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Season 1 - Episode 11

Adi Shakti Mantra

20 min - Practice
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We go on an 11-minute journey of mantra to activate and honor the divine feminine Shakti. This mantra is used to eradicate fear and fulfill desire. It also may be useful during the first 120 days of pregnancy.

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What You'll Need: No props needed

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Dec 15, 2018
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Welcome back. This is the Adi Shakti meditation. Adi Shakti is a beautiful mantra that takes us into the energy and the frequency of the divine mother energy. It is a meditation that is used for a few things. It's a meditation that we do a lot with the women's work in Kundalini yoga and it is said to eradicate fear and fulfill desires. It is also a meditation that can be used in the first 120 days of pregnancy. It is said that chanting this mantra for 11 minutes or more a day in the first 120 days of your pregnancy can really call a high caliber soul in. So it is believed in Kundalini yoga that the soul doesn't commit to the mother until the 120th day and that as we chant this divine Adi Shakti mantra we are calling in a very elevated being of consciousness, a very elevated consciousness. So chanting this for 120 days leading up to when the soul commits to the mother's womb we are facilitating the entry of a being of high caliber of high consciousness. So that's a nice little tidbit for you to know in case you are wanting to get pregnant or already pregnant the meditation we're going to work with today applies to both. You can do it as the 120th day meditation or you can do it as just a regular 11 minute meditation and the Adi Shakti mantra let's go through it. It is a beautiful mantra and my teacher will talk about it in this way. He would say that when the women in India chanted this mantra the land was filled with milk and honey they knew their own power they knew the Mata Shakti divine power that resided within them. So let us look at the mantra together and let us go through the translation. So here's the mantra Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti Namo Namo. I bow to the translation oh I call on the divine mother power. Saribh Shakti Saribh Shakti Saribh Shakti Namo Namo. I bow to or call on the all-encompassing divine energy. Prithumbagvati Prithumbagvati Prithumbagvati Namo Namo. I bow to or call on that through which God creates and then kundalini Mata Shakti Mata Shakti Namo Namo. I bow to or call on the divine mother power energy the kundalini creative power. So it really has a lot of weight in this mantra and is to be chanted with great reverence and so a couple more things about this mantra this mudra we're working with the Jupiter finger. So the Jupiter finger is all about knowledge and wisdom so we're bringing attention and a little tension to this finger while we're in this mudra relaxed with the elbows at the sides. What's important here is not so much that you get the pronunciation very exact you can just go and do as well as you can. The intention is what is most important but just remember and see if you can use the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth while you chant the mudra and really articulate the words as best as you can. So let's begin this beautiful journey with this mantra but first as we always do in kundalini yoga we'll tune in with the adi mantra Please bring your hands in prayer pose rub them slightly bring them at the chest nice straight spine take a deep inhale exhale and let's inhale to begin deep inhale and exhale so the mudra is you're going to simply lift up the index finger and wrap the thumb around the other fingers and just open up the heart relax the elbows by the rib cage and just hold this posture with the eyes closed focusing at the brow point while you chant. So let us begin we'll go on an 11-minute journey and you will hold this posture while I chant so chant along with me hold the posture and let's begin so Shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo, Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Namo namo. Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo, Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Namo namo. Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo, Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Namo namo.

Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo. Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo, Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Namo namo. Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo, Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo. Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo. Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo.

Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo. Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Namo namo. Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo. Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Namo namo. Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo.

Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Namo namo. Pritham Bhavati, Pritham Bhavati, Pritham Bhavati, Namo namo. Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo. Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo. Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo.

Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Namo namo. Pritham Bhavati, Zara Bhishakti, Zara Bhishakti, Namo namo. Pritham Bhavati, Pritham Bhavati, Pritham Bhavati, Namo namo. Adi shakti, Adi shakti, Namo namo. Pritham Bhavati, Pritham Bhavati, Pritham Bhavati, Namo namo.

Unna lighti vata shakti, vata shakti, nammo nammo. Adi shakti, adi shakti, adi shakti, nammo nammo. Sarev Shakti, Sarev Shakti, Sarev Shakti, Namo Namo Pritham Bhagavati, Pritham Bhagavati, Pritham Bhagavati, Namo Namo Kundalini Mata Shakti, Mata Shakti, Namo Namo Sarev Shakti, Sarev Shakti, Sarev Shakti, Namo Namo Pritham Bhagavati, Pritham Bhagavati, Pritham Bhagavati, Namo Namo Kundalini Mata Shakti, Mata Shakti, Namo Namo Pritham Bhagavati, Pritham Bhagavati, Namo Namo Pritham Bhagavati, Pritham Bhagavati, Pritham Bhagavati, Namo Namo Adhishakti, Adhishakti, Adhishakti, Namo Namo Pritham Bhagavati, Pritham Bhagavati, Pritham Bhagavati, Namo Namo Ká¹?á¹£á¹?a-lini-mati-Å?akti-mati-Å?akti-namo-namo Adi Å?akti, Adi Å?akti, Adi Å?akti-namo-namo SaruÅ?akti, SaruÅ?akti, Saru Å?akti-namo-namo Pridham bhagavati, pridham bhagavati, pridham bhagavati, namo, namo. Munna limi madhishakti, madhishakti, namo, namo. Adhishakti, Adhishakti, Adhishakti, namo, namo.

Sarabhishakti, Sarabhishakti, Sarabhishakti, namo, namo. Adhidham bhagavati, Adhidham bhagavati, Adhidham bhagavati, namo, namo. Munna limi madhishakti, madhishakti, namo, namo. Munna limi madhishakti, madhishakti, namo, namo. Munna limi madhishakti, madhishakti, namo, namo.

And inhale deeply. Hold the posture and squeeze, Munna Bandh. Rise all the energy to the brow point. Exhale at the nose. Again, deep inhale. And squeeze the pelvic floor. Rise the energy up. Squeeze the spine. Squeeze the elbows into the ribcage. Contract your energy. Be still. Be silent within.

Powerfully exhale. Can and breath out the mouth. Last one. Deep inhale. Again, constrict the energy. Squeeze pelvic floor. Rise. Focus deeply at the brow point. Tense the fingers. Touch your inner stillness. Powerfully exhale. And gently relax the hands onto the knees.

And just be quiet for a moment, feeling the impact of the chant resonating within you. Please feel free to sit longer if you wish. And we'll close with a long sat and a short nam. Inhale. Sat nam.


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