Greetings, tribe. Nice to see you again. I'm Shelley Williams, and thank you for joining me for this season of Peak Pose Practices. These are vinyasa flow-based practices that I've sequenced in such a way that they're very direct in the unfolding of how we prepare the body for each peak pose. So hopefully what you feel in your body is that you're ready for these postures when you arrive at them. I chose peak asanas such as side-crow and headstand, urdhva dhanurasana, viparita dhan dasana, bird of paradise. I chose these poses because I find them challenging for me, and so I wanted to really investigate how to make our way into these postures effectively while having fun, while strengthening the body, while opening the body, and opening the heart. I hope you enjoy them. Thank you so much for being here. Namaste.
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