Good Morning Yoga with Alana Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 2

Wake Up and Flow

30 min - Practice


Alana guides a flowing sequence of sun salutations and deep low lunges to help us find greater freedom and ease in the body. This practice promotes moving mindfully with your breath, and increasing circulation, strength, and flexibility. You will feel a sweet, calm energy as you transition into your day.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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(waves lapping) Good morning, welcome back. Please join me at the top of your mat. Just taking a few moments to drop into your practice. Inviting your awareness down into your feet and taking a few moments to feel your feet, spreading your toes, beginning to drop your awareness down. And then bringing some attention towards your breath.

Beginning to deepen your breath. (slow breath) (inhale) Finding that ujjayi, that ocean breath in the back of the throat. (inhale) As you begin to find that breath, interlacing the fingers, soften the knees, go down through the feet and begin to lengthen up through the spine. Leaning a bit from side to side and then reaching from the heart into the hands. Again, finding that ujjayi breath. (long breath) (long breath) And then releasing the arms along your sides.

Bringing the hands together at the heart, and we'll open with the sound of ohm, we'll offer a clearing breath as you're ready, deep inhale. (inhale) And exhale, let the breath release (exhale) As you're ready, inhale (inhales) â?« Ohm â?« Releasing your arms. Finding a comfortable position with the feet, and then moving through Surya Namaskara A. As you're ready, inhale, reach the arms up. And as you exhale, forward fold, Uttanasana, releasing the head and the arms.

As you inhale, half arch, lengthening the spine, and as you exhale, soften the knee, step back into plank. From plank lower on to the knees, come on to your belly, we'll find cobra, inhale, let the heart lift. On an exhale, release. Tuck the toes under, then back into downward facing dog. And find three full breaths here in downward dog.

(exhale) (deep breath) (deep breath) And as you're ready, inhale, your right leg high. As you exhale, float the right foot between the hands. Step the left foot forward. Inhale, half arch, look up. And then exhale, soften the knees, forward folds.

Inhale, reach the arms up towards the sky, lengthening. Exhale, release the arms. We'll find that again as you're ready. Inhale, reach the arms up. Exhale, forward fold. (deep exhale) Inhale, half arch, lengthen.

Exhale, bend the knees, step the left foot back. Step the right foot back, find plank. From plank, lower onto the knees, onto the belly. Inhale to cobra reaching the heart forward. Exhale, release.

Tuck the toes under. Find downward facing dog, three breaths here. (deep breath) (deep breath) (deep breath) As you're ready, inhale, the left leg high. Exhale, float the left foot between the hands, let the right foot follow. Again, inhale, half arch, lengthen.

And exhale uttanasana, forward fold. Inhale, soften the knees, circle the arms up, reaching. Exhale, release the hands. Moving towards Surya Namaskara B. As you're ready, bend the knees, Utkatasana, inhale, reach the arms up.

Exhale, forward fold. Inhale, half arch. Exhale, step the right foot back, step the left foot back, lower the knees, lower onto the belly. Inhale to cobra. Exhale, release.

Tuck the toes under. Come into downward facing dog. From downward dog, inhale the right leg high. Exhale, float the right foot between the hands coming up into warrior one, Virabhadrasana one. Exhale, release the hands.

Step back into plank. Lower down, inhale to cobra. Exhale, release. Tuck the toes under. Downward facing dog.

Second side, inhale, the left leg high. Exhale, float the left foot between the hands, come up, inhale, warrior one. Exhale, release. Step back into plank. From plank, lower onto the knees.

Inhale to cobra. Exhale, release. Tuck the toes under. Downward facing dog, three full breaths here. (exhale) (deep breath) (deep breath) (inhale) As you're ready step the right foot forward, step the left foot forward, inhale half arch.

And exhale forward fold. Bend the knees for utkatasana, circle the arms up. Exhale, (exhales) release. And just taking a moment to pause here. (deep breath) You might feel your heart racing, your temperature rising, dropping your awareness down into your feet, grounding.

(deep breath) And then as you're ready, second round. Utkatasana, bend the knees, inhale, circle the arms up. Exhale, forward fold. Inhale, half arch. Exhale, bend the knees, step back into plank.

Now you might lower into cobra. You might lower Chaturanga. Inhale, (inhales) cobra or upward facing dog. Exhale, downward facing dog. Inhale the right leg high.

Exhale, float the right foot between the hands. Inhale, warrior one. Exhale, release. Step back into plank. And you might lower onto the knees, or lower down chaturanga.

Inhale to cobra or upward facing dog. Exhale, downward facing dog. Inhale, the left leg high. Exhale, float the left foot between the hands. Inhale, float up, warrior one.

Exhale, release. Step back into plank, and lower down. Inhale to cobra or upward facing dog. (inhale) And exhale, downward facing dog, three to five breaths here. Rooting through the fingers. (deep breath) (deep breath) (deep breath) (deep breath) As you're ready, inhale, the left leg.

Exhale, float the left foot between the hands. Let the right foot follow. Inhale, half arch. Exhale, forward fold. Bend the knees, inhale utkatasana, strong legs.

Exhale, press down through the feet. And just, again, taking a moment to pause. Ground through the feet. (deep breath) And last round, suriya namaskar B. As you're ready, bend the knees, utkatasana, inhale.

And exhale, forward fold, uttanasana. Inhale, half arch. Exhale, step back into plank. And lower down. Inhale (inhale) and exhale.

Inhale, reach the right leg high. And exhale, float the right foot between the hands. Root through the back outer edge, inhale, come up, warrior one. Inhale, exhale, release. Step back into plank, and lower down.

Inhale to upward facing dog or cobra. (inhales) Exhale, downward facing dog. Inhale the left leg high. Exhale, float the left foot between the hands. Inhale, float up, warrior one, strong back leg. Exhale, release the hands.

Step back and then lower down. Inhale to cobra or upward dog. And exhale, downward facing dog. (exhales) Three to five full breaths here. (deep breath) (deep breath) (deep breath) (deep breath) Now from here you might walk the hands forward, you might take a look forward and play with hopping your way forward. Inhale, half arch.

Exhale, forward fold. Bend the knees utkatasana, strong legs. Inhale, reach up. And exhale, press down through the feet, (exhales) tadasana. And taking a moment to (exhale) drop your awareness down.

Connect with your breath. And now from here making our way into some sun salutations with lunges. As you're ready, inhale, reach the arms up. (inhale) And then exhale, forward fold. Uttanasana, inhale, half arch. Exhale, bend the knees and step your right foot back.

Let the left knee bend, so this is the lunge. And then slow, let the right knee lower down. Finding that low lunge. And as you inhale, draw the hips back. Flex the foot, find the hamstrings, and as you exhale, bend the front knee and sink in.

And we'll take a few rounds like this. Inhale, draw the hips back, softening the jaw. And then exhale, bend the front knee and sink in. And one more time, inhale. (inhale) And then exhale, sink in. (exhale) From here, inhale, reaching the arms up finding crescent lunge, crescent moon. Lifting up through the floor of the pelvis.

As you're ready, exhale, release the hands. Step back into plank, you might lower down to cobra or find chaturanga. Inhale, cobra or upward facing dog. And then exhale, downward facing dog. Inhale, the right leg high.

As you're ready, exhale, float the right foot between the hands, and let the left foot follow. Inhale, half arch. Exhale, forward fold. Soften the knees, inhale, circle the arms up. (inhales) Reaching, that feels nice.

Exhale, releasing the arms. So we'll find that on the other side. As you're ready inhale. (inhales) Exhale, forward fold. Inhale, half arch. Exhale bend the knees, step the left foot back.

As you're ready, let the left knee lower down. Finding that low lunge. Inhale, draw the hips back. Might feel nice to flex that right foot, find the hamstrings as you draw the hips back. And then exhale, bend the right knee, sink into the lunge, a few times like this.

(inhales) Inhale. Exhale (exhales) two more rounds. (deep breathing) Last time, inhale, draw the hips back. Exhale, sink in. Inhale, reaching the arms up.

Exhale, release. Step back into plank. And you might lower onto the knees, or find chaturanga. Inhale to cobra or upward dog. Exhale downward facing dog.

Breathing. (exhales) Inhale the left leg. (inhales) Exhale, float the left foot between the hands. Let the right foot follow. Inhale, half arch. Exhale, forward fold. Soften the knees, inhale, reach the arms up.

(inhales) Lengthen. Exhale, (exhales) release the arms. We'll find that pattern again with a deep low lunge. As you're ready, inhale, reach the arms up. (inhales) Exhale, (exhales) dive forward and in. Inhale, half arch.

Exhale bend the knee, step the right foot back. Let the left knee bend. (inhales) Inhale, reach the arms up. Exhale, release. From here, toe heel to left foot slightly wider, and sink down into the hips. And it might feel nice here to lean a bit from side to side.

I like to bring my left hand onto my left thigh and gently twist open. Breathing. You might stay here, you might even come onto the forearms. And breathe. (exhale) Taking a few breaths here. And notice where you can soften and relax any, perhaps, tension though the face or the jaw.

You might keep the back toes tucked under or release the top of the foot to the floor. Soften through the belly. (exhale) Good, as you are ready, draw the hips back, bend the front knee, and then step back, finding plank. Nice, strong plank. From here you might lower onto the knees, or lower down finding cobra or upward dog.

And exhale, come into downward facing dog (exhale) breathing, reaching that right leg up high. Exhale, float the right foot between the hands, let the left foot follow. Inhale, half arch. Exhale, forward fold. As you're ready, inhale, reaching the arms up, lengthening, exhale, (exhales) release.

We'll find that on the second side, as you're ready. Inhale, (inhales) arms up. Exhale, dive forward (exhales) and in. Inhale, half arch lengthen. Exhale, bend the knees, step the left foot back.

Right knee bends, let the left knee lower down. Inhale, reach the arms up. Exhale, release. And from here you might toe heel that right foot slightly wider. Bring the hands on the inside of the foot.

And you might be invited to lean a bit from side to side. Perhaps bringing that right hand onto the right thigh and gently twisting open to the right. (exhale) Softening the jaw, softening the face, sinking down into the hips. You might be invited to even come onto the forearms or lower down. Just taking a few moments to breathe.

Releasing the neck (exhales). Softening through the belly. Soften through the eyes. And then as you feel complete and ready, come back into the center, plant the hands, step back into plank. And then from plank, lowering down.

Inhale to cobra or upward dog. And exhale, downward facing dog. Inhale, the left leg high. Exhale, float the left foot between the hands let the right foot follow. Inhale, half arch.

And exhale, forward fold. Soften the knees as you inhale, circle the arms up and up, and reaching. And exhale, (exhales) releasing. Taking a moment to pause in tadasana. Notice, feel what's arising in you.

Widening through the base of the skull. Feeling the tailbone release. (deep breath) And just experiencing your breath here. From here making our way down to the floor with a sun salutation. As you're ready inhale, reaching the arms up.

And exhale, dive forward and in, uttanasana, releasing the head. Inhale, half arch. Exhale, step back into plank, and lowering down. Either onto the knees or chaturanga. Inhale cobra or upward facing dog.

And exhale, come into downward facing dog. And in downward dog, take about five breaths here. Lengthening, rooting through the fingers. Lengthening through the spine, reaching through the sit bones. (deep breath) (deep breath) (deep breath) (deep breath) And then as you're ready, lower onto the knees and rest in child's pose for a moment.

Hips toward the heels, forehead towards the Earth. And reaching the arms out in front of you. And then slow, as you're ready, slide the palms underneath you, chin into the chest. And then roll up to vajrasana for a moment. Rolling the heart, the shoulders and the head.

Just taking a moment to pause here. And then making our way onto our back for bridge. Finding your way onto your back. (exhale) And draw your knees into your chest and just taking a few moments with the knees in. Again, softening the jaw, releasing the shoulders.

Nice. Coming into windshield wipers, bring the soles of the feet wider than the hips, reaching the arms over the top of the head. Allow for an inhale, and as you exhale, both knees come to a side. And then inhale, let the knees come back up and exhale, over to the other side. And just do a few rounds like this.

Just moving at your own pace with your breath. Inhale, the knees up, exhale knees to a side. Inhale, knees up, exhale over to the other side. (deep breath) (deep breath) (deep breath) And then as you're ready, bringing your heels in line with your sit bones, releasing your arms along your sides. Just taking a few moments to spread your toes, draw your awareness down towards your tailbone.

And as you're ready, allow for an inhale. And as you exhale, curl the tailbone under towards the knees. Press down through the feet, lift the hips, and begin to let the front of your body lengthen. From here you might begin to tuck the shoulders under towards the spine. Hands might reach towards your ankles.

Right, or perhaps interlacing right around the sacrum. Lengthening through the thighs as you find some space through the neck. Back of the neck is soft, and taking three full breaths here. (deep breath) (deep breath) And then as you're ready to release, slowly releasing down, feeling the upper back, middle back, low back, and pause. (inhale) Clearing breath. (exhale) And one more round as you're ready, spread the toes.

Inhale, exhale, curl the tailbone under. Press down through the feet, lift the hips. Hands might be reaching towards the ankles or interlacing right at the sacrum. Drawing the inner thighs towards each other as you find space through the throat softening through the face and connect with your breath. (deep breath) (deep breath) Feeling the support through the legs.

(deep breath) Feeling the support through the bones. As you're ready, slowly release the arms, and releasing the spine back, draw the knees into the chest. Might feel nice here to curl up, draw the forehead towards the knees, get round. And exhale, release. From here we'll find a spinal twist.

The suggestion is to find an eagle wrap. So I'll wrap my left leg over my right leg, and roll everything over to my right. And then reaching the left arm up. Opening. inhale, exhale softening the belly, and releasing the gaze, perhaps over that left shoulder.

And breathing. (exhale) (deep breath) (deep breath) (deep breath) (deep breath) You're welcome to stay here a bit longer. As you're ready, inhale, slowly unwind from the twist. Come back into the center. And then finding your way over to the other side, wrapping the right leg over the left leg, rolling onto your left side. Aligning the shoulders and the hips, and then inhale the right arm high, exhale, (exhales) let it open.

Allow for an inhale. Exhale, softening the belly. And find a place where the head feels connected. So space just right through the base of the skull and between the eyes. (deep breath) And you might find here this side feels a bit different.

I know, for me it does. (deep breath) (deep breath) And then as you're ready, begin to unwind, coming back into neutral. Draw the knees into the chest. From here you might roll to your side and press up, or you might rock yourself up towards the seat. And then making our way into simple forward folds.

So you might cross the legs finding sukhasana, and then as you're ready, just simply fold forward. You might let the arms release, and let the head release. Rounding the spine, softening the belly. (deep breath) (deep breath) (deep breath) Allowing the shape to be an offering. And then slowly, as you're ready, rolling up towards the seat.

We'll close our practice with a short seated meditation. So finding a comfortable position. You might sit up on a blanket. Taking a moment to feel your sit bones. Lengthening up through the spine, widening through the base of the skull.

(deep breath) And resting in your practice, resting in the space you created through your practice. You're welcome to stay here a bit longer, in your meditation. And close with a sound of ohm, offering a clearing breath. Inhale (inhale) exhale (exhale). As you're ready, breathe in.

â?« Ohm â?« Namaste. Thank you for your practice and have a beautiful day.


Amber K
2 people like this.
Hi Alana. I loved this morning flow. A perfect way to start the day. Thank you. Amber x
Alana Mitnick
Hi Amber! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the morning flow. Thank you for your practice and presence. xo Alana
Kristine T
1 person likes this.
HI Alana, i'm new to YA and i love your classes , this one especially as its little harder than the others i tried. if you have any other harder ones ( i like dynamic ) can you let me know? ALso i just wanted to ask, when you raise your leg high and float between the hands from downward dog, i find i land nowhere near between my hands ( a bit frustrating) is there any suggestions for getting closer or does this come with time? my hips are really tight usually. THANK YOU I Love your work x
Ted J
Hi Kristine,

Here's a listing of Alana's Level 2 Classes

And there are more to come.
Alana Mitnick
Welcome, Kristine! So happy that you are here! As Ted mentioned, you will discover more Level 2 classes in the release of Season 2 in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

As for "floating" your foot between the hands - this is quite challenging for most people. You might try using 2 blocks (under your hands, at the lowest setting) in downward dog, and play with lifting a leg and stepping forward. Most of the action comes from engaging the core (knee to forehead) as you round the upper back towards a plank position. In the next Season, I will share some warm ups and techniques for stepping forward. Thank you, Kristine! Please keep me posted. xo
Kristine T
1 person likes this.
Thankyou Ted! :) and Thank you so much alana ! what a wonderful thing Yoga anytime is reaching me in australia and what a wonderful teacher you are thank you
Alana Mitnick
You're welcome, Kristine. So glad to be practicing to together! Thank YOU! xo
Mary B
Lovely to practice with you today, virtually.... Thank you
Alana Mitnick
Hi Mary! So happy to be practicing together. xo
1 person likes this.
Thanks Alana, just getting back into exercise after a week away of doin g nothing. Now going into autumn, have felt so lethargic for the past few days, but this workout gave me a kick that i needed to get back into it. Found it challenging at first, but the time flew by.Thank you
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