10-Day Meditation Challenge Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 11

Day 3: Label Your Thoughts

10 min - Practice


Welcome to Day 3. In today's meditation practice we will explore a technique where we begin to label our thoughts. Stay with it, you are doing great.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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So welcome to day three of 10 of your meditation challenge. Let's find a comfortable seat and find your soft gaze or close your eyes. If you're still exploring what seat is best for you, let's choose something for today and see how it feels. And then grounding down through the sit bones, lifting, lengthening all the way up, the central channel, tall spine, lifting the crown of the head, slight lift from the base of the skull. Let the shoulders drop back and down, the brow and the eyes and the jaw relax.

Becoming aware of the thoughts, just gently noticing what's there. Noticing perhaps if there is a repetitive thought, pattern of thought, just gently and becoming aware of the sensations of the body. Again, is something tight, sore, spacious, strong. Observing what's there and then inviting the breath into the awareness, watching the rise and fall. And connecting the awareness of the breath with the awareness of the body.

Notice how the expansion of the inhale and the softening of the exhale affect the physical sensations in the body. And as you're sitting, breathing, observing, you may begin to notice specific lines of thought or qualities of thought. And if so, it can be helpful to name them or label them. So it may be as simple as thinking, remembering, list making. If you notice you're spending a lot of time and thought on figuring out what to label, just drop it.

Simple thinking will do and then watching that line of thought pass by, just letting it go. Observe it, name it, let it pass like the ripples in a stream. Let it pass like the ripples in a stream, let it pass like the ripples in a stream. Let it pass like the ripples in a stream, let it pass like the ripples in a stream. Let it pass like the ripples in a stream, let it pass like the ripples in a stream.

Let it pass like the ripples in a stream, let it pass like the ripples in a stream. Let it pass like the ripples in a stream, let it pass like the ripples in a stream. Over and over and over again, just noticing and coming back to the breath. Simple awareness of the thought pattern, gently name it, let it go and come back to the breath. Simple awareness of the thought pattern, gently name it, let it pass like the ripples in a stream.

Simple awareness of the thought pattern, gently name it, let it pass like the ripples in a stream. If the eyes are closed, gently let them open, drawing yourself back. Many thanks, I will see you for day four, namaste.


1 person likes this.
This is so helpful. The "labeling" of thought patterns effectively gathers the repetitive thoughts into a net that can then be gently swept on past. (Mine is most often "worrying.") Thank you, Rosemary.
Rosemary Garrison
Yes, exactly. It's a simultaneous acknowledgment of them... and a releasing of their overwhelm. Sometimes, when we can simply identify what is happening, we can put it in perspective and see the mind games/ fear patterns/ etc for what they are. Yes. And love to you.
1 person likes this.
Also "planning" and "controlling." And hearing specific music in my head. Busy little monkey. :)
Rosemary Garrison
So many monkeys! With so much energy! ; )
Audra L
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With all this talk about monkeys in the above comments; I feel like must have a jungle of them in my head. I can't keep them calm and in any order. So I find myself constantly figitting to find some calmness and order. This is way harder than I had expected but am determined to stick with it!

Thank-you Rosemarry. I feel this would not even be possible without your guided step by step meditations to help work through the challenges. It feels like your holding my hand blazing a path through the unfamiliar crazy busy jungle.
Rosemary Garrison
Audra, brava for sticking with it! It really isn't easy... you are not alone. We can keep on holding hands together through the jungles! Keep me posted on how it develops. And enjoy!
Maggie D
Hi Rosemary
Not able to play day 3. Any ideas?
Sarah Beston
Hi Maggie , could you try logging out and logging back in? That should fix the issue. If not, please reach out: support@yogaanytime.com. Best, Sarah
Glenford N
1 person likes this.
A good exercise in letting go of my thoughts and any attachment. Coming back to the breath and the body gives me calm and perspective. My breath really slows down- there's no effort - but I'm still alive. I try to take this ease and grace into everyday life. Namaste
Amanda H
1 person likes this.
Thankyou Rosemary, I am loving this challenge and finding it no challenge at all, so today I smiled all the way through it. Feeling more positive afterwards.
Grateful, Amanda.

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