Mudra Medicine Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 10

Padma Mudra

5 min - Tutorial


The Lotus Mudra asks that we open our hearts and be willing to bloom. The lotus flower is a pure container rooted in the deep dark muck. We too can bloom in the midst of our difficulties. We can, in fact, be nourished by them. Laura guides us into finding a quality of activity and surrender in this powerful spiritual mudra.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Namaste. I can't wait to show you Padma Mudra. So this is the Lotus Mudra, and it's a very powerful spiritual mudra. So look at your hands for a moment. You're going to join the pinkies together, the pinky sides of the hands, and then you're going to join the thumb part of the hands and the thumbs, and you'll open the rest of the fingers up. So you're making a lotus flower. You're making a container. Making a container. Now I want you to feel an even amount of pressure all throughout the circumference of where the hands are joined. And then relax the hands again. Wiggle them a little bit. Let's join them again. So you start out joining the pinky finger side, and you roll all the way into the thumb side, and you open the hands. Now this is a very active mudra, right? Not any real way to rest your hands. So you have to have a quality of activity and surrender. That means that the shoulders have to relax, your neck has to relax. You sit up tall, but you're not rigid anywhere. So just hold the mudra for a moment. I'll tell you a little bit about the lotus flower. The lotus flower is one of the most beautiful flowers you'll ever witness in real life. There's a vibrancy and a purity to a lotus flower. And it sits on top of the water, beautiful lake or beautiful body of water. And its roots reach all the way down to the bottom of that body of water. All the way beyond the bottom and into the deep black muck where it draws its nourishment. So the spiritual lesson of the lotus is that from our difficulty, we can shine. From our difficulty, we can experience purity. We can experience a new life. We can bloom, right? So as you take this flower, you're holding your hands in this way. And I know the hands may already be tired because this is a vigorous mudra. I want you to feel as though the rest of the flower, which is you, is releasing down into the earth. Let your eyes close. I want you to imagine some of your difficulty that you've had in this lifetime. Go ahead. I know you may be like, what? Go ahead and do it. Just think about some things that were really challenging for you in your past. And then consider how time and life and the people in your life created the lotus flower with you. That through that difficulty, what emerged was this brilliant, shining, purer self. This is the message in this mudra. And it reminds us at a deep level, at a level beyond even our language, that this is our nature, that we can rise up from difficulty and find triumph and find success and find joy. So let the hands come together and open them back up. The final message is that all you really have to do is your part. You don't have to do it all. You don't have to go out and make the lake. You don't have to make the muck. You don't have to fill it all with water. All you have to do is allow your difficulty to nourish you. All you have to do is your part. Open your heart and be willing to bloom. That's the magic of this. The universe isn't asking you to do everything. It's asking you to do your part. And it will fill in the rest. Thank you for joining me. Practice your lotus mudra. Namaste. Peace out.


Darya Wenzel
Incredible! Thank you!
Bridgid M
Padma Lotus Mudra - A truly beautiful mudra and my favorite! 
Kate M
such a beautiful and inspiring lesson. Thank you!
Charlotte M
So beautifully worded - just do your part. Inspired, thank you!

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