Fluid Strength Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 2

Strong Legs, Clear Mind

60 min - Practice


Strengthen your foundation to ground the body and the mind. Join Lydia for an invigorating leg and hip strengthening practice. We begin finding "earth breath", then warm into a Lunge Flow with Warrior 3 variations, challenge the balance in standing sequences, and find space in the legs and hips in long seated stretches. We play into Bow pose and close in seated pranayama before settling into Savasana. You will feel strong, supple, and energized.
What You'll Need: Mat, Blanket, Block (2)

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Welcome, everyone, to this leg strengthening and grounding practice. That's what we'll be exploring today. So if you just popped on, then grab two blocks for your practice today if you have those available to thick yoga bricks and a blanket if you'd like that to support some of your seated work. So I'm going to invite you to start off in a prone position today. This could be done seated, but we're going to come into the breath.

And I've been really loving coming onto the abdomen for this. So if you can come onto your abdomen, you can stack your hands and either place your forehead or one of your temples down on your hands. And start to breathe down into your low ribs. So sometimes when we breathe, we think about breathing up into the chest. Let's think about breathing down into the low ribs.

And as you breathe, feel your diaphragm dropping and maybe even your abdomen expanding into the mat. I call this earth breath. You might even close your eyes. Make full contact with the front of your abdomen and the ground. Beautiful.

Let's take our hands by our low ribs, come up onto the knees and shift back to all fours. From here, start to shift forwards and back with straight arms, easing into the wrists for the vinyasa, pressing into the fingertips. You can even tuck your toes on the way back, press back into your toes. And then some freeform movement here. So you might round your spine.

You might arch it. You can move forwards and back. You can even circle your hips. Something that I enjoy doing here before starting the flow is even turning my hands around so the fingertips point towards the knees and circling into the hips. So connecting into that breath, that downward filling breath into the whole circumference of your ribs, really feeling your contact with the ground.

Let's flick that out through the hands, tuck the toes and reach up and back into downward facing dog, paddle one foot and then the other. Find stillness for a couple moments and in this quadruped position, feel your hands and your feet connecting to the ground. Make contact. This is your practice. This is your body.

This is your connection to the earth. This is your breath. So step, hop, tiptoe to the top of the mat, however you'd like. Press down through your feet, inhale, elongate your spine and exhale, fold in. Press down through your heels, open your arms out to the sides, reach up, look up and swim your arms back down to equal standing.

Let's inhale our arms up. Open the knees and fold in, lengthen out through your spine here, step back, top of the plank and for the first one here, strong legs lower to the abdomen, tops of the feet on the floor, inhale, open up into a cobra, press your pelvis down, tuck your toes, press up and back into a downward facing dog. Identify as you need to, assist yourself as you need to, adjust as you need to. This is your practice. Take a full breath here, breathing down into your back lungs, feeling that breath even travel all the way down through your legs as you move the top of your thigh bones back in space and bend your knees, step or hop to the top of the mat.

Exhale elongate, exhale fold, push down through your feet, inhale, sweep your arms out and up, exhale your hands down, arms up, fold, lengthen out here, step or hop back, top of the pushup, this time maybe landing in chaturanga hovering, resisting that pull of gravity there, push into your hands and feet, roll into an upward dog or a cobra and then tuck your chin, press into your hands, back into downward facing dog. Let's take our right leg up and back behind us, lengthen out, lift the inner right thigh and then exhale, take our right knee in towards our chest and forwards, pop up onto your fingers, pour weight into your back leg and come on up to a high crescent lunge. Breathe in there and we're going to transfer the weight into our right foot, into our right heel and step forwards, it might be a couple of steps or one big step to take your left knee in towards your chest and then back into a high crescent, inhale lift up, two more times press into your right foot, take your left knee in towards your chest and exhale into a high crescent, might be a couple steps, might be one big leap, step into that one legged balance and back into your high crescent, inhale lengthen up, maybe up and back, exhale hands find the ground, your choice, you can find downward facing dog, child's form or shift forwards into a plank, lower to chaturanga or to the floor, roll into upward dog or cobra and exhale back into downward facing dog, left leg up and back behind you, exhale knee to nose, take that left foot forward up onto your fingertips, pour weight into your back foot, next inhale reaches you up into a high crescent, beautiful, shift your weight into your left heel, your left hamstring is strong, maybe a couple steps or one big hop up, right knee in towards your chest, two more times, shift back, high crescent, feel free to take an extra step there, knee into chest, right knee in, one more time, land back down, press into your left heel, push down through your left foot, come up and exhale into your high crescent, take a breath there, maybe breathe up and back, exhale find the ground, your choice downward facing dog, child's form or shift forwards, exhale lower, inhale roll open, exhale pull back, find that connection to your hands and your feet, find that breath that dives low into the bottom ribs, squeeze your biceps to the center and widen your shoulders, bend your knees step or hop to the top of the mat, inhale elongate, exhale fold in, push your feet down, inhale right leg up, exhale hands down, so nice, inhale your arms up, exhale and fold, inhale elongate, exhale step or hop back if you like, find the top of a plank, strong legs lowers you, chaturanga or the floor, cobra or upward dog, exhale press into your hands downward facing dog, right leg up and back behind you, exhale knee to nose, shoulders over the wrists, place your foot into that low crescent, pop up onto your fingertips, pour weight into your back foot, inhale come all the way up, okay so we're gonna exhale, shift into our right leg and come forwards into a warrior three, so your arms might even come out into like an airplane, bend your right knee a little and then straighten it and lift your pelvis off your bottom thigh bone, let's do that two times, bend down, pop up, see if you can decompress your right hip, bend down, come on up, reach up and exhale back leg down, inhale come up into a high crescent and exhale find the floor, I should mention you can also take your blocks on either side of the top of your mat, so either stand downward facing dog or cycle through chaturanga, upward dog and downward facing dog, let's take our left leg up and back behind us, same thing here, exhale knee to nose, slow motion like you're moving through thick liquid, take your left foot down, pop up onto your fingertips and press back through your back heel, find the ground with your legs, inhale reach up into your high crescent and then exhale start to shift forwards, maybe you take your arms out to the sides, maybe come up onto a tiptoe on your back foot and reach up into your warrior three, wobbles are welcome, bend down into your left leg, pop back up, bend down, see if when you pop back up you can feel your pelvis decompressing off of your top leg bone, one more time bend down, fly back up, back foot lands, come on up into your high crescent, maybe up and back and then exhale find the ground, step back, your choice vinyasa or find a place to stay and make contact with the earth, inhale into upward dog if you're there, exhale up and back, downward facing dog, take a breath, breathe down, breathe wide, this is your practice, your body, your breath, walk or step or hop if you're feeling playful or if you like hopping to the top of the mat, lengthen and fold, press down through your feet, arms out and up and reach, swim your hands back down, inhale your arms, fold in, lengthen out here, step or hop back from plank, lower, upward dog or cobra, feel your lungs downward facing dog, right leg up and back, exhale knee to nose, low crescent, pop up onto your fingertips, pour weight into your back foot, inhale come up into crescent, exhale come into airplane or warrior three, your hands can be however you like, lift up your back leg and then slowly bend through your right leg and find a half moon, you could use your block, your fingertips on the floor and roll your left hip on top of your right, I like to keep a little bend in my bottom leg to feel that I can continually take those little squats and feel buoyant and strong in the legs, let's slowly roll the navel back down to the floor, come into your version of your warrior three, squeeze your hips to the center, elongate your spine and then find your high crescent, inhale it up, exhale lower down, your choice here, you might hang in downward facing dog, you might come forwards, lower, roll open, pull back, left foot, knee to nose, shoulders over the wrist, pull through, let's come on up, take your time, exhale find your warrior three, your variation and then left hand to the block and start to slowly roll your right hip over your left, maybe playing with a little grounding and straightening into your bottom leg, maybe lifting your top leg a little higher, breathe into that half moon, slowly roll your navel down towards the floor, catching your warrior three, find the muscles on your outer hip squeezing in and then exhale land, up into crescent and find the ground, push back, either shift forwards, chaturanga, upward dog, downward dog or stay, make contact with the ground here, breathe in and out down into your lower lungs, press the floor away from you, this is your contact with the ground, your breath, step, hop, find the top of the mat however you do, inhale, exhale, fold, arms out to the sides and up and feel your feet, exhaling, arms up, reach, fold in, lengthen, long through your spine here, step or hop back, your choice, top of a plank, lower part to the floor, chaturanga, upward dog or cobra, exhale, tuck your chin, downward facing dog, right leg up and back, exhale, bring it through, pop up, just come up to your high crescent, exhale into your warrior three, choose your arm position and then both hands to the floor, maybe to your blocks, keep your left hand on the block and circle your right arm back and up maybe into a revolved half moon, maybe you're working with that bend in your standing leg, the lift of your inner thigh of your back leg and you can look down to the side or up, one more breath here, move your left hip to the left so it sucks your right hip into the skin and then exhale both hands on the blocks, catching that warrior three, step back, inhale, maybe up and back into your high crescent, so beautiful, exhale, find the ground, either stand downward facing dog or you're welcome to cycle through chaturanga, upward dog, downward dog, pause, make contact with the ground and then inhale your left leg up, bring it through, inhale high crescent, exhale, shift forwards, find your blocks maybe, warrior three for a count, find your blocks right hand down and then sweep your left arm back and up, revolved half moon, lift your inner right thigh, maybe find some buoyancy in your bottom leg and you can look down, you can look to the side or you can look up, move your right hip slightly to the right and see what that does, circle down maybe catch warrior three for a breath, land in your high crescent, maybe come up and back and find the ground with your hands, chaturanga, upward dog, downward dog, press into your hands and your feet, make contact with your body in the ground, make contact with your breath, this is your practice, maybe step or hop, choice here to the top of the mat, inhale and exhale fold, arms out, reach up, up, feel your feet, reach out and up with your arms and fold, lengthen out, step or hop back, lower, strong legs, feed your back bend, upward dog or cobra, tuck your chin, press into your hands, downward facing dog, inhale your right leg up, lift the inner thigh, exhale, knee to nose, high crescent, come on up, take a breath there, exhale, shift forwards, take both your hands on the floor or on your blocks for a supported warrior three and then bend your left knee in so both your knees are aligned and both knees are bent, you might move your blocks back a little bit, see if you can shoot your left leg forwards, maybe shift down a little more into a squat, press your hands into the blocks or fingertips into the floor, strong lengthening back into your supported warrior three, let's do that two more times, shift down, sweep your left leg forwards and then back up, warrior three, shift down, last one, maybe for some you can even pop up onto your right tippy toes and then press into your bottom leg, reach back up, little flirt with a pistol squat there, warrior three, maybe you catch a floating warrior three and then ground your back foot, inhale into crescent, lift up, maybe back and find the ground, either stay or keep moving, chaturanga, upward dog and downward facing dog, make contact with your body and the ground, left leg up, lift the inner thigh, knee to nose, come up into your high crescent, exhale shift forwards, find a supported warrior three, maybe your fingertips are on the floor and then bend your knees so that they come in line and shoot your right leg forwards, that's one, let's do it two more times, you can reach back out to your supported warrior three, if you want move your blocks back, maybe even come up onto your left tippy toes as you shoot forward, press into your bottom leg, curl your abdomen as you reach back into your supported warrior three, last time here, bring it through, maybe sink into your left heel, up and back, warrior three, catch warrior three there, maybe let your arms float and feel the sensation of widening your hip bones but also squeezing the muscles around them to find stability, so beautiful, back foot down, inhale crescent up and back, exhale chaturanga or stay, with your hands and feet make contact with the ground, feel your body, downward dog your breath, feel the support as you push into the ground, feel the ground coming back to push up into you, sensation of merging, step or hop, make your way to the top of the mat how you do, inhale, exhale and fold, arms out to the side, press down through your feet, come up and release your arms, arms up, release them down, fold forwards, lengthen up and back, exhale step or hop back, find your flow cup or dog or cobra, downward facing dog, inhale your right leg up, exhale knee to nose, come into your high crescent, this time shift forwards, touch warrior three but find your hands on the block through your fingertips on the floor, back leg up and then fold into a little more like a standing split, the inner left leg reaches up, press down through your standing leg and then look a little forwards, take your right knee to the outside or your left knee rather, to the outside of your right knee and curl in like a little curtsy squad, inhale reach back out, maybe into your standing split, exhale bend both knees and take your left knee to the outside of your right, sink down and in, one more time reach up, you can teeter totter forwards into your standing split, exhale take that left knee to the outside of the right, this time you can walk your blocks back, you can fall into your hands and fall into your seat, let your right hand come back behind you, left arm up and twist, so either hook around your right knee and turn or use your elbow to the outside of the knee and turn, ground your sit bones down as you lift up through your spine and rotate, take a breath, widen through your collar bones, feel the parts of your body that are making contact with the ground, your body, your body making contact with the ground, bring it forwards, you can use your block or use your fingertips, reach it back up into warrior three, exhale into high crescent, maybe up and back, exhale find your flow or stillness chaturanga, upward facing, downward facing, left leg up and back, bring it through, touch warrior three, find your blocks and start to teeter totter forwards, your head down, your back leg up, your inner thigh and big toe, brightly reaching up towards the ceiling, and then let's bend our right knee this time to the outside of the left knee and curl into a little squat, bring it back up two more times, reach up, curl it in like a little curtsy squat, inhale reach up, bow in, exhale to the outside and this time fall into that back leg, you can plop down maybe use your blocks or your hands behind you and twist, left hand behind, right elbow hooks around or maybe hooks in front and turn, take a pause here, ground your sit bones, let your spine rotate, notice your breath, notice your connection with the ground, slowly come forward so beautiful, to the blocks, shift back into your warrior three and back into your high crescent, maybe up and back and find the ground, your flow here or your stillness, upward facing dog if you're there, downward facing dog, make contact with the ground, walk your feet in, hop or step top of the mat, inhale, exhale, come on up, repress down through your feet, release your arms, if it's a gesture that you like, take your hands into a prayer, let your thumbs rest on your sternum and remind you to drop down through your chest, take a breath here down into your diaphragm, go down with your breath, go down with your awareness, this is your awareness, let's put that whole flow together and see what happens, circle your arms up, fold in, lengthen out here, step or hop back, find your flow, chaturanga if you like, upward dog, downward dog, right leg up and back behind you, bring your knee in towards your chest, place that foot there and come on up, crescent, shift your weight into your right foot, take your left knee in towards your chest, pause and then back into your high crescent, shift forwards into your warrior 3, maybe airplane your arms, reach your left leg back and lower into one of those warrior 3 squats, come on back up, let your back foot find the ground, reach up into your high crescent, find yourself back to warrior 3 and half moon it, right hand to your block or fingertips to the ground, slow motion, find your half moon, maybe some, grab your top ankle, slowly work it back, touch warrior 3, high crescent, ground down to your back foot, come forward supported warrior 3, left hand stays on the block, right hand slices back, rotates up, move your left hip slightly to the left for revolved half moon, maybe grab your top foot, circle it down, catch your high crescent, come on up, exhale, shift back into your warrior 3, find your hands on the block through your fingertips to the floor, bend your knees, sweep your left leg through, maybe down into a squat, maybe for some hold onto your foot, strong right leg, fingertips are not, reach it back into your warrior 3, back foot down, I know, inhale, come up, exhale, find that supported, warrior 3 to standing split, reach your inner leg up and then exhale, take your left knee to the outside of your right knee, squatting down and falling into that, you can use your hands if you want, circle it back with your right hand, twist, maybe that twist feels really lovely after all that hip strength work, allowing the lateral line of your right leg to feel more open, your right leg, your connection, your breath, so nice, come forward for here, stack your knees a little more on top of each other, you might even take your hands, work them closer and start to pulse forwards and back up for some Gomukasana, maybe hook your chin over your right knee, you might even come up and take your left elbow behind your head, maybe your right arm comes around for a clasp, then fold forwards with your arms like that, come on back up however you'd like to, take that right foot forwards, can use your blocks, your hands to step you back in to your warrior 3, land, high crescent, maybe up and back, so good, exhale down into your downward facing dog, your choice either find your stillness or your flow, your flow, your practice, downward facing dog, make contact, whole thing on the other side, left leg up and back, bend the knee, take it in towards the chest, find your high crescent, shift forwards, pour weight into your left leg, right knee in towards your chest, exhale it back into your high crescent, find your warrior 3, shifting forwards, arms how you like, warrior 3 squat, bend down, lift back up, high crescent, reach it up and back, find your warrior 3, half moon is coming, so rotate your right hip on top of your left, maybe for some class that top ankle, reach it out, find your warrior 3 for a moment, back into your high crescent, reach it forwards, both hands find the blocks, left hand slices back to the back of your mat, maybe up, maybe catch, move your hips a little to the right, exhale, come on down, through warrior 3 to high crescent, so nice, come on forwards, find your blocks or your fingertips on the floor and curl yourself in round and sweep your right leg forwards, maybe for some squat and hold on to your foot, strong pressure through your left foot so you're lifting all the way back out of that, warrior 3 supported or floating, drop down, inhale crescent, last one, exhale, come forwards, find your blocks, standing split, reach up, feet are taught of your head to the ground, your big toe up, exhale your right knee to the outside of your left and we're going to fall into that, so maybe you do it without your hands or use your hands back behind you, just circle it into a twist, find stillness there, find your breath, find your heartbeat, your connection, bring it to the front and start to stack our knees a little more on top of each other and pulse inwards, you might want to sit up on something in this one, your blanket perhaps and it's okay if there's some space in between your knees, your knees, you can contact with the ground, you might take your right elbow behind you, your left arm maybe even behind, if you can find a clasp you might and fold in with that, grounding through your hips to help you come back up, releasing through your hands, so however you'd like to with your left foot forwards, you can come up and find your warrior 3 and if you do this practice again you can try it without using your hands and then back and inhale up into your crescent maybe up and back, exhale find the ground, your flow, chaturanga, upward facing, downward facing, make contact there, press into the ground and step or hop your way through to sit down, now in your seat you might grab your blanket or even a block and sit up on it, let's keep our right leg forwards and take our left leg into half hero, so I'd prefer this to be off of the blanket if you're sitting on a blanket, so the top of the foot is on the ground and you might sit up on a block in this too, so maybe upright finding your breath, maybe starting to come forwards, you can use your hands to steer a little more weight into your left sit bone if it's feeling a little light, if you'd like a little more challenge for some you might hold on to your foot, notice how your legs are making contact how your hips feel and adjust as you need to, welcome in some stillness here, let's come on up and let's open our left knee out to the side, you can take it as wide as you like, take your right hand on the inside of your right leg, either take your left arm straight up, hold on to your head if you want or up out and over, you can reach your knees away from each other to get a little more space in your inner groin, for some it might make sense to take your outer right shoulder onto the inside of your knee and clasp your inner foot with your right hand and your outer foot with your left hand, maybe even look up, so you can stay there for some if you come up a little bit, you could start to straighten out your left leg and try to take the whole sole of your foot down onto the ground, toning your inner thigh, interesting variation here and coming back into your side stretch, resisting that toppling back, come on up from that bend your left leg, draw it in turn back forward, maybe shift right to let that go and you can go right onto the other side or you're welcome to cross your legs in front, inhale, find a lift, exhale, pop over your feet, lower, find your flow, upward dog or cobra, tuck chin, press into your hands, downward facing dog however you'd like to practice, come on through and sit up on the prop if that works for you and then we'll take our right leg into that half hero, either stay upright or start to shift forwards, use your hands to steer your right hip into more weight, notice your legs here, your sense of dropping, your sense of grounding, you might make it more challenging and grab your foot, feel your breath, let's come on up, open out the right knee as much as you like, you might shift on your blanket a little bit and bring it into a nice big side stretch, either your right arm up, your left hand sliding on the inside of your left leg, you can hold your head, if it makes sense you can go a little lower down, spin your gaze towards the ceiling, you might reach your knees away from each other, you might ground your right hip a little bit, if you want this weirder variation you could start to, any amount straighten your right inner leg on the ground, maybe roll the whole sole of the foot down so you feel that strength in the foot, the inner thigh tones up, your left foot toes point up, maybe come back into that side stretch, come on out of that, rebend your right leg, turn it forwards and you can lean left to take your right leg out, you're welcome to come into downward facing dog however you like or lift your body, roll over your toes with your outer feet and find your flow here, chaturanga, upward dog, downward facing dog, inhale into a plank, exhale all the way down to the abdomen, keep your right hand in front so it's a bit on a diagonal, bend your left leg, reach back with your left hand and squeeze your heel towards your outer glute, see if you can press the base of your pubic bone down into the ground and see if you can tone the base of your left glute, it's like you're pushing the very bottom of your pelvis down into the ground, notice if that gives you more elongation in your back, if you like you can look at your left foot, turn your fingertips around to cup around your toes and then you might have a little more ability to push your foot down if that feels interesting, if it feels like a nice stretch, your leg, your stretch, make it yours, you can also take your forehead down here, let's release that and go over to the other side, so left forearm in front, right leg up, clasp with your right hand, pull it in however you like, make the most important connection, ground your pubic bone to the ground, if you want you can turn back to the look at your right foot, spin your elbow up, cup your fingers around the underside of your toes and might give you a little bit of a press down through the top of your foot, you might come down lower here, you might even come a little higher, hafbe kasana and slowly release that, hands under the low ribs, tuck toes, find your hands in your feet, press up into a plank, you can come to your knees there if you like, exhale into downward facing dog, inhale into a plank, exhale and lower onto your abdomen, bend both of your legs, you can reach back one ankle at a time to clasp or maybe both at the same time, catch your outer ankles and then press the base of your pubic bone down and lift and lengthen your sternum forwards, rock a bit with your breath, your breath, your expression of bow, breathe into that, your abdomen connecting to the ground, exhale, release that, hands by the low ribs, tuck toes, lift up and back into downward facing dog, pedal out through your feet, inhale into plank, exhale lower, let's come back into bow however you like, so option here, finding your bow, if you like, stay with your hands on your feet and roll over to your right side, so you can also stay there and try to roll back up or with your top foot, if you are taking a bekasana leg, you can take it on your side and then roll back over so you're in one bekasana leg, one bow leg and open up, exhale, release, inhale, come back up into your bow, exhale, rolling over onto your left side, I'm going to show you right again because of my mic pack, so rolling over, staying there and trying to keep contact with your hands and feet are rolling back up or if you want to try to bekasana your left leg, sort of funky, come on back up and breathe into that, back up into your bow, release that, hands by the low ribs, tuck your toes, make contact with your hands, your feet, pop up into a plank, exhale into downward facing dog, palm down onto your knees and take your right ankle in front of your left, or your right ankle in front of your left knee, so you're kind of in a figure four and then start to pulse back and forwards, hips back and forwards, alright so now you can walk your hands over to one side of your mat and press back into your hips and then walk your hands over to the other side of your mat, maybe off of your mat and press back into your hips, maybe take your, if you're sagging through your abdomen a little, draw a little bit away from the ground and make the back of your body buoyant, your back body lifted towards the ceiling slightly, come back into the center, unhook your right ankle, switch sides, your left ankle in front of your right knee, start with pulsing backwards and forwards, see how that feels, then you can walk over to one side and reach back, walk over to the other side and press back, press your hands down and forwards, your hips back, come into the center here, unhook and rest back into a child's form, so you can widen your knees, you can keep them together, let your hips come as much back to your heels as you like, if you have trouble with getting your hips back to your heels, you can always throw a blanket underneath your knees, sometimes that feels nicer on the knee joint, and have your elbows wide and if you can make contact with your forehead and the ground, get a sense of your brain relaxing, touching down, and moving forward. Let's come up a little bit and walk over a little bit to the side, press into both hands and take a side bending child's form. Walk your hands a little over to the other side, press back through your hands, come through the center, and the invitation here is going to be to come back onto the abdomen, so walking forwards, letting the abdomen come down, can stack your hands or let one cheek come down, and let the breath move down into your ribs, maybe closing your eyes belly to belly with the earth, earth breath, breath goes down into your lower ribs and widens all the way around.

You might stay in this position if you're liking it a lot, or the invitation here is to come up and back, maybe through a downward facing dog, and come through to a seat. You might sit up on a prop, you might find half lotus, full lotus, whatever you like, and before Shavasana, we'll come into some of Riti Pranayama, so we'll exhale our breath together, your breath, inhale for five counts, one, two, three, four, five, and exhale for five, one, two, three, four, five, inhale for five, one, fill the lungs, fill the low lungs, mid lungs, upper lungs, exhale for five, four, three, two, one, so carry on with the cycle on your own time, when you inhale breathe down and spread your breath into your lower ribs, when you exhale get taller, get a sensation of going up through the crown of your head. Invitation now is to make this at the top of the breath for five counts, inhale for five, pause for five, maybe tucking the chin, lifting the center of your pelvic floor, and exhaling for five, feeling that you're getting taller as you exhale, inhale for five, pause for five, you're buoyant in the heart but grounded in the legs, exhale for five, fill up your lungs, on the exhale grow tall and ground your legs, last couple rounds, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten. After your next exhalation relax your shoulders. Check in with the residue of that practice, samavritti and triangle breath.

enough. You might want to throw a blanket over top of you. You might want to put your legs up the wall. A couple minutes here. Full release of the back muscles. Full release of the legs. You might take a couple breaths in, clearing breaths in through your nose. And make some sound with your breath. Let yourself be as heavy as you are. You're awake, making contact with the ground. We can be as grounded as we can possibly be and the interesting thing about life is it will keep changing and sometimes the bottom will fall out and we'll find ourselves in groundlessness. However, if we practice these tools to ground and to make contact with our bodies, the groundless might not be so scary. We might even be able to allow somebody else to touch down. Feeling your body here, your contact with the ground. You can start to come up and out of Shavasana if you choose or you might stay there for a little longer. If you're coming out, you can stretch, you can rotate your arms and rotate your wrists and your ankles and take your time to come over to one side. If you'd like to meet me in a seat, I'd love to close our practice together with one sound of om, if you like to make noise. Connect to that sound, that vibration.

Until you might take your hands together at your chest, let your thumbs rest against your sternum. Take a breath in, breathe out for om. Thank you so much for practicing with me today.


Catherine R
That was such a fun and invigorating practice.  Thank you!  Love the artwork! 
Lydia Zamorano
Catherine R Thanks Catherine! Happy to be practicing together! Lydia 
Jenny S
3 people like this.
Thank you for this nourishing, grounding practice. I was a little intimidated by the level 2/3 rating, but you offered plenty of modifications and the lovely reminder “this is YOUR practice, YOUR flow” 🌺
Lydia Zamorano
Jenny S That is the best news. I was in a dear friend's class the other day and she kept reminding me that the practice was MINE. It has really guided me these last couple of weeks. Happy that the feeling is being passed on! Warmth always to you Jenny, Lydia 
Kate M
1 person likes this.
Good to practice with you in this sweetly challenging sequence! Love from Ottawa! xoxo
1 person likes this.
Thank you for this wonderful practice. It was very helpful in getting me (at least for now) out of my head. :)
Lydia Zamorano
Kate M Love back from Canmore Kate! Thanks for letting me know we were practicing together! Smiles and warmth, Lydia 
Lydia Zamorano
Lori C You are so welcome Lori. I also find that getting into my feet and legs brings me out of my head! Warmth always, Lydia 
Carmen S.
Excelente practica, un poco fuerte para mi pero en algunas posturas hice las adaptaciones para mi nivel con los bloques. Muchas gracias, Namaste.
Lydia Zamorano
Carmen S. De nada!
1-10 of 18

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