Good Morning Yoga with Alana Artwork
Season 7 - Episode 3

Inspired Flow

40 min - Practice


Inspire openness in your hips and side body in today’s practice. Alana starts by heating the body with Sun Salutation A, moving through a lovely Warrior flow, sprinkling in side body and leg stretches, and then inviting us onto the floor for Pigeon and Seated Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana), encouraging our hips to safely and gently unwind in their own time. Round off your practice with some balancing core work, and you will feel aligned, receptive, and ready for your day.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jun 01, 2020
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Good morning, or good day. This is a inspired flow. It'll target the hips and side body opening. We'll play with riding the wave of the breath, starting with some sun salutations and making our way down towards the end. So join me at the top of your mat. Need about hips width apart. We'll interlace our fingers to rather bring the thumbs together. We're going to inhale, reach the arms up towards the sky, and just press down through the feet, wiggle, lengthen, spread the fingers nice and wide apart as you hook the thumbs. That's the word. We'll inhale, lengthen, and exhale. Take it over to the right. Let your left knee bend a little bit.

Let that left side body open. Nice full breath up, and then exhale over to the left. Bend your right knee. Let that right side body open. Nice. Inhale, back up. Exhale, release the arms. Roll the shoulders forward. We'll interlace our fingers behind the back. Inhale, lift the chest. Exhale, bend the knees forward full, just finding this familiar pattern. Let the head release. Let the arms stretch up out and over. Feel how you can lift your shoulders away from your ears and maybe wiggle towards the balls of the feet. Back and the neck soft. Another breath or two here. Beautiful. Slow. Bend the knees. Release the hands to the floor.

We'll inhale, half arch. So just let your spine lengthen a little bit. Hands might slide up the shins. Exhale, bend the knees forward fold. Plant your right hand on the floor and inhale. Lift your left arm up to the sky. Standing twist here. Bend your right knee and feel how you can reach from your heart into both hands. Nice. Just find a place where your neck feels good. Another inhale here. Stretching. Exhale, bend the knees. Release the torso. Release the left hand. Inhale, reach that right arm up to the sky. Bend your left knee. Nice. And then kind of lengthen through the spine. Breathing. Finding a place where your neck feels good. Inhale. Exhale, slow. Bend the knees. Roll the spine down to the floor, releasing the head.

Soft bend through the knees and as usual roll up through our spine with the head last. So bend the knees. Curl the tailbone under. Round and stretch the back as you stack the bones. Nice. Slow and easy. Feeling the heart. Feeling the shoulders. Feeling the head. Let the palms open. Nice. Swill exhalation down into the feet. Let the bottoms of the feet open. Soft through the mouth, the jaw. Easy through the neck. Nice. From here, bringing the hands together at the heart. Finding sun, salutation, surya namaskara A. As you're ready, we'll inhale. Circle the arms up. Take a moment. Reach and lengthen. Draw the front ribs in. Enable the spine. Exhale. Hinge at your hips. Forward fold. Maybe a soft bend through your knees. Release the head and the arms. Inhale. Half arch. Let your spine lengthen.

Exhale. Bend the knees. Plant the hands. Let's step our right foot back and let our left knee bend for a moment. Kind of wiggle back through the ball of that right foot. Draw the front ribs in towards the back ribs and then step back into a plank. Reach back through the heels. Lengthen forward through the heart. And then lower the knees. Draw the elbows in. Come on to the belly. Super cobra. So you'll bring the fingertips out nice and wide. And then inhale. Lift up through the heart. Nice and wide across the chest. And then exhale. Lower down. Let's do that two more times. Super cobra. Inhale. Rolling up. Arms wide. Elbows wide. Exhale. Lead with the heart. Lower down. Last one. Press through the fingers. Inhale. Lift up. Opening. Warming the spine. Exhale. Release. Hands right underneath the shoulders. Elbows in. Tuck the toes under. Inhale. Exhale.

Press up onto the knees and back downward facing dog. Take a few moments. Walk it off. Bend the knees. Stretch through the back of the legs. Nice. And then as you're ready, walk the feet forward towards the hands. And once you arrive, inhale. Half arch to lengthen. Exhale. Soften the knees. Forward fold. Releasing the head. Spread the toes. Bend the knees. Press through the feet. Inhale. Circle the arms up to the sky. Press the feet into the floor. Lengthen. Drop the tailbone. Exhale. Hands to the heart. Taking a moment to pause. Sagging around as you're ready. Inhale. Circle the arms up. Feel that length. That space. Reach beyond the fingertips. Exhale. Navel to spine. Maybe there's a soft bend in your knees as you dive forward and in. Releasing, releasing. Inhale. Half arch. Lift up and lengthen. Exhale as you bend your knees.

We're stepping our left foot back this time. Right knee bends. Wiggle back through the ball of that left foot. And then we're stepping the right foot back to meet the left in the plank. Strong through the legs. Strong through the core muscles. Nice. And then you might lower the knees or lower through a chaturanga all the way onto the belly. Super cobra. Bring the fingertips out. And with an inhale, lifting up onto the fingertips. Lifting the chest. Opening the shoulder blades. And exhale. Lower down. Again, press up. Lift up wide across the chest and the collarbones. Exhale. Slow. Lower down. One more inhale. Lifting up. Exhale. Slow. Lower down. Bring the hands out of the shoulders. Elbows in. Tuck the toes under. Press up to the knees and back. Downward facing dog. You might walk it off. Spread the fingers. And then settle in for two breaths.

And you're ready. Soft bend through the knees. Stepping forward. Inhale. Half arch to lengthen. Exhale. Bend the knees forward. Fold easy through the neck. Spread the toes as you're ready. Inhale. Circle the arms up to the sky. Press through the feet. Reach beyond the fingers. Exhale. Hands together at the heart. Last round like this. Inhale. Arms circle up. Gather the energy. Exhale. Hinge at the hips. Soft forward fold. Easy neck. Inhale. Lift up. Half arch. Exhale. Bend the knees. Plant the hands. Step back. Plank pose. Pause again and plank. Lower knees. Or through chaturanga. Nice and slow. Elbows in. Super cobra. Bring the fingertips to the floor. Nice and wide. Inhale. Lift up through the chest. Exhale. Lead with the heart. Lower down. Inhale. Press up. Exhale. Lead with the heart. Lower down. Last one. Inhale. Lifting up. Rolling up through your spine. Exhale. Slow. Lower down. Hands under the shoulders. Elbows in. Tuck the toes. Press up and downward facing dog. Walk it off. Nice and adding on as you're ready. Inhale. Lift the right leg up to the sky. Bend the knee. Let the hip open. Just stretching out through the back of the left leg. Right hip. Stretch the right leg back up to the sky. Square the hip. Inhale. Exhale. Knee to nose. Curl shoulders over the wrists. Inhale. Right leg reaches back up to the sky. Exhale. Knee to nose. We're gonna step it on through. Warrior II. Pivot onto the outer edge of that right foot. Windmill that top left arm up.

Here we are. Warrior II. Take a few moments. Finding your stance. Palms open. Inhale. Press through the ball. The right foot. Arms reach up. Warrior dance. Exhale. Right knee bends. Warrior II. Inhale. Reaching up. Exhale. Right knee bends. Warrior II. Three rounds with the breath. Inhale. Exhale. Right knee bends. Inhale. Arms reach up. Right leg straightens. Exhale. Right knee bends. Last one. Inhale. Reach up. Lengthen. Exhale. Warrior II. Take a moment here. Pause. Heart right over the pelvis. Spacious through the collar bones. And then we'll reverse. Slide the left hand down the back leg. Inhale. Reach the right arm up. Sink down into your right hip. And feel that opening through the right side body. Through the ribs. Beautiful. Take another breath here. Exhale. Cartwheel the hands down. Around that front right foot. Spin onto the ball of your back foot. And we'll step back downward facing dog. Again, pedal out the feet. Reset. As you're ready, inhale forward into a plank pose. Pause. Shoulders over the wrist. Strong through the legs. This time you'll lower the knees or lower through a chaturanga. Inhale to a cobra. Or maybe it's an upward dog this morning. Lifting up the chest. Exhale, navel to spine. We'll meet in downward facing dog. A few breaths here.

As you're ready, inhale. Lift the left leg up to the sky. Bend the knee. Let the hip open. Heavy through that right heel. Square the hips. Lift that left leg up to the sky. Inhale. And then exhale. Knee to nose. Curling round. Inhale. Left leg reaches up. Exhale. Knee to nose. Step it through for our lunch. We go back through the ball of that right foot. Get long and lengthen. And then root through the outer edge of that right foot. Windmill that top right arm up. Warrior two. Take a moment to settle. Left knee is bent. Sinking into the hip. Palms open. Inhale. Press into the ball of that left foot. Left leg straightens. Arms reach. Exhale. Left knee bends. Warrior two. Inhale. Press through the ball of the left foot. Arms reach. Exhale. Left knee bends. Warrior two. Three rounds with the breath. Inhale. Brings you up. Exhale. Sinks you in. Two more. Inhale. Press through the ball of that left foot. Left leg straightens. Arms reach. Exhale. Warrior two. Last one. Inhale. Reach up. Exhale. Left knee bends. Pause for a moment here. Left knee is bending. Settling into your warrior two. And then reverse. Slide the right hand down the back leg. Inhale. Lift that left arm up. Reverse warrior. Bending that left knee. Opening through the ribs.

Nice full breath into that left lung. Inhale. Exhale. Cartwheel the hands around that front foot. Spin onto the ball of the back foot. Nice work. Step back. Downward facing dog. Reset. Pedal the feet. As you're ready, inhale forward into a plank pose. Pause in plank. Your choice. Lowering the knees or lowering through a chaturanga. Inhale to cobra or maybe it's upward dog. Lifting the chest. Wide through the collar bones. Exhale. Navel spine. Downward facing dog. From downward dog. Just walking the hands towards the feet. Soft bend through the knees. Parahastasana. Sliding the hands, the palms under the soles of the feet. Nice. Inhale. Lengthen up through the spine like a half arch. Exhale. Forward fold. Little wrist therapy here. Releasing through the back of the neck. Maybe you're rolling some weight forward into the balls of the feet and the toes. Getting into the hands and the wrists. And then keep the hands under the feet and play with just drawing and lifting the shoulder blades away from the ears. So really the shoulder blades are lifting up as you fold perhaps a bit deeper here. Again, relaxing, releasing the neck.

Nice. Inhale. Keep the hands where they are. Half arch. Lengthen. Exhale. Gently. Carefully release the hands from the feet. We're going to toe heel the feet wide. Finding a squat. Malasana. So any amount feels right for your body. Settling in and maybe the hands are finding the heart. Nice, full exhale through the face and the jaw. Easy through the neck. We'll plant the right hand. Inhale. Lift the left arm up. Let it open. It might feel good to circle out that left wrist there. Draw that weight bearing. And then bringing that left hand down, opening right arm up to the sky. Maybe you're circling out through the wrist. And then releasing down. We're going to travel back into downward dog. So just walking the hands back. Reorganize your feet. And then walking the feet towards the hands. Kind of climbing your way up towards the mat. Inhale. Half arch to lengthen. And exhale. Forward fold. As you're ready, we're just going to roll it through the spine. Knees off. Tune into the chest. Rolling up. Stretching the back. Feeling the heart. Feeling the shoulders. And feeling the head. Letting the palms open. And just letting everything settle for a beat. We're going to bring your hands together at your heart. Moving with a breath. Inhale. Circle the arms up. Reach up and lengthen. Exhale. Dive forward and in. Hinging at the hips. Releasing the head and the arms. Inhale. Lift up. Half arch to lengthen. Exhale. Bend the knees. Plant the hands. We'll step back in.

Plank pose. Pause and plank. And your choice to lower the knees. Or lower through chaturanga. Keeping the elbows in. Inhale to cobra or upward dog. Exhale. Navel to spine. Downward dog. As you're ready, inhale. Lift the right leg up to the sky. This time exhale. Right knee to right elbow. Hover. Shoulders over the wrist. Draw the deep belly in. Inhale. Right leg reaches. Exhale. Need a nose. Step it through. Warrior II. Pivot onto the outer edge of the foot. Inhale. Windmill that left arm up. Settling in. Warrior II. From here slide the left hand down the back leg. Inhale. Reach that right arm up. Reverse. Warrior. And then press into the ball of that right foot. Let that right leg straighten. Feel all that length and space. And as we move towards triangle pose, you might toe heel that back foot in a little closer. And then we're lengthening. Lengthening. Lengthening. And maybe that right hand finds the shin, the ankle, the block. Top arm reaches towards the sky. And then reaching as you open through the chest. Nice. Finding a place where the neck feels good. You might stay with this. You might sweep that top arm down to the floor. Reach it towards the front of the mat. And then just let the shoulder open.

Sweep it down in front and let it open. Feel more like this. And aware of the breath. And then last one, you might pause reaching it overhead. Lengthening. Wrapping the pinky finger towards the floor. Beautiful. Inhale. Exhale. We're gonna reach. Inhale to come up. Turn that right foot in. Toe heel the feet just a little closer together. Stretch the arms out. Roll the shoulders forward. Interlace the fingers behind the back. Inhale. Lift up through the chest. Exhale. Hinge at the hips. Forward fold. Releasing through the head. Stretching the arms about and over any amount. Again, if this feels a lot for your hamstrings, you might just keep a soft bend through the knees. And then just slow. Release the hands down by your sacrum and we'll walk the hands out for hammock a little bit further. So walk the hands out in front of you. And then reach the hips away from the hands. Softening the heart towards the floor. Back of the neck is soft. Bring the hands back underneath the shoulders. As you're ready, travel back to the front of the mat. Shape of the lunge. Right foot forward. Left foot back. We'll step back. Downward facing dog. Pedaling the feet. Walking it off.

Inhale forward into a plank. Pausing in your plank pose. Again, lowering the knees or through a chaturanga. Elbows and collarbones broad. Inhale to cobra or upward dog. Exhale, navel to spine. Downward facing dog. As you're ready, we'll left leg. We'll lift up towards the sky. And exhale, left knee to left elbow. Hover shoulders over wrists. Inhale, left leg reaches. Exhale, knee to nose. Step it through. Pivot onto the outer edge of that right foot. Warrior two. Inhale, reach that top arm up. Taking a few moments settling in to your warrior two. And then we'll reverse. Slide the back hand down. That right leg. Inhale, reach the left arm up. Feeling that length. And then press into the ball of that left foot. Rightening through the left leg. Inhale. As you move towards triangle pose, you might toe heel that right foot in. Keep that length through the underside as you reach. Maybe the left hand finds the shin, the ankle, a block. Right arm reaches towards the sky. And you might stay here in your triangle pose. It might feel nice to sweep that top arm down in front of the face. Reach it towards the front of your mat. Lengthen and then let that arm open. Couple times like this. Shoulder circles.

Nice. You can stay with this or reach the arm overhead. Finding that extended triangle pose. Lengthening through both sides. Finding a place where the neck feels good. When you're ready, reach that right arm up to the sky. Let the inhale carry you up. Nice. And then we'll draw that left foot and heel, toe the feet a little closer. Interlace the fingers again behind the back. Maybe the funny knuckle on top. Inhale, lift up through the chest. Exhale, forward fold. And releasing the head towards the floor. Soften through the knees. Arms stretch up out and over. Surrendering here for a few breaths. You might find this round feels a little different than the first one. Nice. And just slow. Release the hands. Walk the hands forward. One last hammock pose. Reaching the hips back. It's like a variation to downward dog. Softening. Easy through the neck. And take your time. Bring your hands back underneath the shoulders. Travel back to the top of the mat. Shape of the lunge. Spin onto the ball of your back right foot. And then step back downward facing dog. Walk it off. Bettle the feet out.

When you're ready, inhale back into your plank pose. Pause again in plank. Feeling your strength. Lower the knees or lower through chaturanga. Inhale to cobra or upward dog lifting. Exhale, navel to spine, downward facing dog. Nice. And then we'll just lower the knees. Press back, child's pose. Sinking the hips back. And releasing the forehead towards the floor. Another breath here and child's. When you feel ready, reach the arms forward. Inhale, rise back up. Moving towards pigeon. Hooray. So we're going to come through downward facing dog and lift the right leg up. And then just draw the knee through. And we're going to lower down into our pigeon. So here's where you might bring a blanket or a prop underneath that right hip. You might toe heel that right foot any amount where it feels good for your right hip. Where it feels safe. Nice. Extending out through that left leg and just take your time here to settle in. Notice where you can soften through the eyes and the jaw. Even through the belly a bit. You feel this settling through the pelvis.

And then you might walk your fingers forward and find a little super cobra action onto the fingertips where you lift up and then just lowering down a little bit. And inhale, roll the spine up. And exhale, lead with the heart and lower down. There's one or two more like this super cobra pigeon. Lowering down. And inhale, rising up. And exhale, lowering down. And again, finding that appropriate edge for you, for your hip, for your body. You might stay up. You might lower onto the forearms. You might release the head completely. And like a little bit of wobbling and movement. And then we're offering ourselves here for just a few more breaths. Me noticing how the sensation changes with a little bit of time here.

Okay, no rush with this. Take your time. Just slowly make your way up. We're going to move towards the seated twist. So you're transferring onto that right hip and you're swinging the left leg across. Coming into that Ardhamatsyandrasana shape. Reorganize a little bit. So right leg is underneath, left leg is on top. Settling into your sitting bones. Okay, sit up on a blanket here. Round through your left hand. Inhale, reach the right arm up to the sky. Find that lengthened space. And then exhale, we're wrapping the right hand around the legs. And gentle twist to the left. Bringing the left fingertips behind. Inhale, lengthens the body. And exhale, twisting. Three to five full breaths here.

Inhale to lengthen. Exhale to soften. Nice. And just slow, let the head and gaze turn forward. And let the body unwind. And then unwrap the legs. We'll come into Navasana here, boat pose. So bring the hands behind the legs. Lift up through the chest, roll the shoulders down the back. And make your way onto your sitting bones. Here we go. Draw the navel towards the spine. You might stay here. You might extend out through your legs a little bit. Hands might stay on the back of the legs. Or you might stretch your arms forward, lifting through the heart. Maybe you're extending the legs for five breaths. One, two, three, four, and five.

Nice work. Bring the feet to the floor, hands behind you, reverse tabletop. Draw the sit bones under and press up, lift up, tabletop. You might keep the chin to the chest. If it feels good for your neck, you might begin to release the head. Yeah, you're lifting up, lengthening through the thigh bones. And then draw the chin into the chest, slow, lower down. Nice. Cross the ankles, roll forward, find your way back into downward dog. Reset. Nice. You might pedal out the feet a little bit here. When you're ready, we'll lift our left leg up. And then exhale, draw it through for pigeon. Second side. Find your way there. And then settling in. You might bring something underneath that left hip. You might stay exactly where you are.

You might move towards a little bit of a super, super, super cobra action coming onto the fingertips, lifting up and just lead with the heart lower down and rolling through the spine to lift up and lead with the heart lower down, diving into the hips. Inhale up. Exhale, lower. One more inhale, lifting up and exhale, lowering. And maybe again, you're staying where you are. Maybe you're lowering onto the forearms. And maybe you're releasing towards the floor. There's a little bit of wobbling and movement. And then settling, surrendering, breathing into where you feel the stretch. And just noticing where you can soften. It's likely the side feels different, right, depending on your hip, your knee, your back. And tuning towards this quality of listening and softening and receptivity.

Just a few more breaths here. And rather than trying to open the hip or stretch the hip, consider the possibility of the hip releasing in its own timing, in its own way. And no rush. When you feel ready, just slow walk yourself back up and out. We'll shift onto our left hip and swing the right leg across for a seated twist. You organize through the legs, the sitting bones with an inhale, reach your left arm up, finding that length and exhale, twist to the right, wrapping that left arm around the legs. Inhale to lengthen the spine and exhale, gentle twist to the right.

Kneeling the inhale, draw the spine into the back. And exhale, softening through the belly, the internal organs. A few more breaths here. Stay in the twist slow, let the head unwind back to the front and just let the body unwind. Nice. And then unwrap the legs. Navasana, boat pose, hands behind the legs and now lift the legs up. Nice. Lifting up through the chest, keep the knees bent or extend out through the legs. Maybe you're reaching through the arms for five, one, two, lifting up, three, four, and five.

Nice work. Bend the knees, hands behind you, reverse table, press through the feet, curl the tailbone under, lift up, open the chest, lengthen through the thigh bones. Again, maybe your chin stays in or maybe you're letting the head drop back, the throat open, opening through the shoulders, and then chin into the chest slow, lowering down. Nice. Cross opposite chin, make your way forward and back, downward facing dog, pedaling the feet out. Nice. And then lowering the knees, nice wide child's pose, sinking the hips back towards the heels. Take your time to transition onto your back. A few rounds of bridge, so find your way there.

Bend the knees, feet about hips width apart, shoulder blades draw down the back, spread the toes. When you feel ready for this inhale, exhale, curl the tailbone, press through the feet, lift the pelvis up. Again, palms might press down into the floor or you might roll and tuck the shoulders under the back, finding that interlace, finding that internal rotation through your thigh bones. Starting and lifting towards the chin a little bit, soft for the eyes. Nice. Tuning a bit towards the exhale. Nice. And then just slow release the hands, stretch the arms up to the sky, lift the heels up, come high up onto the balls of the feet.

We'll roll our spine down slow, upper back, mid back, low back and arms pausing, nice full exhale. Drawing the knees into the chest, stretching the legs up towards the sky. You might stay here, you might move towards the shape of plow, pressing through the palms, rolling on back. Drawing the chin towards the chest, halasana, nice. You might stay with this, you might bend the knees, let the back round a little bit here. Nice. When you feel ready to release, slow, lower down, round through the spine and then just send the gaze and the head up towards the toes as you slowly lower the spine.

Nice and slow, one vertebra at a time. Bend the knees, bring the feet to the floor and then go ahead and stretch the legs out on the floor. Nice. And then moving towards fish pose, pressing up onto the forearms. And if it feels good, letting the head drop back, letting the throat open, a little energy through the legs, opening through the chest. Beautiful. From your fish, when you feel ready, just draw your chin into your chest, draw your chin into your chest and slowly release here. Nice. Draw the knees into the chest, draw a little bit from side to side.

We're going to rock up towards the seated forward folds. You might roll to your side and use your arms or you might rock your way up. I'm just stretching the legs out, settling into staff pose for a moment, lifting up, feeling that space through your spine and then exhale forward fold, releasing the hands to the shins, the ankles. Keep that laying through the spine as you inhale and then exhale. Just let your back round and stretch, moving towards the seated forward fold. Hands might stay on the ankles or reach towards the feet. Finding a counter pose to the back bend here. The inhale lengthens you and exhale, releasing. And then just slow chin to the chest, rolling your way up.

Now from here, you might roll onto your back and stretch out for Shavasana or you might come into a seated meditation to close. You're coming into a seated meditation, just finding a comfortable seat. You might prop yourself up. You're coming into Shavasana, just stretching yourself out on the floor and taking up space. You're seated, taking a few moments here and establishing that length and integrity through the spine. Just leaning ever so slightly towards the back of the body and feeling that ease through the base of your skull.

Notice the quality through your hands. And just taking a few moments to allow yourself to consciously rest here. If the mind is still quite busy and active, you might just tune towards the breath. Be aware of the sensation of the breath through the nostrils. Just aligning the spine, balancing the nervous system, feeling this settling.

You're welcome to stay right where you are. Like to close and join me in an OM. Bring your hands together. Let's take a clearing breath. Inhale and exhale everything. Empty. Breathing in. Namaste.

Thank you for your practice. Have a wonderful day.


Anastasia T
I loved this practice. Perfect in the morning (or anytime). Thank you Alana.
Alana Mitnick
Wonderful, Anastasia. So glad you enjoyed! xoA
Mary L
1 person likes this.
Lovely  morning yoga thank you
Alana Mitnick
Good Morning, mary! Thank you for being here! So delighted that you enjoyed the practice. Love, Alana  
Christel B
1 person likes this.
Delightful for getting all of the kinks out at the end of the day!
Alana Mitnick
Yay, Christel. So glad you got your practice in... to unwind, get the kinks out, and Connect. Wishing you a deeply nourishing weekend. Love, Alana 
Nadia L
So lovely exactly what I needed! Thank you
Alana Mitnick
Wonderful, Nadia! Thank YOU for being here! xoA
Laura M
1 person likes this.
I love your classes so much!! Thank you for teaching!!
Alana Mitnick
Thank YOU so much, Laura M! It's truly an honor and joy to practice together and experience the magic that is Yoga. I am so grateful for your presence here. Love, Alana 
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