Yoga Power Hour Artwork
Season 4 - Episode 2

Awakening the Hips and Core

60 min - Practice


Rob guides us in a slow burning and fluid practice to awaken the inner rivers. We journey deep into the hips and core, warming the hamstring in preparation for peaking in Ashtavakrasana (Eight-Angle Pose). You will feel open, expansive, and energized from the inside out.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Namaste. Namaskaram. I'm Rob Hess here. Very excited to be with you all as we're doing the power hour this morning. So as we get started in this practice, going to focus in a much more grounded yet fire, a very Shakti Rasa. So we're going to come into that earth and fire, very Shakti. So as we get started, we're going to come and turn and just come down into child's pose. And as we do, let the knees open and let the arms extend out as the big toes touch. And just let the third eye rest down upon the earth. And just take a moment and as you pause, just feel the flow of the breath. Child's pose or wisdom asa, this place of coming down to the earth. This time as you feel any shift within your life change in the season, change in the weather, it's beautiful time to just connect down to the Shakti, to the earth, the sacred mother. And just feeling the body just rest a moment, soften, breathing deep. As you now inhale, tuck the chin in, rounding the spine, lift the body coming up onto your hands and knees. And as you rise up, drop the belly, lift the head just like cat's breath, but then let yourself sit down to the earth. Eyes can be soft feeling that internal gaze awaken. As you come down to the earth, tuck the chin round the spine, feel the body rise up, lift onto hands and knees. And as you come up, feel yourself surrender flowing down to the earth. You feel this movement, smoothing meditation like a wave rising up out of the earth, lifting and then returning back just soft. Begin to move following your breath, following that flow deep within. So taking a few more on your own, letting yourself to slow down from the race of the day, from the flow of your week and just allow yourself in these few moments here at the beginning, just to witness, witness the body, witness the breath, noticing how the spine feels, notice how the hips feel, notice where you might be holding on and breathing into that place as you let go. So as we begin our journey together, we're going to offer out the sound of om, this coming together in the flow in our practice here in our sadhana, a place here of devotion of coming together as one. So as you sit back, exhale completely, inhale rounding the spine, lifting up like a wave rising, we'll offer together. Om. And now as you rise coming up onto your hands and knees, drop the belly, lift the head, curl the toes under and sending your hips rising up and back into down dog. And just take a little moment, just pedal the feet softly as you bend the left knee, press the right heel down to the earth, extend out through the arms and then change. Take your time, not racing, but really allowing yourself as you press down to feel the back of the hamstring. So a couple more times, bend the left knee and press the right heel down and breathe. Notice how the back of the leg feels and then shift, bend the right, straighten the left and noticing the difference. Maybe one hamstring feels a little tighter or maybe a little more open, noticing the flow, breathing in, change one more full cycle. And see as you press the right heel down and bend the left knee, see if you can lift the right toes up and really activate through the hands and the back of the leg. And then shifting, bend the right, straighten the left, lifting the left toes, press away. And then notice as you straighten both legs, feel how that feels in the hamstrings and the hips, noticing the hands connecting down to the earth. So as the feet come together, we're going to come with a double leg lift to open up the hamstrings and releasing the hips. So as you inhale, send the left leg, let it rise out and back, down dog split, press the earth away, lengthening up. And as you exhale, lowering the left foot down by the right. Feet together, right leg inhale, feel as it rises out and back. And as you exhale, step the right foot forward between your hands, feeling that grounding down, taking the right arm, turning to the right as you pivot on the right heel, and then drop to the little toe of the left and extend out, keeping the back leg nice and strong, just like Vasustasana. So side plank, really lengthening out, but with a little twist here. Bring your right arm, just follow the horizon, follow it to the inside. And as you shift, bend the left knee, straighten the right, and then press into the little toe side of the right foot, lengthen, flatten the back. So feeling that inner thigh awaken. And then we'll shift, bend the right, straighten the left, lengthen. And then looking to the back of the mat, we're just going to take that same action, coming to the back into your lunge, ground the right hand, turn to the left, so you pivot on the heel, and then drop to the little toe side of the right foot. Keep the back leg flexed and active, turning here. Bring the left arm along the horizon to the inside and shift. Bend the right knee, straighten the left, and maybe feeling a little bit more active, open the arms out, extend. And then shifting, maybe pull to the center, opening out, and then shifting to the front. Lower the left knee down, straighten the right leg, flex the right foot, and then bowing over, arda Hanuman, half splits. And just notice that little ripple. Inhale, lengthen, gazing out in front. Exhale as you lead with the heart and fall. Inhale, lift a little higher. Exhale, lead with the heart, bow a little deeper. One more. So the breath, bringing that pulse flow of life, moving throughout. As you come forward into your lunge, step your right foot into plank. And then either with knees down, we'll start half chaturanga, elbows to the ribs, lower all the way to your belly. Feel the tenting of the fingers, roll the shoulders down the back, feel the heart rising, cobra, bhujangasana. And then exhale, releasing down to the earth. Now your choice, pressing one more time, cobra, or lift high, activate from the heart, shining to the heavens, up dog, and drawing back into downward facing dog. Just breathe, take a moment. Let yourself feel as the side of the body awakens the hips and hamstrings that drawing up from the earth. Take a big inhale through the nose, open the mouth and let it out. So feet together, double leg lift. So press the left heel down, inhale the right leg, let it rise out and back. As you exhale, lower the right foot down by the left. Inhale the left leg, let it rise. And as you exhale, coil into the body, step the left foot forward, planting upon the earth. So the right hand roots down, pivot on the left heel, turn to the left, drop to the little toe of the right and extend out, extend, lengthen. And keeping the back leg flexed and active. Bring your left hand along the horizon to the inside and shift. Bend the right knee, straighten the left, flatten the back. First round just keep your hands for support, breathing in. And then shift, bending the left, straighten the right, looking to the back of the mat, coming to your lunge. As you land, plant the left hand, turn to the right, drop to the little toe of the left and extend back, lengthen out. Bring your right hand along the horizon, shift. So bending the left knee, straighten the light, and again this time, if you like, open your arms out. Shifting, maybe the arms cross, and then opening. Moving to the front of the mat, lower the right knee down, straighten the left leg, flex the left foot, and feel that inhales, you lengthen, and then lead with the heart, bowing over, half split. Inhale, lift the heart, lengthen the spine, and exhale as you fall. Once again, lengthen, and then bowing over. As you come back forward into your lunge, step your left foot back to plank, pull through the center. Now this time maybe the knees down, you're feeling a little bit more active, chaturanga all the way down to your belly. Tempt the fingers, inhale, feel it rise, bhujangasana, lifting high, and exhale down to the earth. Your choice, cobra or up dog, rise high or low, lifting as you shine the heart, and then drawing back into down dog. So just breathing here in your down dog, take a moment, letting the body just settle. Notice how we began simply connecting down to the earth, moving from simple to a little bit more complex as we take it up higher. So we're going to do that a couple more cycles. So feet together, left leg inhale, let it rise, and as you exhale, lower the left foot down by the right. Take your right leg, inhale, let it rise out and back, feel that extension as you root down. Exhale, coiling in, right foot stepping forward, turning to the right, feel the body extend, lengthen, read it out. Now gather the energy, bring it all the way around and shift. And again, no hands or with hands up to you. And then we'll shift, pulling through, taking it to the back, find your lunge and as you plant the right hand, turn to the left, drop to the little toe of the right, reaching back and just feel that fluidity now that happens from the breath, weaving through the body as you shift, gazing to the front, coming to your lunge and then lower the left knee, straighten the right leg, flex the foot and then just let yourself bow. Leading with the heart, lengthen the spine, folding over and just letting yourself just enjoy, enjoy this moment, enjoy this opening as you surrender. So you come forward, stepping back to plank, your vinyasa, half or full, up to you. And then rising now, cobra or up dog, and then we're drawing it back into down dog. So feet together, double leg lift, right leg inhale, feel as you extend, exhale, lower the right by the left, inhale the left leg, let it rise. And as you exhale, step the left foot forward between your hands, grounding that right hand, turn to the left as you drop to the little toe of the right, reaching back, out of the energy and shift to the inside, bending the right, straighten the left and then shifting and then looking to the back, moving with ease, plant the left hand, turn to the right, extending back, gathering, shift it around, bend the left, straighten the right and bending the right, straighten the left, looking forward, moving to your lunge, lower the right knee down, straighten the left leg. And as you flex the foot, bowing over our dhanuman, inhale, lengthening and exhaling. One more, just feel that ripple through the spine, through the breath, letting yourself let go. As you come back forward, coiling in, pull the left knee and send the left foot back, your vinyasa, or if you feel like skipping it today, always honor that. Chaturanga, half or full, rising up dog or cobra and then drawing back into down dog. Take a moment, just breathing here, inhaling and then exhale. In breath, feel lengthening and then sit a little deeper in your down dog. Ah, let it go. So we're going to take a little moment connecting into the hands, really connecting into our hasta bandha, the hands as they root into the earth. So let the feet step in about an inch or two, let the knees come together and then sit back towards your heels, let the knees split out to the side and just gaze forward, feel the hands nice and rooted and then as you look forward, spring up and pull in and then softly land. So gaze forward, reset, pull in and then softly land. So you may just bounce a few times going up and down or you may feel yourself hold a little, take one more time, spring up, pull in and softly land. And then walk your feet forward to the outside of your hands. Ah, and we'll sit towards the heels coming into malasana and just take a moment, let the eyes soften in this breathing here.

So just noticing as you begin to shift through your practice, that awakening at the root, that inner fire coming from that divine source within you. So inhale, open the mouth. Ah. So letting the hands come to the earth, lifting the hips up, heel to the feet together. Inhale, feel the spine lengthen halfway and exhale as you fall. Sweep out, rise all the way up, lifting to standing and as you draw down, forward fold, uttanasana. Inhale, halfway and exhale, fold a little deeper. One more cycle, sweep out, rising up and as you exhale, trace them in line all the way down, uttanasana. Inhale, halfway, this time plant the hands, float or stepping back, chaturanga, rising into up dog or cobra and then drawing it back into down dog and breathing here. Take a moment and just feel your resetting into your down dog. So feet together, double leg lift throughout the practice. So inhale, send the left leg, let it rise out and back. Exhale, lower the left by the right. Inhale, the right leg, let it rise. As you coil in, step the right foot forward between your hands and then take a moment, setting into your lunge and grounding the back heel, slight angle on the left foot, so padawan foot pattern, setting the body up for Virabhadrasana one. But before we move, let yourself notice this action in the hip. So as you inhale, take your right hip out to the right and then scissor the legs, pull through the inner thighs and bring the right hip back in center. Inhale, right hip, adjust to the right, press down and draw the hip back in. One more time. Inhale and exhale. Bringing your hands onto the right thigh, press and lift the heart up, setting into the supported Viravana one. Now feeling that root down rising, take your right hand by your side. Inhale now, let the right arm rise, gaze up, press through the left hand, reach up through the right and exhale right by the left. Inhale, sweep out, rise up, exhale, let the right arm floating down and now gather that left hand, both arms rise, reaching up, Viravana one. As you come down to the earth, step back into plank, your Vinyasa or skip it, Chaturanga half or full and let the heart rise, up dog or cobra and drawing it back into down dog. So the left side, really finding that action of rooting to rise. So feet together, right leg inhales to the sky, exhale the right by the left, inhale the left leg, let it rise and as you exhale, coil in, step the left foot forward. So as you gaze back, plant that right foot, slight angle. So feel this activation, press through the right foot, lengthen out and now just a little hip movement to warm up the hips up. So send the left hip out to the left and then pull the hip back in, pressing through the feet. Inhale to the left, exhale, draw it in. One more cycle, inhaling and exhale. Now bringing your hands to your left thigh, press up and press away so that you're lengthening the spine but rooting down the left hand by your side. Inhale, take it out and up. Exhale, bringing the arm by your side and you can follow it. Inhale as you rise, exhaling. Now gather the right arm, both arms lift, in breath, rise and exhaling down. Step back into plank, half or full chaturanga dandasana and then rising up dog or cobra and then drawing it back into down dog. Take a moment, breathing, so we're going to build on. Now that we have this in our body, right, that aligning that pulsation, that movement into our vira one. So building on, so feet together, right leg inhale, let it rise. Exhale as you coil in, stepping through, heel grounds. Now press down, keeping the hips squared. Now that we know, let the arms rise, body lift up, vira one. Now both arms, exhale coming down by your side. So this body vinyasa, just inhale, lifting the arms. Exhale, follow it. Arms floating down. One more cycle. Inhale, gaze up. Exhaling. As you lift up, reach up, go ups, sending it up to the heavens and then hands to the earth. Step back, your vinyasa, half or full, rising up dog or cobra and then drawing it back into down dog. So feet together, half leg inhale, let it rise. Exhale, set the left foot forward. Right heel down, square the hips in breath, let it rise up. Exhale, arms floating down by your side. Inhale, root in, let it rise up and exhale. Inhale, feel it rise. As the hands come down to the earth, step back and then flowing through, half or full, chaturanga. Let it rise up dog or cobra and drawing back into down dog. Take a moment, breathing here. Inhale and exhale. So we're going to build on now, bringing it all together in this dancing warrior. So feet together, double leg lift now. Inhale, left leg. Exhale, the left by the right. Inhale, the right leg, let it rise. Exhale, set the right foot forward between your hands, ground the back heel. Inhale, let it rise up. Now as you exhale, let the arms float down behind you. Interlace your fingers, draw the shoulders together, shine the heart, press that right hip back.

Now don't let the hips shoot out to the side, bring the heart forward and then as you fold, lead with the heart, crown of the head. Last thing to come down, humble warrior. Press down through the soles of the feet, rise back up, Vira one. Exhale down to the earth, stepping back, half or full chaturanga, up dog or cobra and drawing back into down dog. So feet together, completing the other side, double leg lift, right leg, inhale, let it rise. Exhale, the right by the left. Inhale, left leg, let it rise. Exhale, set the left foot forward between your hands, right heel, ground, slight angle. Let it lift up. With the arms, feel heaven floating down. Hands interlace, draw the heart together, keep sending the left hip back. Now bring the heart forward, leading as you bow, crown of the head, last to come down, humble warrior. As you press down, root in to rise Vira one. Exhaling down to the earth, stepping back and your vinyasa. As you rise up dog or cobra and drawing back into down dog. Take a moment, just breathing here, inhale through the nose, open the mouth. One more big breath, inhale, let it out. And then letting your knees come down to the earth, sit on to the heels and let yourself surrender down where we began in child's pose. Just notice anything that has shifted, what's beginning to change, what's beginning to awaken, how the body feels here. Take a big breath, let it go. So gently roll the body up and just take a moment, as you pause, just letting yourself just feel that shift, right? We started to feel that awakening of the fire, right? So we move from simple to more complex and as we bring the legs around, take hold the backs of the thighs and then bringing the shins up parallel to the earth. Yep. A little fire. I love the fire, a little core work. Yes. So as you're ready, then taking the arms out, extend, lengthen the spine. Try not to collapse in the lower back. So if you need the hands, draw up, really lift, right? So you find that balance coming from your center. And then here, let the legs extend out, coming down, keeping that one long line of energy, Ardha Navasana, hands moving to the back of the head and then taking the legs straight up. So from here, keeping the heart lifted, neck is long. Try not to collapse in the throat, right? So that you feel that support yet the softness of your breath and that inner fire awaken. Now take the right leg down halfway, bring your right hand over to the left and then had a smile. Yeah. And then coming back center, take the left leg down halfway, left hand goes over to the right and lift. So we're going to do this a few more times. Right leg come down halfway, right hand goes across and we've reached and coming back center, left leg comes down halfway, left arm goes across reach and we came up. So keeping the legs nice and active. So you're engaging every part from the center, right? So if the legs are just hanging out, they'll feel a lot heavier than if you keep pressing out through the ball of the foot and keeping that activation moving from your center. So right leg coming down halfway, right arm goes across. We're not racing just yet. We'll speed it up just a little bit here, really slow controlled moving together. Right leg coming down halfway, right arm going across and left leg halfway and left arm across. So come back up center, bring your arms forward, keep the legs nice and active, let them come down as one and then here that long line pull the navel down, gather rise up and now if you like we're going to cross the ankles, lower your toes, hands come in front of the hips and press up. Now stay here or see if you can lift, right? Gather from Mulabanda, press in and draw the toes up. Yeah. And you could add a smile, makes it so much better. And we'll come down. Navasana, lower down. Ardha Navasana. And then take a moment, surrender down. Just letting the hands just come to the belly. No, it's not Shavasana, not yet. We still have plenty of time together. But here at the third chakra, Manipura, I feel that awakening. Our third chakra is a place of decision, that inner voice, a clarity that comes from within. So feel your intention. Sit here. So as you hug the knees in, begin to rock up and down on the spine, forward and back. And then we'll come up Navasana. Yeah. So like I said, I promised you would speed it up a little. So here we go. Taking it down, lowering the legs, let it hover. Hands move to the back of the head and the legs come up, right? So we're going to come in a little bit more action, a little bit more fire moving from the center. So you're going to take the right leg down halfway, right elbows across and then shift, shift, shift. Yes. Shift, shift, shift. You got it. Shift, shift, shift, right? And it's activating that fire, right? Awakening. So if the legs get a little tired, you can bend the knees and take it out. Shift, shift, shift a few more. Take it across, across, across, across. If you want to amp it up, legs straight up. Yes. One more cycle. Five, four, you got it. Oh, three, two, and one. Take the legs up. Ah, reach the arms forward. Legs come down. We have that big lift. Don't forget, rise back up, cross the ankles again. Toes come down, hands plant, lift, and then lift. Hey, my favorite. And then coming back, lowering down to the earth. And just as you surrender, let yourself let go. Ah, let it release. Bring one hand to the heart and just one to the belly. And just notice that awakening at the fire, awakening at the heart center, that connection flowing together. Breathing in. So hug the knees in, gather that energy, rocking up and down, forward and back, and then plant the feet, pull in, and rising up. Yay. So the earth should feel nice and awakened, right? Feeling that fire rising up. So that Vira, that awakening of the inner fire. So letting the feet softly open out. Sweep the arms out, rising, coming up. And then as you draw down, bending the knees, sit towards your heels and notice, right? As we come back into Malasana, we began here before, notice how you've shifted. Notice how the hips are feeling. There's a lot of earth energy rooted down. The Shakti is awakening, right? And so letting that energy just cultivate, building and awakening. So as you breathe in, soften the eyes, feel your intention here. As the hands come to the earth, lifting the hips, heel to the feet together. Inhale as you lengthen halfway and exhale as you fall. Inhale halfway and exhale and fall. Once more, lengthening halfway. Your choice here, floating or stepping back. Chaturanga. Inhale, up dog or cobra, and then drawing it back into down dog. So coming in just one solar wave today, feet together, left leg inhales to the sky. As you exhale, lower the left foot down by the right. Inhale at the right leg, rise. And as you exhale, step the right foot forward between your hands. Now bringing your back foot in, about a foot, half the distance in the mat. And then as you step it in, straighten the right leg, actively press to the ball of the foot. Inhale as you lengthen and then exhale as you lead with the heart, folding over. Inhale, come up just a quarter of the way. Lead with the heart as you hold. Once more, just a smidge, lengthen, press back and back. Just breathing into the back of that right hamstring. Let your head go. Letting yourself just pause a moment. So as the hands come to the hips, feel the body rising up halfway, gazing out in front of you, softening the right knee, and then leaning forward, lifting the left leg, rising up into Vira 3. Now as you lift the body, drawing the left knee in, and just pause here. Take your left hand around the left knee, lifting the heart, breathing in. And then taking your peace fingers of the left hand down to the left big toe, root down, lifting the heart. And then as you're here, start to extend the left leg out, lifting the heart. And staying right here, we'll let the left foot open out to the side. Lifting, bringing the foot back in center, take the right arm straight up, press down and lift the left arm, and then sending the left foot back into this extended Vira 3. Soften the right knee, step it back, high crescent, and then opening up into warrior 2. Back foot turns parallel, extend out through the arms.

We're turning the right palm to face up, relax the shoulders down the back, inhale, reverse, lifting your right arm up and back. Exhale, bring your right forearm to the thigh, left arm coming up by the ear. And then again, inhale in this rhythmic vinyasa, rising up and back. Exhale, right forearm to the thigh, left arm by the ear. Once more, inhale. And now exhale, either forearm to the thigh, left arm by your ear, or if you like, right hand down to the earth. Keep lengthening out, extending through that left arm. As you press down, inhale, rise up, Vira 2. And then cartwheel down to the earth. Lower the left knee, straighten the right leg, flex the right foot, and then just bowing over, Ardhanama. Now bringing your hands to the inside of the right foot, lengthen the spine. And then coming back forward, bringing your hands, keeping them to the inside, and curl your back toes under, lift the left knee up. Now staying here, maybe a little motion rocking forward and back, or lowering down onto the forearms, rocking again. And then maybe this is it today. And feeling that awakening at the hip, deep into the root, or you maybe take that right shoulder, thread it underneath the right thigh, and maybe open your right arm out like a wing. Maybe the left arm out, engaging at the core. Maybe the hands come around, binding behind you. Now if you have that right shoulder underneath, keep it there, and bring your hands down. Press into the earth, and as you do, extend the right leg out, press through the ball of the foot, lean forward, and then if it's there, lift the left leg up. Left toes come down, right leg goes back, and then taking your vinyasa, or if you like skip it, Chaturanga, Up Dog, or Cobra, and drawing it back. Into Down Dog, take a moment and just breathe. So notice that big awakening at the right side. So feet together, double leg lift. Inhale the right leg. Exhale the right by the left. Inhale the left leg. Exhale the left foot stepping forward. So the right foot comes in about a foot. So as you step in, straighten the left leg, press the left hip back, and then lead with the heart as you fall. Inhale, feel that ripple through the spine lengthen, and exhale, fold. One more. And bowing over, just surrender. Hands to the hips, come up halfway. So flatten the back, lengthen out, lengthen your left knee, and then lift the right leg, rising up via three. As you soften the left knee, feel the body rising up and just pause. Take hold of the right knee, lifting the heart. And then maybe today you're staying here and opening the knee out, or take your right middle and index finger around the right big toe, and extend. So staying here, or let it open out to the side. As you bring it back center, lift the left arm, press down to rise up. Take the right arm up, sending it back to that extension of via three, and then soften the left knee. Right toes come back, high crescent, and then open up via two. So turn the left palm to face up. Inhale, reverse, pause the via two. As you exhale, left arm to the thigh, right arm by your ear. And just let the breath now be just fluid, soft. Inhale, rising up and back. Exhale, left form to the thigh, right arm by your ear. Last time. Inhaling. And again, maybe today just staying in that modification, left form to the thigh, or maybe your left hand down to the earth. Press out through the right, extending. And as you press it, feel it rise up via two. Cartwheel down to the earth, lower the right knee, straighten your left leg, flex the left foot, and bowing over. As you lift up, bringing your hands to the inside, coming forward into your lunge. And then curl the back toes under, lift the right knee, and pause. A little rocking forward and back. Feel that opening for the hip. And then lowering down onto the forearms. And again, stay right here. Perfectly okay not to go deeper, really honoring your body where you're at. Those who like, thread the left shoulder underneath, maybe left arm opens like a wing, maybe the right. If you want, come around, binding. Hands can release, press down, lift the left foot, extend, and then lean and rise. And then we step back, flowing through your vinyasa, up dog or cobra. And down to down dog. So breathing here in your down dog. Take a big inhale, open the mouth, letting the solar wave just dissolve, letting go. Feet together now, double leg lift. So left leg inhales to the sky. Exhale, left foot down by the right. Right leg inhaling.

Exhale, draw the right knee forward, coiling in. And then bringing the right knee towards the right wrist, turning the right shin onto the earth, releasing the back toes. Pigeon feels so good right now. Inhale right, feel the heart rising. And then lead with the heart, coming down to the earth. Hands can make a little pillow, you can make a little fist. If you have a towel or something, you can rest. And just letting the forehead come down, taking a moment and just pause. Let yourself just soften, let the breath deepen. Just letting yourself just let go. You still feel that gentle wave of the spine, flowing deep into the breath, deep into the hip, surrendering down to the earth. And softly, let the body release. So gently now, walk the hands back, lifting the heart. And then sit to the right hip, back leg, bring the left leg around, bring your left foot to your inner right thigh, and the right foot extends straight out. And then square your body over the right leg so that the heart is aligning over it now. Inhale, lift the arms, flex the right foot. And as you hinge from the hips, come forward, reaching out. Maybe take hold the ankle, the foot, or you can grab the wrist, lengthen the spine, lengthen the heart forward, and then lead with the heart as you bow for Janasasasana. Inhale, feel that ripple, exhale, and fall. And then soften, roll the body up. And now, taking, bending the right knee, and bringing that right foot across, just like when we were in Pigeon again, right? So, cradling the right shin into the body, rocking gently back and forth, a little movement through the hip. And now, stay in here, or bring your arms under that right calf, and just lengthening the heart up. A little bit deeper, moving in. Now, again, stay here. We're all going to work and trying, maybe today, you just stay here and breathe. Some we're going to try, coming in ostrich across. So, as you lift the right leg up a little, and again, just like in lizard, bring your right shoulder behind the back of the right thigh, and press back. And so, you can take this a little deeper, a little rocking, or as you're here, plant the right hand, plant the left hand, and just like in that core work, we're going to feel that lift. So, pick the left foot up, hook the left foot on top of the right, and as you press down, squeeze the inner thighs, press the feet away, and then hover, right? And then add a smile. And as you're here, breathing, lift up, and sitting down. So, taking knees together, cross your ankles, roll forward, hands and knees, and then stepping it back into down dog. And then breathe. Feel the body just surrender, letting go. So, the lunar wave, just the left side, feet together, right leg, inhale. Exhale, right foot by the left, left leg, inhale. Exhale, draw the left knee towards the left wrist, turning the shin onto the earth. As you're releasing the back foot, walk the hands, lifting the heart, and then let the heart come forward, surrendering down towards the earth. And again, hands can make a little pillow. Let yourself just softly adjust the body, and then surrender, letting go. Notice how the body feels here, that returning back to the earth, that opening deep into the hip, that surrendering to that divine flow of life. Let it all just be. Nothing to cling to, nothing holding on. Noticing how you feel. It felt a lot of awakening at the root, keeping the hip. Take a big breath in, and let it all go. And then walking the hands in, feel the body rising up, and then sitting to the left hip, back leg comes around, and then you shift, get out of the left hip, extend that left leg forward, right foot to the inner left thigh, square the body over the left leg, inhale as you lift up, hinging forward as you fold, hands to the calf, ankle, foot, inhale, lengthen, reach, and as you exhale, folding, you can take the bind, inhale, lengthen here, and exhale. As you slowly release, rolling the body up, bend the left knee, and then just like in pigeon, take the left foot across, and start to cradle it in, lifting the heart, and just noticing how the hip feels, that piriformis, getting deep in there. Even this can feel nice and awakening, and this might be it. Or maybe both arms come under and drawing it in a little tighter, a little closer to the body, staying here, maybe lift the left foot up and work the left shoulder underneath, and again, maybe you're just rocking back and forth, or here, left hand comes down, right hand down, pick the right foot up, place it on top, and as you hook the feet, press in, squeeze in your thighs, yes, you can gaze at your toes, smile at them, like happy feet, happy feet, and then lifting up, and come seated down, so coming in, forward fold, so open the feet out nice and wide, flex the feet, and then press back, lift the heart, lengthen, and then bring your heart forward, keep the feet nice and active, bring the hands forward, and today, maybe right here, or some are gonna keep walking the hands out, come down to the forearms, stay here, right, can smile, it's like, ah, this is one of those poses I like to do, can answer 10 emails, and it's great, right, call it a day, or keep walking the hands out, and lead with the heart, coming down to the earth, so gently roll the body up, and then sweep the legs around as you roll down onto your back, ah, so getting a little closer towards the earth, and now, just bend the knees, lightly brush the backs of the heels, and as you press down, lifting the hips, and then bringing the elbows slightly in, shoulders in, and if you like, stay here, or interlace your fingers, drawing the shoulder blades together, press through down through the soles of the feet, lifting the heart, and then instead of crunching into the neck, tilt the chin away, so that the breath can be soft and freed, as you open the heart, into bridge, set to bandhas, and take a big inhale, lifting heart, and then gently releasing, lower down vertebra, by vertebra, and then let the soles of the feet come together, knees drop off to the side, allow just a moment here, right, pressing down, you can shift shoulder, shifting the hips side to side, and then press both arms in, lengthen, and then allowing the feet to extend, letting your body just surrender, let the eyes close, this moment here, just for you, letting go. So, my friends, start to feel the breath as it deepens, as you open your eyes, and begin to feel the body as it just gently awakens, just take your time, not receding, but softly, feel that awakening, that divine current, the great Shakti Ma, rising through the body, as you take a deep inhale, exhale, completely, as you take your right arm out to the right, gently rolling off to your right side, and just pause, and as you press down, feel the body rising, coming up, as you come to seated, take a moment here, before the rush of the day, before the rush of life, all that will go on, allowing yourself just to be, breathing in, as you're letting go, drawing your hands down to the heart center, Anjali Mudra, dishonor your practice, honor your time, as we felt that awakening, that Virashakti, that fire that rises up out of the divine, out of the earth, honoring these moments here together, as we offer out in closing, the sound of Aum, inhales, you feel the breath rising, Aum, as you honor that God got us within Satguru, it's been my honor to be with you today, namaste.


Karen B
3 people like this.
Absolutely loved the pace and flow of this routine...beautiful
Rob Hess
1 person likes this.
Thanks. Always amaizing to hear from people. Hugs
Tanya K
3 people like this.
I was so hoping to see more practices with you, Rob! Especially stoked about these hour long ones with you, thank you so, so much for doing a whole Power Hour season.
Briana N
1 person likes this.
yay for one hour w/ Rob Hess !! Thank you for your great class!
Justine K
1 person likes this.
Oh my gosh .... I think you have become one of my most favourite teachers ..... xxxxxxx
Justine K
1 person likes this.
More of these classes please Rob
Janet L
Beautiful class!!! Thank you :)
Kate M
1 person likes this.
Beautiful progression to Ashtavakrasana! Loved the pacing - loved the opening flow patterns. Great class!
Teri K
1 person likes this.
Challenging, yet always peaceful and centered. Gracias!
1 person likes this.
Wonderful practice, Rob, Thanks for the challenging poses like arm balancing and core work. Bless!

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