Move to Meditate Artwork
Season 5 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 5

1 min - Show Intro


Margi welcomes us to Season 5 of Move to Meditate. In these short classes, we move just enough so we can sit in stillness and return to center. We make space in the body, build strength for a steady foundation, challenge the balance, and follow our inner GPS, restoring precious energy. Together we breathe and move towards a still mind, a strong, open body, and greater capacity for joy, ease, and kindness towards ourselves and others.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Welcome to season five of Move to Meditate on Yoga Anytime. I'm Margie Young. In these short but effective classes, we'll move just enough so we can sit in stillness and return to center. Together, we make space in the body, build strength for a steady foundation, challenge the balance, and follow our inner GPS so we can restore precious energy. Let's breathe and move towards a still mind, a strong open body, and greater capacity for joy, ease, and kindness for ourselves and others.

I'll see you on the mat. Let's get started.


Christel B
So glad to be able to have classes with you again on YogaAnytime.
Margi Young
1 person likes this.
Christel B Thanks Christel!  I am so happy you are here. Margi
looking forward to this - thanks Margi. 🙏

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