Your 30-Minute Go-to Yoga Sequence Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 6

Go-to Sequence 2 v.5

30 min - Practice


Listen inward. Alana guides us in a variation of our go-to sequence with an emphasis on finding freedom and ease in the hamstrings, shoulders, spine, and hips while energizing and strengthening the whole body. You will feel refreshed.
What You'll Need: No props needed


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Welcome back. You ready to practice? Let's go to it. Join me at the top of the mat, spread the toes, interlace your fingers, inhale, stretch your arms up towards the sky length and let's take it over to the right, letting the left side open, inhale back up and over to the left, opening the right side. Beautiful, inhale back up through center, exhale, release the hands, roll the shoulders forward, interlace inhale, lift up, exhale, forward fold, releasing the head and the arms softening through the neck, more breath here, rolling the weight into the toes, exhale, soft bend through the knees, release the hands, chin into the chest, nice and slow, round and roll your spine up, press through the feet, feel the heart, the shoulders in the head, drawing the toes towards each other, feet together, hands at the heart, nice full breath in, exhale, let it out, sun salutation as you're ready, inhale, sweep the arms up to the sky, lengthen, exhale, forward fold, releasing the head and the arms, inhale, lengthen halfway, exhale, plank pose, pause and plank, strong through the legs, three breaths here, draw the deep low belly into the spine, yeah, energize, one more breath, exhale lower the knees, lower onto the belly, inhale, cobra, point the feet, lift the chest, roll the shoulders down the back, exhale, beautiful, lead with the heart, lower down, tuck the toes, press up, downward facing dog, pedal the feet, walk it off, you might come high up onto the balls of the feet, stretching the toes and then letting the heels get heavy towards the earth, releasing the neck, breath here, take your time, slow walk the feet towards the hands, once you get there, inhale, half arch, exhale, forward fold, strong through the legs, inhale, rise up, press through the feet, sweep the arms up, lengthen, exhale, hands to the heart, two more, inhale, arms sweep up, gather and lengthen, exhale, folding in, releasing, inhale, half arch, lengthen, exhale, plank, pause there, strong through the legs, feeling your foundation here, drawing the deep low belly up and in, lower the knees, lower down, broad through the collarbones, inhale, cobra, lifting the heart, pressing through the palms, exhale, lead with the heart, lower down, elbows in, tuck the toes, press up and back, downward facing dog, few breaths here, nice, walking it off, lengthening, as you're ready, bend the knees, walk the feet towards the hands, once you arrive, inhale, half arch, exhale, fold forward and in, strong for your legs, inhale, sweep the arms up, press through the feet, lengthen, exhale, hands to the heart, last one like this, inhale, arms sweep, exhale, diving forward, releasing, beautiful, inhale, half arch, exhale, find your plank pose, pausing in plank, you might lower the knees or lower chaturanga, broad through your collarbones, inhale, cobra or upward dog, exhale, back, downward facing dog, take a few breaths here, beautiful, walk the feet towards each other, as you're ready, inhale, sweep the right leg up to the sky, bend the knee, let the hip open, you might circle out the ankle, stretch the right leg up to the sky, full breath in, exhale, right knee, right elbow, hover, shoulders over the wrists, inhale, right leg reaches up, exhale, knee to nose, step it through, twisting lunge, inhale, sweep the right arm up to the sky, lift that back, left thigh, feel the strength in the legs, reach from the heart into the hands, breathe in, exhale, sweep the right arm down, lower the back knee, low lunge here, you might stay lower, rise up onto that right thigh, nice, drawing the tail bone under, drawing the hips forward, feeling that cobra through the back of the heart, you might stay here, you might sweep the arms up towards the sky, feeling that lift, feeling that length, easy through the neck, hands might stay here today, or you might bring the hands behind the head, opening up through the chest, supporting the head here, beautiful, nice, one more breath here, and exhale, release the hands, draw your hips back, a little half split action, lengthening through the right side, moving towards high crescent, bend that right knee, tuck the back toes under, strong through the legs, and inhale, rise up, yeah, hands on the hips, draw the tailbone under, feel that lift from the pelvic floor up, from here you might reach the arms up towards the sky, lifting up through the chest, you might stay with this, or play with cactusing the arms, or goal pose the arms, beautiful, nice, inhale, reach the arms up, exhale, sweep the hands down, sweep that right leg up to the sky, shake it out, nice, let it lower down, downward facing dog, let's move through a vinyasa, as you're ready, inhale forward into your plank pose, nice and strong here, you might lower the knees, or find a chaturanga, inhale to your cobra, or upward dog, lifting, exhale, downward facing dog, walk the feet towards each other, as you're ready, inhale sweep the left leg up, bend the knee, open the hip, circling out through the ankle, stretching that left leg up towards the sky, nice and even through the hands, inhale, and exhale, left knee, left elbow, hover, inhale, left leg sweeps, exhale, knee to nose, step it through, twisting lunge, sweep that left arm up to the sky, reaching from the heart into the hands, we lifting that back right thigh up, easy in the neck, inhale, exhale, sweep the left arm down, and lower that right knee, low lunge here, stay low or rise up, this side might feel totally different today, sinking the hips forward, drawing the tailbone under, you might stay with this to reach the arms up towards the sky, feeling that lift and support from the back of your heart, arms might reach towards the sky, you might interlace the fingers again behind the head, opening the chest, beautiful, letting the head rest in the hands, feeling that upward lifting quality of support, sinking down, big stretch in the back thigh, one more inhale, arms stretch up, exhale, release the hands, draw your hips back, let's find a little freedom through that back thigh, breathing into the hamstrings here on the left side, nice, slow bend that left knee, setting up for high crescent, tuck your back toes under, strong for your legs and hips, with an inhale, hands on to the hips, draw the tailbone under, energy through the back leg, hands might stay here, you might inhale, reach the arms up towards the sky, can feel that lift from the back of the heart, arms might stay reaching or you might bend the elbows, opening up cactus, nice and wide through your chest, beautiful, easy through the neck, inhale, arms sweep up to the sky, exhale, release the hands around the front foot, sweep that left leg back and up, shake it out and lower it down, downward facing dog, with your inhale, forward plank pose, strong through the legs, you might lower the knees or chaturanga, nice and slow, inhale, cobra, or maybe it's your upward dog, and exhale, let's meet in downward facing dog, taking a moment to pause here, if it would feel good to lower the knees and child's, you might do that, from down dog walk the feet together, as you're ready inhale sweep the right leg up to the sky, bend the knee, let the hip open again, stretch that right leg back into the sky, square the hips, nice full breath in, exhale, right knee, right elbow, hover, shoulders over the wrist, inhale, right leg reaches up, exhale, knee to nose, round, step it through, warrior two, pivot onto the outer edge of the back foot, inhale, sweep that top arm up, settling in, palms open, warrior dance, inhale, press into the ball, the right foot, arms reach, exhale, right knee bends, warrior two, sink in, and inhale, gather the energy, exhale, grounding, last one, inhale, arms reach, exhale, warrior two, peaceful, reaching that right arm up, bend the right knee, opening up through the side body, breathing in, exhale, side angle, right form onto the right thigh, left arm sweeps over the ear, rolling open through the chest, strong through the legs, beautiful, inhale, sweep back up, peaceful warrior, reverse, and then press into the ball of your right foot, toe heel that back foot in a little bit, extend and lengthen, and then lengthening into your triangle pose, reaching, right hand finds the shin or the ankle, top arm reaches up towards the sky, and then lowering the arm down towards the earth, sweeping it over the ear, rolling open through the chest, let's do that two more times, lowering the left arm, rolling open through the chest, and last one, reaching that left arm down over the ear, the face, rolling and extending, beautiful, one more inhale, and then as you're ready, strong through the legs, reach with that top arm, come on up, turn the right toes in, toe heel the feet a little closer together, inhale, hands on the hips, lengthen, exhale, folding forward, releasing the hands, inhale to lengthen, and exhale bringing the head towards the earth, or you might draw your block in, supporting your head, shoulders lift up away from the ears, maybe you're rolling the weight into the balls of the feet, maybe there's a soft bend in the back of the knees here, nice, as you're ready, walk the hands forward, inhale, lengthen again, turn the toes out, exhale, bend the left knee, drawing those right toes towards you, skandhasana, let's crawl over to the right, bending the right knee, lifting the left toes up, and a few times side to side, just waking up the legs, over to the left, and then coming back through center, we're gonna travel to the front of the mat, right foot forward, spin onto the ball of your back foot, let's lower that back, left knee down for a lizard, toe heel the right foot a little wider, hands on the inside, or you might even lower on to the forearms, you're just listening in to your body, to your hips, you allow for a full, you might stay here, you might bring that right hand on to your right hip as you open and twist, take your time, walking your hands back up, draw the hips back, toe heel, that right foot back into the midline, half split again, lengthening, you might stay long, or it might feel good to exhale, round, beautiful, take your time, bend that right knee, plant the hands, tuck the back toes, step back, downward facing dog, pedal the feet, shake it out, inhale forward plank pose, strong through the legs, exhale lower the knees, or maybe it's a chaturanga, elbows in, inhale to cobra or lifting the heart, upward dog, beautiful exhale, downward facing dog, walking the feet towards each other, as you're ready, second side, inhale left leg reaches bend the knee, open the hip, stretch the left leg up to the sky, nice full breath in, exhale left knee, left elbow, hover, inhale left leg reaches, exhale knee to nose, step it through, warrior two, sweep that right arm up, set up your legs, your feet, warrior dance, as you're ready, press through the ball, the left foot, arms reach up, exhale left knee bends, warrior two, two more, inhale arms reach up, gather, exhale warrior two, last one, inhale arms reach, press into the ball, the left foot, left leg straightens, exhale warrior two, reverse peaceful, slide the right hand down, the back leg inhale, lengthen here, keep the left knee bent, nice full breath into the left side, extended side angle, left form on to the left thigh, might sweep that right arm over the ear, opening up through the chest, strong through the legs, easy up through the neck, as you're ready, strong through the legs and the core, inhale warrior two and then reverse peaceful, press into the ball, the left foot, toe heel that right foot in a little closer, reverse triangle lengthen and then we'll extend into our triangle pose, bringing that left hand to the shin, the block, the floor, right arm reaches up towards the sky, from here float the right arm down in front of the face, over the ear and then opening, two more, right arm sweeps down, making a big circle, wrapping over the ear, extend rolling the ribcage, one more like this, right arm sweeps down over the ear, opening, reaching that right arm up to the sky, strong through the legs, inhale let's come all the way up, turn the left foot in, toe heel the fetal closer together, arms out wide, roll the shoulders and then interlace the fingers behind the back, inhale lift the chest, exhale let's fold forward and in here releasing the head towards the earth, arms stretching up out and over, any amount here, nice, when you feel ready release the hands forward, hammock pose, softening the heart towards the earth, releasing the neck, nice, hands underneath the shoulders, we're going to travel back to the top of the mat, shape of the lunge, left foot forward, spin onto the ball, the back foot, we're going to lower the right knee down for lizard, toe heel the front foot a little wider, hands might stay on the floor, you might lower down onto the forearms or pull your block in and settling in for a few breaths, might even bring that left hand on to the left thigh, kind of rolling the chest, twisting here, nice, take your time when you're ready, back onto your hands and then slowly draw the hips back, toe heel that front foot back into the midline, little half split action lengthening, you might stay long or you might curl and round, slow, bend that left knee, tuck the back toes, downward facing dog, pedal the feet, walk it off, as you're ready, inhale forward plank pose, exhale lower the knees or through chaturanga, inhale to cobra or upward dog and exhale downward facing dog, from downward facing dog walk or hop the feet towards the hands, inhale half arch, exhale forward fold, strong through the legs, inhale sweep the arms up to the sky, press through the feet, reach the arms up and exhale hands together at the heart, taking a moment to pause, feeling your breath, feeling the energy move down, tree pose grounding through the right foot, opening the left hip, peel towards the inner ankle, the calf or maybe you're drawing it up towards the upper inner thigh, really pressing the foot towards the leg, whoo falling out and just easing back in, soft steady gaze, hands might rest at the heart or reach towards the sky, nice, take one more breath here, nice work exhale, relax the effort, shake the legs out, grounding through the left foot, let's see how this side feels, opening the hip, bringing the foot wherever feels right, on this side, hands might find the heart or reach towards the sky, drawing the heart towards the thumbs, beautiful, I'm just allowing the energy to move through your tree pose, feeling that wobbling, feeling the movement within the stillness, beautiful, one more breath here and then as you're ready gracefully go ahead and really shake it out, setting up for chair pose, spread the toes, bend the knees, inhale sweep the arms forward, shift the weight back into the heel, sit down, nice full breath here and exhale diving forward and in, releasing the head, inhale half arch to lengthen, exhale meet in plank pose, step back strong through the legs, strong through the core and then lowering onto the belly, setting up for two rounds of locusts or shalabhasana, stretching the fingers towards the toes, as you're ready inhale lift the chest, lift the arms, lift the legs, locust pose, drawing the back body into the spine, feeling your strength, long through the neck, one more inhale lift up, exhale slow melting down, take a moment to pause, you might find that previous variation or it might feel good to interlace the fingers, roll the shoulders up, inhale peel the heart up, peel the legs up, find that internal rotation through your thigh bones, inhale brings you up and exhale slow lower down, bring the hands underneath you, nice and slow, couple rounds of cat-cow rounding your way back and then inhale extending into cow and exhale rounding back into cow, maybe one or two more like this, exhale round the back, last one inhale extend and lengthen, exhale curl and round, draw your hips back towards your heels and we'll rise up for camel pose, coming up onto the knees, inhale feel the length from the pelvic floor all the way up, let's bring the hands together at the heart, lifting the heart towards the thumbs and then slowly begin to lift the heart towards the sky, nice you might keep the chin in or let the throat open, drawing the tailbone under, sacrum in, one more inhale here, lead with the heart slow, mindfully using the core to come back, take a moment to settle, we'll find one more camel pose, one of my favorite shapes, come up onto the knees, for this let's bring the hands onto the lower back, so fingers might face up or down, whatever feels best for your shoulders, inhale lift up and then exhale slow, begin to lift the chest, now your hands might stay right where they are, if available you might begin to reach back for your feet or maybe pull in your blocks and inhale lifting up through the chest, chin might stay in or it might be appropriate to drop the head, opening the chest for camel pose, breathing here, strong through the legs, whatever shape you're in, slow draw the chin in, strong through the core, hands onto the lower back or hips, coming up and then hinge at the hips slow, let's release into a child's pose, melting down, there's a little wobble from side to side, releasing the low back, just quieting the mind, stay here as long as you like, when you feel ready let's stretch out the back of the legs, tuck the toes, downward facing dog, moving into pigeon with the right knee, drawing it in, setting up, you might stay high in pigeon, might feel nice to release downward, taking your time, finding that appropriate edge of sensation, maybe a little wobble from side to side here, nice full exhale, easing in, take three more breaths here, we're just kind of touching pigeon today, take your time walking yourself out, again no rush, tucking the toes, lifting back up, stretching and shaking out that right leg and hip, second side, draw that left knee through, toe heel the foot, a little closer to the right hand, squaring the hips, you might stay upright or you might slowly ease forward and in, releasing through the neck and the face, breathing into where you feel it, let's take three more breaths here, take your time when you feel ready, tuck the back toes, lift up and back, downward facing dog and it might feel nice to just shake out the leg, from here let's draw the knees forward and all the way through, so just find a way, stretch the legs out, coming into staff pose, lifting up, boat pose, as you're ready bend the knees, hands might find the back of the legs and sitting back into the sit bones, let the spine lengthen, stay here with the knees, bend or play with stretching the legs, maybe you're reaching the arms forward for five, smile, four, three, two and one, bend the knees, fingers towards the hips, lifting up through the hips, reverse tabletop, chin might stay in or you might open the throat, stretching the shoulders and then draw the chin in, slow lower down, last round, boat pose Navasana, sitting back, lifting up, knees might stay bent or you might extend and lengthen the arms, lifting the chest, feeling the space for the collarbones, strong core work, a lot of work in the hip flexors, take your time slow round and lower onto your back and we'll set up for bridge pose, once we arrive there have your block nearby, once you arrive bring your heels in line with your sitting bones and spreading the toes, feet parallel, inhale, exhale, curl the tailbone under, press through the feet, now palms might press into the floor here, you might roll and tuck your shoulders under, finding that interlace, lifting your sternum towards your chin, feeling that internal rotation through your thigh bones, nice strong through the legs, lengthening through the front body to release, let's release the hands, stretch the arms up to the sky, lift the heels up, come high up onto the balls of the feet, round your spine down, slow upper back, mid back, low back and arms and pressing the feet into the floor, let's slide the block underneath the sacrum, so that might be the first side, might be the second or the third side, so finding what feels right for you, drawing the knees into the chest and then stretching the legs up towards the sky, reach the fingers down towards the back of the mat and maybe you're opening up through the chest, pressing through the balls of the feet, spacious through the throat, coming into this inversion here, he's keeping the neck long, lengthening just the gaze forward towards your toes, maybe softening the gaze inward, this is one of my favorite nourishing restorative inversions, feels good, stay here as long as you'd like, when you're ready to release, bend your knees, plant your feet, finding that blueprint of bridge, press your feet into the earth, lift the pelvis up, just slide your block out, slowly lower down onto your spine, low back, sacrum, soles of the feet together, knees wide, coming into baddha konasana here, a couple of beats, nice full, letting the hips open, letting the back release, and slow, drawing the knees towards each other and into the chest, let's find a spinal twist over to the right, stacking the knees, the arms, letting that top arm really open, drawing a circle and then releasing that left shoulder towards the floor, couple of breaths here, finding a place where the neck feels comfortable, and then just slowly with the top leg, let the bottom leg follow, and we'll stack the knees over to the left, rolling over onto the left side, stacking the arms, sweep the right arm over, nice big circle, letting the chest and the shoulder open, upper right shoulder blade, back releasing towards the floor, few breaths here, and gradually as you're ready, lead with the top leg, let the bottom leg follow, one last knees into chest, curl up, curl up, and then shavasana, stretching the legs and the arms out wide, taking up space, and resting here, adding the back of the body release towards the earth, you might stay here a bit longer, and you feel ready to slow, let's find a full body stretch here, drawing the knees in, rolling onto your side, let yourself pause as long as it feels right, let your transition be slow as you press the hands into the earth, it's coming into a comfortable seat, taking a few moments to arrive and settle and integrate, drawing the hands together at the heart, full breath in, exhale bowing the head towards the heart, namaste, thank you for your practice, have a beautiful day.


Janeissy A
1 person likes this.
I am awake! I needed this practice this morning. Ready to go on with my day. Namaste :)
Alana Mitnick
Haha.. happy to hear, Janeissy! The pacing is brisk and designed to get the blood flowing. So glad you got your practice in... now your available for whatever unfolds. Take good care. Namaste, Alana 
Jenny S
1 person likes this.
Monday ray of sunshine 🌞
Alana Mitnick
Your comment brought a smile to my face, Jenny. Thank you! xoA
June S
1 person likes this.
Very nice! This gave me no time for my mind to do it’s dreaded wandering. Just focused on my breathing and postures. Ended feeling far happier then when I went in. Question: how do you do this and TALK at the same time?! 😂
Alana Mitnick
June, haha... barely! It takes some practice and conditioning. Focusing on the breath is pretty much the solution to everything these days. I am so happy to hear that it resulted in feeling happier. That's what matters the most. Sending love and hugs. xoA
Christel B
1 person likes this.
So comforting to do this familiar routine first thing in the morning when the WiFi reception is strong and the video doesn’t stop every few minutes.  Great balance of poses to strengthen and get the blood flowing.
Alana Mitnick
Christel, Wonderful to hear from you! So glad you got your practice in early with a strong clear connection... what a difference a day makes. Love, Alana 
Gabriel W
1 person likes this.
Nice relaxed vibe. Thank you

Alana Mitnick
Gabriel, So glad you enjoyed the practice! Way to get in your yoga practice. Take good care, Alana 
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