5-Day Meditation Challenge Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 7

Day 1: Observe Your Thoughts

5 min - Practice


Welcome to Day 1. Find a comfortable seat. We begin by observing our thoughts and becoming more aware of our breath—the quality of the inhale and exhale.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Welcome to day one of five. Let's begin by finding a comfortable seat, whatever works for your body. And your choice, soft gaze, or close the eyes. Begin to draw your awareness to your seat, and ground through the sit bones. From that foundation, lengthen the spine, and lift all the way up through the crown of the head.

Let the shoulders be soft, let the jaw and the eyes be soft. And settle here, and notice where your thoughts, your awareness, your attention may be, gently with a lot of compassion. And begin to direct that awareness to the sensations of your body, and the rise and fall of your breath. So as much as possible, letting everything that's kind of swimming around in the mind subside a little. And start to notice each inhale, and each exhale.

Feel the breath expanding throughout the body. Notice the relationship between the breath and the body. And as the thoughts come, which they will, see if you can gently notice them and let them pass. No big deal. Other than getting lost in the story, or resisting whatever thought may be arising, just become aware and intentionally redirect your awareness back to your breath.

And this process of observing the thoughts and returning to the breath happens over and over and over again. So rather than judging yourself in any way when you notice that you're thinking, see if you can just drop the thought, no evaluation, and come back to each inhale and each exhale. Just let it be that simple. Gentle awareness of the physical body, gentle awareness of the breath. And if the eyes are closed, gently let them open, beautiful work, I look forward to seeing you for day two.



Laurie W
2 people like this.
gentle presence, beautiful
Rosemary Garrison
Thank you, Laurie. Enjoy...
1 person likes this.
Lovely, light-filled, thank you. It is wonderful to be practicing with you.
Rosemary Garrison
You're an angel, Lori. Thank *you.*
Lesley T
1 person likes this.
Day one was lovely. Thank you
Rosemary Garrison
You're so welcome, Lesley. Blessings.
Kelsey B
2 people like this.
I had so much tension in my shoulders and now I don't thanks to you! Thank you that's amazing.
Rosemary Garrison
Isn't it remarkable when meditation can help our bodies- sometimes even in ways that asana cannot. Thank you for sharing that aspect of your experience!
Daleen R
1 person likes this.
I can not believe how fast and peaceful that went. Craving more... Thank you Rosemary Garrison !
Rosemary Garrison
Wow, that's remarkable, Daleen . So happy to hear it. It's magical when we enjoy meditation. Continue to enjoy!
1-10 of 18

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