Good Morning Yoga Artwork
Season 6 - Episode 6

Good Morning Quickie

20 min - Practice


Alana guides us in a short morning practice to get the juices flowing, build heat, and energize and wake-up the entire body. You will feel refreshed, clear, and ready.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome back. This is a morning quickie. Let's begin. Join me at the top of your mat. Stand about hips distance apart and begin to interlace your fingers. Stretch your arms up towards the sky and just allow yourself to lean a bit from side to side over to the right and the left beginning to wake up the side body. Pressing through the feet. Next time you come back into the center. Inhale and then exhale. Release the hands. Interlace the fingers behind the back. Roll the shoulders down the back. Lift through the heart. Inhale. Exhale. Bend the knees. Forward fold. Uttanasana. Releasing the head. Bringing the chest towards the thighs. Letting the head drop. And stretching the arms up out and over. I saw through the eyes. And as you're ready, bend the knees. Release your hands. Toe heel to feet wide for malasana squat pose. Sink down. Press through the right hand. Inhale. Lift the left arm up to the sky. Let it open. Maybe twirl the wrist. Release it down. Inhale. Reach the right arm up to the sky. Twirl the wrist. Let the right hip open. Nice. Release the right hand down. Toe heel to feet under the hips. Uttanasana. Soft bend through the knees. Chin into the chest. Slowly roll your way up. Press through the feet. Inhale the arms up to the sky and lengthen. Beautiful. Exhale. Hands to the heart. We'll take a few half sun salutations to warm up. Inhale. Arms reach up. Exhale. Forward fold. Navel towards the sky. Releasing the head in the arms. Inhale. Draw the hands up the shins. Half arch. Exhale. Empty. Forward fold. Strong through the legs. Inhale. Reverse swan dive. Reach the arms up to the sky. Drop the tailbone. Exhale. Hands to the heart. One more like this. Inhale. Arms reach up. Exhale. Swan dive forward. Uttanasana. Head and arms release. Inhale. Draw the hands up the shins. Lengthen. Exhale. Forward fold. Uttanasana. Inhale. Reach the arms up to the sky. Lengthen. Exhale. Hands to the heart. Take a moment. Pause here. Feeling your breath. Moving towards lunge salutations. Inhale. Arms reach up to the sky. Exhale. Forward fold. Uttanasana. Inhale. Half arch. Lengthen the spine. Exhale. Bend the knees. Step your right foot back into a lunge and lower the right knee down. As you inhale, draw the hips back. Exhale. Lunge forward with an inhale. Reach the arms up towards the sky and lengthen.

And take a few moments here in the lunge. Feeling the breath. Softening through the face and the jaw. Beautiful. Inhale. Exhale. Release the hands around your left foot. Tuck the back toes. Lift the back leg. Toe heel the left foot a little bit wider for twisting lunge. Inhale. Reach the left arm up to the sky. Reaching from the heart into the hands. Top arm might stay where it is or you might reach towards the back of the mat in front of the face. Find that internal rotation through your shoulder and reach and lengthen. You might play with that two more times. Finding arm circles slow as you lengthen. Revolving the rib cage. Last time. Reaching. Lengthening. Reaching the arm to the back of the mat and then back down around that left foot. Nice. Step back downward facing dog. And pedaling your feet in this first downward dog. Bend the knees. Look forward. Step the right foot forward to meet the left. Left foot follows. Inhale. Lengthen. Exhale. Forward fold. Inhale. Reverse swan dive. Reach the arms up to the sky. Lengthen up. Exhale. Hands to the heart. Taking a moment to pause and feel this increasing heat that's been generated. I know I feel it. Second side as you're ready. Inhale. Reach the arms up. Exhale. Forward fold. Releasing your head. Inhale. Lengthen the spine. Half arch. Exhale. Bend your knees. Step your left foot back. Right knee bends. As you inhale, draw your hips back. Flex that right foot. Exhale. Bend the right knee. Lunge. Just stay low or reach the arms up towards the shape of crescent moon. Crescent lunge. And take a few breaths here. Reaching through the fingers.

Softening through the face. Inhale. Exhale. Release the hands around the right foot. Tuck the back toes. Lift the back leg. Plant the left hand on the floor. Maybe toe heel that right foot a little bit wider for twisting lunge. Inhale. Reach that right arm up to the sky. Strong for the back left leg. Reaching from the heart into the hand. Stay here or sweep that right arm down by the back of the mat. And then reach and lengthen. Overhead. Arm circles back of the mat. Sweeping it. Lengthening. Two more. Back of the mat and front. Lengthening. And last one. Lengthen. Arm reaches to the back of the mat and then release. Step back. Downward facing dog. Walking it off. Breathing. As you're ready, bend the knees. Look forward. Step the left foot forward to meet the right. Inhale. Lengthen. Exhale. Forward fold. Inhale. Reach the arms up to the sky. Lengthen. Exhale. Hands to the heart. Taking a moment to pause here. Nice. Finding a variation of Surya Namaskar B. We'll find Utkatasana. Bend the knees. Chair pose. Reach the arms up to the sky. Drawing the navel towards the spine. Inhale. Exhale. Press down through the feet. Rise up. Inhale. Exhale. Forward fold. Releasing. Inhale. Half arch to lengthen. Exhale. Forward fold. Step back into plank pose and pause and plank for about three breaths. So you're reaching back through your heels. Lengthening forward through your heart. Drawing the tailbone towards the heels.

You can lower the knees or lower all the way onto your belly. We'll find Rolling Cobra. Draw the shoulders down the back and inhale. Rise up. Exhale. Lead with the heart. Lower down. Three more. Inhale. Rise up. Rolling Cobra. Drawing the elbows in. Exhale. Lead with the heart. Lower. Two more. Inhale. Rising up. Exhale. Lengthen. Last one. Inhale. Rising up. Exhale and lengthen. Tuck the toes. Press up. Downward facing dog. Taking three breaths here. Rooting through the fingers. Lengthening the spine. As you're ready, inhale. Reach the right leg up to the sky. Square the hip and reach from the fingers towards that right heel. Inhale. Exhale. Round the back. Need a nose. And then step the right foot through between the hands. Root on the outer edge of the left foot for Warrior I. Inhale. Rise up. We'll take a few breaths here in Warrior I. Drawing the tailbone under.

Finding that freedom through the neck. The face. Inhale. Exhale. Release the hands. Spin onto the ball of the back foot. Lower the left knee down. Inhale. Draw the hips back. Exhale. Lunge forward. Inhale. Reach the arms up for a lunge. A few breaths here. Lengthening. And then twisting to the right for a low crescent lunge. Bring the hands together at the heart. Twisting to the right. You might stay right here. If you want an extra challenge, you might tuck your back left toes under and maybe lift the back knee. Inhale. Exhale. Lower the knee. Release. And step back. Downward facing dog. Nice job. As you're ready, inhale. Move forward into Plank Pose. On the exhale, you might lower the knees or lower towards Chaturanga. Inhale to Cobra or Upward Dog. Exhale. Downward facing dog. Three breaths here. As you're ready, inhale. Lift the left leg up to the sky. Flex the foot. And exhale.

Knee to nose. Round and step it through. Root through the outer edge of the right foot. Strong through the legs. Rise up. Warrior One. Nice. Find that ease through the neck again. Breathing. Knee sinking down. Inhale. Exhale. Release the hands. Spin onto the ball of the right foot. Lower the right knee down. Inhale. Draw the hips back. Exhale. Bend the left knee. Inhale. Rise up. Crescent Lunge. And lengthen here. Breathing. Stay here or find twisting lunge. Bring the hands in prayer outside of that right knee. And twist to the left. You might stay with this. If you want an extra challenge, you might tuck the toes and lift the back leg. Pressing the hands together and twisting. Breathing. Nice. Lower that left knee. Release the hands. Step back. Downward facing dog. Walking it off. Let the inhale bring you forward into plank pose and pause. Lower the knees or lower all the way through Chaturanga. Inhale to Cobra or Upward Dog. Exhale. Downward facing dog. Three breaths here. From Downward Dog, walk or hop to the top of the mat. Bend the knees. Look forward. Inhale. Lengthen. Exhale. Forward Fold. Bend the knees. Utkatasana. Sink down and rise up. Chair Pose. Inhale. Exhale. Press through the feet. Lengthen. Exhale.

Release the arms. Release the hands. Take a moment to pause here. Nice work from here. We'll toe heel the feet wide. Finding a Malasana. Squat Pose. Sink down. Press through the right hand. Inhale. Lift the left arm up. And then root through that left hand. Reach the right arm up. Release that right hand. And then find a way to lower down. So you might come on to your sitting bones. We'll meet in a Baddha Konasana. Bring the soles of the feet together. Knees wide. From Baddha Konasana you might stay upright. You might fold forward for a few breaths. Just allowing the body to gradually cool down. And slowly make your way up. Draw your knees towards each other and then roll onto your back. We'll take a few rounds of Rolling Bridge Pose. Making your way onto your back. And feet on the floor. Reach the arms down alongside the body. Feet about hips distance. Heels in line with your sitting bones. This first round will keep the arms on the ground. As you're ready allow for an inhale. With an exhale draw the tailbone under. Press evenly through the feet. Begin to lift your pelvis up and feel the back body lift. Front of the body lengthen. Nice. You can press your hands into the floor. Maybe feel that space across your collar bones. Soften the eyes. And then slowly as you're ready lift the heels up. Come high up onto the balls of your feet. Reach the arms up. Get round through your upper back and roll your spine down. Kind of like a wave to the earth. Arms reach down. So we'll take a few rounds of Rolling Bridge from here. Moving the arms with a breath. As you inhale curl the tailbone under. Press through the feet and reach your arms up over the top of your head. Just begin to find that length. And on the exhale lower everything down. The back, the arms slowly. And on your inhale draw the tailbone under. Press through the feet. Finding the full expression of bridge with the arms up over the top of the head. Spacious around the throat. And with your exhale roll everything down like you're hollowing the belly. Arms releasing. Spine releasing. Nice. Let's take three more. Inhale rise up into bridge. Arms reach up. Lengthen. Exhale lowering the spine. Arms releasing. Two more. Curl the tailbone. Press through the feet. Lift the back. Lift the arms. Bridge pose. Exhale lowering upper back. Middle back. Low back. Arms. Last one. Curl the tailbone. Press. Inhale rise up.

Lengthen. And exhale let everything release. Upper back. Middle. Lower. Arms. And pause. From here you might draw your knees into your chest or it might feel nice to stretch your legs out and flex your feet. Find a full body stretch. Reaching the arms overhead. Drawing the toes towards the face. Inhale. And exhale knees into chest. Extending the legs up towards the sky and flexing the feet. You can keep a soft bend through the knees. Now you might stay here. If you'd like to move into plow pose then it would feel safe on your neck, your cervical spine. You might press your hands into the floor and begin to roll your way back towards plow pose. Your feet might be in the air. They might be touching the floor. Letting it feel somewhat spacious through your throat. Breathing. I find in this one sometimes it's actually hard to breathe. Just notice the quality of the breath. Whenever you're ready to release slow, lower down one vertebrae at a time and begin to look up towards your feet as you lower down. Feeling upper back, mid back, low back. Like that rolling bridge. Knees draw into your chest. If it would feel good to take a fish pose from here, extend your legs. Come up onto your forearms and tilt your head back so the head is resting on the floor. The elbows are in close towards your ribs. Spacious through the collar bones. Heart is rising. Inhale. Exhale, slow chin into the chest. Lower down. Draw the knees into your chest. Rock. We'll take a spinal twist to the right, roll everything over, stack the knees, stack the arms. Draw that top arm across the body and then releasing it. Breathing into where you feel it in your spinal twist. Maybe your shoulder, your hip, your ribs, your back. Let the exhale soften the belly. Slowly unwind and then roll everything over to the left, stacking the arms and the legs. And then draw that top arm across the body, tracing the inner arm across the chest and opening. And the space between the eyebrows through the base of the skull. Just notice what your head and neck want to do. Let's take another inhale. And nice, full exhale. Draw the knees back up to center. If happy baby would feel nice, you might find that or keep your knees under your chest.

Hands find the outer edges of the feet if you're coming into happy baby and let yourself rock side to side. A nice massage on the back. You can have fun with this one. Relaxing the eyes and the jaw. From happy baby, releasing the feet, knees and a chest. Now from here you might make your way into a shavasana. If you have some time, you might roll to your side and take a moment to come up and find a seat to close your practice. If you're arriving in your seat, settling in. Allowing yourself to lean just slightly towards the back body


Jenny S
3 people like this.
Very busy day ahead...what a great gift to see this quickie in my inbox this morning. This hit all the right spots and I’m ready to rock!
Sarah Beston
A perfect morning practice to begin the day! Thank you, Alana!
Nancy F
1 person likes this.
Beautiful Sunday morning session at my house. Thank you for this, Alana!
Martha K
1 person likes this.
Zippy little practice! And I feel taller! xoxo
Eric K
1 person likes this.
Great practice. Also good in the afternoon!
2 people like this.
definitely a good one to get you up and going 20 mins, it’s a go to for me when i’m time poor, which is often! thank you!
Kit & Dee Dee
This is a gem!! Thank you Alana
Simon ?
2 people like this.
Really loved this sweet one Alana. That was a long OM at the end! Wishing you a Beautfiul Day too.
Christel B
1 person likes this.
This was a great way to start my day! Namaste.
Julia V
2 people like this.
Needed a quick yoga fix while traveling - this was perfect! Thank you from the UK!
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