Hello, and thank you for joining me. I'm telling you a little bit about the conscious flow series. It's all about intention, setting an intention before our classes. In setting intentions it's about laying the bricks that create our path, and as we create our path, we set forth our journey, and in setting forth our journey, we then start to create our reality. Although sometimes karma and life doesn't always go the way we want it to, we can always readjust and set intentions.
So in this six-part series, we're gonna go through a number of intentions before each class. One, grace and flow, we're gonna really work with strength and ease, working on those balancing efforts. To really find grace in our flow, as well as to be open for grace. And we're going to work on positivity through balance amd figure transitions, so anytime any negativity comes up, we're going to work on nipping that in the bud. So when the mind kind of gets a little jittery, we can cultivate the opposite.
So the practice of prahsi prasta baganam. And then I'm going to work on a little bit for the intention of sweating it slow. So often when we start to go against the grain, and life kind of throws us, learning to reset, come back to something we know, and just start anew. And I'm gonna work on a little bit of heart opening. I'm going to ask you to embrace your five-, six-year-old self, right?
And if you imagine that five-, six-year-old self standing there, chest high, head high, ready to share with the world and ready to receive from the world. So I know about life, when things happen, we start to close in a bit, and I'm going to ask that you peel that back, and be present, and be willing to share. And then we'll do a couple of energy shifters. We're going to ignite a fire, and we're gonna also change our mood system by getting upside down. So I do hope that you will join me in this intention-setting conscious flow.
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