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Season 2 - Episode 9

Mantra: Om Namo Bhagavate

10 min - Practice


Connect to the blissfulness of the universe. Anuradha guides us in a chanting practice of the mantra, om namo bhagavate, a mantra of creative enjoyment.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Om Namo Namah Salutations to you We have been looking at different kinds of mantras in the course of our various episodes Today we are going to look at another one which is a very powerful one to awaken the cells of the body So the mantra is Om Namo Bhagavate Repeat after me Om Namo Bhagavate Make sure that when you say the word Bhagavate you put in the right kind of breath behind the Bhagavate Say that Bhagavate The precision of sound adds to the precision of the quality of experience So say it once together with me Om Namo Bhagavate Om we already know from our past episodes Namo Salutations And Bhagavate in Sanskrit is a word that is commonly used to refer to the Supreme Being But due to the beauty of the Sanskrit language you can break up the words into two components Bhagav in Sanskrit means enjoyment For it is the creative enjoyment The bliss which is in the form of creative enjoyment It is the force in the universe that is responsible for bringing in the sense of creative enjoyment A nourishing enjoyment And a vatte comes from the word van Which means one who possesses So one who possesses the supreme blissful creative nourishing enjoyment And vatte means to that being we offer our salutations So Om Namo Namo Salutations Bhagavate To the one who is the supreme creative nourishing enjoyment So say it once after me Om Namo Bhagavate Wonderful So we will chant this particular mantra with a particular melody But what I would really invite you to do Is to hold in your mind this This reality that There is potentially an existing blissfulness in the universe There is such a beautiful harmony in things That if we could look beyond the chaos And look at the order that underlies everything It would generate a sense of great bliss in oneself And this is a recognition of that blissfulness of the universe And connecting to it in our own way So we will chant it You repeat after me Om Namo Bhagavate Lovely Om Namo Bhagavate We will do it together Om Namo Bhagavate I heard about this from the mother from the Shri Aurobindo Ashram And she says that the more we are able to Become aware of the subtlest entities of our being Which are the cells And try and implant or embed in them The sense of bliss and harmony The more they will reflect Into a greater symmetry, into a greater harmony of Collective functioning When the cells of our body are functioning in harmony There is a natural experience of good health and well-being So drawing our attention into the blissfulness And the harmony of our cells We can actually start awakening them to a subtler rhythm And beauty of being and of working So I'd like to invite you to chant this mantra Seven times with me The number seven to represent the seven worlds of our reality And as we chant them, try and go deeper into the different layers of your own self And visualize concretely that you are establishing this bliss The harmony that emerges from a sense of being free and happy Every time you say the mantra Try and put your awareness into the cells And try and become aware of the harmony within these cells And their interrelationships And through that harmony try and discover the bliss that is inherent within all of this working of our nature So join me as we do this mantra seven times We'll do it in a slow pace So take a deep breath and we start Om Namo Bhagavate Om Namo Bhagavate Om Namo Bhagavate Om Namo Bhagavate Before we close, I'd just like to draw your attention on the pronunciation of the te It's a Bhagavate which is a soft T Play with these sounds, stay with them and bring in bliss and health into your lives Namaste


1 person likes this.
Thank you Anuradha, I really enjoyed the lesson and my cells are singing! Sara
Christine R
Thank you for this chant, and explaining how to pronounce slowly. Its in bedded in my memory and its awakening my cells to feel blissful and healthier me😊
Anuradha Choudry
Dear Sarasloves and Christine, Happy to learn that your being is enjoying engaging with these powerful vibrations. Initially one needs to repeat them a few time but in time with a deeper practice of such mantras they can become like guides lead us into the exploration of inner and outer spaces. Love and light
Gayathri S
Namaste Anuradha-ji. Thank you for this beautiful exploration of this mantra. I am used to chanting this mantra with the ending of Vasudevaya as it is commonly chanted. I would appreciate hearing your exposition on what tand how to translate Vasudevaya (Krishna or Vishnu conciousness ) as part of the Creative principle in the cellular level. Blessings!
Gayathri S
Namaste Anuradha-ji. Thank you for this beautiful exploration of this mantra. I am used to chanting this mantra with the ending of Vasudevaya as it is commonly chanted. I would appreciate hearing your exposition on what tand how to translate Vasudevaya (Krishna or Vishnu conciousness ) as part of the Creative principle in the cellular level. Blessings!
Hoda G
Again, I find your introductions to the Mantras a Segway to inner meaning and a chance to explore what that is for me. Much Gratitude.πŸ™πŸ½πŸŒŸ
Linda G
a wonderful teacher

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