Yoga Power Hour Artwork
Season 4 - Episode 5

Stabilizing Flow

60 min - Practice


Rob guides us through a strong and steady strengthening flow designed to awaken the core, lengthen the spine, and open and stabilize the shoulders. We move through a series of forearm planks and backbends in preparation for Sirsasana (Headstand) and Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand).
What You'll Need: Mat

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So namaste, namaskaram. So today's practice is going to be focusing on the center line. In Sanskrit it is the shishunanadi line. It is this line that roots us down into the earth and rising up to the heavens. And so you'll feel this engaging right at the center at our core.

And so really remembering to tuck the tailbone and really lengthen the spine out and feel that energetic line flowing through the body. So as we get started, it's really coming seated in Varasana and just allow, really connect. Feel the navel draw up and in and allow the crown of the head to lift up to the heavens. And as you allow your eyes to soften, begin to feel that internal gaze as it awakens. Take a moment as you pause here, slowing down.

As you inhale, let the hands move out across the thighs. Feel them rising up in front of you. And as they draw down over the body, feel as if you're bathing yourself, washing that radiance from above. Inhale, let the arms sweep out, softly rising. And as you exhale, feel that drawing down, allowing to receive.

We come together here in this moving meditation. We enter into the flow, entering into the flow of the breath, the flow of our body, within the flow of the mind, the thoughts, the flow of life that is always happening. Within the flow, we allow ourselves to receive, to connect to that divine current, the current of life that connects us from the root to the heavens and from heaven back down to the earth, receiving today. And this meditation, this moving meditation is one of calling into your life, and this practice here, focusing in on that fire, that awakening at the third chakra, the manipura, to feel that what it is you're calling into your life, receiving. What is that intention or mantra as we flow through this practice, coming back time and time again to that offering, to that intention, to your dedication here.

So as we're here together in the flow, we're going to offer out the sound of all this coming together, this uniting the breath, this uniting of that divine current, that oneness of life. So as the arms sweep out, feel it rising, the eyes and softly opening, coming on to all fours, wrist in line with shoulders, knees in line with the hips. And as you inhale here, tuck the tailbone, rounding the spine, scooping in. And as you exhale now, drop the belly, lifting the head, gazing out, inhale. As you tuck the chin in, rounding the spine, press the earth away.

And as you exhale, dropping the belly, lifting the head. Just continue a few more rounds, inhale as you coil, rounding up and in, exhale, just awakening the spine, feel the current, feeling the breath. Inhale as you rounding and exhale, soften, releasing. This time as you round the spine, pull the right knee in, inhale, coil right to the center, to the belly. Send the right foot out and back in a straight line, toes coming to the earth, lengthen out through the crown of the head.

As you inhale, draw the left knee and nose to the knee, pull to the belly, send the left foot out and back, coming right into plank. Now feel that danda, right, from the heels to the crown. Now pulse, let yourself coil into the belly, keep the hips low, gazing within. And as you exhale, radiate out, inhale, press the earth away, coil up into the belly, exhale, radiate out. One more, inhale, pulling in and exhaling as you expand, lowering the knees, back the hips up, right over the knees is a nice counter today.

Walk the hands out, coming in, anahatasana, so we're going to feel this anahatasana, it's a counter pose. Inhale, feel the back round and exhale, let the heart melt. Inhale, feel the back of the heart rounding slightly and then the front of the heart bowing to the earth. One more, just like that, inhale and exhale, let the body sliding forward onto the belly 10th of fingers, hands by the ribs, inhale, feel that opening of the heart rising into Bujangasana. And as you exhale, softly coming down, pressing yourself back into child's pose.

And as you tuck the chin in round the spine, feel yourself lifting up onto your hands and knees and as you exhale, drop the belly, lift the head, inhale, press the earth away, coiling in, gazing at the belly, exhale as you lengthen, radiate out. Now this time, left knee, inhale, pulls to the center, nose to the knee, send the left foot out and back into a straight line, toes come to the earth, press the earth away, pull to the center, right knee coming in, send the right foot out and back, feeling yourself radiate out. Now that straight line heals to crown, now pulsate, inhale, coil in, press away and then lengthen, tuck the tailbone, lengthen out through the crown. Inhale, pulsate, pull to the center, press the earth away, exhale, so you feel the arms really active, strong through the legs, through the arms, inhale and exhale, let the knees come down, backing the hips up over the knees and then counter again, walk the hands out anahatasana, heart towards the earth and you can rest onto the forehead over time, maybe resting onto the chin, letting the front of the body open and then feel that simple pulsation of the breath, the back of the heart rising and then the front of the heart opening to the earth. Once again, inhale, arms are active and exhaling, the body slide forward onto the belly, hands by the ribs, chant the fingers, feel the heart rising, coming up, bhujangasana and as you exhale, softly down to the earth, now take your right arm and extend straight out to the right, shoulder, elbow, wrist in line and then bend your right elbow so it comes to a 90 degree, turn your gaze over to the left, bend your left knee and then just get this nice shoulder release, roll your body over to the right and just pause, breathing in here, so allowing the shoulder just to feel that opening, so we're going to be in a lot of shoulder work today and really engaging into the course, so finding these moments here where you can pause and just breathe and then rolling back onto the belly, hands by the ribs, chant the fingers, feel that wave as the heart rise into bhujangasana and exhaling down, now take the left arm, extend it straight out to the left, shoulder, elbow, wrist in line and then bend your elbow to a 90 degree, turn your gaze to the right and as you bend your right knee, let your body roll over to the left and just pause, notice how the shoulder feels, notice how the body as we begin to move into simple to more complex you can still feel that softening, surrendering into that deep awakening here today and as you roll back onto the belly, hands by the ribs, feel the heart rising bhujangasana lifting and as you exhale coming down, from here now pressing rise lifting up, either take up dog or if you need to stay with cobra and then drawing from the center up and back into down dog, breathing here, take a big inhale through the nose, open the mouth and let it all out, so breathing here in down dog, big inhale once again, open the mouth and just let it go, so pressing the earth away, feet come together, inhale send the right leg, let it rise out and back, as you exhale set the right foot forward between your hands, grounding that back heel, sliding as we rise up coming in virabhadrasana one, just take a moment and as we shift right feeling that line of energy now rising up to the heavens, lifting to the sun and as you exhale softly let the arms open wide, radiate out, inhale send the arms rising to the heavens, exhale let it open softly, so again feel that line of energy lifting up gaze up reach up, exhale as you open, lifting up to the heavens, exhale down to the earth, stepping back into plank and again feel that activation that long line and then lowering the knees on to the earth back the hips up and then walking the hands out into anahata asana, so we're not going to have chaturangas today, feeling though this each time we come in this beautiful counter asana and now as you slide forward keep your forearms on the ground, so instead of chaturanga we're going to feel forearm planks and now tuck the tailbone, scoop the belly, breathing here so again we feel that shift that shashuna naughty line right that lengthening out from the heels out to the crown take a deep inhale and as you exhale lowering down to your belly hands by the ribs, tend the fingers inhale feel the heart rising exhaling down to the earth pressing rise cobra or up dog high or low lifting up and then drawing back into down dog, so feet together, left leg inhale feel as it rises out and back exhale slip the left foot forward between your hands, so grounding the back heel slight angle Viral one as the body lifts up feeling that rising up here and then exhale sit deeper letting the heart shine feeling that great openness inhale lifting up that line of energy rising exhale as you open inhale let the breath arms reach up and expanding fully and as you take it up lift up reach up sit deep and rising exhaling down to the earth step the left foot back feel your plank first really activate so tuck the tailbone scoop the belly and then lower the knees backing the hips up walking your hands out coming in anahatasana and then slide forward onto the forearms but as you do curl the toes under tuck the tailbone lift the hips coming into forearm plank you can let the neck be soft feeling that engaging at the core big inhale and exhale lowering down hands by your ribs inhale feel it rise cobra bhujangasana open the front of the body and exhale down to the earth press and rise take up dog or cobra high or low and then drawing it back into down dog so we're going to take two more cycles like this together feeling the breath and we'll take out that three-part body vinyasa and just do it one time so feet together right leg inhale lifting exhale coiling in and stepping through back heel ground inhale rising exhale opening out expanding so gather that energy press down lift up exhale hands down to the earth step back feel plank so pull from your center and then lower the knees down back the hips up walk your hands out on a hatasana sliding forward forearm plank tuck the tailbone lifting the knees off the mat and exhale down to the earth hands by the ribs inhale cobra bhujangasana so this will be the vinyasa today exhaling down press and rise take up dog or cobra lifting high and then drawing it back into down dog feet together left leg inhale let it rise exhale step the left foot forward between your hands right heel grounding zero one inhale lifting up exhale open and expand and feel gather that energy like a lightning rod lifting up zero one hands to the heavens exhaling down to the earth stepping back pull from your core radiate out lower the knees down back the hips up walking the hands out on a hatasana forearms come down slide forward lifting the thighs and the knees forearm plank and exhale down to the earth hands by the ribs inhale bhujangasana feel that rising and exhale pressing take up dog or cobra high or low and then drawing it back into down dog one more time so feet together right leg inhale feel it rising coiling in stepping through back heel slight angle root down let it lift up zero one let the arms expand fullness a breath of life then gather that power from within lift up reaching to the heaven exhale down to the earth so even as we are moving a little slower feel that power within you lengthen radiate out knees coming down back the hips up hands walking out on a hatasana sliding forward feel that stabilizing the front and then that power through the body forearm plank releasing the hips down hands by the ribs inhale bhujangasana and then exhale to the earth pressing rise up dog or cobra high or low and then drawing back into down dog last side left side here we go left leg inhale feel it rising exhale coiling in as you step back heel grounds root in to rise up zero one exhale expand opening up then harness that energy lifting high exhale down to the earth coil into the belly pull it in step your left foot into plank and then lower the knees back the hips up walk the hands out on a hatasana this time as you come forward forearms on the ground curl the toes under pressing here and now we're going to hold so feeling that activation here and again if you start to tense up through the neck through the jaw wiggle your jaw stick out your tongue really press and wrap the shoulder so feel that activation fingers can be wide pulsate a little you can rock a little forward and back you start to feel that fire right in the belly just awakening at the third chakra so this helps to protect our sacrum helps to protect our spine keeping that activation coiling in inhale and exhale coming down don't we have a few more of those today so you'll see a lot of that forearm plank which is going to take us later to set up in for pinch of myarasana so now let the left hand come across the mat bend your right knee and as you take your right hand back draw the right foot down but press the left forearm in so you're not collapsing forward in the shoulder and then if you can pivot on the right palm tuck the toes under and again bringing the heart forward so again releasing the quads feeling that lifting up big inhale here and then softly letting the right foot go forearms center take the right hand across changing sides so bend your left knee now take the left hand back and again drawing the left foot down press the right forearm in and if you can pivot on the palm tuck the toes under and lower that left hip as you bring the heart forward and just breathing into the quads big release inhaling and exhale one more and exhaling as you release the left foot forearms on the ground elbows again under the shoulders and guess what we curl the toes under yep come back in forearm plank so yes I've warned you you're going to see a lot of forearm planks today so this is actually the setup headstand forearm stand this is it right if you want to do pinch of myarasana forearm stand right I suggest doing this five minutes every day for at least a month and by the end of that month you'll be coming up into forearm stand you'll be like activating right so this is the pose this is the asana itself so starting right here don't worry we're not going to hold it for five minutes right I don't want to torture you that much yet so breathing here but we'll be holding this often today so letting yourself really work on that wrapping of the shoulders scooping the belly and tucking the tailbone big inhale and exhaling ah coming down let the heart lift so we're going to take again that shoulder opener one more time right arm out to the right bending the elbow left hand by the ribs gaze to the left as you bend the left knee and now open that shoulder so let the head be heavy as if you were listening to the earth so these counter poses help us as we move deeper into our practice these moments are really just allowing to settle and to be rolling back on to the belly changing sides left arm out to the left bend your elbow turn your gaze to the right as you bend the right knee roll your body over to the left breathing here and just take a big inhale open the mouth and as you roll back on to the belly forearms on the ground elbows under the shoulders sphinx pose right and then guess what yes we get to curl the toes under lifting the hips come back up forearm plank yeah and again if you're starting to feel that tension right you can rock a little forward and back but keeping that danda try not to let the booty rise high scoop the belly in if you're dropping into the shoulders press it away wrapping the shoulders and engaging here so that you're keeping the shoulder girdle protected the tailbone protected and really engaging into the belly yeah awakening that heat that fire yes so big inhale open the mouth and then slowly coming down bending this time both knees take your hands back tops of the feet or your ankles and now as you kick the feet into the hands feel the heart rising and then we'll soften coming down to the earth so the hands make a little pillow rest your third eye onto the ground onto the hands and just pause letting yourself just feel the body connect down to the earth letting yourself let go in this moment allowing just to be inhale breathing out into the earth exhale hands coming by your ribs press and rise high or low up to you opening the front of the body lifting up out of the earth and then drawing it back into down dog and just resetting and notice how right we've been working on engaging the core lengthening the spine so really notice how your down dog maybe has shifted it feels a bit more stable so feet coming together right leg inhale as you rise as you exhale step the right foot forward between your hands now keep your back heel lifted charge your legs let it rise up into high crescent and now open the arms out feel that expansion from within hands coming around into the heart and as you exhale now twisting over to the right you can keep the gaze down or looking out to the side or gazing up and now feel that line of energy from the back heel out to the crown and as you press let the right arm just the right arm open to the sun and then feel that straight line from the right hand down to the heart and if you like your left hand will open to the earth bring your right hand towards the back by your right hip circle it out in front gather that energy reach the left arm out and up and then opening coming up into zero two so letting both arms rising up high and then with your right hand at the elbow bend and take hold of your left tricep now this doesn't matter how deep it opens just this release for the right shoulder and then let the left arm open to the back and sit deep and so if your arms appear it's okay if it opens out just releasing that right shoulder breathing here and now let the right arm release open zero two inhale reverse parts of zero two and as the body comes forward reach out in front find a point right out in front of that right foot and lifting coming up half moon so you'll feel these straight lines of energy right as we feel that not only in our spine from our right hand up to our left hand out from our left foot out to the crown of our head and so expanding in all directions here and then with control soften the right knee float it back warrior two rising lift up and coming back reverse and as you exhale cartwheel down to the earth lower your left knee straight in the right leg flex the right foot and bowing over arda hanuman feel a little ripple through the spine lengthen and exhale as you fall inhale lengthening and let the body come back forward sink the hips down towards that right heel let the arms rise up and then let the right elbow bend hand behind your head left arm draws that right arm down and then again pause maybe today this is it if you know you have the bind and would like to take it gamo kasana arms the left hand comes from the back fingers interlace and then lifting up and then as you release down curl the back toes under lift the left knee step your right foot feel plank so again that danda right out from the heels to the crown and then lower the knees back the hips hips right over the knees walk the hands out on a hot dasana so we're moving through our variation of our vinyasa today and then forearms come on the ground and again yes i told you we'd see it again forearm plank right and then we're here and notice how it shifts how you feel notice the change that is beginning to happen you're feeling stronger more power through the body and as you exhale lowering down hands by the ribs tent the fingers rising up bhujangasana and exhaling down press yourself back into child's pose and then pause a moment so now as you lift up just slightly we're going to set up for headstand so again setting up come up halfway and take hold up the triceps so it's the same action as working in that forearm plank right now hands come out interlace your fingers bring the crown of the head down to the earth and cup the back of your head now lift your hips like you're walking or coming into down dog and then walk the feet in press your forearms into the ground and then take one leg up and maybe today you're just going to extend the leg breathing here press the earth away and maybe change legs lower down press in and change bringing the other leg and then some of you are going to press down and then feel yourself rising maybe both legs come up squeeze your inner thighs so imagine you had a ball in between your legs you're squeezing pressing up you can feel this line now from the crown of the head moving up through the spine to the feet to the heavens and then softly bringing the legs back down let yourself rest coming down into child's pose so breathing here just to allow yourself just to pause a moment the arms extend out tuck the chin and round the spine lifting up onto the hands and knees and as you come up drop the belly lift the head curl the toes under send the hips rising up and back into down dog so our left side of the solar wave feet together left leg inhale to the sky exhale step the left foot forward between your hands keep the right heel lifted charge your legs as you rise up high crescent opening out expanding and then gather that energy draw into the heart hands to prayer twisting over to the left take right elbow across and then again the line of energy from the back heel spiraling up through the crown press away and if you like take your left arm up if it's there take the right hand to the earth the left hand reaching to the back of the mat circles around gathers the right hand and we rise coming up warrior two and now both arms lifting up your left elbow bends takes hold of the right tricep and as you sit deeper you open your right hand to the back all right it could be up here but grip on hold and then sit deeper let the left shoulder open and then the arms releasing open now there are two inhale reverse parts of there are two lift up and back now as you come forward find a spot straight out in front keep that extension and then keep reaching with the left hand as the body rises coming up half boom right foot flex left arm rooted down right arm lifted up again that line of energy through the arms and the legs out to the crown of the head and then soften the left knee step the right foot back feel the left arm lift up and back reverse parts of there are two exhaling down to the earth lowering the right knee and then counter straighten the left leg flex the left foot and then bowing over harder and again soften feel that ripple as it flows through the body it's like a wave let the breath be free and now as you come back forward hips sink down towards the left heel sweep your arms rising coming up and then let the left elbow bend hand behind the head right arm draws it down and feel free stay right here or if it's there and you know you have the bind right hand comes down and behind hands interlace lift the chin go up and back and then let the hands release down to the earth curl the right toes under lift the right knee coil into the belly send the left foot back into plank and then let the knees come down back the hips up walk the hands out on a hot toss and then slide once again here we go forearm plank hurl the toes under tuck the tailbone scoop the belly in activate try not to collapse in the shoulders press away take a deep inhale and then slide slowly lowering down exhale hands by your ribs tent the fingers rise opening the front of the body bhujangasana and exhaling down pressing back into child's pose and then take a moment here so we're going to set back up coming into headstand so in this final stage as we come up right taking headstand and if that is your trauma if that's where you need to pause stay there it might be just one leg at a time and over time and time again of doing this practice you'll feel yourself being able to wrap the shoulder press out of it and coming into forearm plank so we're gonna do it in stages I'll go through it all the way and you pause where you need to so take hold opposite triceps hands come out interlace the fingers crown of the head comes back down as you cut the head lift the hips and now walk the feet in right so same way we came in we'll take one leg up and then for those who like lift up into headstand now your body's already aligned for pinchamai rasana forearm stand so take each stage and pause so the hands will release so they uncup you'll press the forms and squeeze the inner thigh and as you press away gaze into the earth right and then you press out of the shoulders lifting up feel that line right through the body yeah pinchamai rasana and then head come back down feet comes down and we lower into child's pose and just take a moment let yourself just breathe each breath allowing to return back softer turning down to the earth so the arms now extend out big inhale open the mouth rounding the spine lift up onto the hands and knees as you come up drop the belly lift the head curl the toes under send the hips rising into down dog so again as you complete noticing how the spine might feel a lot more stable the front of the body very active here so feet together right leg inhales to the sky draw the right knee forward towards the right wrist turning the right shin onto the earth and the hip feeling that release now walk the hands back press the earth away as you shine the heart and then leading with the heart as you come forward hands can make a pillow resting down onto the earth and just let yourself let go breathing in as you gently walk the hands take your time coming back as you sit to the right hip bring your right foot to your inner left thigh extending left leg out and back so arms open out like wings with your left arm reach it out and down to the inside of the left foot maybe taking hold for revolve jhana sasasana take your right arm up and over and now lengthening the right side and maybe hanging out here maybe taking your left hand to the right thigh press away and roll the heart up lengthening that side body breathing in and as that right arm lifts you up coming up left arm along the horizon lifting the left hip circle it all the way around so that full range of motion for the shoulder left hand coming down to the earth draw the right knee in and send the right foot out and back into down dog split pressing the earth away and then lowering your right foot down by the left changing sides left leg inhale let it rise draw the left knee towards the left wrist turning the shin on to the earth and then walking the hands and feel the heart rising upwards and then walking out lowering down hands can make a little pillow you can even rest on the forearms if coming down all the way is a little too much or just allowing yourself to surrender completely down letting yourself just let go let the breath be soft allowing yourself just to be breathing in taking this moment here just for you as you walk the hands now gently rising up and then sitting to the left hip turning towards the right side of the mat extend the right leg straight out left foot to your inner right thigh arms open out like wings and then with your right hand reaching out and down to the inside of the right foot forearm can come down you can take hold of the right foot take your left arm just following that rising up to the sky reaching your left arm up and over and maybe if both hands are holding on maybe you want to walk your right hand over to the left thigh and as you press rolling the heart up feel that link through the side body and then lifting your left arm up and as the left hand comes to the front of the mat lift the right hip take your right arm along the horizon circle it around the right hand comes back to the front of the mat to the earth pull the left knee in send the left foot out and back into down dog split press away and lower your left foot down by the right lowering down into child's pose and then taking a moment here just for you so as you breathe here inhale open the mouth exhale let it out as you gently roll the body up sitting back onto your heels and then sitting off to your side bringing your legs around in front making sure sit bones are grounded feet are active here and then again you can even feel that line from the heels to the hips you can press the hands in and feel the line shift from the hips to the crown rising up and now let the arms reach inhale lifting high hinging from the hips bringing the arms forward lengthen inhale take hold feet toes ankles drawing the heart forward and then lead with the heart as you come slightly down again draw the heart forward gaze out beyond your toes lead with the heart come slightly down one more time that little ripple lengthening the spine heart drawing forward and then bowing right surrender tuning within here and allowing yourself to roll the body up and we're going to roll on down onto our backs so I'm going to turn to the side and then shifting rolling all the way down and take a moment right before we come up into these heart risings right letting the spine neutralize we felt that very activation and now letting the spine just soften a moment releasing so bend in your knees plant the feet lightly brush the backs of the heels and from here as you press down into the earth lifting the hips up rolling onto your shoulders interlacing the fingers under your back press in and you'll feel great opening right for the shoulders we spend a lot of time pinch of my Rossana has a lot of shoulder opening and yet a lot of shoulder stabilizing so here this opening should feel so nice for the shoulders no tension through the neck through the shoulders through the spine and the sacrum should be nice and stabilized so that you can really let the heart rise up take a big inhale exhale completely inhale and then softly hands release roll the body down vertebra by vertebra and as you come to the ground let the sacrum just neutralize you can open out the feet distance of the mat the knees come together let your arms open like T like wings and let your knees drop over to the left right so you'll feel the side and then if you like pick the left foot up place it on top of the right thigh and just draw it down and then we'll shift come back up center so the feet are open distance of the mat knees together and as you shift knees drop over into the right you'll pick the right foot up place it on top of the left thigh and then you'll draw the left side down towards the mat and then releasing coming back so the feet releasing so we're going to set up once again for one more heart rising your back then again if bridges all your feeling feel free so we're going to start together and those who would like to move deeper into wheel you can move from there so as you lift the hips press down into the earth feel the heart rising rolling onto the shoulders and then interlace the fingers under your back now for those who'd like to stay right here perfectly fine just feeling that stabilization as you shine the heart those who would like to go a little deeper keeping the hips lifted lift your arms up bringing your hands by your ears press down coming to the crown of the head and then from here as we have that nice all that shoulder opening press the earth away lifting up into wheel urdva dhanurasana and then slowly tucking the chin in elbows soften keeping them moving in nods playing out we'll all roll the body down together and this time instead we'll open the arms like a tea knees drop in we'll let the knees together roll to the right and if you like turn your gaze to the left and coming back up center knees over to the left and then gazing to the right and as you come back up center hug the knees in rounding and extend out onto the earth allowing your eyes to close and allow your body just to surrender so these moments here just for you surrendering deep into the earth allowing just to be nothing left to do letting yourself let go even feel the spine as it feels the support of the earth that's surrendering here breath will soften allowing just to breathe in Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So, my friends, take a deep inhale and exhaling completely. Start to bring movement and awareness to the body.

Feel the breath as it deepens, the gentle awakening from within. And as you draw your knees in, gently rolling off to your right. And just take a moment as you pause here. From the earth, pressing down, feel yourself rising, coming up to seated. Allow the eyes to remain closed.

And as we pause, just notice, right, feel that shashunanadi line. From the earth rising up and from the heavens pouring back down. That line of energy connecting us, connecting to that source, to the One, to that source that flows through each and every one. As the hands move out in front of you, rising up to the heavens, and offering, and then from heaven, drawing back down over the body, just bathing the body, receiving here through our practice, through our sadhana. Let the arms sweep out, rise up, and then feel as you draw heaven down.

And each time, together, as we close with the sound of Aum, inhale, feel the arms rising. Aum. As you draw now into the heart center, dishonoring that God caress within Satguru. Namaste.


Catherine R
Very juicy practice. Thank you! !
Heike S
A very good flow, thank you Rob, for this i love it
Jordan R
I feel amazing after this flow! Thank you so much Rob!!
Christel B
1 person likes this.
Wow how energizing this was. Thanks for the good alignment and stabilizing of the sacrum cues. Enjoyed the "Chaturanga" variation of Anahatasan. Just finished this during the drenching rains of Hurricane Lane who's winds have not yet touched us. Namaste!
Danielle P
Great slow flow. Amazing teacher. But more like a 2 level class. Very slow flow.
1 person likes this.
I loved this alternative vinyasa using forearm plank and delicious bhujangasana. I also loved the slow, expansive pace. Thank you Rob.
Paul W
1 person likes this.
absolutely love this practice!! you're my favourite Rob! 
Renee :)

Jennifer G
1 person likes this.
Strong class, yet easy to follow.  Thank you!
Rob~~ wow! My new favorite flow... really grounding, and strong with the slower pace is ideal. I love the vinyasa and already plan to use a similar version in my own teaching, Thank you for the inspiration and for the innovative flow. Bless!
Melissa H
Cannot believe I actually went from headstand to pincha mayurasana!  Such a masterful teacher!
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