Good Morning Yoga with Alana Artwork
Season 8 - Episode 5

Quiet Depths

30 min - Practice
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This mindful and fluid floor-practice with Alana Mitnick invites us to slow down and drop into sensation, exploring stretching and strengthening. Meet yourself in the moment, ultimately awakening a calm, peaceful, clear flow of energy in preparation for the day. It is not every morning that we feel like jumping out of bed and flowing, but this practice offers a gentle way to ease into movement and mindfulness.
What You'll Need: Blanket, Strap, Block (2)

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Welcome. So glad you're here. This is a feel good floor practice to help awaken the quiet inner depths within. Might be nice for this practice to have two blocks, a strap, and a blanket. Let's meet on our back.

Find your way there. And as you arrive, draw your knees into your chest, and just rock yourself side to side feeling into your lower back, feeling into your hips. And as you're ready ground, your feet nice and wide for windshield wipers, you might stretch your arms overhead and just begin to cruise on to the inner outer edges of your feet as your knees go side to side to the right, back up over to the left. Continue with fluid windshield wipers and maybe let the head rock away from the knees as you lengthen the side body. Creating space.

Let the knees fall over to the right, pause with the knees to the right, and just begin to stretch and lengthen up through your left arm as you lengthen down through the left thigh. Pause in here as you bring your awareness into your left lung. As you draw your awareness into your left lung, notice the quality of the breath. From your left lung, draw your awareness of the pathway of your left nostril stroll. Just notice the quality of the breath through the left nostril.

Adding your mind rest here for a few more moments. Relaxing the effort in house, sweep your knees up and over to the left, pause with the knees to the left, reach up through your right arm, length, and down through the right thigh. And draw your awareness, bring your mind's eye into your right lung. Oh, it is how the breath responds. From the right lung, draw your awareness now into your right nostril.

Notice the quality of the breath. Holding your attention here for a few moments. Gradually relax the effort of your attention in the nostril inhale sweep the knees up. But a few more fluid rounds, windshield wipers side to side. Draw the knees back into the chest rocking here, and then look for your strap.

We're gonna work with our strap, bring the strap around the bottom of your right foot. Yeah. And then stretch your right leg up into your foot up into the strap. Keep the left knee bent and just begin to ease into your hamstrings. Bend and extend. Bend and extend.

And an extent. Eventually, you might move towards that extension. Let the bottom of your foot spread up into the strap. You might extend for your left leg. Feel the energy and strength in your left leg as you draw the toes towards the face. So then bring the strap into your right hand from your right hip joint, little side to side, keeping that left hip and thigh bone heavy.

Again, notice the quality of your breath. The flossing the hamstrings, one of my favorite patterns, opening out through the hamstrings, hips, and then you might let your right leg open to the right for a few breaths. Reaching through the inner right heel, feel your belly sweeping towards the left. Notice what you choose to do with your left hand. Hand might be grounded on your left hip.

You might stretch your arm out long or overhead. Cob, a couple of expansive breaths here. Feel that leg through the whole body. And as you're ready inhale, draw your right leg towards the sky past the strap into the left hand, and then bring the leg across the body just enough to feel the outer leg line, it band. You might pause here.

You might spiral towards a twist. Maybe stretching the right arm out from the heart. As you inhale feel the right side of your body lengthen and as you exhale soften through the belly, find a place where your neck feels good. Might take a gentle breath into the back body towards the spine. Nourishing the kidneys.

And then as you're ready, bring your inhale, bring your leg back up towards the sky, you might stay here. You might exhale draw your chin into your chest, curl and lift, engage. The heel lifted, draw everything into the midline, inhale exhale slowly release. Remove the strap flex the foot lead with the heel and slowly lower all the way down, stabilizing through the palvis, low belly. Take a moment to pause, clearing breath. Exale.

As you're ready, bend the knees, draw them back into your chest. We'll wrap the strap around the bottom of the left foot, extending the left foot up into the strap. Just bend and extend a few times easing into the hamstrings, the knee joint. As you're ready to extend through the left leg, maybe the right leg extends long, spread the toes. Notice the quality of your breath.

Bring the strap into your left hand and from the left hip joint side to side, flossing the hamstrings, feel that right hip, heavy thigh bone rooted. You might stay with this. You might let your left leg open out to the left as you stretch through the inner left heel and feeling the navel of belly sweeping towards the right. Notice what you choose to do with your right arm. Be feel the energy through your left, right leg.

Your right leg that's extended. Breathing into where you feel it. When you feel ready, inhale, draw your left leg back up and pass the strap into the other hand. Bring the leg across the body, you might pause when you first begin to feel a stretch. And then maybe spiraling towards the twist, bringing your left leg across stretching your left arm out from the heart, find that ease in your neck, breathing into where you feel it, and softening the jaw.

Take your time, inhale back to center, and exhale, walk your hands up the strap, bring your chin towards and in your forehead towards your shin bone, curl round lift. And then exhale slowly round. Keep your left leg high, remove the strap, flex the foot lead with the heel and just slowly lower all the way down, feeling that support from within. Take a moment to pause and notice how you feel. Clearing breath, inhale. Exale.

From here, draw the knees into the chest. Let's go ahead and work with a block between the inner legs. We're gonna block between the inner leg stretch both arms out in line from the shoulders and feel the the back and the draw towards the floor. Enable the spine. We'll inhale here.

And then exhale at your knees hover to the right, heavy through the left arm and shoulder. Inhale back to center, exhale over to the left. Maybe gaze towards the right. Squeeze the block with the bottom knee back to center, exhale to the right, gazing to the left, squeeze the block at the bottom knee back to center, Nextale laugh. Few times at your own pace side to side. Yeah. Back to center, exhale to a side.

Inhale back to center exhale. Let's do one more each direction. Feeling that warming of the core, the abdominals, the work through the hip, hip flexors. And then as you come back to center, you can remove the block round the feet. I'm setting up for a rolling bridge.

Bring the heels in line with the sitting bones, arms alongside the body will inhale together. Exhale curl the tailbone under and not press through the feet. As you press through the feet, begin to stretch your arms overhead and lengthen the front body, stretching the hip flexors after all that engagement and work. And then we'll exhale roll the spine down mind fully one bone at a time. Arms reset down to the earth. Inhale, exhale curl the tailbone under press through the feet rise, that feel the whole body lengthen, exhale roll your spine down mindfully releasing the arms to the floor. Inhale, curl the tailbone under, exhale lift, lengthen, exhale roll down, upper back, mid back, low back arms.

Last round, inhale, lift the arms, lengthen the body. It stay in the bridge as you inhale. Stay in the bridge as you exhale everything, empty the lungs, and then roll down on empty with the arms overhead, upper back, mid back, low back. Pause here, inhale, and exhale. Let's bring the soles of the feet to gather knees wide.

You might keep your arms overhead and bring your fingertips around your elbows. I'm just allowing gravity to assist. Does the hips open? Eeling the leg through the spine, healing the low back, begin to settle and soften towards the earth. Healing that spacious quality between the eyebrows and the base of the skull.

Hands might stay where they are. You might bring your hands onto your belly. Healing noticing the movement of the breath in the belly. You are welcome to stay here a bit longer. When you feel ready, draw your knees into your chest, and fire find your way onto your side.

Use your hands to come up, and we'll meet in a tabletop position. Spreading the fingers wide shoulders over the wrists. Move through cat cow round, stretch your back, navel to spine, release the head, and as you inhale lead with the heart moving into your extension. Exale, curl round, stretch your back, maybe draw your hips towards your heels, and then shoulders over the wrist lead with the heart, soften the gaze inward few rounds at your own pace with the breath, exploring those areas in the body that might feel tight, sticky needs some extra love and attention. Lewid through the spine, through the pelvis.

Next time you round, press back towards, more active child's pose. So wiggle the hips back towards the heel, stretch the arms far out in front of you. Feel how you can root through the fingers. Draw your hips away from your hands, feeling that wonderful traction through the spine. Inhale, exhale soften.

As you're ready, round your way back to table top. And from here, let's lower down onto the belly. So we'll come down towards cobra. Draw the shoulders up back and down point the toes as you inhale rolling cobra, lift the heart, baby cobra, exhale lower. Inhale, draw the elbows in, lift the heart. Exhale lower.

One more like this. Inhale. Press, lift, exhale lower. This time as you lower, bend your knees, draw your heels towards your sitting bones, little kick through the feet as you lift up, press through the palms cobra, exhale release. One round of locusts bend the knees again. This time as you kick, press through the palms and maybe lift the hands up off the floor, drawing the elbows into the ribs, inhale lift, exhale release. Tuck the toes under, press up and round your way back towards child's pose again. Draw the hips towards the heels.

We'll play with a few rounds here fluid through the spine. So from your child's pose, stay rounded, draw the tailbone under, or draw the ribs in, begin to round your way forward shoulders over the wrist. Stay rounded as you begin to lower your pelvis, lift the heart, bend your elbows, inhale exhale lower. Ment your knees kick through the feet, press up cobra, and then hips up round your way back towards child's pose. Let's do a few more. Stay around as you rise up table.

Keep the naval into the spine as you bend the elbows lower the pelvis. Lift the heart, cobra. Exit, lower. Bend the knees. It'll kick gives you lift cobra.

Press all the way up around your way back. Let's pause and child's pose again. Soft and fluid through the spine, through the hips. Now, as you're ready, chin to the chest, slowly roll your way out. Let's play with this, bringing in two blocks for downward dog, and maybe rolling up towards upward dog.

So from here, hands on the blocks, tuck your toes under, and let's find a downward dog with the blocks. Pedal out through the feet. Fill the back of the neck releasing here. You might stay right here. Bring your feet in a little closer together.

Come high up onto the feet, balls of the feet. Stay round through your spine. Stay around. Tuck your toes under strong legs. Stay round. As you bend your elbows begin to lift your heart, maybe your knees lower as you lift up.

And then exhale toes tuck under. Lift back and up downward facing dog. You might take a pause in child's pose or join me for one more round. Organizing your feet, come high up onto the balls of the feet round your spine, round, round, round. Navel to spine, strong legs, shoulders over the wrist, lower the hips, point the toes, inhale lift.

Maybe you're an upward dog, exhale, navel to spine, press back. Downward facing dog. From here, you might lower child's pose. You might join me in a lunge so you bring your right foot forward, lower your left knee down, organize your blocks around your front foot. As you inhale, draw your hips back, he'll stretch through the hamstrings, exhale, lunge.

Two more inhale hips draw back. Exale lunge. Last one, inhale hips draw back, exhale Alana. Pause here. Stay low. Or you might inhale lift the arms low crescent lunge.

Feeling the essence of cobra in the upper back as you lift the heart, soft in the throat, inhale, exhale release. Let's draw the hips back extend through the front leg, we'll have split. Nice. Send in from here, organize the blocks for down dog, tuck the back toes, step back downward facing dog. From here, step your left foot forward, wiggle back through the ball of your right foot, organize your blocks, inhale draw your hips back extend through your front leg, and exhale lower lunge. Inhale, draw your hips back.

Extend, exhale lunge. Let's find one more inhale hips draw back. Exale lunge, stay low in your lunge. Hands might stay where they are. You might inhale reach your arms up towards the sky.

Feel how you can lift and lengthen through the side body. Again, feeling the essence of your cobra in the upper back. Inhale lift, exhale, release, draw your hips back, extend through your front left leg. As you're ready, bend the front knee, bring your blocks off to the side. We'll step back downward facing dog.

And this time, let's bring your feet as wide as the mat. Organize your hands, bend the knees, wiggle your sitting bones up, feel the thighs draw back and up as you soften the heart towards the earth. Weight of the head heavy. Willing this wonderful extension through your spine. Inhale, exhale, walk your feet back, downward dog, lower the knees.

Let's pause and child's pose with the knees wide. Big toes to touch. You might keep your palms facing down or palms up. Taking a nourishing breath into the back body. As you're ready rolling upchin into the chest.

And let's transition towards a seat. You might bring a blanket underneath your sitting bones. We're gonna come into a baddha konasana, bringing the soles of the feet to gather our knees wide. Bring your hands onto your shins and inhale length in your spine. You might stay right here in extension. You might begin to ease your way forward.

Notice what you choose to do with your head, softening the jaw. Eeling the back of the neck, release. Easy in the eyes. When you feel ready, rolling up. Keep your right foot and extend through your left leg.

Bring the sole of the right foot towards the left and earth thigh. From here in house, sweep your right arm up, feel how you can lengthen and open. You might begin to take it up out and over towards the left coming into a side stretch here, finding your sweet spot, your edge. As you root, lengthen, and breathe. Just finding a place where the neck feels good.

Maybe it's up. Maybe it's down. Breathing here. Few more moments. You feel ready, inhale, sweep your top arm up, exhale, release, and then lean back, switch the leg. Straw the sole of the left foot and extend through your right leg. As you inhale sweep the left arm up, feel how you can lengthen and create space through the side body, and then taking it up out and over.

Meaching. And finding a place for your neck feels good. Finding your shape as you breathe into where you feel it. You more breaths. I'm noticing where you can soften.

Yes, you feel ready. No rush, inhale sweep the top arm up. Exale, release. That From here, we'll transition on to our back. You might have one to two blocks handy. You can bring your blanket off to the side.

Draw your knees into your chest, rock. I'm setting up for a supported bridge with the legs up. So you might bring one or two blocks underneath your sacrum. Right? Setting the blocks up at the lowest setting. If you're working with two stacking the blocks on top of each other, organizing them, Yeah. You can naturally draw the shoulders under the back, feet hips width apart, toes spread.

If it doesn't feel good, trust the feeling. You might reorganize your blocks? Once you're settling, just allow the weight of the pelvis to sink towards the support. Receiving the support beneath you. You might stay right where you are.

You might choose to draw one knee into your chest and extend the leg up. And lifting the other knee and extend, making any adjustments on your blocks. You can kinda press through the balls of the feet. Eeling the energy through the legs, as the blood drains down, nourishing the pelvis, the heart, the brain, quieting, resting within. This spacious, through the throat.

A few moments notice the quality of the breath. We're breathing naturally without any strain or force or technique. You are welcome to stay where you are a bit longer. You slowly begin to bend your knees, ground your feet. Find the blueprint of bridge.

Once you feel your feet, press down for the feet, lift the pelvis up. If you're on two blocks, just lower down to one block. And pause, healing the support beneath you. And eventually, you might press through the feet, lift the pelvis, and then remove the block as you lower the spine all the way down to the floor, and draw your knees into your chest. From here, we'll find a spinal twist.

You might work with your blanket between your knee and your ankle bones. That might feel really nice. Reach your arms out. Inhale, exhale roll over to the right side, stack the shoulders, stack the hips, and then let the top arm open and release that right hand might rest on the top of the left leg, inhale, exhale, softening the belly, feeling that natural rotation. Eas in the neck. As you're ready, inhale, come back to center, and then over to the left rolling onto your left hip, organizing the arms, let the top right arm open, inhale, exhale, softening the belly, deepening into your twist.

And finding that ease in your neck. Are welcome to stay here a bit longer honoring your timing. When you feel ready, inhale, back up to center, you can remove the blanket. There's anything your body is calling for as we ease into our relaxation. We follow the inner feeling, the inner guidance.

You might stretch out long for Shavasana. You might roll to your side. Use your arms to press yourself up. Closing our practice with a seat. It's set up on your blanket.

And still allow for an inhale, exhale. You might bring one hand to the belly one hand to the heart. Yeah. I'm breathing in. Generous exhale. Namaste.

Thank you.


Sandra Židan
I really loved doing today's practice! Thank you very much, Alana, for sharing it with us! Namaste! 🥰🙏❤️

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