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Season 1 - Episode 14

Meditation for Healing the Self

15 min - Practice


Sukhdev shares a simple yet powerful meditation for healing the Self working with mantra. You will feel the divine in every cell of your being.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Sat Naam and welcome. I am so excited to share with you one of my very favorite meditations. It's very simple and can sometimes be overlooked, but just have an experience with this 11 minutes and see how you feel. It's a meditation for healing the self. We're working with a mantra Aung Sangh Wahe Guru. Aung, A-N-G, Sangh, S-A-N-G, Wahe Guru. And it means God or the divine, the universe lives in every cell of my being. I celebrate that. Wow, God lives in every cell of my being. Aung Sangh Wahe Guru. And the posture is as follows. We're bringing the right hand on the left shoulder, the left hand on the right shoulder, and the weight is on the shoulder. So you're really allowing the arms to pull the shoulders down. Okay? The head is looking slightly down and you're focusing at the brow point with the eyes closed. And we're going to chant together for 11 minutes Aung Sangh Wahe Guru and really feel and get into the experience of healing the self. Yogi Bajan used to say, there is no greater power than the sound of your own voice to heal you. So listening, attentive listening to the sound of your own voice as you chant those ancient sacred words will help to facilitate this experience. So let's begin as we always do with the Adi Mantra Aung Namo Guru Dev Namo. Rubbing the palms, place them at the center of the chest, deep inhale to begin.

Aung Namo Guru Dev Namo Aung Namo Guru Dev Namo Aung Namo Guru Dev Namo Deep inhale, exhale, set yourself left hand above right hand, grab the shoulders, let the weight go onto the shoulders and we'll sing Aung Sangh Wahe Guru. Aung Sangh Wahe Guru Aung Sangh Wahe Guru Aung Sangh Wahe Guru Aung Sangh Wahe Guru Aung Sangh Wahe Guru Aung Sangh Wahe Guru Aung Sangh Wahe Guru Aung Sangh Wahe Guru Aung Sangh Wahe Guru Aung Sangh Wahe Guru Aung Sangh Wahe Guru Aung Sangh Wahe Guru ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah


This is lovely. Thank you so much.
Laura M
That was truly beautiful, thank you ❤️🙏❤️
Dena M
Very helpful! Thanks!
Staci H
1 person likes this.
So peaceful, thanks.
Louise G
1 person likes this.
Oh wow. What a sense of oneness I get from this practice. So profound. Thank you 💗

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