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Season 1 - Episode 8

Kriya for Vitality

30 min - Practice


We work with the energy of the sun, surya, in this kundalini kriya practice designed for vitality and energy. We move through a series of exercises including spinal flexes, frog pose, and rock pose before ending in a meditation for deep self-healing. You will feel purified.
What You'll Need: Mat, Blanket


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Yes, we are back, Sat Naam. You have landed on this wonderful Kriya, which is really for vitality and energy. We're working with the energy of the sun, Surya Kriya. And it has a way to really purify not only the body, but also the mind. So if you think about the sun, the energy of the sun, it makes you energetic, it makes you expressive, it makes you enthusiastic, action orientated. This Kriya also really helps with, like I said, purification and aiding in digestion. It also makes the mind clear, analytical, and able to focus on many tasks at the same time. Short, quick, easy Kriya, one of my favorites, and really fantastic as a new to Kundalini Yoga Kriya and to do for a 40-day practice. So let us begin and enjoy. The first thing we'll do is tune in with Yadimantra. Bring the hands, rub them at the heart center, activating the 72,000 nerve endings, nadis, that ends in the hands and the feet. Place them at the heart center. Take a deep inhale. Exhale. And let's inhale to begin. Inhale deep. Hold a breath. Set your intention. Exhale. And let's begin. Exhale. And let's begin. We will bring the right hand in Gyomudra on the right knee. We're gonna block the left nostril and we're gonna do a long deep breath through the right nostril. So right nostril is the sun nostril, the yang, we're bringing in that sun energy. Close the eyes, focus at the brow point. Let's go for three minutes. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten. Keep breathing long and deep through the right nostril, energizing the whole right channel of the body, focusing at the brat point as best as you can and keep up. Keep breathing long and deep through the right nostril, just a little longer, stay with it.

Keep breathing long and deep through the right nostril. Inhale deep, hold the breath and exhale, lovely. Let's come up into rock pose, so you're sitting on both of your heels, now if you have a cushion you can always sit on that, this kind of can be a little bit more comfortable, if you've got any knee issues, you could just sit in easy pose, that's also okay. So we're going to do Sat Kriya, it's one of the foundational practices of Kundalini Yoga, but here we do it as a three minute exercise, take a break for a minute, do another three minutes. The Mudra is in this way, we're clasping the hands in Venus lock, the index finger comes up, the thumbs are crossed over each other, we're bringing the hands up to the heavens and on Sat we're gently going to pull in the navel, feel the energy rise up to the brat point and on Naam release it, Sat meaning truth, Naam meaning name, so we're just going to work with that Kundalini energy and really stimulate that creativity.

So the eyes are focused on the brat point, let's begin, we'll go for three minutes. Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam nam Gods. nam Es. nam Es. nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad, nam sad nam sad, Namset, Namset, Namset, Namset, Namset, Namset, Namset, Namset, Namset, Namset, Namset, Namset, Namset.

deeply, and squeeze moolabhan and feel the energy circulate from the navel throughout your whole body. And exhale, relax the hands on the thighs and just stay with the eyes closed and just feel into the space. Sat Kriya is a very powerful Kriya that really works on anything stuck in the lower three chakras. So if you're really feeling a lot moving, welcome it. And let's go for another three minutes.

Clasp the hands, index fingers up, thumbs crossed, bring it above the head, focus deeply at the brow point. Let's begin. Nam sat, nam sat, nam sat, nam sat, nam sat, nam sat, nam sat, nam sat, nam sat, nam sat nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-seat, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, nom-sett, Nomsit, nomsit, nomsit. Nomsit, nomsit. Nomsit, nomsit.

nam-sairt, nap-sairt, nam-sairt, nam, sith, nam, sith, nam, sith, nam, sith, nam, sith, Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit, Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit. Nom, sit.

Nam sit, nam sit Inhale deeply. Feel the energy rise, pull mulaband all the way to the fingertips, Hold it, hold the posture, exhale, and pull Malabhand at the end of the exhale. Two more times, inhale deep, hold it, squeeze, exhale, pull Malabhand, inhale, hold Malabhand, and exhale, Malabhand, and release, and relax. So let's come back into easy pose, and what we're going to be doing now is we've stimulated all this energy with sakriya, and now we're going to equalize it with spinal flexors. So we're inhaling up on the sit bones, really moving from the navel, exhaling back on the sit bones.

We're going to do 108 of those. I'll keep count, let's begin. The powerful breath really helps to move the spine. We're at 60, keep going. You want to make sure that the head doesn't bop up and down, you keep the head level, and 28 more.

And 108, inhale deep, pull Malabhand, raise the energy to the bra point, consolidate, exhale. Let's go to frog poses, a favorite among many, including me. So come standing up and bring your heels together, or come crouching down more like, and bring your heels together. Your hands are in front, carrying the weight of your body. You're going to inhale up, drop the head, exhale down, big smile.

Let's activate those happy cells. Let's go for 26, one, two, three, four, five, six, are you smiling? Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, ten more. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten, good work. And come into rock pose, sitting on the knees and heels, grab your little cushion.

If you have knees issue, easy pose is just fine. You're going to keep the hands on the legs, and we're going to inhale, look to the left, exhale, move to the right. This is great for the thyroid and parathyroid. And just nice and smooth, nice and easy. Then we'll go for two minutes.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten. keeping your heart open, nice deep breath, inhale center, exhale and let's come back into easy pose for the last exercise before we meditate and here the hands are on the shoulders fingertips and front thumbs in the back and we're inhaling to the left and we're dropping the head just nice full spine or neck stretch exhaling to the right inhale left this should feel so good exhale right and try to keep the arms parallel to the ground as best as you can and the sit bones on the ground and just rock from side to side close the eyes and just feel into the motion stretching the whole rib cage and the neck really let your body fall into the side as you feel nice stretch in the lower back the diaphragm and the neck and inhale center, pomoloban squeezing the pelvic floor and the navel focus the eyes at the brow point and exhale hands and giomutra and this is the lovely ending of this kriya as we go into this meditation which is part of the kriya and it's a meditation for deep self-healing with simply sitting and after this lovely combination of exercise we've been through we're watching the flow of the breath inhaling sat exhaling naam focusing at the brow point and if you can if you have a meditation practice and you can hold a slight mola bond meaning a little bit of constriction in the pelvic floor and at the navel while you breathe please join us with that and we'll just sit for about four five minutes and feel into this deep self-healing space close the eyes at the brow point hold a slight mola bond if you can and if you can't that's okay just breathe long and deep inhaling sat exhaling naam watching the flow of the breath going up and down the spine stay with it at the brow point just allow this breath to take you deep into yourself healing yourself inhale hold the breath project into the brow point project out to infinity and exhale lovely so you should feel quite energized but at the same time very centered and balanced and clear in your mind so take this and go and do something beautiful with this energy enjoy let's bring the hands together and do a long sat and a short naam to close sat naam blessings to all lighter all love to all may you be uplifted on this day and uplift all those around you


Debra D
2 people like this.
Thank you Sukhdev for your warm encouragement. I am new to these kriyas but I am finding them to be beautifully enjoyable and I do feel both calm and energised after this session. Much love πŸ’•πŸŒΊπŸ’•
Marina N
Nice stay after, thank you
Ina V
1 person likes this.
Love your energy Sukhdev. Wonderful practise. Thank you.
Samantha A
Thank you Sukhdev
Geraldina O
1 person likes this.
thank you Sukhdev. My favorite part was the frog leg pose with the added smile! Made me feel very happy!
Narayan T
1 person likes this.
This. Was. INCREDIBLE.  
Vahid N
1 person likes this.
Thanks for the smily practice! 
Mary S
ohhh i love this course. I'm in my first trimester pregnant. Can i still do all the Pranyamas and so on?
Tara Nadia S
Thank you, Sukhdev! I am new to kundalini, but you have inspired me to incorporate your teachings into part of my daily practice. Thank you so much.
Dena R
Thank you so very much for teaching this kriya and spreading wisdom πŸ™πŸ»β˜€οΈβ€οΈ
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