I mean, often people come to a spiritual path because they are sick and they are looking for healing, and so suffering of various kinds can indeed be an inducement towards people seeking for a solution. It's not necessarily so. Some people from extremely affluent, psychologically perfectly healthy and no reason at all might give up everything for the sake of practice or they might keep everything and still practice. It doesn't mean that outwardly we have to always renounce. If inwardly we are renounced from our attachment. And so, you know, I think it depends on one's karma. Some people naturally have the karma to practice and some people even with all their suffering can never get beyond their own sense of inner futility, often based on self-hatred. So it depends. Different people come for different reasons, but suffering in itself is not necessarily a bad thing if it leads to something beyond itself including the ability to cultivate great compassion for others who are likewise suffering.
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