Winter Ayurveda Yoga Challenge Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 1

Welcome to Winter Ayurveda

1 min - Show Intro


Melina welcomes us to the 5-Day Winter Ayurveda Yoga Challenge. Together we'll move through 1-hour dynamic and invigorating sequences and a restorative Yin practice to balance and nourish the Kapha dosha. Our asana, meditation, and Ayurvedic self-care rituals and routines are designed this season to increase metabolism, circulation, and to boost your immune system. You'll feel grounded and radiant from inside out.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Dec 21, 2020
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Welcome to our five-day Ayurveda Winter Challenge on Yoga Anytime. I'm Melina Meza. Together we'll move through one-hour dynamic and invigorating sequences and a restorative yin chair practice to balance and nourish the kapadosha. Our asana, meditation, and Ayurvedic self-care rituals and routines are designed this season to increase metabolism, circulation, and to boost your immune system. You'll feel grounded and radiant from inside out. Let's begin.


Jenny S
6 people like this.
So excited!  Melina's Ayurveda classes are the best!  Thank You Thank you Thank you!
Melina Meza
Jenny! Thanks for being here! I hope you'll enjoy some of the new moves in this series and suggestions on how to take EXTRA good care of yourself this winter with Ayurveda and daily routines.
Michann T
4 people like this.
I really enjoyed the Fall Ayurveda challenge and look forward to this one!
Lisa Pellicone Arce
me too, loved the autumn challenge
Leah K
1 person likes this.
Loved the Autumn challenge but had to stop due to a shoulder injury. Looking forward to another try! 
Bridgid M
I completed the Fall Ayurveda Challenge and I'm just as excited to begin the Winter Ayurveda Challenge!  
David G-
This challenge is fantastic! I attempted this in five days, and it really helped me slow down during this stressful holiday season. The rhythmic patterns often delivered me into a deep meditative state. My analytical mind, my desire to be more mindful, and my subconscious awareness were all engaged. I will definitely do the challenge again this Winter. With practice it will become more relaxing, physically challenging and restorative. Oh, and I should say, there are some really fun moments in the five days—especially the loosey-goosey stretches, creative use of props, and Pranayama practice. I found I had to embrace what I knew was coming, and also enjoy what I didn't know would happen next. Thanks Melina! 

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