Fluid Strength Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 7

Lift Your Spirits

60 min - Practice


There's magic in your bones, your tissues, your unique physical framework. Lydia leads a spicy feel-good flow to keep us grounded while lifting our spirits. We begin with a self massage to ground into the strength and suppleness of the feet. Maintaining this groundedness, we flow through a rhythmic uplifting standing series including hip and leg strengthening poses, balancing work, and inversions, before the sweet release of supine heart openers. You will feel buoyant, invigorated, and rooted in boundless Joy.
What You'll Need: Mat, Blanket, Block (2)


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Welcome, everyone, to this fluid strength practice. Today we'll start with some awareness of our feet, the suppleness and strength of our feet, and then we'll take that into a longer standing series where there'll be some options to hop around a little bit. So if you'd like to invert near a wall, you might want to situate your mat near a wall. And I have a couple of blocks for the practice today. We'll be doing half moon and revolved half moon.

So if you like to have blocks for that, grab them and have them at the top of your mat. Let's begin in a seat. I'm sitting up on a blanket. You might want a little bit of height. And let's take our feet out in front of us into like a tarasana or an easy bodhakanasana with the knees a little lifted.

Slide the hands down towards your feet and start by pressing your thumbs into the arches of your feet. You can also squeeze your feet, take a look at your feet. They do so much for you, take you so many places. Maybe work with your thumbs into the inner arches of your feet. And just generally feeling out your feet, some people say 26, some people say 28 bones in your feet and your toes actually start like mid foot.

So if you take one foot forwards, you might actually take the other leg and create a little perch for it. Feel those foot bones coming a third of the way up your foot and see if you can kind of separate them moving forwards and back. Feeling that webbing in between your bones. You might even pull your toes apart, just squeeze your toes. And then on the other side, feeling those foot bones.

Maybe seeing if they're able to move separate from each other. There's a lot of sticky fascia in your feet. You can pull apart your toes, reach into the arches of your feet with your thumbs. Yeah. And then release that.

Come to your comfortable seat and take your hands to the outsides of your rib basket. You might do that by crossing your arms in front or maybe cupping the outsides of your ribs. Close your eyes if that's safe for you, downcast your eyes and breathe into this lower part of your ribs. Maybe there's a breath with sound, that ujjayi sound. Maybe there's a little smile in there you get to practice now you get to attend to yourself.

This will be a practice where we ground down and then also feel the joy of being uplifted from that grounding. You can open your eyes, take your hands to your lower abdomen. And when you exhale, breathe that big jellyfish breath into your diaphragm. And when you exhale, think about hollowing out your belly back to your spine. So we'll do that for a few breaths.

Breathe in. And then exhale, feel that hollowing of your belly back to your spine. Almost filling up your back body. Breathe in. And then descend the front of the body, hollow it out back to your spine.

Nice, let's shift ourself onto our hands and our knees. So you can come onto your hands and your knees, move your blanket aside. And start to rock. Tuck your toes under, start to rock forwards and back. Feeling into those tucked toes, with straight arms feeling into those wrists.

You can move slow, you can change tempo, make it yours. Your body, your practice. Your feet connected to the ground, your breath. Then let's keep those tucked toes. Walk back and either press from your hands back into your toes.

You might even grab those little pinky toes and tuck them under. Press back from your hands into your feet, or walk your hands back. Maybe up onto your knees. Maybe so that you're sitting almost tucked toes and take a few breaths. If you like, you can interlock your fingers out in front.

Press the palms forwards and reach up through your arms. Maybe even a little bounce onto those feet. Bring the inner arch of your foot back. Try looking forwards or up. Feel that breath into your lower lungs and all the way up into your upper chest.

Release those arms. Walk it forwards back onto all fours. Release your toes, wiggle them out, and then pitter-patter your feet on the ground. Then let's take the feet right together and sit back towards a child's form. So either stay here, press your hands back into the tops of your feet, or you can walk back.

Have yourself in vajrasana as you come up. Maybe for some you walk your hands behind you and start to pulse your knees up a little bit, feeling into the tops of the ankles, just waking everything up in the lower part of the body for a longer standing series. So maybe you stay back with the knees lifted, shift a little forwards, see if you can balance. Interlock your hands, press them forwards, maybe the opposite knuckle on top, and reach your arms up. Send that breath into the lower ribs, and then bring it all the way up into the upper ribs and try looking forwards or up.

Nice. Release your arms. Release your knees if you're in that position, walk it forwards, roll out through your ankles this time, one way and then the other. And then let's take our right top of the shin on top of the belly of the left calf. So your right knee is going to shift out to the side, and then start to shift back onto your left calf.

So the pressure of your right shin is coming down onto that left calf. You might exhale out of your mouth. If it's available to you, take bigger breaths. You can move that shin a little down. Maybe for some you could even come up, do a little bounce, see how it feels.

Really inhabiting the lower legs here. And if you like, whichever position you're in here that gives you a good pressure, you can do Simhasana or the lion's breath, so inhale. When you exhale, stick out your tongue and maybe close your eyes or look up. Open your jaws, stretch your tongue out, and then come forwards, release that. Can roll out through your ankles, can tuck your toes and shift forwards and back.

We'll switch sides. The left top of the shin on the belly of the right calf, lean back. Maybe a little bounce here, maybe a press back towards child's. Just notice how much pressure you want to give in there. Move a little down, move a little up.

You can exhale out of the mouth. Choose a sweet spot there. You might even come up and do a little bounce. That is really special. You can find your zone to take a breath, and if you like lion's breath, it's just fun.

Inhale and exhale, stick your tongue out. Open your jaw, open your tongue, walk it forwards. Roll out through your ankles, you can tuck your toes and shift forwards and back. And let's lift it back and up into a downward facing dog, and here you can paddle out through your feet. And then find stillness, however you'd like to in your dog, and find that breath.

Maybe you're inhabiting your feet a little bit more. Notice as you push your feet down, there's a rebound force up through your joints, into your pelvis. Breathe here, maybe with sound, maybe a little fuller. Beautiful, let's walk our feet towards our hands, just noticing how your feet are making contact with the ground. Here you can inhale, lengthen out, and fold in.

We'll do that two more times. Inhale, lengthen out. Nice, exhale, fold and press your feet into the ground, spread your toes. Inhale, lengthen out. Push feet to the ground, fold.

Take an extra breath down there, maybe you start to straighten your legs and shift the weight a little forwards. Continuing to press your feet into the ground. Take your arms out to the sides here, and come all the way up to standing, reach, look up, push your feet into the ground, and release your arms back and down. Nice. So now let's take our hands and start to tap our body.

So we're just going to wake ourselves up, and the whole time we do this, you can tap your head with your fingertips nice and light, tap your forehead, your temples, the back of your neck. You might even squeeze yourself, just feel your body here, and try to look forwards a little bit, maybe even up if you're standing up, tap your legs, tap your back, your kidneys, wake everything up. Do this a little harder or softer, pitter-patter, a little bit of like a slap to wake yourself up. You can tap your sternum there, and then roll your shoulders up, back, and down, and push your feet into the ground, and take a couple breaths, preparing for a stronger standing series, standing at the top of the mat. And I'm just going to take my blocks so they're on either side of the top of the mat to support.

Beautiful. All right, let's inhale our arms back and up, look up, and then bend the knees and exhale and fold forwards over your legs, nice. And I'll lengthen out halfway here. Exhale hands down option here to hop into a feet together downward facing dog, nice. And then let's inhale into a plank, sort of squeezing the inner legs together, feeling your feet pressed back, and then exhale lower to a chaturanga, and at the bottom of your chaturanga, take your knees to the ground.

Take the tops of your feet on the ground, and inhale, come into a knee upward dog, so you're looping through, bend your elbows, pull your chest through, and then press into the tops of your feet, and see if you can take your knees off, and find a nice long arc to your upward dog. Knees to the ground here, exhale, roll back through your low back, mid back, and upper back into a child's. Inhale shift forwards into your hands, separate your feet, tuck your toes, and press back into a downward facing dog, then just lightly shift your structure, left and right. Feel your hands and your feet, that structural support, press into them, and then let your breath make your body buoyant, listen to your breath. Okay, bend your knees, you can step, you can hop if you want, always an option, find yourself at the top of the mat, inhale, exhale, fold in, press your feet down, arms maybe back and up as you open the front of the chest, reach up, and release your arms.

Let's do one more like that, a little quicker, arms back and up, press your feet to the ground, beautiful, exhale, fold forwards, inhale, lengthen out, option here is stepping or hopping to a feet together, downward facing dog. Inhale, roll towards the plank, yeah, exhale, lower to chaturanga, and then take your knees to the ground at the bottom of that, tops of the feet on the ground, roll through into a knee upward dog and then pop your knees off the ground and see if you can find a long strong arc, exhale, knees down, roll through your low back, mid back and upper back, child. Shift into your hands, separate your feet, downward facing dog, even weight in your hands and your feet like you're popping your structure up from your hands and your feet, and then find your breath, spread your toes, look a little forwards in between your elbows, you're a downward dog here, okay, you can walk a little in, maybe step or hop your feet, top of the mat, inhale, lengthen, and fold in, press your feet down, take your arms back and up, look up, maybe a little up and back, release your arms back and down, letting them fall behind you. Let's take chair, sink down, inhale, find your chair, let's find a few breaths, so start by looking down, finding your heels pressing, your heels shifting back, and then look forwards, maybe look up, maybe take your hands together, from here we're going to slowly lower a little lower into a little baby squat, so maybe you go a little bit, a lot down to the ground and then push back up into your chair, a little buoyancy there, and then fold forwards as you straighten your legs, inhale, elongate, step or hop your feet together, downward facing dog, little trampolines in all your joints, inhale, come to a plank, nice, exhale, lower chaturanga, squeezing those in our legs together, knees to the floor, tops of the feet to the floor, come into your upward dog, maybe pop the knees off, bend the elbows, pull through, and then knees down, exhale, ripple through your low back, come into child, shift into your hands, tuck your toes, separate your feet, press back, downward dog, beautiful. Let's take our right leg up into a three-legged dog, and then exhale it through to a warrior one stance, back foot turns on an angle, inhale, come up into warrior one, take your thumbs behind the nape of your neck, elbows up, and look forwards or up, let's take a couple extra breaths here, sinking the tailbone, each exhale remembering to hollow the belly and lift up, if you'd like you can release your arms, press down through your feet, feel your whole body lit up here, and then exhale, find the ground, feet together, chaturanga, knees find the ground, knee upward dog, and then maybe pop up off the knees, pull the chest through, child's form, roll back, shift into your hands, separate your feet, tuck toes, downward facing dog, inhale your left leg up, three-legged dog, exhale it through, warrior one stance, come up warrior one, take your hands behind your head, thumbs behind the nape of the neck, arcing into your upper back, looking up, maybe looking forwards, each exhale hollow your belly out, push into your feet, maybe let your arms go up and back, take a breath there, nice, exhale find the ground, feet together, chaturanga, knees down to the ground, roll through a knee upward dog, maybe pop the knees off, child's form, knees down, ripple back through your spine, shift into your hands, separate your feet, downward facing dog, take a couple breaths, maybe shift your whole structure left and right, feel your whole body involved here, from the tips of your fingers to the tips of your toes, there's magic in your bones, your muscles, your connective tissue framework, let your gaze fall a little forwards, bend your knees, step, hop however you'd like to, find the top of the mat, feet ground, chair, pop up into your chair, bounce a little into it, lower down a little more, little tiny chair, pop up and then stand up and let your hands come behind you, and back to samastitihi, nice, let's do that again, chair, inhale, linger there for a moment, go a little lower down your little tiny squat, whatever that means to you and then pop up back into your chair and fold forwards, beautiful, inhale, lengthen out, step or hop your feet together, downward dog, inhale to plank, squeeze your inner legs together, widen your collarbones lower to chaturanga, knees down tops of the feet on the floor, upward dog, maybe the knees pop off, and then child, roll through your spine, inhale, shift forwards into your hands, tuck toes, find your downward facing dog, right leg up, three-legged dog, warrior one stance, back foot on an angle, inhale, come up, warrior one thumbs to the base of the neck, lift your gaze, arc your upper back, press your feet, maybe release your arms, let your arms fall behind you, this time as you come down, take your hands into a cactus position, widen your chest, yeah, keep looking up and then circle your hands down, sweep them into your feet together, chaturanga, inhale to that knee upward dog, pop your knees off, find your full strong line of your spine and then child, shift forwards into your hands, tuck your toes, downward facing dog, left leg up, three-legged dog, exhale it into warrior one, inhale as you come up, hands come behind, thumbs come behind the nape of your neck, lift open, press into your feet, maybe release your arms up, take a breath, keep hollowing your belly on your exhalation, beautiful, this time as you lower your arms, cactus them, beautiful big opening of the chest, look up and circle them down, you've got your feet together, chaturanga, knee upward dog, bounce on up and then child's form, shift into your hands, shift into your separated feet, downward dog, pulse your structure side to side, notice if there's any places where you feel stuck in the body, see if you can open them up and then notice if there's places they feel free, awake, can walk in, bend, hopping is always an option, step or hop to the top of the mat, find your chair and sink a little lower into your chair, maybe keep your gaze forwards and then pop up into your chair and arms can go back behind you as you stand in your equal standing, feel your feet, let's do one more like that, so chair, find that, sink a little lower, maybe even keep your gaze forwards, pop up and fold, press your feet into the ground as you lengthen to the halfway lift, hands on the ground, step back, feet together, downward facing dog or hop, inhale to your plank, squeeze your inner legs together, exhale lower, knees down, knee down, upward dog or knees off, upward dog, child's form, ripple back, low back, mid back, upper back, shift into your hands, separate your feet, shift back into downward facing dog, inhale your right leg up, three-legged dog, exhale where your one stance, inhale come up, thumbs behind the base of your skull, press your feet into the ground, clear your lower back as you look forwards or up, take a moment to bring the breath up, wiggle your fingers, whole body lit up here from the press into the ground, then let's cactus those arms, pull open through the chest, so nice, let the hands find the floor, go back into a three-legged dog with your right leg up, then shift forwards, closing the abdomen to the spine slightly into a chaturanga, right leg meets your left, squeeze those together, knees to the floor, knee upward dog, pop off up those knees if you like, and then child's form, roll through your low back, mid back, upper back, shift forwards into your hands, separate your feet, press back into downward facing dog, left leg up, exhale it through where your one stance, back foot plants on an angle, inhale come up, thumbs behind the base of your skull, reach up and out, clear your lower back, push into your feet, so beautiful, lift that breath up, lift that gaze up, wiggle your fingers, joy, and then pull your elbows back, cactus, hands to the ground, let's step back into a three-legged dog with your left leg up, and then shift forwards, close your abdomen a little bit, go right into your chaturanga, knees to the ground, finding your knee upward dog or your knees off if you like, child's, roll back, low, mid and upper back, shift into your hands, separate your feet, downward facing dog, you've got the hang of it now, now shift into your left side and your right side, give yourself credit for trying something new, sometimes we're just forget to celebrate the moments when we try, okay you can hop if you want or you can step, maybe walk in a little bit, find that buoyancy, those trampolines in your joints, hop up and land into your chair, beautiful, find your chair, maybe sink a little lower, maybe look forwards in that, press back up chair, push back up to standing, open those arms back behind you, equal standing, separate your feet, hip distance, maybe a little wider, arms up, inhale and then bend your knees, exhale, fold forwards, take your hands behind your calves, pull up on the calf flesh as you press down through your feet, really inhabit your feet here, feel like you're almost gripping the floor with your feet and pulling up the arches of your feet as you gently pull your spine down towards the ground with the use of your arms, connect to your breath, your breath, your connection to the earth, look around you, maybe a little left, maybe a little right, you're here, let your arms come out in front of you, look at them on the floor, sink your heels into the ground, and inhale, come all the way up with your arms at your ears, exhale your hands down, nice, I'll turn to you, let's take tree form with our left leg up first, so you might want to take tree, you could also touch a wall if you're nearby, foot could be on the inner thigh, maybe below the knee, and you could also take a half-bound lotus if your hips would go with that, up to you, so either one you can open up your arms, maybe let them come up, and try looking forwards or even a little up on a diagonal, wiggle your fingers, feel your foundation grounded, inhabiting your feet and then lift up the breath, nice, let the arms come down a little bit, look forwards if you've been looking up, and then take your left knee on top of your right, start to sink into an eagle, so you might hook your foot around your ankle, you might not, this time let's go left arm under the right, hug your shoulders or let your hands find each other, and sink down into this, yeah, maybe the elbows tug up as you weight your right heel and sink down, and then find your breath, and move your knee a little to the right, maybe even look up here and then stand tall on your right leg, letting that go, the last foot plants, take our right foot up into our tree or your half-bound lotus if you like, whichever one, ground down into that, feel your feet, wiggle your fingers, whole body activation, maybe arms up, now fill your breath into your low ribs and let the breath pull up through your whole lung cavity, maybe look forwards, maybe look up on a diagonal, see if you can look up, notice where you are and then push your feet down and inhabit your feet at the same time, so it's this easy kind of power, pulling from the earth, whole body activation, exhale, your hands down, it's joy, so you can let your right knee come over your left, maybe hook around there, this time we're going right arm under, either hugging yourself there or finding your palms, sink down into that, find your breath, breath, taking a little more breath, find those little trampolines in your joints available for all the little micro movements in the balance, maybe look up, knees can go a little left, then open it up, push down into your left foot and release, top of the mat, let's take our left foot back for triangle, so we're opening ourselves up for triangle, you might want your block by the outside of your right foot, come on down onto that and let your left arm go up, so you can experiment with looking down if that's better for your neck or look forwards or up, feel your feet and look up, press into your feet, almost like you're pulling up energy through the bones of your legs, yeah, feel your low ribs, and each exhale close your abdomen back to your spine, maybe for a breath you lift off off your bottom arm, exhale, lower it back down, let's shift into half moon, so we're going to come forwards, you might use your block for that support, lift your back leg up, a little higher than you might think, you can look down or try looking forwards or maybe even up on that diagonal, feel those feet, the inner and the outer edge of your foot, the toes grasping the ground in your full heel, maybe for a breath you have some buoyancy in your right knee and you pop up off of your block, for a little balance, exhale, lower down onto your block, belly button to the ground with your back leg lifted up and we'll come into our revolved half moon, so you can take your right hand to your pelvis, yeah and then start to turn yourself, take your right arm up, maybe move your hips a little to the left, so you don't pop your right hip out of its socket and then if you like you can pop up onto your block, maybe up onto your fingertips and maybe hover there for a breath, feel your bottom foot, exhale, lower it down, both hands to the blocks or to the floor, back foot down, let's come up and we're going for a revolved triangle, so you can adjust your feet accordingly, let your left hand come to the ground or maybe onto the block underneath your nose and start to spiral around, take that right shoulder blade a little closer to the spine, the bottom shoulder blade, the left shoulder blade a little away from the spine, might reach your right arm up, breathe in there, feel especially your back foot like an anchor, lengthening from that anchor through your spine, each exhale closes the abdomen to the spine and release that out, let's come on up, take our hands behind us either interlock your forearms or your elbows or maybe a prayer position up the back, lift up into the top chest, look up and exhale fold forwards into a pyramid, parsvottanasana, take a few breaths there with the pressure into your feet, soften your groins, and then let's shift forwards into a standing split, so you might let your arms go or you might keep them in that position, shift like towards a warrior three, maybe a little towards a standing split, beautiful, let's take our hands to the ground in that standing split and option here is to just start to hop a bit, one, two with that top left leg up, push the ground away, three, let's find a couple of hops and then land in a forward fold, feet ground, deepen the front of the groin creases, let the elbows hang, press into your heels and open up your arms, come all the way up, beautiful, maybe a little up and back and then open your arms behind you, stretch the front of your chest, feel your feet and standing, so nice, let's do the other side, triangle with the right leg back, so open up, slide on down, you can use your block, experiment with looking a little bit up, filling the breath into your low lungs, letting it pull all the way up into your upper lungs, you could also try balancing so that your bottom arm comes off of your block or the floor for a breath, let's find our half moon, so shift it forwards a little to the left, come on up, lift your top leg a little higher than you think, trampolines in your joints on that bottom leg, maybe look up, maybe a little float, both hands are on the blocks or the floor, turn your belly button to the floor and then start to revolve your half moon, move your hips a little right, suck your left hip into your skin, yeah, can take your top arm up, feel the buoyancy in your bottom leg, maybe there's a little float there, come on down, pyramid out your feet, come on up, going into revolve triangle, come on down, right hand underneath your nose on the block or the floor, start to spiral around, press your back foot into the ground, is your back knee available for movement, like can you bend it a little bit, breathe into that, maybe lighten a little off your bottom hand, whole body integration rather than a deep feeling in one spot, check that out and then exhale, hands down, inhale, come on up, take your arms forward, sweep them back behind you, either take your forearms, your elbows or maybe a prayer up the back, lift up into your chest, fold forwards, from your feet, feel that rebound force coming up through your legs, lengthening your spine, inhabiting your feet, shift forwards into more like a warrior three, beautiful and then a standing split, linger there, you can always let your hands go, maybe your hands even come to the ground and you play with pressing your hands under the floor and hopping that top leg up a couple times, push the ground away, one, two, three, active feet there and then folding into your forward fold, bend your knees, deepen your groin creases, ragdoll your arms, inhabit your feet, arms up to the sides, come all the way up, reach up, release your arms, beautiful, okay, left leg back into warrior one again, thumbs behind the back of the neck, lift and open the chest, lengthen the spine, release your arms, hands can be apart, you might wiggle your fingers, maybe look up, drive your feet down to lift those sticky places in your spine and then we'll take our hands to our heart, shift onto a toe tuck of the back foot and come into warrior three and warrior three, let's bend the bottom leg like a warrior three squat and then stand back up again, bring your left knee into your chest, clearing the floor, either take a hold of your knee or your big toe and kick it out, right hand on your waist, breathe there, press your bottom foot into the ground, let that reach you up, yeah, you can take the leg out to the side, if you want to challenge yourself you can even try floating the leg out to the side, letting go of your fingers, clasping back onto your toes, you might have your knee here too, that's lovely, bring it back forward, hover that leg, then let's sweep it into a standing split again, so warrior three through to a standing split, hop your back leg back and let's try those hops if you like, top leg straight and strong, for one push the ground away, you might even bend your bottom leg, two and three feet reaching up into the air and then land in your forward fold, ragdoll your arms, feel those feet pushing into the earth and also gripping the earth with your toes, arms out to the sides, let's reach all the way up, look up and arms back and down, and a standing, right foot back into your warrior one, thumbs behind the base of your neck, lift, arch, lengthen, reach your arms back, push your feet to the earth, whole body lit up, uplift your breath, uplift your gaze, hands down to your heart, shift onto a toe tuck, shift into a warrior three, find that warrior three squat, bend down, yes you're doing so great, pop back up, clear the floor, come on up, take your knee or your big toe, maybe straighten out through that leg, feel your feet, feel your breath, your breath, your fullness of breath, might take the leg out to the side, might let go of the leg, try to keep it there, grab back onto it, bring it back forwards, hover it there, standing split through your warrior three, hands to the ground, either stay there, you've got this opportunity to push your hands into the ground and float that top leg up, maybe even bending your bottom leg, push, nice, one, two, and three, push, and landing your forward fold, bend your knees a bit, dangle, feel your joy, sink your heels into the ground, open your arms up, reach up, and release your arms back and down, right foot back warrior two, so opening it up, and sinking into your warrior two, again feel your feet, feel your breath, extended side angle, so can take your elbow to your knee, you might even hover your bottom arm, take your left arm out and over, feet pressing into the ground, clear your spine out, to lengthen you, let's come on up, turn the back foot onto a toe tuck, it's like you're turning into a lunge, and then come across into a twist, left elbow to the outside of the right knee, hands in prayer, you might open your arms up, you might even hover your bottom arm, wiggle your fingers, press your back foot into the ground, windmill all the way up through the center, and warrior two to the back of the mat, find your stance, notice where you're feeling stuck, find buoyancy wherever you are, so there's structure, and there's freedom, extended side angle, your choice you can lean onto your elbow, you can hover it, you've got strong legs, stronger than you think, especially with the earth's rebound force coming up through your body, come on up, turn onto the back toes, so you're on that tuck toe position, twist, come across, elbow to the outside of the knee, maybe opening the arms up, maybe even hovering that bottom arm, which is a bit weird but informative, widen out through your hips, feel that back foot pressing, and then circle up through the center, parallel your feet, walk them in a little bit, and fold forwards through the center, hands to the ground, inhale, lengthen out, exhale, dangle your spine, walk your feet in enough that your head grazes the ground, play with bending and straightening your legs, your connection to the earth with your beautiful feet and your breath here, take in a little more breath, take in a little more of your surroundings with your eyes, walk your hands forwards, so option here is to find that buoyancy in your legs, press into your hands and hop up into a straddle, so press into your hands, hop up and lower down, it doesn't have to be anything you can play with that a couple times, one, two, see if you can land a little lighter, I know it's silly, maybe a little fun, three, land lightly on those feet, come into a squat, so it could be a toe squat, could be your heels down, sinking a little left and right, maybe even you sink your heels round through the center, you can even take your hands on the backs of your skull and let your elbows come towards the floor, crawl on out of that, walk all the way around to your front of the mat, step back into your downward facing dog, find your hands and feet and just pulse your structure a little left and right, okay step hop however you'd like to come to the top of the mat and come on up, arms can go back and down, beautiful, okay so in version play if you would like to have a wall nearby, go to your wall with the ability to kick up and we'll do our vinyasa facing the wall, if you want to play with it in the middle of the room you can be in the middle of the room, so we'll inhale the arms up and fold, lengthen out here, feet together, yep downward facing dog, be light there in your landing, roll through to a squeezing leg plank, chaturanga, knees to the ground, knee upward dog tops of the feet on the ground, pop the knees off, find your long strong upward dog line, knees down, child's form, yeah shift forwards, separate your feet downward facing dog, walk your left foot in a little bit, let your right leg come up straight and strong, now each exhale here draw close the abdomen back to the spine, when you hop up push the ground away, one, two maybe you're finding the wall, three maybe you're finding both legs finding each other, your hands are your new feet, push them down into the earth, elevate your shoulders, peek in between your hands, lower down, go right into your downward facing dog, feet together, feet together plank, find your line, chaturanga, knees down tops of the feet down, bend your elbows strong upward dog, maybe the knees pop off, exhale child, shift forwards into your hands, separate your feet, shift back into downward facing dog, right foot forward, left leg up, okay find your line, bend your bottom leg, close your abdomen a bit and hop up one, two, three, maybe you find your wall, maybe you find your hand stand for one, two, three, your hands are your new feet, come on down into your feet together, downward facing dog, inhale to your plank, exhale lower knees down into your upward facing dog, your way, and downward into your child's form, shift forwards into your hands, separate your feet, there's your downward facing dog, walk your feet towards your hands, inhale lengthen, exhale fold, ragdoll your arms, maybe you're feeling your hands and your wrists here, sink into your heels, come on up, reach up, release your arms back and down, interlock your hands in front, figure it through your wrists one way and then see if you can go the other way, it's a little weird for your brain, arms down, reach them up, look up, breathe in, fold, lengthen out here, step or hop back your feet together, downward facing dog, inhale to your plank, lower to chaturanga, knees down, tops of the feet down, roll it open and curl back, child's, shift forward, separate your feet, downward facing dog, yeah come down to your knees, take your forearms to the ground and start to shift forwards and back, maybe you come into a dolphin, walking up into a forearm dog, your head is elevated, you could tip so a little closer so there's a little more weight into your upper body, then gently press the ground away, your hands are both pressing into the ground, they're also gripping the ground and sucking it up, let's let our right leg come up, either stay there or there might be a little hop, so one, two and three, maybe you find your pinch off for a breath and then come on down, down, right into your feet together, downward facing dog, inhale to plank, lower, knee upward dog there, upward dog with the knees off, child, roll back, shift forward, separate your feet, downward facing, come on down to your knees, take your forearms down and shift forwards and back, either stay there, see how it feels on your shoulders or you can come on up into your dolphin and stay there, maybe tip toe those feet forwards, so you've got your arms pressing, your hands gripping, yeah if you like your left leg can come up, mm-hmm, you could do a couple hops, one, two, press into the earth to bring you up, maybe three, maybe you reach out, you could find the wall for a breath, come on down, right into a child's this time, maybe your hands shift back behind you and you let your shoulders slump, we'll come from our downward facing dog onto our back, roll on down onto the back, feel your feet and we'll do a couple of bridges, so roll pelvis up, up into the chest and roll on down, you might even come up onto your tippy toes, you might roll on up, come up onto your tippy toes, try to make the shape a little more round and roll on down, this last one maybe there's a wheel in there, so if you like you can roll on up, hands invert, pop up onto your head, maybe come up onto your tippy toes and press gently up finding your whole structure and just like in downward facing dog shift your structure a little left and right a little forwards and back, maybe look a little down, beautiful, exhale your way down, your knees in towards your chest, happy baby, pulsing into your legs and releasing your legs out, taking the heels of the hands to the tops of your thighs and pressing your thighs away as you reach your spine towards your head, let your arms release, take windshield wipers side to side, beautiful, let's release our legs out, any little movements you'd like to continue to do go for that, maybe throw a blanket over you, if you want to close your eyes you can do that, and feel the ground underneath you, your whole contact with the ground, yeah your body, making contact with the ground on this land, earth beneath you, and then feel the lightness and joy that comes from movement from whole body connection, we're wired for connection, and I truly feel we can connect with ourselves, and feeling that bubbling up of joy, this groundedness, this joy, boundless, so you might want to stay there a little longer, you're fully welcome to, but if you'd like to close your practice now you can wiggle your fingers and toes again, reach your arms over your head, pull your knees in towards your chest, just take your time to roll to the side whichever one makes sense, and come on up to a seat, thank you so much for your practice today, your presence, and for trying something new, peace.


David G-
This was your hardest suggested practice for me. I was impressed with how you weaved the awareness of feet and hollowed breath throughout. I am in a very small funk because I hit my sacrum hard in an accident and I am stuck in a holding pattern athletically. Warm smile for the title! I finished this season, but so much to learn about floating and flexibility. That’s actually a nice future. Peace back to you!!!
Lydia Zamorano
David Goldstein Love your messages David! Hoping that your body finds the way back to fluidity. I hope you can come back to these practices and find something new within them. Warmth, 
Love this series of Fluid Strength videos. Have you considered part two :) ( please). Perhaps with a focus on handstands and arm balances... You are the strongest person I know and I would love to keep on learning from you how to stand on my hands - I was quite in control with the handstands today !!! ( per YA report I have spent 355 hours with your videos since 2017). Thank you. Gabriela
Lydia Zamorano
Steve So wonderful to know!! I will be filming with Yoga Anytime this fall again! There may be a fluid strength series in the works. We'll keep you posted! So happy to hear you caught some air time today. What a delight! Warmly, Lydia 

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