Spring Ayurveda Yoga Challenge Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 1

Welcome to Spring Ayurveda

1 min - Show Intro


Melina welcomes us to the 5-Day Spring Ayurveda Yoga Challenge. Spring is in the air! This season, Melina guides us through 60 minute practices that blend together grounding floor stretches, core strengthening work, energizing Sun Salutations, standing and balancing poses, as well as cleansing breath work and guided meditations. We explore restorative yin shapes to release tension, and introduce Ayurvedic routines and rituals to improve circulation and hydrate the joints as well as clear stagnation in your tissues, leaving you feeling grounded, fluid and rejuvenated.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Mar 21, 2021
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Spring is in the air. Welcome to our 5-Day Spring Ayurveda and Yoga Challenge on Yoga Anytime. I'm Malina Meza. Together we'll flow through 60-minute practices that blend together, grounding floor stretches, core strengthening work, energizing sun salutations, standing and balancing poses, as well as cleansing breathwork and guided meditations. We explore restorative yin shapes to release tension and introduce Ayurvedic daily routines and rituals to improve circulation and hydrate the joints, as well as clear stagnation in your tissues. You will feel grounded, fluid and rejuvenated.


Jenny S
5 people like this.
I am SO EXCITED for this!!!  Spring has now officially arrived!
Melina Meza
Yah! I'm excited you're excited and YES... spring has arrived! Thanks for being part of the 5-day Ayurveda and Yoga Challenge community!!!!
Charlotte M
I have been waiting for this ever since the Winter challenge - what joy!
Melina Meza
How lovely to hear that!!! Have fun with the practices and I hope you're in good health and spirits at the start of this new season.
4 people like this.
Yay!! I am so excited to do this challenge! The winter challenge was fantastic so spring is going to be amazing!! Yay!!!
Melina Meza
Enjoy Louise! Thanks for being part of the community and may this get you ready for a super healthy spring season.
Joy J
4 people like this.
I am ready Melina, lets get the blood moving.
Melina Meza
I hope you felt better circulation after class Joy!
Paula H
2 people like this.
 I just completed the Spring Yoga Challenge...and probably not for the last time. Melina offers joy, knowledge, variations (with modifications) in each class. Thanks Melina!
Melina Meza
1 person likes this.
You are welcome Paula! Congratulation on your first round of the Challenge! I suspect classes will be even better the second time around. ( :

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