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Season 1 - Episode 3

Ignite Your Spark

60 min - Practice


Jessica guides us in a fluid, energizing, and activating practice to awaken our inner flame. Through this dynamic sequence, we explore the sound and vibration of AUM in the body. This practice inspires an increased flow of energy in the spine, and closes in a guided meditation.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome to Moving Inward. We're going to work on today igniting your inner spark. So we are actually spiritual beings in human bodies and living human experiences and we're full of energy and actually who we are at our core is energy, every part of us. And the yogis say that our body is filled with up to 320,000 meridians or nadis which we call them in Sanskrit and these are like veins or channels that move throughout the body and transport our vital force and this vital force is who you are. This vital force is the same force that animates the heavens, the skies up above and our inner light and that light is always there. What happens is we get so lost in our thoughts and in our problems that we forget about who we are, where we actually come from and that we actually are spiritual beings just having human experiences. So today we're going to move inward, deeply inward and ignite again with that inner spark, that spark that is the beginning of who you are, that spark of the Big Bang that was there always, the beginning of everything. We're going to do that by chanting Om throughout the Asanas. So just feel comfortable chanting on your own and then letting the Om deepen your breath and deepen your experience inward. So we're going to get started. You come on to all fours and then you're just going to come right onto your stomach. Allow the feet to splay out to the sides if this is comfortable for you. You can make a small pillow with the palms of the hands and then rest your forehead down and close your eyes and then move into a soft ujjayi breath and allow this breath to take your awareness, to scan on your body from the feet to the head, noticing sensations, even noticing tension. Knowing parts of your body that are open. Notice the earth and the connection, the ground. Notice your thoughts. Notice your breath. Continue to make your way up to the crown of the head and then from the crown of the head back down towards the feet. Just notice. Notice the sounds around you, the emotions, the feelings, and the sounds within. All of these are forms of energy. Just energy. Different forms. Energy circulating. Allow them to come in, notice, and then float away. Soft ujjayi. Just another minute here. Relaxing any tension, deepening the breath. Continue to allow the mind to function like a radar, just noticing without any attachment. Sensation, sounds, breath, contact. We're already began to pave the way to moving inward.

You can go ahead and lengthen both of the legs back behind you and bring the hands down to either side of the shoulders and then you're just going to push up and then bring the knees right underneath the hips, pointing the toes back, draw the navel in, and you're going to round the spine and come into child's pose, Balasana. When active at the arms, spread the fingers wide and then press the mound of the index finger, the mound of the thumb, and then the finger pads into the earth. Roll the triceps down and hollow out the armpits. On your next inhalation, we're going to come up onto all fours. Adjust your body so that you're right over the base of your wrist and then round out through the spine, drawing the tailbone between the thighs, pushing the hands into the earth, exhaling down. I'm just going to do this two more times. On your next inhalation, you're going to come back up and return into child's pose, but this time chanting Aum as we exhale. Draw the chin and the chest, Aum. Inhale and again onto all fours. Again, twice more. Aum. Aum. Inhale and again onto all fours. Exhale, stay here around the spine. Inhale and again all fours. Exhaling round to the spine, hips to meet the heels. Inhale and again all fours. Adding Aum now. Aum. Inhaling. Exhale and drawing the seat to meet the heels. Aum. Coming back up onto all fours. On your own now, you hear the silent sound of Aum vibrating through the back.

Adding on. Inhaling onto all fours. Rounding the spine, hear the silent sound of Aum. Turn the toes under. Push back with Aum. Aum. High onto the toes. Bending the knees. Aum. Upper thighs move up and back. Aum. Inhale and again onto all fours. And then exhaling back, silent sound of Aum. Onto all fours. Exhaling, pushing back into downward facing dog. Silent sound of Aum. Bending the knees. Upper thighs move up and back.

Last one again onto all fours. Silent sound of Aum. Again, bending deeply into the knees. And then from there, you're going to bring the toes to touch. I'm going to go ahead and inhale the left leg up with the sound of Aum. Deepening experience. Inhaling back up again. Extend all the way out through the toes. Feel from the fingertips to the toes. Energy circulating through the body.

Again, twice more. Aum. Last one on your own. Chanting Aum. Silently. And then from there, pivot onto the outside of the right foot. Bring your left toes right in front of the navel. Squeezing your thighs together and then as you inhale, coming up with the left arm to the sky. Exhaling, rounding out through the spine, bowing forward. Inhaling, bring the arm back to the sky. Pushing out through the right heel and then chanting Aum. Aum. And then silently here, Aum, chanting. Bring it in your inward. One last one. And then the hands meet the earth again. You go back into downward-facing dog. Settle in. Inhaling onto the knees. And then exhaling back into child's pose. On to all fours. And exhaling, rounding the spine. Downward-facing dog. High to the toes. Chanting Aum. Aum. And exhaling again. Aum. Aum.

Walk the feet together. As you inhale, you're gonna bring your right leg up to the sky. Extend all the way into the toes. Spread the toes wide. Square the hips. Exhaling with Aum. Aum. Aum. One last one on your own. Paving onto the outside of your left foot. Draw your right foot right in front of the navel. Pushing out through the left heel. Activate the toes. Squeezing your thighs together. And as you inhale, lift the right hand to the sky. Come high under the ball of your right foot. Now find that line of energy from the heel all the way to the crown of the head and then out through the fingertips as you chant Aum. Aum. One last one. Aum. Now silently chant. And then bring the hand to the earth and coming back into downward-facing dog. And then move inward. Bending into the knees. Upper thighs are gonna move up and then back. Pushing the hands into the earth. And then rounding the back. Chin to the chest. Come forward into a high plank. We're gonna come directly onto the knees here. Activating into the ankles, the feet. Bring the heart forward. And then exhaling all the way down. Keep the hands right behind the heart. Roll the head of the arm bones back. Keep the feet active. Find that line of energy from the crown of the head out through the toes. And then exhale and extending the legs back. Open the heart. Exhaling down. Three more. Take your time. And then pushing into the earth. Draw the navel in. And then coming back into stillness. Downward-facing dog. Look to the space between the hands. Step your right foot and then your left foot forward. Feet are hip-width apart as you inhale. Move the heart away from the thighs. Exhaling down. Uttanasana. See, the knees can be bent here or you can begin to straighten them by engaging the thighs and lifting the kneecaps up. And then inhaling all the way up. And exhaling the arms down. Take a breath here. Inhale in the arms. We want to chant om as we go down to Uttanasana. Om. Halfway up. Silently hear om as you move down into Uttanasana. Inhaling all the way up or Dvastasana. And then om as you move down. Halfway up. And then hear om as you move down. Last one. Om. Deepening experience of your exhalation. Halfway up as you inhale. Exhaling. Now bend the knees. Bring them right over the second toe. Back is straight parallel with the floor. Hips are expanding. Open the arms into a cross. Bring the heads and the arm bones up and back. Let the heart come forward. And then from here we're moving with om. So do the first one without. You're going to bring the left hand either in front of the right foot or to the outside. You begin to straighten into the right thigh. Bring the arm up. Your gaze can be towards the earth if you prefer. Or you can begin to move it to the sky. And then inhaling coming back to neutral position. And then exhaling your right hand down either in front of the foot or to the outside of your left foot. Oum. Oum. Allowing the om to extend. Move you deeper into the posture. Two more on your own. Hearing the sound of om or either chanting internally or verbally. Once you arrive on the left side we're going to stay engaged the thighs. Pressing into the ball of the right foot. Pull the hips back and then melt the heart forward. You're going to extend the heart forward.

Open the arm to the sky. Staying here. Or you can also keep the gaze down. Whatever feels comfortable for your neck. Draw the navel in and turn around the spine. Left hip is moving back. Move inward. So that energy that is often called shakti or sometimes we hear it called chi or spirit in the Western world is found in the spine. And then it extends and expands throughout the entire body and pulsates through the veins. And then inhaling again opening up into the neutral position. Exhaling coming into a forward fold. Inhaling again neutral position. And then exhaling moving on to the other side. We're going to be into straightening into the right leg. Right hip is going to be moving back. Heart is going to be moving towards the right side and then pulling forward. Tailbone back. And then bring the arm to the sky. You can either look down for the neck, look to the side, or if your neck is okay you can begin to look up towards the heavens. Find that long line of energy from the tailbone to the crown of the head from the left arm to the right. And last two breaths. The sound of bone continues to vibrate, pulsing through the veins, connecting you with the heavens. Remembering that you are that essence, essence of energy, the same energy that animates the sky, the heavens above. Inhaling again coming back into neutral position. And then exhaling folding forward into tenasana. Inhaling halfway up. And exhaling all the way down. Two more on your own. Inhaling, standing the spine. And exhaling, melting. Pulsating. Inhaling, floating all the way up. You can bend the knees. And then exhaling, extending the arms and bring them all the way down. Taking a breath here. Feel sensation. So know that's just energy moving through you. Inhaling the arms to the sky. Utanasana. Inhaling halfway up. Right leg is gonna come back. Draw the knee onto the earth. We need an extra padding here. You can either bring a blanket under your knee or you can double your mat. Squeeze the inner thighs. As you in here you're gonna float the arms up. And then exhaling down. Inhaling again the arms up. And then chanting together om as we move down. Om. Silently now here om. Bring the hands to the earth. Spread the fingers wide. Press the finger pads into the ground. Lift up your right knee. And then you're gonna inhale. Bring the left leg back. One time knee to the heart. Exhaling, bringing your right foot forward. Squeezing the inner thighs now. Coming up and down. Janayasana. Finding balance here.

Inhaling the arms to the sky. And then exhaling, you're gonna straighten both the legs as we chant om. Om. Squeezing the inner thighs together. Inhaling. Knee into right angle. Knee right over the second toe. Om. On your own. And then stay here. Tune inward. Feel the lines of energy pulling you towards the sky. Down to the earth and expanding out through all the pores of your skin. Radiating that energy. Letting it shine from within outward. Exhaling, bring the hands to meet the floor. And come back in the downward facing dog. Maybe the sound of om continues. Like they say, the Big Bang. The initial sound. The primordial sound continues to be heard. Inhaling onto the knees. Exhaling, rounding the spine. Back onto all fours. Exhaling, rounding the spine. Chin to the chest. Back in the downward facing dog. The tops of the toes, round the spine. And then exhaling onto the knees. Inhaling, lifting the feet. Activate the legs. Draw the heart forward. We're going to chant om as we move all the way down onto the floor. Om. As you reach the floor, inhale and extending the legs all the way back. Head of the arm bones back. Pushing into the hands. Activate the legs in the abdomen. And then back in the downward facing dog.

Look to the space between the hands and then walk your right foot and then your left foot forward. Coming halfway up and exhaling all the way down. Inhaling, making your arms to the sky. And exhaling the arms alongside the body. And then notice. Pulsating feeling of energy, moving through the body. Keep your breath active and aware. Inhaling the arms up. Exhaling it to nasana. Halfway up. This time we're going to bring the left leg all the way back. Draw the knee onto the earth. Squeeze in our thighs together. You can either release the top of the foot down or if you prefer to keep the toes active, sometimes this helps better engage the inner thighs. Inhaling, bring the arms to the sky. Exhaling, the arms move down. With home. On your own. One last one silently. Hear the vibration. Feel it. Place the hands on either side of your foot. Spread the fingers wide. Feel the connection with the earth. Draw your left knee up. Engage the abdomen. You're going to bring the right leg to the sky. And then with om, om, knee to the heart. Silently. Extend out through the toes. This time you're going to bring the right foot all the way forward, placing it onto the earth. Engage the inner thighs. Come up onto the ball of the foot. Feel energy shooting out through that back heel. And you're going to come up into anjani asana. Squeeze in our thighs together. Knee over the second toe. Inhaling. And then exhaling. Straightening both legs. And now with om, om. Place on your own. And then pulling the fingertips to the sky. Heart forward.

Allow the energy to come out from the entire body. Exhaling, bring the hands on the floor, either side of your foot. And come again back in a downward facing dog. And then walk it out. High onto the toes. Round out through the spine. Dandasana. Exhaling onto the knees. Heart comes forward. Engaging the thighs. Chanting om as you move down. Inhaling. Lengthen through the side body. Exhaling. Inhaling. Extend the legs back from the crown of the head.

Place the upper thighs on the floor. Bring the tailbone between the thighs towards the knees. Pushing up. Coming back again into child's pose. Three times dynamically onto all fours. And then exhaling silently here om as you push back into child's pose. And the ninja downward facing dog. Bring the big toes to touch. Lift your right leg to the sky. Extend out through the toes, square the hips. Find a direct line of energy from the right hand all the way to the right foot. Lifting up slightly your left groin. And then exhaling, bring that foot all the way forward. Planting the foot between the hands. And then go ahead and plant the left foot down. And we're going to come up into warrior two. So we're going to bring the knee right over the second toe. Inhaling to open the arms into a cross. Exhale, soften. Inhale and straightening both legs. Exhaling. Here om. Inhaling. Exhaling together om. And then silently. And then stay here. Extend out through the fingertips. Out through the crown of the head. Out through the feet. And then exhaling, bringing both the hands to the earth. Back into downward facing dog. Inhaling onto all fours. And exhaling, rounding the spine, child's pose. And back into downward facing dog. We're going to bring the big toes to touch. And this time you're going to lift your left leg to the sky. Pushing the left hand in the earth. Find that direct line of energy. Spread the toes wide. And then exhaling, bring that foot all the way through. Planting the foot into the earth. Plant the right foot down. Lifting up the inner arch. And you're going to come right into warrior two. The knee is going to come right over the second toe. Draw the tailbone down. Spread the arms.

Inhaling. And exhaling, knee over the second toe. With om now. Om. Chads, you know I'm on your own. Last time, hear it silently. And then remain. Stay here. Move inward. Hear the sound of om, form of energy vibrating through the body, pulsating. You are that energy. Allow it to fill your body. Your body becomes a vessel. Holding that space of energy. And then drawing the hands again towards the earth. Back into downward facing dog. And then inhaling onto the knees. Exhaling. Child's pose. Balasana. Onto all fours. Just hear the silent sound of om. Staying here. Rounding the spine. Hips to meet the heels. Two more on your own. Back onto all fours. Heart moves forward. Exhaling. Moving inward. All fours. Madryasana. Exhaling to help on between the thighs. Balasana. Last one. This time you come all the way onto all fours. Last time, downward facing dog. Three times on your own. Just feeling the pulsation of om, moving through the veins, bending the knees. And then as you exhale, upper thighs move up and then back. Extending with the breath. Look to the space between the hands. Walk the feet forward as you inhale. And then exhale in Uttanasana. Inhale and again halfway up. And then exhale all the way down. Inhaling.

Rising to the sky. And exhale and releasing the hands alongside the body. Take three deep breaths here. Lengthen through the spine as you push the feet into the earth. Feel the crown of the head move to the heavens. Inhaling the arms to the sky. Urdvastasana. Exhaling Uttanasana. Silent sound of om pulsating. I'm going to step the left foot back this time and take the right foot to the sky. Exhale in the knee to the heart. And then from here you're just going to thread the right foot into an L to the left side. Activate both of the legs squeezing the inner thighs together. And then draw the right upper thigh onto the earth. Activate the toes, your left foot. Inhaling here. And then exhaling. Just turning slightly to your right side. Again inhaling extending through that left foot. Out through the crown of the head. And then inhaling. We're just going to turn bringing both the legs out in front of you. Extend both the legs out. Activate the feet. Inhaling the arms up. Exhaling moving up and out of the spine. Inhaling back up again. Exhaling bringing the hands to the left side. You're going to activate both the feet. The right hip will come up. Exhaling twisting. Exhaling forward folding. Fingertips to the right side. Lifting up the left hip. Last time. Inhaling again extending the spine. And exhaling bringing the hands back behind you. Turn the fingertips toward your hips. Bending in both of the knees. Place the feet onto the earth. Inhaling heart moves forward. And then slide the hips to meet the heels. Exhaling down. Slide the legs out in front of you. Inhaling. Last time exhaling forward folding. Apashimottanasana. Holding onto the feet. Go ahead and bend into the knees if it's necessary and scoot the hips slightly back. Holding onto the outsides of the feet. Pull the outer feet toward your shoulders and take your thumbs and place them right into the mound of the big toe that you're pressing slightly forward. Inhaling. Spread the toes wide. And then exhaling moving the abdomen onto the thighs. Chest towards the knees and the forehead towards the feet. If you feel comfortable you begin to activate the thighs. Come all the way down. If you don't you can keep the legs bent and work from this position here to straighten the spine. Turning inward. Hearing the silent sound of bone. Vibrating through the spine. Extending outward. Filling the space that you are. And then inhaling coming back up. Exhaling. Bend the arms alongside the body. And you're just going to bend the knees. And then turning again onto all fours. Spreading the fingers wide. Be mindful of your hands. The connection here. And then exhaling. Silence sound of bone. One last one. Turning the toes under downward facing dog. Big toes to touch. High end of the toes. Exhaling bending the knees. Exhaling the heels towards the earth. Toes are spread. Maybe even lifting them off the earth. And then look through the space now between the hands. Walk your right foot and your left foot forward. Exhaling Uttanasana.

Inhaling all the way up. And exhaling releasing the arms alongside the body. Take a moment here to connect. Feel. Feel sensation. And then know that's energy. Okay. Inhaling the arms up. This time it's going to be the right leg that's going to come all the way back. Plant the hands onto the earth. Take the left leg to the sky. Find the connection. Hand to the foot. Silently chanting Om. Draw the knee into the heart. Once more. And you're going to thread that left leg to the right side. Slide the toes and the heel of the right foot back. Extend out through the left leg and then draw the hip right into the center point of your mat. Look back to make sure the toes are turned under and the heel is pushing back here. And if you need to bend into the left leg you can if that's easier for you to turn the hips. Otherwise you're extending out through both of the heels. Finding two lines of energy. Inhaling now find the line of energy from the crown of the head to the heel. And then as you exhale turning softly to your left side. Inhaling for length. Last one. And you're just going to turn around bringing both of the legs onto the mat. And the hips are going to be slightly back. Bend into the knees if you need to. Inhaling the arms up. Dandasana. Exhaling Paschimottanasana. Moving up and out. Inhaling stretching through the fingers. Exhaling the hands onto the mat. Bring them right back behind you. And keep the heels on the floor. The toes are active. Inhaling lifting the heart. Paschimottanasana. Exhaling down. Inhaling again arms to the sky. And exhaling moving forward. And one last series. Hear the sound of Aum. And then exhaling. Holding again onto the feet. Bending the knees if that's necessary. Heart is moving forward pushing out through the ball. The mount of your big toe. And then exhale and extending through the spine. Allow the head to relax. Soften here. Soften the jaw. And turn inward. You can even just relax the arms now. Allow yourself to become really soft. Turn inward. Feel sensation. You're going to roll up vertebrae after vertebrae. You're going to come right onto your spine. You're just going to allow the legs now to open up. The feet are going to splay out to the sides. Pull the shoulders to the ears and then roll the shoulder blades under. Palms in the hands are facing upward. And take a breath or two here. And just settle in. Move inward. Relax the feet. Relax the legs. Relax the jaw. You can even begin just to drop the breath back completely. I'm going to have you make a fist with both of your hands. And squeezing into the hands, you're going to begin to squeeze the muscles around the bones and tie your body. And taking a deep breath, activating the arms and the legs and even clenching into the jaw. Create as much contraction as you possibly can. You can even begin to lift the entire body up and then letting go without any control. You do that two more times. Squeezing as much as you can and then allowing the flow of energy to circulate through the body. One last time. And now relax. Completely relax. Drop the breath. Notice. Moving into stillness.

Stay quiet. And begin to feel pulsating energy pulsing through the veins. Pulsing through your entire being. Just notice. It's the flow of your vital force. Call it spirit. Call it chi. Call it jakti. This is you. I want to just have you remain comfortably lying on the earth with your eyes softly closed. I'm just going to allow you now to listen to my voice. So draw your attention now to the forehead. This is something that you are going to experience. There's no effort involved. Just see it with your mind's eye to the best of your ability. See a point of light pulsating. The third eye. Pearl of light. I'm just going to ask you to follow this pearl of light as it slips into the center of your throat. See this pearl of light pulsating the center of your throat. The center of your right shoulder. The center of your elbow. Center of your right wrist. See white light form of a pearl pulsing at the tip of your thumb. Index finger. Middle finger. Ring finger. Pinky. See this pearl of light move back to the center of your wrist. Center of your elbow. Sliding back to the center of your shoulder. Moving to the middle of your throat. Watch this pearl of light now as it moves to your left shoulder. Left elbow. Center of your left wrist. Pulsating light. Tip of your thumb. Tip of the index finger. Middle. Ring. And pinky. See the pearl of light move back to the center of your left wrist. Left elbow. Left shoulder. Pearl of light the center of your throat. And notice the pearl of light as it descends to the center of your heart. Center of your chest. Move to the left breast. Back to the center. To the right breast. Back to the center. See the light now moving just above the naval center. The pubic bone. Center of your right hip. See pulsating white light. Center of your right hip. Center of your right knee. Right ankle. Tip of the big toe. Second. Third. Fourth. And fifth. White light the center of your ankle. Center of the right knee. Center of your right hip. And watch that light as it moves back to the pubic bone. Notice that it's into the center of your left hip. Center of the left knee. See white light.

Center of your ankle. Tip of the big toe. Second. Third. Fourth. And fifth. Light is moving back to the center of your ankle. Center of the left knee. Center of your left hip. See light pulsating at the pubic bone. Just below the naval. Center of your chest. Pearl of light. Center of your throat. Pearl of light. Center of your forehead. And third thigh. Just relax with your gaze here. And like connecting the dots, allow naturally the image of rays of light connecting each point that the pearl touched. And see your entire body flooded with white light circulating through the cells. Through your entire being. And out through the pores. And enveloping your entire being. This is you. Know that this is you. Just remain here for another minute or two. Feeling the body. Beyond that of form. But of light. Of infinite light. Allow the memory of who you really are being printed in the cells. You are nothing less than this. Infinite light. So you can remain here for as long as you feel comfortable. Stayed in this white light. Allow yourself to feel gratitude.

Thank you.


Elke S
1 person likes this.
Love! Love! Love this wonderful session with Jessica! Her guided meditation part with the pearl of white light especially. I could see my body glow with the ray of lights. Devine! Thank you Jessica!
Jessica Magnin
Thank you Elke for your encouraging words and for practicing with me . Enjoy the continuous journey of the Divine. See you soon on the mat . Love
Paige G
Loved the chanting and flowing!
Jessica Magnin
HI Page!

I am so glad that you enjoyed this deep tantric approach and felt the flow. I find it to be a grounding yet energizing practice that moves energy within me. Come visit again.
Cherie Y
2 people like this.
I usually tend to like more of a vinyasa flow (I teach vinyasa flow and restorative flow) but really loved this class. I found lots of creative ideas for my own practice.
Jessica Magnin
Thank you Cherie for sharing your thoughts and for trying something new. You can use chanting Aum in any practice as it will deepen taking you inwards. It slows everything down enough to hear the pulsating of your inner rhythm vibrate and connect with that of the universe. It is a powerful practice and brings an abundance of energy so that we feel radically alive. Enjoy and stay you!
Eleanor M
1 person likes this.

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