7-Day Home Yoga Retreat Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 6

Day 4: Understand & Own

55 min - Practice


When we can gain an understanding of who we truly are and own what we need to own, we can stay present to the wisdom of the heart. Today we move through a heart opening practice with various preparatory postures to strengthen and open the shoulders and thoracic spine for an expansive Urdva Dhanurasana (Wheel Pose). You will feel liberated and free.

In our reflection, we take a few minutes to review what came up for us during the practice and move into a journaling exercise on the six steps of "owning."

What You'll Need: Mat, Strap, Block (2)

About This Video


Glenford N
4 people like this.
Thanks Mia. As you said its about owning our messiness and owning our glory and beauty. Living life from that truth allows us to let go the past forget the future and live in the present. We emphazize from within and begin to experience a higher form of love through God's grace and power. We let go of control fear and the wall around our heart. Surrender to a higher power is the key. Namaste.
Mia Togo
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Thank you for your beautiful comments and for tuning in with such heart and soul. Yep it's messy business in earth school, how perfect to learn authentic compassion.


Amy T
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Thank you Mia for sharing these 6 steps. I struggle with setting healthy boundaries, and I've noticed for me it is a pattern in my life. I appreciate that you said that the people aren't toxic, but they may not be healthy for us, personally. I love the wisdom that you're sharing with us, and the reminder that everyone is on their own journey!
Mia Togo
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Hi Amy,

Our struggles are often are biggest gifts when we work with them. Helps us get healthier with our choices. Wishing you all the best on your journey.


Christel B
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What a great way to end my day opening up and reflecting as you gently guide.
Mia Togo
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Hi Christel,

It takes work to stay open and always be a student of life. Allows for a gentler stance with ourselves and others. :) Thanks for joining.


Christel B
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So true!
Susan J
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I really like the pace and the excellent explanation ensuring that our anatomy is correctly centred.
Mia Togo
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Thanks for your comment. Yes the anatomy helps on a muscle-skeletal level to find our center, then easier to navigate the deeper layers. :)


Eric K
2 people like this.
Beautiful practice integrated with wisdom-teachings!
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