Posing Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 6

Revolved Triangle

5 min - Tutorial
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We look at variations of Utthita Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), with the help of Juna, Sarah, and Matt.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Jan 26, 2015
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Welcome back. Thank you, Juna and Matt and Sarah, and thank you for being here. We'll take a look at Revolving Triangle, another tricky one, and again, as our friends are willing to share their practice with you, okay, please receive this as a gift. Okay, we'll step the left foot back. So watch as our friends step back, watch how they organize, watch how they take a little time, and then watch how they prepare to move into their version of Revolving Triangle. Notice the distance they've chosen to step their legs back, notice where each of them have chosen to place their hand, like Sarah's hand is on the outside of her foot, Matt's hand is on the inside, Juna's hand is on her leg, and notice the relationship of the arc of their body, okay, like what's happening in their hips. So just for a few more moments, just like appreciate the expression that has occurred. So nice, you guys. Okay, all of you, let both hands be down around your right foot for a moment, take a break, and then Sarah, as you are wanting to, you can find Down Dog in Child's Pose, and then what I'm gonna ask is that Matt and Juna stay where they are, and I'll ask them to go into it again, and just in the interest of looking at how we can play with these shapes, not from a perspective of fixing or making it right, but in interest of how we can look, I'm just gonna offer Matt a few suggestions. So Matt, do you mind just play with stepping that back left foot forward just a little bit. So shortening your stance sometimes can create a little bit more room, and then just for fun, I'm gonna offer Matt a brick underneath his hand. So that then, and just Matt, try this, try angling your back foot a little bit more towards like 11 o'clock, yeah. So the interest here is just what, what happens in Matt's hips as he allows this to draw back a little bit more. Okay, so then Juna and Matt, as you're ready, will you find your way back into the revolving triangle. So nice, beautiful. Does that feel okay, Matt? It's just like allowing a little bit more room in the hips and allowing a little bit more expression for the heart, maybe. Okay, that may or may not be of interest for you. Lengthening, so pretty. Okay, last few moments, gorgeous. And then as you guys are ready, find both hands around that foot again, fold over, give yourself a bit of a break, and then if it would feel good, down dog, and then you can join Sarah in child's pose. So a lot of these times with these suggestions of trying what sometimes get called modifications or adjustments, they can be perceived sometimes as ways to make the posture right. All we're doing here is playing with creating understanding. Where can we find more comfort? Where can we find more ease so that we have more potential of self-study? That's the point. Let us know what your revolving triangle looks and feels like and keep us posted.


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