Welcome to Yoga Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 1

5 min - Show Intro


At any moment we can have an experience of yoga. This show assumes that you are newer to yoga asanas, returning from a hiatus, or simply prefer a slower pace of more basic postures. The sequences are progressive and designed to prepare you for other shows on the site. Welcome!
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Dec 16, 2014
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(ocean waves) So glad you're here. This show, 'Welcome to Yoga' assumes a few things Maybe you're newer to the practices, maybe you're just coming back or maybe you really prefer a simpler step-by-step, broken down style of sequencing. So, our hope is that through this collection of sequences which are somewhat progressive as we get to know our shoulders, our hips, hamstrings, lower back and such. The hope is that you'll be able to start to develop a relationship with your awareness, your breath and your body. And a certain level of confidence in what feels good and what feels more correct and what feels right so that you can either rift off of these sequences or begin to branch out into more complex practices.

Now, to call the show Welcome to Yoga is a little bit of a misnomer cause it implies that yoga isn't already. And this is just a really important thing again it's so silly to say anything is important but this is a useful point to just keep in your heart that yoga, already is. And the practices of yoga are simply designed to free us, to unravel and soften, and loosen the tensions that keep us from knowing this, intimately and for real. So, the show, Welcome to Yoga, is a little bit more pointing towards our first yoga sutra from our friend, Mr. Patanjali. Hatha yoga anushasanam, which is usually as translated as Here and Now.

And if the conditions are correct and appropriate preparations have been made, the teachings of yoga can begin. And what that's trying to say or perhaps, what that's trying to say or communicate is at any moment, at any moment, we can have an experience of yoga, of what already is. And the practices of yoga simply help prepare us for this. So, happy to be here with you, I so hope this is useful. Thank goodness there are many other practices and many other teachers and so if you don't find what you're seeking here, keep looking dear yogi.



Bridgid M
2 people like this.
Thank You Kira for the friendly and warm invitation!
Maria Elena D
I embrace  being welcomed back to yoga and  relishing in beginners mind and experience- thank you Kira :) 
Kira Sloane
Maria Elena D, yes, I am always so grateful that Yoga welcomes me back! Glad you are here! xoK
Mohsin J
Hi Kira Sloane , hope you are well.
I am going to start with this course from tomorrow. I am still checking out different courses on YogaAnytime and see which feels right after few days practice. 
To give you some idea about me, I am a complete beginner, not very flexible and bit scared of doing yoga. I want my focus to be on building up my strength and stamina, so can you recommend me which courses would be good for this purpose? 
Also, the reason I am a bit scared is because I have read that some poses where there is tension on the back(where we are bending our back), increase the chance of injury to spine, so they should be avoided. I was hoping you could advice me how to have a safe practice and are there poses that should be avoided. Thank you.
Kind regards,

Kira Sloane
Happy New Year, Mohsin J! Glad you are here. Yes, please approach your yoga practice with tender care and self intelligence. This might be an alright place to start. We also have a Start Yoga Course with Alana and a Chair Yoga Show with Karen Kelly where you might feel more supported. If you can help me know what you are seeking from your yoga practice, I can more easily guide you. Warmly, Kira

Start Yoga

Chair Yoga
Mohsin J
Happy New Year to you too, Kira Sloane !
Thank you for the suggestions. I am already trying Alana's  course. Chair Yoga by Karen also looks a very good place to start, i will give it a try too.
As for what I am looking from my yoga practice, I have never been active in sports, so I would like to become more flexible and develop strong body. I want to be able to have enough strength in my arms so that it can support my body weight and have strong core. I would also like to focus on building stamina and endurance as I easily get out of breath when doing strenuous work, but I am not sure if yoga can help me with that or I should go for cardio exercises instead. I hope this information is useful and you can guide me  from this information. 
Warmest regards,
Kira Sloane
1 person likes this.
Mohsin J, wonderful! You might also try Alison's Beginning Arm Balances to develop upper body confidence.
A lot of members really appreciate Robert Sidoti's easy going nature and how he combines some fitness moves into the Yoga. He has lots of shows here, I have linked to some below.

Robert Sidoti's 30 Day Challenge
and his Show, Keepin' It Real

Alison's show:

Keep us close on your journey!
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Mohsin J
Kira Sloane, thank you for the help. I will check these classes too.

Warmest Regards,
Lillian M
1 person likes this.
Thank you so much. I am trying everything to help me.
Laura F
1 person likes this.
Guided by my sister Martha and my daughter Julia, I am here at your studio.  So happy to be here on this journey.  Thank you
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