your hands and knees. And now take your hands a little wider. Turn the fingers out 90 degrees. Drop your pelvis forward. Hips in line with your knees and shoulders. Inhale slowly. Exhale down. Inhale up. Exhale down. Inhale up. Don't go all the way to the floor. Last one. Exhale down. Inhale up. If you're on the floor off your mat, take your hands wider. Make sure that you're stuck to the floor. Use a little spit in your hands to stick if you're off your mat and the floor is slippery. Again, exhale down.

Inhale up. Exhale to the right. Keep your left arm straight. Going only as low as you can keep that opposite arm straight. Inhale up. Exhale left. Right arm straight. Inhale up. Exhale right. Left arm straight. Inhale up. Exhale left. Right arm straight. Inhale up. Tuck your toes forward. Sit up. Arms coming forward. Palms face each other. Turn your left hand over. Thumb down. Take your right hand over the left. Interlock the fingers. Squeeze the palms. With your left hand, pull the right hand back. With the right hand, pull the left hand back. Hands back to the center. Slowly wind the arms forward. Twist your hands right. Twist your hands left. Slowly wind the arms back. Twist right. Twist left. And change. Left hand over the right. Interlock the fingers. Squeeze the palms. With the right hand, pull the left hand back. With the left hand, pull the right hand back. Hands in the middle. Slowly wind the arms forward. Twist left. Twist right. Wind the arms back. Twist left. Twist right. And release. Slowly whip your hands side to side. Faster. As fast as you can. And release. Front to back. Faster. As fast as you can. Right hand side to side. Left hand front to back. Switch. Switch. Switch.

And release. Palms up. Hands together. Alternate hands. Together. Alternate. Good. And release. Lunge forward with your right foot. Press the right knee forward over the toes without the heel lifting. Walk the hands forward, lowering the chest onto the thigh. Breathe into your left lung. On the exhale, soften the right hip crease, right ribcage. Walk the hands forward more. Let the right knee come forward over the toes without the heel lifting. If you want to go a little deeper, drop your left elbow to the floor. Bend your left leg. With your right hand, hold the foot. Holding the foot, lower the left thigh towards the floor. Softening deep into the groin. If you're going further, holding the foot, slowly pull the heel into your butt. With an inhale, release. Back foot to the floor. Toes forward is optional. Walk the hands back, sitting on the heel, right leg straight. If this is too much for the knee, use a blanket. Sit up tall. Walk the hands forward. Palms flat, arms straight. Breathe through the back, into the pelvic floor. On the exhale, release the collarbones, armpits drop. Extend the spine from the back of the skull. Walk the hands forward. If this is too much for the toes, take the top of the back foot flat. With an inhale, coming out. Change. Lunge forward with your left foot. Press the left knee forward over the toes without the heel lifting. Walk the hands forward.

Lower the ribcage onto the thigh. Breathe into the right lung. Exhale. Soften the left hip crease. Left ribcage. Walk the hands forward more. If you're going for more, right elbow to the floor. Bend the right leg. Left hand holds the foot. Lower the right thigh towards the floor. If you're holding the foot and you're going deeper, bend the arm. Slowly pull the heel into your butt. With an inhale, release. Back foot to the floor. Toes forward optional. If your knee is challenged, use a blanket. Use support. Sit up tall. Release the left hip and groin. Femur drops. Walk the hands forward. Palms flat. Challenging the hamstring. Release your collarbones. Extend through the back of the skull. Each inhale like you're coming out of the pose with the breath. Lifting your spine. Skin spreading across the back. Each exhale. Collarbones soften. Arm pits drop. Left groin softens. Femur drops. Walk the hands forward. Extend the spine. Be patient. Wait for the exhale to invite you to go deeper. With an inhale coming out. Coming forward into sphinx pose. Those of you that are challenged in the lower back, use the blanket. Roll to whatever thickness is appropriate to support your floating ribs. Elbows under the shoulders. If it's not enough, roll the blanket a little thicker. Supported right on the bottom rib. Keep your head upright. Elbows directly under your shoulders. Breathe through the back into the pelvic floor. On the exhale, release the sphincter muscles and the skin below your navel. Simultaneously lift the spine from the back of the skull. Chin in slightly towards your throat. Keep your buttock soft. If you want to take this a little deeper, bend your right leg. With your right hand grab the foot. Slowly press the heel into the hip. Notice how the left gluteal muscle grips. Try to release the grip in the left gluteal muscle.

Simultaneously lift the spine from the back of the skull. Press the heel a little lower. Lift the spine a little higher. With an inhale, release. Change. Release the grip in the right buttock. With an inhale, release. And then removing the blanket for support. Lay down, sweeping your left arm across your chest, in line with the shoulder. Chin to the floor. Right arm straight beside you. Both palms turned up. Breathe into the left shoulder. Each exhale soften the top of your lungs. Heart drops a little. Simultaneously press the right shoulder down into the left elbow. Keep your belly and butt soft. Then slowly bend your left arm. Hand behind your head. Bend your right arm behind your back. It doesn't matter if you bind. If you don't bind, you're gonna keep the back of the wrist flat on your spine. Fingers reach for each other. Each exhale, top of the lungs softens. Heart drops, softening the belly and butt. Press the right shoulder down towards the left elbow. Hands reaching a little closer. With an inhale, slowly release. Change arms. Sweep the right arm across your chest, in line with the shoulder. And right shoulder resting on the floor. Left arm straight beside you. Chin to the floor. Breathe into the right shoulder. Exhale, top of the lungs softens. Heart drops. Gently press the left shoulder down into the right elbow. Keep the belly and butt soft. Slowly bend the right arm. Hand behind the head. Bend the left arm behind the back. Hook if you can. If you can't hook, keep the back of the left wrist flat on the spine. Fingers reaching. Each exhale, top of the lungs softens. Heart drops. Press the left shoulder down towards the right elbow. Hands come a little closer. With an inhale, slowly release. Sweep the left arm straight out to the side, in line with your shoulder. Right hand next to your armpit like a push-up. Tuck your toes forward. Straighten your legs. Lift your hips and walk them to the right three to four inches. And then walk your feet over in line. Slowly roll to your left. Lift your head off the floor. Turn your face. Look up. Breathe into your left shoulder. On the exhale, diaphragm softens. Organs drop. Turn your waist more.

Sacrum descends towards the floor. If you want to go deeper, bend your right leg. Foot flat. Drop the right knee behind you. And then everyone, bring the arm up. Palm facing back. Curl the wrist. Slowly lower the arm, keeping the elbow straight. Each exhale, soften the belly. Turn your waist. If you find the left hand on the floor, lift the fingers. Bend the wrist backwards. With an inhale, slowly coming out. Change arms. Right arm straight out to the side. Left hand next to your armpit like a push-up. Tuck your toes forward. Walk your hips to the left. Walk the feet over in line. Slowly roll to your right. Turn your face. Look up. Breathe into your right shoulder. Each exhale. Relax your diaphragm. Abdominal organs drop. Turn your waist more. Sacrum descends towards the floor. If you want more, bend the left leg. Foot flat. Drop the left knee behind you. And now taking the arm up.

Left arm up. Turn the palm to face back. Curl the wrist down. Slowly lower the arm. Keep the elbow straight. If you find the right hand on the floor, lift the fingers. Bend the wrist backwards. And inhale. Slowly coming out. Last shoulder opener. Sweep the left elbow across your chest. Drop the left shoulder to the floor. Place the tip of the chin right on the outside of the wrist. Place the right arm beside you. Palm turned up. Breathe into your left shoulder. Exhale. Top of the lung softens. Heart drops. Press the chin into the wrist. Press the right shoulder towards the elbow. Belly and butt soft. With an inhale, release. Change arms. Sweep the right elbow across the chest. Drop the right shoulder to the floor. Tip of the chin on the outside of the wrist. Left arm straight beside you. Palm turned up. Breathe into your right shoulder. Exhale. Top of the lung softens. Heart drops. Press the left shoulder down into the right elbow. Press the tip of the chin into the outside of the wrist. Belly and butt soft. Good. And release. Bend your legs. Grab your ankles. Use a strap if you need to. If you can't reach your ankles, you can loop the strap around your ankles and hold the strap. Lift your thighs off the floor. Lift your chest and gently rock on your pubic bone. And then lift as high as you can. Keeping that lift, roll to your left onto your back. If you don't make it all the way to the back, release your ankles and get onto your back. Off your mat onto the floor. Grab your ankles. Lift your hips up. As the hips lift, the chin drops. Keep your breathing slow. Breathing through the back on the inhale. Each exhale. Top of the lung softens. Heart drops. Simultaneously lift your hips higher. If you're going for more, place your hands next to your ears. Palms down. Fingers pointing towards your feet. Inhale. With an exhale, roll onto the crown of your head. Keep half the weight on your head, half the weight on your hands. Inhale slowly. And with an exhale, press up. Doesn't matter how high. Keep your breathing slow. Each inhale. Breathing through the back body. Each exhale. Hips and shoulders soften and simultaneously work your arms more. Work your legs more. If you're going for more, walk the feet in. Lift your heels up.

Straighten your arms. Inhale. Coming back down onto your shoulders. Grab your ankles. Lift your hips up. Keeping your hips up. Slide the left foot next to your right. Now lift your hips as high as you can and see yourself rolling back to your mat. Keep the hips up. Roll. And we'll do the other side. Lift up and roll to the right. Onto your back. Lift the hips up. Chin drops. Shoulders passive. Breathe through the back. Exhale. Top of the lungs softens. Heart drops. Simultaneously press into your feet. Lift your hips higher. Chin sinks lower. Shoulders passive. If you're going for more, hands beside the ears, palms down, fingers pointing towards your feet. Exhale. Rolling onto the crown of your head. Inhale slowly. Exhale. Press up. Doesn't matter how high. Keep your breathing slow. Inhale through the back body. Exhale. Hips and shoulders release simultaneously. Arms and legs work. Release the back of your skull. Head heavy. If you're going for more, lift your heels. Walk your feet in. Press. Straighten your arms. Release your head. Inhale. Coming back down onto the shoulders. Grab your ankles. Lift your hips. Keeping your hips up. Right foot next to the left. Keeping the hips up. Gracefully roll back to your mat. Lift up. Releasing the ankles. Arms forward. Feet up. Extend. Arms out. Arms back.

Curl the wrists. Bend your knees. Lift your thighs. And release. Hands next to your armpits. Last one. Pull the elbows back. Shoulders down. Slowly curl the spine up. Doesn't matter how high you're. Shoulders drop. Chest drops. Spine lifts through the back of the skull. Butt soft. Keep your breathing slow. Each exhale hits the top of the lung, softens. Heart drops. Extend the back of the skull. Work your arms a little straighter. If your arms are straight, head back. Good. And release. Coming up into child's pose. Pull the knees forward. Slowly sit back onto your heels. Slowly come forward onto your elbows. Release your head. Breathe through the back. Each exhale, soften where the ribs and belly meet your thighs. Feel gravity. Press in your flat or slide your elbows out wider. When your ribs are fully supported on the thighs, let your head fall. Arms beside. Each exhale, re-release where the ribs and belly meet your thighs. Release your shoulders. Feel the weight of your elbows heavy falling. Breathe through the back. With an inhale, sit up. Lay down on your backs. If you need a strap, grab a strap. Straighten your left leg to the floor. Pull the right knee to your chest. Breathe into the left lung. On the exhale, soften the right hip crease, right rib cage. Hug the knee tighter against your ribs. Then grab the foot with both hands. Raise the shinbone vertical. Keep your knee bent, resting on your chest or approaching your chest. Keep breathing into your left lung. On the exhale, soften the right hip crease, right rib cage. Bend your arms a little more. Pull the knee firm against your chest. Then let the right knee slide off the side of the chest. Keep the shinbone vertical. Slow your breath down. Here's where the strap comes in. Loop the strap and slowly straighten the leg. Holding the strap with one hand, take your left arm straight out to the side. Slow your breath down. Each exhale, soften the right groin. Feel the femur drop a little. Extend your right heel a little higher. Then turn your face to the left. Slowly lower the leg to the right. Go slow. Softening the right groin as the leg descends. Each exhale, re-release the groin. Feel the femur drop towards the floor. Extend through the heel. Keep your left leg working strongly, pressing the back of the knee flat. With an inhale, lift the leg up. Switch hands. Right arm out to the side. Slowly lower the leg to the left. Keep your right shoulder blade on the floor. Soft belly. Soften the pubis. Extend through the heel. With an inhale, lift the leg up. Remove the strap. Hug the left knee to your chest. Breathe into the right lung. Each exhale, soften the left hip crease. Left ribcage.

Hug the knee tighter into your chest. Holding the left foot with both hands, keep the knee on your chest. Raise the shinbone vertical. Keep the fullness of your breath into the right lung. Exhale, soften the left hip crease. Left ribcage. Bend your arms. Hug the knee tighter against your ribs. Then let the left knee slide off the side of the ribs. Keep your shinbone as vertical as you can. Each exhale, release the left groin. Femur drifts out a little. Pull the foot lower with your hands. Keep the right leg working strongly, flexing the heel. Grab the strap. Loop the strap over the foot, straightening the leg up. Keep your breathing slow, softening the left groin on the exhale. Feel the femur drop. Flex the left heel higher. Then both hands, your left hand, sorry, holds the strap. Right arm out to the side. Turn your face to the right. Slowly lower the leg to the left. Softening the groin on the way down, keep the right shoulder blade passive on the floor. Keep the right leg working strongly, flexing the heel. With an inhale, bring the leg up. Change. Hands. Left arm out to the side. Turn your head left. Slowly lower the leg to the right. Softening the pubic bone and the skin below your navel. Go slow. Keep the left heel flexed. And inhale coming up. Release the strap. Grab the bolster. Pull the bolster firm against your buttocks, supporting the upper hamstring, back of the knee unsupported. If you have an eye pillow, take the eye pillow. Put the fill of the pillow down near the bottom of the bag, heavy on your upper eyelids. Rest your hands, palms turned up. Consciously slow your breath down. Breathing through the back like the floor is part of your lungs, the full length of your torso. Feel your bones at rest, organs at rest, deep rest. It's as if your bones and organs are sleeping. Your mind is alert. Rest the tip of your tongue where the upper gum meets the palate and consciously soften the sides of the tongue. Feel the root of the tongue sinking. Turn the gaze of your eyes down as if you're looking under your cheeks and consciously soften the optic muscles behind your eyes. Feel the weight of your eyeballs drop.

Feel the fullness of deep stillness. In your own time, roll to your right. Rest your head on your right arm. Place the bolster between your legs. Eye pillow slides to the floor. When you're ready, taking your time slowly make your way up to sitting. Sit cross-legged or in lotus. Slow even breathing, front side and back of your lungs. Slowly bring the hands to the heart. Feel the warmth of the heart, the warmth of the hands. Thank you for sharing your practice. Namaste.


Scuba Chick
I've done a lot of things, but never a yoga practice every day. I'm more of a random rabbit yogini. It's fascinating to discover new places of tight resistance and realize progress in other ways. And, this practice is challenging enough to hold my attention, so...thank you!
Sonia G
2 people like this.
This practice is such a revelation for me. Gentle and paced at the same time. Challenging and soft. Thank you again.
Peter Sterios
Hi Sonia You're welcome. It has been my experience as well. Thank you for the thoughtful feedback.
Kate M
1 person likes this.
That rolling transition from Setu Bandha Sarvangasana to Urdhva Dhanurasana was a fun little revelation...!
North F
2 people like this.
....ouch............ouch..ouch...ou ch................well, that is awkward........ok
in the language of pain...thanks for the reminders. Have a good day.
Gabriel W
1 person likes this.
Finding new freedom in my hips. Brilliant. Thank you
Peter Sterios
Hi Gabriel, Happy to hear you are enjoying the practices. Not sure why your name did not hyperlink but hopefully you see this message.
Susan J
2 people like this.
Although I have been doing yoga for a while, I just cannot do the wheel. Somehow I just don't have enough strength the push myself upwards.
1 person likes this.
This practice has reminded me of how tight the entire left side of my body is, and that my left knee pain that flare up when increasing running mileage is most likely from overall tightness in hips and or weakness on left side. Was great to laugh this morning as I attempted to roll onto back, thanks for making this fun Peter! I was laughing so hard at myself I had no time to judge myself for not trying wheel. :)
Tesa Urbonaite Dunn
First time since this 54 yr old has made it to wheel with the help of this practice!!  So happy!!   Thank you so much!

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