Yoga for Down There Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 6

Pelvic Pain Relief

10 min - Practice


Shannon guides us in a simple practice that promotes pelvic symmetry and pelvic girdle pain relief.
What You'll Need: Mat, Blanket (2)


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When you are experiencing any pelvic girdle pain or low back pain, this is a really easy flow to turn to. And there are just a few postures. So you may want to have two blankets. You can see the first pose that we're going to move into is reclined butterfly. So we move back onto the back, soles of the feet come together for this one, and we can slide the blankets underneath the hips here.

So just noticing and checking in, if this feels uncomfortable in any way, we may need to bring more blankets to support. We want to find a place where we think, ah, now I can sink in. And then taking a little moment to see, does one side feel different than the other side? Is one side pulling a little bit more than the other one? Exhaling here, and on the exhale, leaving the feet where they are, we're going to either engage the lift muscles, so the glute muscles.

That might be the only engagement that we get. Or if we can, we're going to press through the feet, and as we exhale, we lift the pelvis up. On the inhale, lowering down. Next, exhale, lifting up, pushing through the feet. Inhale, lowering down.

And exhale again to lift the pelvis or engage those lift muscles. Inhale, lowering down. The knees come towards each other. The feet are touching the insides of the feet, and the feet are planted on the floor. On the exhale, pressing knees in towards each other.

On the inhale, release that press. So this is really subtle. The knees press in towards each other on the next exhale, and on the inhale, we release that press. Inhale pressing the knees in, inhale releasing that. We'll walk the feet away from each other, setting up for bridge.

Find an inhale here, and on the exhale, lifting the pelvis up. Inhale lower, exhale lift, inhale to lower the pelvis, exhale to lift the pelvis. And then lowering down on the next inhale, and we'll come back to where we started with the soles of the feet together. So when you get down here, you might feel like you could move the blankets away. There's no need to, but you might feel like you need less support here, or things might have evened out a little bit.

This is a great sequence to bring the pelvis into alignment and to really strengthen the muscles that support the pelvis. So we're going to do it again two more times. It's really simple. We're going to inhale when we're resting, and then the exhales when we lift. So we still keep our feet in this butterfly.

Inhale to lower the pelvis down, exhale to lift the pelvis, inhale to lower the pelvis down, exhale to lift the pelvis or engage the lift muscles. Inhale lower down, and then we'll bring the knees back towards each other. The feet are resting on the ground. Find our inhale here, exhale press the knees together, and then as you inhale release the press of the knees, exhale pressing the knees together, inhale release the press of the knees. One more time, exhale pressing the knees together, inhale releasing that press, and we'll start to walk the feet away from each other for bridge.

Find your inhale here when you're ready, exhale lifting into bridge. Inhale to lower the pelvis down, exhale to lift the pelvis, inhale to lower down, exhale to lift the pelvis, inhale to lower down, and then we'll come back to that reclined butterfly again. And we're going to go through the whole flow one more time, so if you feel like I've got this Shannon, I'm going to go at my own pace, you can. But this is really important, this is our place to check in with the pelvis again. This is often where I feel like ah, the second time through then everything feels like it's much happier.

So next exhale we're going to lift the pelvis. On the inhale we lower down, exhale to lift the pelvis, inhale to lower, exhale to lift the pelvis, inhale to lower, bring the knees towards each other, find an inhale here, exhale press the knees in towards each other, inhale release that press of the knees, exhale pressing the knees together, inhale release that press of the knees, one last time exhale press the knees in towards each other, inhale release the press, and then walk the feet out for our final bridge pose. So the exhale is where we exert the effort, that's an easy way to remember, find your inhale here, and then exhale for the effort, inhale lower, exhale lifting the pelvis, inhale lower the pelvis, exhale to lift the pelvis. Exhale to lower and come back to that final check-in, bring the soles of the feet together, the knees move away from each other, and just noticing how does that feel. Left and right side, is there any difference?

You can stay here and close the eyes for a little bit, staying as long as you would like. You might feel like you want to extend the legs out to straight instead. When you're ready to come out of this we're going to start to straighten the legs, we're going to assume that the pelvis is having just kind of a grumpy day where it's feeling a little more protective, a little more sensitive today. So we're going to roll over by extending the right leg out to straight, bending the left knee, placing the left foot onto the earth, really feel that grounding, open the left knee a little bit, press through the left foot until the pelvis lifts off the mat, rolling over to the side from here, and then bring your hands to help and support you as you come up to sitting. You may want to sit up on a blanket then.

And I really hope that this pelvic symmetry sequence can offer you some relief and some pelvic symmetry, and to keep the pelvis happy, thank you so much.


Stephanie M
Thank you, Shannon, for such a simple, yet powerful practice! It has greatly relieved the pelvic girdle discomfort I've been having and will become a regular part of my practice.
Stephanie, we're so happy that you enjoyed this practice and are incorporating parts into your personal practice!
Shannon Crow
1 person likes this.
I am so glad to hear that this is helping you with your pelvic girdle discomfort Stephanie. It is my go-to practice when things seem sensitive or protective. Thanks for practicing with me.
I really enjoyed this and had some great relief. Will definitely play with this one regularly
Shannon Crow
That is great to hear Karen!
Lily A
Shannon! This is the best sequence! Thank you and I’ll definitely be incorporating this in my daily time on the mat!
Shannon Crow
Lily - thanks! I'm glad you are enjoying the sequence :) Lily A

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