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Season 2 - Episode 9

Parivrtta Trikonasana

10 min - Tutorial


Anuradha, with the help of Julia, pronounces, writes, and explores Parivrtta Trikonasana (revolving triangle pose) in Sanskrit.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Feb 13, 2015
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Namaste, Swagatam. Swagatam in Sanskrit means welcome. And Swagatam to my dear Mitra, my friend, Julia. Thank you for being with us. So today in the series of asanas that we have been studying together using the Sanskrit pronunciation and the Sanskrit letters, we are going to look at the asana which is normally referred to as the Pavritachikonasana. In Sanskrit, the whole word is parivritta trikonasana. If you say it correctly and with the length, you will discover the time and space to get into the position. So practice saying it in this manner, parivritta trikonasana. It's a very good practice to say these names slowly so that you start feeling comfortable with the sound of this word in your mouth. And once you have that confidence, then you can say it fast. But Sanskrit is all about perfection and respect for the correct sound and the weight of each of those sound combinations put together. It's a language where you can't do any shortcut because if you do a shortcut, it won't be Sanskrit anymore. The term Sanskrit itself means absolutely perfect, perfectly created. So you see, when you say Pavritachikonasana and you say parivritta trikonasana, just say it and you will see how it expands your being in a different way. So this asana, the English equivalent is the revolving or the revolved triangle pose. Let's see what it looks like when you write it out. So the transliterated form with the Roman script is parivritta trikonasana. There you go. Parivritta trikonasana. This word is a composition of different words. Pari is a prefix that means all around. Pari plus vritta. Vritta comes from the Sanskrit root vritta, which means revolving or turning. So vritta has the sense of the revolving. Remember to put the dot below because that is what gives you the cerebral na, the nasal na corresponding to the roof of your mouth. Kona and asana. So parivritta trikonasana.

This is one of the features of the Sanskrit language also that combines things together, that combines subtle concepts together and gives you a whole picture. So pari is around, vritta is turning, three corner triangle asana pose. Now I'll write it down for you in the devanagari. I hope you've been following me on the writing of the Sanskrit language. So here's another opportunity to put it into practice. Pa, that's the r and the short e is with the stick and the small hook that comes in from before it. Pari, that's the v and the small c below corresponds to the vowel r, then the double t, vritta plus the three plus kona. So you have the letter k along with the vowel o, kona plus asana. There you are. So parivritta trikonasana. Now we'll combine them all together and see what we get. Parivritta trikonasana. Make sure you take a good breath before pronouncing this word. So in Sanskrit, when you put it together, it looks like this. Parivritta trikonasana. So this is a place where there is a slight difference. We drop the r and just add that ah, that vowel ah onto the letter. Ah, sa, na. There you go. Parivritta trikonasana. And that in English, naming of the poses corresponds to the revolved or revolving triangle pose.

Parivritta trikonasana. You want to say that? Parivritta trikonasana. It's a very good practice to also, once you're familiar with the sound of the word, to try and look at the devanagari writing and see if your eyes can connect to the letter and the sound. So go parivritta trikonasana. Beautiful. Julia, could you please demonstrate this for us? And as you're saying, as you're doing it, you can try going into it with the sound of the word. So parivritta trikonasana. You see there is this twist in the body and then there is the formation of the triangle. Parivritta trikonasana. Try saying that. And now we say it once fast. Parivritta trikonasana. Great. Fantastic job. Thank you, Julia. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you.


Rachel H
It's great fun pronouncing the sanskrit as you practice the relevant postures/poses. One of the yoga courses I attended had this in the repertoire. It was beautiful to feel the energy of the sansrit sounding resonate in the body great way to embody and learn the sanskrit of by heart . Thank you Arunadha.  

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