30-Minute Yoga Flows Artwork
Season 10 - Episode 8

Centering Flow

30 min - Practice


Feel balanced, grounded, and centered in this spicier, energizing class. We flow through Sun Salutes and a creative standing sequence to strengthen the body, challenge the balance, and release tight spots.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome, everyone. Let's find a comfortable seat, root down, draw hands to prayer heart center. Take a moment to let awareness land in the body and connect with the breath. Through the nose, big inhale. Aum Just another moment of stillness. Letting any intention you're feeling distill and land in the body.

And as you're ready, let the eyes open. Let's take a big inhale, reach the arms out and up and right away with your exhale, twist to the right, left hand to the right knee, right fingertips, tent behind. And then let the inhales lengthen the spine. And as you exhale, gently deepen into your twist. One more breath here.

With the next inhale, draw it back to center. And then with the exhale, ease to the left. Rise as you breathe in. Deepen as you breathe out. Yeah, one more breath.

And then inhale again, back to center, reach the arms up and exhale. Rock the body forward, come up onto the hands and the knees, grounding the hands, really press them deep into the earth. Take a big inhale, tuck your toes. And as you exhale, go up and back, downward facing, three breaths, whatever you feel for. And just warming it all up.

Steady yourself in your down dog. And with the next inhale, walk the feet forward to the front of your mat. Easy fold for a breath or two. And I saw through the knees, relax the neck, heavy head. And we'll take another simple twist here, right hand to left ankle, let the right knee bend as much as you'd like.

Inhale, reach, left arm up, follow the fingertips with your gaze or not. Big inhale, exhale, release. And just switching sides, left hand to right ankle, allow the left knee to bend, inhale, reach, right arm up. And again, you can follow the fingertips with your gaze or just let the head release, another breath. Exhale, melt back into your fold.

Keep the head heavy, slowly on your inhale, roll all the way to stand. And exhale, melt the shoulders down, feet together, hands to the heart, samasthiti. Big inhale. Go ahead and open the mouth, exhale, let it go. Inhale, sweep the arms out and up.

Exhale to bow, out and down. With your inhale, lengthen halfway, root your hands, hop or step into plank. As you exhale, lower the knees to the earth, come all the way down. Inhale to cobra, just as high as feels, good. Exhale, downward facing dog, deep, full breath for three.

Dropping in, two. Bottom of your exhale, soft bend in your knees, hop or step, front of your mouth. Inhale, really long spine, look forward. Exhale, bow and fold, strong center, flat back. Inhale all the way up, reach beyond the fingertips.

Exhale, hands to the heart. Again, inhale, out and up. Exhale, out and down. Inhaling halfway, root the hands, hop or step back. Exhale, stay with knees or shift to chaturanga.

Inhale, cobra or up dog. Exhale, up and back, downward facing dog, deep, full breath, three. One, two. Bottom of the exhale, bend those knees, hop or step, front of back. Inhale, long spine, look forward.

Exhale, bow and fold. From center, inhale all the way up. Exhale, hands home to the heart. Once again, inhale, reach and rise. Exhale, bow to the earth.

Halfway, inhale, hop or step back. Exhale, knees or chaturanga dandasana. Inhale to cobra or up dog. Exhale, downward facing dog, breathing into it. Three.

Just dropping in, deepening in, letting everything else start to fade. One more breath. Bottom of the exhale, bend the knees, hop or step, front of the mat. Inhale halfway. Exhale, bow and fold.

Complete the cycle. Inhale all the way up, reach, reach, reach. Exhale, hands to the heart. Pause, take a big inhale. Exhale, ground.

Good. And feet together, deep bend in the knees. Inhale, reach arms out and up, utkatasana. Pause here. Feel your foundation.

Feel the lift of deep belly, length of spine. Stay for your inhale. And then as you exhale, draw the elbows out to the sides, opening. Big inhale here. And then exhale, draw it in, pressing elbows, forearms, palms.

Inhale, open. Exhale in. Inhale, open. Exhale in. Keep this.

Then just drop the arms, inhale out and up again. And exhale, reach back, interlace the fingers. Inhale, open through chest. And exhale into your fold. Arms go up and over, let the head be heavy.

Oi, breathe into those shoulders. One more breath. Stay in the fold, and nice and easy as you exhale, just release the hands down to the earth. Inhale to lengthen halfway. Exhale, hop or step back, take the vinyasa of your choice, or just press directly back into down dog.

Always up to your body. We're going to meet in down dog, take a breath. And then inhale, reach, right leg straight up to the sky. Exhale, step it forward, ground your back heel, pause. We're going to build into warrior one slowly.

Send your tailbone kind of energetically towards that back heel. Draw the belly up to the heart and let the heart reach out. Feel that line of energy through spine and back leg. Keep the core drawing in and up. And then inhale, arms alongside the ears.

Exhale, draw shoulder blades down the back. Feel the strength in this. And then from deep belly on your inhale, rise, warrior one. Very badrasana, a ground in it, a breath or two. Stay for your inhale.

And then with the exhale, we add that clasp, reach back, interlace the fingers, open through chest and front of shoulders. And exhale, take it into the fold. Devotional warrior, humble warrior, breathing three. Exhale, two. And then we'll inhale, come back to your warrior one.

Exhale, release, hands to earth, step straight back, downward facing dog, take a breath. Inhale, left leg up. Exhale, step it forward, root back heel, pause. Energetically reach tailbone to back heel and then lift belly to heart, heart out. Feel that strength, that line of energy.

And as you're ready, inhale, add the arms alongside the ears, draw them down the back. Pause, feel that strength. Lift from deep belly, inhale, rise, warrior one, second side. Give it a couple breaths. Take inhale and then exhale, reach back, take your other thumb on top so you shift the pattern of the bind.

Inhale, open through the chest. Exhale to fold, arms go up and over, more breath into the shoulders, three. And let the head go, two. All the way back up, inhale, warrior one. Exhale, release, hands to the earth, step back, downward facing dog, pause.

Back to center for a moment. All right, we're going to link that all together, stay with your breath. Slow it down whenever you want to, rest whenever you want to, really listen inward and let it be yours. Inhale, right leg up, exhale, step forward, root back, heel. Rise on the inhale, warrior one.

Exhale, reach back, interlace. Inhale, open, exhale, bow. Inhale, warrior one, exhale, hands to the earth, step to plank, and then straight to down dog. Inhale, left leg up. Exhale, step forward, root back, heel.

Rise on your inhale, warrior one. Exhale, reach back, take your other thumb on top. Inhale, lift the heart. Exhale, bow, fold, right back up on the inhale, rise. Exhale, hands to the earth, step straight back, downward facing dog, again, right leg inhale up.

Exhale, forward, inhale, warrior one. Exhale, reach back, interlace, wide open heart, inhale. Exhale, bow, fold, inhale, back up. Exhale, release, step back, down dog, last cycle, inhale, left leg. Exhale, forward, root back, heel, inhale, rise.

Exhale, reach back, take other thumb on top. Inhale, heart open, exhale, bow, release the head. Inhale, back up. Exhale, release, hands to earth, step to your down dog, and pause. Nice, strong work.

Be with your breath. Come back to your center. Another breath or two. Bottom of the exhale, soft bend in the knees, hopper step to the front of your mat. Inhale to lengthen halfway, exhale to fold, just a breath here, let it go.

And then we're going to heel toe the feet together. Take a deep bend in the knees and inhale, scoop it up, utkatasana. Then exhale, draw the hands to prayer, heart center, steady your gaze to the earth, ground through that right foot, really strong through the right leg. Pick up the left and wrap it around for eagle. Maybe the toes tuck behind, maybe they don't, it doesn't matter.

And then if you're steady, inhale, reach the arms wide. And with the exhale, draw a right elbow under and interlace. As is, or curl in belly to spine, draw elbows to knees, forehead to wrists. Yeah, like an eagle just about to take flight, feel strength of center. And then as you're ready, inhale, unwind the arms, exhale, unwind the legs, finding warrior three, arms can reach straight out, they can go to the side, they can even reach back.

Find your variation, strong center, press through back heel, reach through heart three, two, big inhale. And then as you exhale, release hands to earth, cell left leg to sky, standing splits. Couple breaths. Right. Stay with me here, take a big inhale.

And then as you exhale, bend both knees, kind of curl down towards the earth. Inhale, reach that leg back to the sky. Exhale, curl down and in. Inhale, reach it up. This time, as you exhale, try this, come all the way down, tuck the left knee outside of the right foot.

Ta-da. Artimatsa and Drasana, seated twist. So ground through both sit bones, inhale, reach left arm up and exhale, spiral. Hook the elbow outside of the knee, gaze back over that right shoulder, lengthen as you breathe in. Deepen as you breathe out.

Another breath. You're going to stay in your twist, inhale, just turn to look forward. And then exhale, counter twist to the other side, stay tall or let the back round, let the head fall. Good. Inhale, back to center and let's try this. As you exhale, come forward, tent fingertips, press that right foot back into the earth, lift from center.

Inhale, left leg goes back to the sky, standing split. Nice work. Find it for a breath or two. And then we're going to pass through warrior three really briefly on the way to high lunge. Draw the hips to neutral, engage through center, lift through the chest and knee arm variation in that warrior three.

Let it wobble a little and then bend the right knee, float the left foot back, rise, rise, rise, high lunge, crescent. Exhale, deepen into it, hips sink to the earth, pause for a moment. Big inhale. Exhale, release, hands to the earth, step into your plank pose, pause. Belly to spine, inhale.

Exhale, lower however you choose. Inhale, lift through the heart. Exhale, take it back, downward facing dog. Breath here. Bottom of your exhale, soft bend in the knees, hop or step, front of your mat.

Inhale, halfway. Exhale to release. Give this a breath. Let it go. And then heel, toe, feet together, deep bend in the knees.

Inhale, draw it up, utkatasana. Exhale, settle. Yeah, with the next exhale, hands to prayer, heart center, steady the gaze out and down. Root that left foot, pick up the right leg. Garudasana, ego pose.

Maybe the foot wraps behind, maybe it doesn't matter. Steady yourself here. If that's enough, stay right where you are or inhale, arms go wide. Exhale, left elbow under, interlace. Stay right where you are, nice and tall, or curl in, pull belly back to spine.

Elbows draw to knees, forehead to wrists. And breathe. See your warrior three. As you're ready, we take flight. Inhale, arms go wide.

Exhale, reach that right leg straight back. And again, any arm variation, reach forward, out, back, you can even clasp behind the back. Press through the heel, reach through the heart. Three, two, big inhale. Exhale, release the hands to the earth, sail the right leg to the sky, standing split.

Give it a couple breaths. Yeah, and then let's play. So big inhale here with the exhale, curl down and in. Inhale, reach it up. Exhale, curl down and in.

Last one, inhale, reach. And then as you exhale, we come all the way down, tuck that right knee behind the left ankle, and then outside of the left foot, and ease the sit bones to the earth. Good. Seated twist. Inhale, reach right arm up.

Exhale, spiral, hook the elbow, gently gaze back. Inhale, all the way up the spine. Exhale, deepen a little. Stay in the twist. Inhale, turn to look forward.

Exhale, counter twist to the other side. You can stay tall or let background and head fall. Good. Back to center, inhale. And then as you exhale, you're kind of easing forward.

Press the fingertips into the earth. Again, reengage that deep belly. And as you inhale, take the right leg all the way back to the sky. There's your standing splits. Take a breath.

And then slowly passing through warrior three just for a moment. Right leg presses straight back. Any arm variation. Start to bend that left knee, float right foot back. Inhale, rise, high lunge.

Exhale, deepen into it just as needed. Feel that length and vitality. Another breath. Inhale, lift the heart. Exhale, release.

Hands to the earth, step back into your plank. Pause again, big inhale. Exhale, lower knees or chaturanga dandasana. Inhale, lift through the heart. Exhale all the way back, downward facing down.

Take a breath or two here. And then inhale, lift right foot just a little. And exhale, come into pigeon. Draw that right knee, shin forward. Really take your time with your foundation.

If you want support, take it. Press the hands or the fingertips into the earth. Lift from your deep lower belly, inhale all the way up. And exhale, out and down. Release to the earth.

Full 10 breaths, really allow yourself some space to open and release the hips. About five more breaths, keep sinking in. Moving as you're ready, inhale, walk upper body back in and out. Then exhale, tuck the back toes, lift the back knee. Lift from center, inhale.

And then exhale, right foot back, dandas. Pedal it out a little. Inhale, left foot rises just a little. Exhale, left knee, left shin through and down. Again, really give yourself time to support it if you'd like.

Pillows, blankets underneath that left glute hip area. Then inhale all the way up the front body. And exhale, out and down. Full 10 breaths. These longer, deeper holds are so beneficial.

Layer by layer, little by little, more and more release just by being here. About five more breaths. Slow rise on the inhale. And then exhale, tuck the back toes. Inhale, lift from center.

And exhale, float it back, dandas. Big inhale through the nose. Open the mouth, exhale. Last vinyasa, washing it all the way. Inhale, roll into your plank.

Exhale to lower knees or chaturanga. Inhale, lifting through your heart. Exhale, take it back, dandas. One breath here. And then as you're ready, hop or step through to sit, go ahead and roll all the way down onto the back.

As you land, draw the knees into the chest. Arms wrap around the legs, rock a little. And as you're rocking, just check in with yourself. If there is anything else your body wants before your final rest, take it. And when you are ready, lay it all down.

There's no rush. Close as you feel for. And just meet us in shavasana as you're ready. And as always, if you want support in shavasana, take it. If you want to cover the body or the eyes, go for it.

Support yourself. And then as you do find the earth, lay it all down. As much as possible, whatever it is, whatever the present circumstances may be. Offer them up for the time being and let yourself rest through the nose. Big inhale.

Open the mouth. Exhale. Just rest. Continue to rest here as long as you'd like. When you're ready, wiggle fingers and toes. Big inhale, reach arms up and over.

And then exhale, bend the knees, feet to the earth, roll to either side. Even pause there or rock directly up. Let's find our seat. Rest the hands, soften the gaze or close the eyes. Just a moment or two of stillness here, transitioning from your practice into whatever unfolds next.

As much as possible, sustaining that connection to your breath and to the sensations in your body. Stay home. Hands to prayer, heart center. Big inhale. Gently inhaling, soft bow forward with your exhale.

Namaste. Such a pleasure, such a joy. Thank you so much. Go gently, be well. Namaste.


Elizabeth M
1 person likes this.
Love this class, thank you, Rosemary!
Rachel S
1 person likes this.
Really masterful teaching. Thank you!
Laura M
2 people like this.
Thank you! I love your classes! I just had a little girl, and I named her Rosemary I recently remembered one of my favorite teacher's (You) name is Rosemary. I hope she is as peaceful as you are, she already seems so.
Rosemary Garrison
Awww, thank you, Rachel S . That means so much. Enjoy!
Rosemary Garrison
Oh, Laura M , this is so touching! Welcome to the world, baby Rosemary. You have such a lovely mama... may this journey be blessed. 
Nadine R
1 person likes this.
I loved this class!
Rosemary Garrison
Yay, thank you, Nadine R ! We love having you here!
Nadine R
1 person likes this.
Great class!
Rosemary Garrison
Thank you, Nadine R ! Such a joy to see you in the flow often!

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