The Ashtanga Practice Artwork
Season 5 - Episode 7

Half Primary Series

55 min - Practice


Dylan guides us through a Half Primary series in the traditional Sanskrit count. We move through Surya Namaskars A and B as well as standing and seated postures up to Navasana (Boat Pose). Move on to the Second Half of Primary series with Dylan or the Full Finishing series.
What You'll Need: Mat


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Salutations! Welcome! Today we will do the half primary, so I'm going to do my practice and I really hope that you'll join me at the top of your mat. Let's get into it. We'll try to stay pretty close to the Sanskrit count. If any time you need to modify or change your posture to make sure that the practice is working for you, please do so. I'll be doing the opening mantra, a pair of stanzas that are 1200 years old, and they honor the lineage of gurus that are bringing the teachings down to us today, so that we can learn more about our true selves. Surya Namaskara, hey? From Samastitihi, exhaling completely. Ekam, inhale, rise the arms up, seeing the thumbs meet. Dwe exhale, fold forward, drop the head. Trini, inhale, head up, long spine, look forward. Chaturari, exhale, jump back, any chaturanga variation. Pancha, inhale, sail the breath forward to upward facing dog, and shad, exhale, downward facing dog. One, keeping the eyes halfway open through the entire practice. Two, and allowing them to settle onto any single point, any drishti. Three, you may be looking on your navel, or your knees, or down the tip of your nose. Four, five, sapta, inhale, step or jump the feet forward together, head is lifted, spine long. Ashta, exhale, fold forward, drop the head, see your nose. Nava, inhale, arms up, see your thumbs. Exhale, samastitihi. Ekam, inhale, hands up, see thumbs. Dwe exhale, fold forward, see your nose. Trini, inhale, head up, looking forward, or third eye. Chaturari, exhale, jump back, chaturanga, drishti on the nose. Pancha, inhale, upward facing dog, drishti, nose. Shada, exhale, downward facing dog. Drishti could be on the nose, or any other point that serves you. One, two. If you're keeping drishti on the nose through chaturanga, upward dog and downward dog. Three, then you'll start to realize there's stability. Four, stable gaze, unchanging even as the limbs and scenery around you change. Five, sapta, inhale, step or jump forward, head up, long spine. Ashta, exhale, fold forward, see your nose. Nava, inhale, rising up again. Many eyes see the thumbs meeting. Exhale, samastitihi. Ekam, inhale, hearing the sound of your breath as it guides the arms. Dwe exhale, waiting for the breath to guide you through the postures. Trini, inhale, not hurrying, but instead riding the breath. Chaturari, pancha, inhale, upward facing. Shada, exhale, downward facing dog. One, two, three, and four, five, sapta, inhale, step or jump forward, head up. Ashta, exhale, folding forward, exhaling completely. Beginning, nava, inhale here, and rising up during the breath, see thumbs meet. Exhale, samastitihi. Still with toes spreading, ekam, inhale. Dwe exhale. Trini, inhale, already spreading your fingers far apart from one another, and chaturari, exhale, jumping back, grounding through the root knuckles. Pancha, inhale, the index mounds of your fingers pushing down and shot, exhale, downward facing dog. One, really feeling the spreading of the fingers, the thumbs drawn back so much they may face one another. Two, three, spreading through the toes as well, the root knuckles of the feet, the big toe mound grounding. Four, keeping that spread through fingers and toes when they're on the mat. Five, sapta, inhale, step or jump forward, head up. Ashta, exhale, fold forward, drop the head. Nava, inhale, rising up, see your thumbs. Exhale, samastitihi. Last one, ekam, inhale. Dwe exhale. Trini, inhale, chaturari, exhale. Pancha, inhale, shot, exhale. One, two, three, four, five, sapta, inhale. Ashta, exhale, nava, inhale. Exhale, samastitihi. Exhale, samastitihi. Ekam, inhale, bend your knees, drop your sitting bones low, arms up, see thumbs. Dwe exhale, folding forward, then straight legs, look at the nose. Trini, inhale, head up, look forward. Chaturari, exhale, jump back. Chaturanga, dandasana, broad collarbones. Pancha, inhale, upward facing dog. Shot, exhale, downward facing dog. Sapta, inhale, the right foot forward, the knee bent, arms up, see thumbs. Ashta, exhale, the hands down, the right foot back. Chaturanga, broad collarbones. Nava, inhale, upward facing dog. Dasha, exhale, downward facing dog. Ekadasha, inhale, left foot forward, arms up, see your thumbs meeting.

Dvadasha, exhale, return to Chaturanga, collarbones broad. Trayog, dasha, inhale, the chest forward, the shoulders roll back. Chaturag, dasha, exhale, to downward facing dog. One, spreading the fingers, spreading the toes. Two, your feet about a hips distance apart, your hands about a shoulders width apart. Three, grounding through the root knuckles, big toe mounds and index mound. Four, grounding deeply into the mat. Five, pancharsha, inhale, step or jump forward, head up. Shorsha, exhale, drop the head. Saptarsha, inhale, bend your knees, knees together, see your thumbs meet. Exhale, stand tall, samasthiti. Again, ekam, inhale. Sway, exhale. Trini, inhale. Chaturari, exhale. Panchar, inhale. Shar, exhale. Sapta, inhale, keeping the shoulders low, triceps roll forward. Ashta, exhale. Chaturanga, dandasana, nava, exhale. Darsha, exhale, downward dog. Ekarsha, inhale, left foot forward, shoulders low, see your thumbs. Darsha, exhale. Chaturanga. Trayog, dasha, inhale, upward facing dog. Chaturag, dasha, exhale, downward facing dog. One, here as well, finding that the triceps can wrap forward towards the face. Two, so you're keeping the shoulders and upper trapezius away from the ears. Three, keeping the upper shoulders and neck softening through the practice. Four, five, pancharsha, inhale, step or jump forward, head up. Shorsha, exhale, fold forward, step to head. Saptarsha, inhale, bend your knees, see your thumbs meeting. And from here, exhale, samasthiti. Last one. Ekman, inhale. Dway, exhale. Trini, inhale. Chaturari, exhale. Hanchan, inhale. Shar, exhale. Saptain, inhale. Heels in a line. Arshta, exhale. Nava, inhale.

Dasha, exhale. Nikar, shai, inhale. Dwar, shai, exhale. Triug, shai, inhale. Chaturag, shai, exhale. One, every exhalation can be a chance to grasp and hold, rudhyana bandha, contracting the lower abdominals. Two, as well as finding mula bandha, the space at the pelvic floor, lightly lifting and engaged. Three, bandha, breath, posture and drishti. Four, all drawing awareness back internally. Five, panjarsha, inhale, step or jump forward, head up. Shorsha, exhale, fold and drop the head. Saptarsha, inhale, bend your knees, see your thumbs. And then exhale, slowly straighten the legs, standing to samastitihi. Inhale, jump your feet. Exhale, grab your toes. Parangustasana, Ekam, inhale, head up. And do exhale, bending the elbows, drop the head, looking down the tip of the nose. One, two, modifying if needed, perhaps bending the knees. Three, or if comfortable with straight legs, leaning weight, forward, five. Trini, inhale, head up, long spine, look forward. Exhale, put the hands under the feet, step all the way to the wrists. Parangustasana, Ekam, inhale, and do exhale, dropping the head, bending the elbows. One, letting the head just dangle and hang. Two, avoiding that the shoulders grip tightly. Three, by drawing your elbows halfway back towards your shins. Four. Exhaling completely, keeping the bandha, five. Trini, inhale, head up, long spine, look forward. Exhale here and find your way to samastitihi. Utthita triconasana, Ekam, inhale, take your right foot and step it to the back of the mat. Then pivot on your right heel so that your right toes face out. And do exhale, reach out over the right thigh, hand can take or dangle, gazing towards the lifted left thumb. One, two, still keeping the collarbones broad here, wrapping the shoulders away from the ears. Three, through external rotation of the upper arm. Four, right kneecap is lifted, strong leg. Five, trini, inhale, come up, pivot on your heels to change the side and chatwari, exhale. Lengthen the left side of the body out over the left thigh, take or let the hand hang. One, two, still the tailbone pointing down towards the right heel. Three, four, five. Pancha, inhale, come up, pivot on your heels to change the side, same length, same width of step, heels in a line or wider if you like, hips square to the back. Parivrta triconasana dwe. Exhale, hold forward, keeping the hips square, drawing the right hip back, drop your left hand down and draw your right shoulder above your left and the right hand up, gazing towards the right thumb. One, two, top of the head reaching towards the front of the room. Three, and hips reaching the other way. Four, five, trini, inhale, come up, pivot on the feet, same length, same width, hips square, chatwari, exhale, folding forward, dropping the right hand down on the block or the foot or even outside the foot. One, gazing towards the lifted left thumb. Two, three, bringing awareness to the space between the shoulder blades as the thoracic spine twists, four, five. Pancha, inhale, come up, feet parallel into an expansive position and exhale back to samastitihi, top of the mat. Utita parvakonasana ekam, inhale, step your right foot really far back and then pivot to turn your right toes out and exhale, bending the right knee deeply so that it comes all the way above the ankle, either the forearm or the hand down. One, gazing to the center of the left palm. Two, all the while wrapping your left tricep forward to the face. Three, melting that left shoulder away from the ear. Four, five, trini, inhale, come up, and chatwari, exhale, sail on your breath as you go down, left side. One, every exhalation grabbing udiyana bandha. Two, keeping mula bandha awareness of the pelvic floor. Three, so the breath is forced to the upper chest. Four, five, pancha, inhale, come up, pivot on your feet, parivritta parvakonasana. Exhale, bend your right knee deeply and bring the left shoulder all the way over. Hands could be together towards anjali mudra or if the shoulder locks, the left hand down, right arm forward. One, your drishti anani still in stable point. Two, your breath nice and smooth. Three, four, five, trini, inhale, come up, chatwari, exhale, second side. One, keep bending your left knee deeply, deeply, deeply. Two, using the twist to open thoracic spine. Three, four, udiyana bandha, mula bandha, all the while. Five, pancha, inhale, come up, exhale, samasthiti parivritta parvatonasana. Step to the right, feet parallel, hands on the waist. Exhale, fold forward, drop your hands in between your feet if you're able. Again, inhale, head up, long spine, and trini, exhale, drop the top of the head. One, two, three, elbows in, four, weight coming forward towards the fronts of the feet. Five, chatwari, inhale, straight arm, straight spine, look forward. Exhale here, operating with restraint, and pancha, inhale, come up, taking the waist as you do so, and exhale. B, yakkam, inhale, with the tailbone and chin down, rise the arms outward and upward. Inhale, exhale, again, take the waist, the fingertips, spying on udiyana bandha. Again, inhale, trini, exhale, fold forward, keeping the hands on the waist. One, two, three. Every breath, a great chance to remember bandhas, always keeping drishti, four, eyes looking down the tip of the nose or down the cheeks. Five, chatwari, inhale, come all the way up, and exhale here. C, yakkam, inhale, arms to the side. Dway, exhale, interlace the fingers behind your sacrum. Again, inhale, lengthening the arms, opening the shoulders, and trini, exhale, fold forward, dropping the head and bringing the arms up and over, down towards the mat. One, two, three, ee, four, five, chatwari, inhale, come all the way up, and exhale, hands returned to take the waist. D, yakkam, inhale, chest up, chin down, dway, exhale, fold forward, grab your big toes, yogic toe lock. Again, inhale, long, straight arm, straight spine, look up, and trini, exhale, drop the top of the head, gazing towards the tip of the nose. One, two, three, four, five, chatwari, inhale, head up, look forward, exhale here, operating with restraint, and pancha, inhale, come up, taking the waist, and exhale, samastitihi, returning to the neutral place, top of the mat. Parsvottanasana, ekkam, inhale, take a step to the right, your right foot faces towards the back wall, your hips are square towards the back, and your hands come up, behind the spine, either taking the elbows, or letting the anjali mudra creep up in between the shoulder blades into a exhale, folding forward, keeping the spine straight and level, operating with restraint, collarbones broad, one, looking onto your right big toe, two, with the right hip drawing back, so the hips stay more or less level and square in space, three, four, any time you feel that the upper back crumples, draw yourself up and restrate, and five, trini and heel come up, pivot on the heels, change the side, hips square, chatwari, exhale, going forward, drawing the left hip back with a straight spine, one, falling onto the left big toe, two, three, four, spreading the toes, kneecaps lifted, strong legs, five, punch, inhale, come up, the feet parallel, the arms out, exhale, samastitihi, top of the mat, we teach a hasta parengustasana, left hand takes the hip, air can inhale, draw the right leg up, grab your big toe, and way exhale, fold forward, one, or take it as a simple standing position, two, three, four, five, trini and heel, slowly draw the head up, still the foot to center, and chatwari, exhale, and draw the right foot to the right side as you look over, left shoulder, one, two, keep your right sitting bone pointing towards left heel, three, so the hips stay more or less level, four, five, punch, inhale, draw the foot towards the center, shot, exhale, lean forward towards touching, sapta, inhale, head up, hands on your hips, point your toe, one, two, your fingertips can feel the anabanda, three, four, five, exhale, leave your leg, feet together, back to samastitihi, right hand takes right hip, hasta inhale, left leg up, you can bend the knee if you like, or operate with straight legs, nava, exhale, fold forward, one, two, the standing leg straightening, three, always keeping grounded into the mat, four, five, dasa, inhale, head up only, then nakadasa, exhale, bring your left leg to the left side, look over the right shoulder, one, two, three, the right fingers, cueing udhyana bandha, four, and five, dvara, sha, inhale, draw the foot back to center, triyog, dasa, exhale, lean forward and touch, chaturg, dasa, inhale, head up only, and leave your leg hanging in space, one, fingertips cueing udhyana, two, three, collarbones broad, shoulders back and down, four, still the standing leg really important, five, exhale, leave your leg, samastitihi, ardabada padmottanasana, I can inhale, draw the right leg up, towards half lotus, taking any modification that serves you, if it's comfortable binding and exhale, folding forward or taking it as a standing posture, one, two, three, four, five, train, inhale, head up only, operating with restraint, exhale here, maybe you bend the left knee, and chaturg, inhale coming up, ideally with the left hand empty, still bound, and exhale, leave your leg back to samastitihi, second side, sha, inhale, left leg up, modify as needed, sapta, exhale, perhaps you choose to go forward today, one, two, three, the right hand just outside the right foot, four, five, ashta, inhale, head up only, exhale here, bend your right knee, and nava, inhale, come up, exhale, samastitihi, feet together, utkatasana, ekim, inhale, straight legs, arms up, see thumbs, do exhale, fold forward, drop your head, train, inhale, chaturg, exhale, anj and inhale, sha, exhale, sapta, inhale, and jump into the posture with knees bent, feet together, dropping the hips, hands together, one, drishti onto the thumbs, two, still letting the upper trapezius melt away from the ears, three, finding the middle way with your tailbone neither sticking out all the way or tucked under all the way, four, five, exhaling, put the chest on the thighs, knees stay bent, palms spread on the mat, and ashta, inhale, lean forward, and maybe you lift the feet and hips up off, and then nava, chattwadi, jump or step back to chaturanga, dasha, inhale, upward-facing dog, nakadashah, exhale, downward-facing dog, virabhadrasana, sapta, inhale, step the right foot forward and rise the arms up, one, one, two, three, four, five, inhaling, straighten the leg, and ashta, exhale, change the side, bend your left knee deeply, one, two, the left knee above the left ankle, three, four, keeping the left knee really bent, five, nava, inhale, and peel out to virabhadrasana b, gazing out over the left hand, one, two, three, four, five, dasha, inhale, straighten the leg, and exhale, bend your right knee, sinking down, the last pose of the standing sequence, one, two, three, udiyana bandha, four, five, exhale, put your hands down, halfway back, you can step your right foot, nakadashah, inhale, lift up, left leg up, right foot up to meet it, and dvadashah, exhale, step your jump, chaturanga, triyugdishah, inhale upward facing, exhale, downward facing dog, pashimatanasana sequence, step the inhale, jump through into dandasana, straighten the legs, look onto your big toes, dandasana, one, your big toes touch, you find the spine rising up, two, udiyana bandha, mula bandha, three, four, keeping the elbows bent, so the lift through the center of the body is from the inside out, five, ashta, inhale, reach forward, grab your big toes, and nava, exhale, fold into pashimatanasana A, one, drishti could be towards the toes, two, maybe you can comfortably gaze on one toe or the other, three, or if you're particularly deep in the posture, four, the eyes might be just journeying in that direction, seeing the eyebrow center or ankles, five, dasya, inhale, head up only, long spine, straight arms, open the shoulders back and down, exhale, take your hands to a second position wherever you're comfortable, perhaps grabbing the wrist, B, inhale, long spine, nava, exhale, fold forward, one, two, three, strong legs, kneecaps still rise towards the pelvis, four, quadriceps engage, mula bandha, five, dasya, inhale, straight arms, straight spine, gaze, toes, exhale, release the posture, cross the legs, plant the hands, ekharasya, inhale, lift up, dwarasya, exhale, jump back, triyogdasya, inhale, upward facing, chaturdasya, exhale, downward facing dog, pervatanasana, sapta, inhale, jump through or step through and find your way to dandasana, and then exhale, place the hands back behind you, ashta, inhale, lifting up, pointing the toes and rolling them to touch one another, one, so your big toes touch, two, lifting the pelvis, three, four, and five, nava, exhale, come down, cross the legs, plant the hands, dasya, inhale, lift up, ekharasya, jump back, dwarasya, inhale, upward facing, triyogdasya, exhale, downward facing dog, arabhata padma, pashimatanasana, sapta, inhale, jump through, straight legs, sit down and dandasana, and exhaling, draw the right foot to lotus or your nearest approximation, bind if that's happening for you today, inhale, lengthening the spine, ashta, exhale, folding forward over the left leg, one, two, three, trying to square your shoulders in space, four, five, nava, inhale, straight arm, straight spine, drishti, toe, exhale, let it go, cross the legs, plant the hands, dasya, inhale, up, ekharasya, jump back, dwarasya, inhale, triyogdasya, exhale, chaturgdasya, inhale, jump through, sit down, straight legs, exhale, left foot in, binding, inhale, and pancharasya, exhale, reaching forward, you may wrap your left kidney towards the right thigh, one, so that the shoulders stay level in space, two, three, four, five, shodasya, inhale, straight arms, head up, exhale, let go, place the hands, saptarasya, inhale, up, ashtarasya, exhale, jump back, ekharasya, inhale, vimshatihi, exhale, triyogdasya, pada pashimatanasana, sapta, inhale, jump through, and place your right sitting bone down next to the right heel, with the right toes pointing back behind you, inhale, lengthen the spine, and ashta, exhale, and fold, one, two, letting both thighs roll to the right side, three, so the right sitting bone stays moving towards the mat, four, five, nava, inhale, head up only, exhale, let go, place the hands, dasya, inhale, lift up, ekharasya, exhale, jump back, chaturanga, dvarsya, inhale, triyogdasya, exhale, chaturgdasya, inhale, left sitting bone down, exhale, take, inhale, long spine, panjarsha, exhale, one, two, three, four, five, shursha, inhale, exhale, let go, sattarsha, inhale, up, ashtarsha, exhale, jump back, ekunavim shatihi, outward facing dog, inhale, vimshatihi, exhale to downward facing dog, janu shirshasna, asapta, inhale, jump forward, straight legs, exhale, the right foot like tree position, exhaling, take, inhale, long spine, and ashta, exhale, and fold, one, two, three, four, five, nava, inhale, head up only, exhale, let go, dasya, inhale, lift up, ekarsha, jump back, dvarsha, inhale, triyubdasa, exhale, chaturgdasa, inhale, jump through dandasana, exhale, left foot in, exhaling, take, again, inhale, long spine, and panjarsha, exhale, and fold, one, one, two, bhandas, your breath, three, gazing on the drishti, four, five, shorsha, inhale, head up only, exhale, let go, plant the hands, saptarsha, inhale, lift up, astarsha, exhale, jump back, ekunavim shatihi, inhale, bhandasana, vimshatihi, exhale, janu shishasna bhi, sapta, inhale, jump through dandasana, exhale, place the right foot back to janu shishasna a position, and then bring the pelvis up, so mula bandha sits just upon the heel, only sitting on the right foot, inhale, long spine, and astha, exhale, and fold, one, mula bandha rising away from the heel, two, keeping that awareness, engagement, and lift, three, at the very center of the pelvic floor, four, five, nava, inhale, head up, exhale, let go, dashe, inhale, lift, ekarsha, jump back, dvarsha, inhale, triyugdshah, exhale, shatirgdshah, inhale, jump through, and exhale, the left foot back, lift the pelvis, sit only upon the heel, mula bandha rising, inhale, pancharsha, exhale, one, two, three, four, five, shodhishah, inhale, straight arm, straight spine, head up, exhale, let go your foot, cross the legs, plant the hands, saptarishah, inhale, lift, ashtarishah, jump back, aguna, vimshatihi, inhale, vimshatihi, exhale, jhanushirshasnasi, saptai, inhale, jump through, straight legs, sit down, exhaling, make the pose, toes down, heel up, inhale, take, and ashtav, exhale, and fold, one, two, you may be deep enough in this pose that the right heel, three, he presses into udiyana bandha, four, remind yourself to draw the lower abdomen in and up, five, nava, inhale, straight spine, head up, exhale, let go, cross the legs, plant the hands, nakarsha, inhale, lift up, nakarsha, jump back, twarsha, inhale, upward facing, exhale, downward facing dog, chattarishah, inhale, jump through, straight legs, and exhale, second side, left toes down, the sole of the left foot on the right side, inhale, reach forward, and pancharashah, exhale, and fold, one, two, three, four, five, still with udiyana bandha, shouldershine, heel, head up only, exhale, let go, cross the legs, plant the hands, saptarsha, inhale, lift up, ashtarsha, jump back, chattaranga, dandasana, don't hurry, why you, chattaranga, naguna, vimshati, he inhale, upward facing dog, vimshati, he exhale, downward facing dog, marichyasna, a, sapta, inhale, jump through, straight legs, sit down, exhale, and place the right heel just outside the right sitting bone, the five right toes facing forward, drop your right shoulder, low, low, low, low, low as you can on the right shin, internally rolling the right shoulder, the right upper arm, so the right hand comes up high in the back, and then open your left shoulder, your left elbow, your left hand, and take, inhale, long spine, and ashtav, exhale, fold forward, looking towards the left big toe, one, still rolling the left thigh towards the right side, internally rolling, two, so the right foot stays straight up, three, four, five, nava, inhale, head up only, exhale, place the hands down, dasha, inhale, lift up, mikarasha, jump back, chattaranga, dvarsa, inhale, upward facing, trayogdasha, exhale, downward facing dog, chattarogdasha, inhale, jump through, straight legs, sit down, and exhale, place your left foot back, the heel just wider than the sitting bones, toes facing forward, the left shoulder down as low as you can on the shin, and then wrapping the left shoulder low, so that when you bend the left elbow, the hands come towards the spine, and then before you take the right hand, take the right shoulder back, the right elbow back, and then slide the right hand in, looking for a bind, you can use a strap if you like, inhaling, and when you're ready, pancharasha, exhale, going forward, and one, keeping the right foot straight up towards the sky, two, with the left root knuckle grounding deeply, three, four, five, shurusha, inhale, come on up, still holding the hands, exhale, release the hands, break the drishti, and plant, saptarasha, inhale, lift up, kashtarasha, jump back, exhale, and exhaling, bring your left foot, your left foot into lotus or your nearest approximation, and then if it's comfortable on the left knee, drawing the right knee up back to the marici position, the heel a little bit wider than the sitting bone, keep your pelvis where it is, don't scoot to one side or the other, and lowering the right shoulder, internally rotating, and drawing the left shoulder, the left elbow, the left hand back to bind, inhaling here, and then from there, ashita, exhale, folding forward in between the knees, trying to extend the spine forward in between the knees, one, drishti is on the tip of the nose, two, three, this is the last of the great series of forward bends, four, deeply purifying the digestive organs, five, nava, inhale, come on up, exhale, let go your hands, release your feet, cross the legs, darsha, inhale, lift, ekarusha, jump back, darsha, inhale, triyog, darsha, exhale, chaturg, darsha, inhale, jump through straight legs, sit down, exhale your right foot to lotus, left knee up, if it's comfortable, shoulder low, binding with the right shoulder, elbow, and then the hand in, inhale, then pancharusha, exhale, folding forward, one, one, two, three, four, five, shursha in here, head up only, exhale, let go, plant the hands, saptarsha in here, lift up, ekarusha, ashtarsha, exhale, jump back, ekuna, vimshatihi, inhale, upward facing, vimshatihi, exhale, downward facing dog, marichyasna c, sapta, inhale, jump through straight legs, sit down, exhaling, place the right knee up, just like marichyasna a position, except here we will twist, so draw your left elbow, perhaps your left shoulder, all the way past the outside of the right knee, and twist the spine deeply, this could be a grand place to stop, one, or you might even wrap the shoulder down the knee, and then draw the right shoulder, elbow, and hand back towards binding once again, two, letting the right sitting bone descend towards the mat, three, while you keep length in the spine, four, five, inhale, look forward, exhale, let go, plant the hands, ashtarsha inhale, lift up, navachatwari, jump back, dashein, inhale, upward facing, ekarusha, exhale, downward facing dog, dvarsha inhale, jump through, straight legs, sit down, and exhale, place the left knee up, and twist, maybe you take the bind, or maybe you stay in a modified position, fine, one, two, so these twists mark a turning point in sequence, three, here the narrative makes a turn, hopefully for the better, four, four, five, inhale, look forward, exhale, let go, plant the hands, lift up, chaturg dasha, jump back, kansharsha inhale, shorsha exhale, marichyasnadi, sapta inhale, jump through, straight legs, sit down, exhaling, put your left foot towards lotus, whatever your comfortable approximation is, and the right knee up, and twist, draw your left shoulder or left elbow past the right knee, maybe binding, strapping, or modifying, one, two, three, four, five, inhale, look forward, exhale, let it all go, ashta inhale, lift up, navachadwari jump, dasha inhale, upward facing, ekarsha exhale, downward facing, dwarsha inhale, jump through, straight legs, sit down, and exhaling, build the pose, right foot to lotus, left knee up, twist to get your right shoulder over the left knee, binding if it's comfortable, not worrying about it if it's not, one, enjoying the twist through the length of the spine, two, three, to deepen the twist, move the left knee into the right shoulder, four, five, inhale, look forward, exhale, let go, release it all, cross the legs, plant the hands, triyogdisha inhale, lift up, chaturgdisha jump back, panjarsha inhale, shorsha exhale, navasana, pose we can all enjoy together, sapta inhale, jump through with straight legs lifting up, or find the legs lifting quickly, one, if you can with straight legs, do it with straight legs, two, if you need to bend the knees, you can bend the knees, three, but with straight legs you work through the abdominal core, fortifying bunda, four, and protecting the lower back, five, exhale, cross the legs, plant the hands, and ashta inhale, lifting the hips off the mat, exhaling, sit down, sapta again, navasana, one, two, three, four, five, exhale, cross the legs, plant the hands, and ashta inhale, lift up off the mat, exhale, sit down, sapta again, navasana, one, the secret to straightening the knees, two, is straightening the knees, three, the secret to doing the yoga, four, is doing the yoga, five, exhale, cross the legs, plant the hands, ashta inhale, lift up, exhale, sit down, sapta inhale, navasana, one, two, three, four, five, exhale, cross the legs, plant the hands, ashta inhale, lift up, exhale, sit down, sapta inhale, navasana, last one, one, two, three, four, five, exhale, cross the legs, plant the hands, ashta inhale, up, and navachatwari, jump back to chaturanga, your old friend is waiting for you, darshah inhale, nice long upward facing dog, opening the hip flexors, hikarasha, exhale, downward facing dog, and from here sapta inhale, jump through straight legs, sit down, that marks the end of the half primary, so from here you could either continue on through the second half of primary series, or go right into a full finishing, important that you do some kind of finishing practice, at the very least do a shavasana and take rest, hopefully this practice serves you, hopefully you'll come back and practice this again and again, with great gratitude, thank you.


Krissy V
1 person likes this.
That was so great, thanks! Wonderful to be able to practice with you again :) #dylananytimeanywhere

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