Sadia welcomes us to Season 1 of Guided by Breath. Together we'll move through one hour of adaptive, fluid practice that encourages skillful, easeful, and joyful return of the body to the breath. In these hatha-vinyasa sequences, shapes and movements both familiar and new are deconstructed and linked to the breath. We ride waves of inhale and exhale and move organically and fluidly in ways that inspire us to embrace the poetry of reality. You will feel both expansive and grounded. Let's begin.
All episodes were originally broadcast live from Sadia's home studio in The Berkshires, Massachusetts.
Welcome to Season 1 of Guided by Breath. I'm Sadia Bruce. These practices are recorded live from my home in the Berkshires. Together we'll move through one hour of adaptive fluid practice that encourages skillful, easeful, and joyful return of the body to the breath. In these hafa vinyasa sequences, shapes and movements both familiar and new are deconstructed and linked to the breath. We ride waves of inhale and exhale and move organically and fluidly in ways that inspire us to embrace the poetry of reality. You will feel both expansive and grounded. Let's begin.
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