Welcome to day two of five, finding your comfortable seat, any variation. If you're still exploring, please feel free to do so. And then a soft gaze or close the eyes. Bring your awareness down again into your seat and settle through the sit bones, tall through the spine, head neutral in the neck and spine and shoulders soft down the back. Becoming aware of your breath and again a gentle awareness of where the mind is, what is holding your thoughts and simply allowing that, no need to resist it, fight it in any way, letting the mind do what it does and then choosing to move your awareness away from the thoughts to the sensations of the body.
You may notice some areas of tension or soreness, maybe even fatigue. Just meeting it all with a lot of space, a lot of curiosity and compassion, simply cultivating awareness of what's going on inside. And even when you notice the awareness has drifted back to a particularly interesting line of thought, just let it pass again with no judgment at all. Just notice, release and return the awareness to the body and the rise and fall of the breath. Watching the inhales, watching the exhales.
And letting everything else pass by. And if the eyes are closed, gently let them open, again, beautiful work and see you for day three. Namaste. Namaste.
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